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A – Z Lists

by | Jul 6, 2022 | Tips & Tricks

We have an optional plugin available called “A – Z Lists”. It’s an easy solution to add a large number of items in a filterable and searchable A – Z list. Create your list and the plugin will alphabetize the list for you.

Activate the A – Z Lists Plugin

Note: Only site administrators can activate plugins.

  1. Go to Plugins > All Plugins
  2. Find “A – Z Lists” and click the Activate button.
  3. It’s now available on your site.

Add your list to a Page or Post

If you are using the Block Editor, you will need to use a “Classic Block” to be able to see and use the A-Z icon.

  1. Click the A-Z icon in the editor. (If you are using the Block Editor, see the note above.)
    A - Z icon in toolbar
  2. Choose the type of list you want to use (ordered, unordered, none).
  3. Choose the number of columns. The columns are the number of columns for each letter.
  4. Check “Show menu with search bar and links to groups” if you want your readers to be able to filter the list based on letter and search the list.
  5. Check “Show letter before start of each group” to display the letter automatically.
  6. Click OK
    Insert sortable A - Z list
  7. Start typing your list. You don’t have to worry about alphabetizing the list, it will be sorted for you when you publish the content.
  8. You can also link the list content. This could be a good index for your site, for example.
Example of an A - Z list published on a page.
Example of an filterable and searchable, A – Z list.

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