Search from frequently asked questions
Where can I drop off same-day delivery?
Luggage Storage / Same day delivery
Can my luggage be delivered on the same day to my hotel from a Hands-free travel service facility?
Luggage Storage / Same day delivery
Is it possible to send luggage/parcel from from 7-Eleven or FamilyMart?
For how many days can I have my luggage/parcel stored using luggage storage services provided by Yamato Transport?
Luggage Storage / Same day delivery
How many days before I need to send luggages to the airport in Japan?
Airport TA-Q-BIN
Before shipping my parcel, I would like to know the shipping rates.
Various services
How long will it take to deliver the parcel?
Various services
Can I use Yamato Transport services even if I do not speak Japanese?
Various services
If I drop off my luggage at TA-Q-BIN Counter in the airport right after the arrival at the airport, is it possible to have it delivered to my hotel on the same day?
Luggage Storage / Same day delivery
Is the same day delivery available from Narita Airport to a hotel in Tokyo?
Luggage Storage / Same day delivery