Application to Join the IEEE Entrepreneurship Women Support Network on Slack
Application to Join the IEEE Entrepreneurship Women Support Network on Slack
Any woman, genderqueer/non-binary, and agender tech entrepreneur may apply. IEEE Membership is NOT a requirement, but this may be a factor in selections.

Apply to join the IEEE Entrepreneurship Women Support Network on Slack:

The IEEE Entrepreneurship Women Support Network on Slack is a peer support network for tech entrepreneurs allowing individuals to approach, contact, discuss, share, and learn from other individuals in their fields.
The network aims to bring women, genderqueer/non-binary, and agender together, from around the world to help them connect, scale their businesses, and ultimately succeed.

Please review the IEEE Entrepreneurship Women Support Network Slack Channel Rules:

If you wish to subscribe to IEEE Entrepreneurship Community Updates visit:
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Please confirm you have read and agree to the IEEE Entrepreneurship Women Support Network Slack Channel Rules *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Your LinkedIn Profile?
Location (City & Country) *
Your Startup Name *
Your Startup Website *
Tell us about your Startup & Solution! *
Your Startup Stage *
How many people are employed at your company? *
What industry does your Startup operate in *
How much Revenue did you generate over the last 12 months (in USD) *
Select your top 3 challenges currently facing your Startup (select all that apply):
What specific areas are you most interested in receiving support from the IEEE Women Support Network? (Select all that apply):
What is your IEEE Member ID? (If applicable)
What is your IEEE Email?  (If applicable)
I identify my gender as... *
All that identify as something other than a man will be considered. For those who prefer to self-describe, please select "other" and indicate your preference.
Please share your language preference(s).
Tell us anything you would like us to know!
Please confirm you have read and agree to the IEEE Privacy Policy. *
Please confirm you have read and agree to the IEEE Code of Ethics. *
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