The F-Word

The F-Word

Frontend podcast by Bruce Lawson and Vadim Makeev about the magical and glamorous world of web standards, browsers and everything in between.


19. State of Web accessibility, ARIA in HTML, and missing UI patterns

Léonie Watson, Bruce Lawson, Vadim Makeev

18. View Transitions API, snarling cats, a new era at Shopify, and cake jokes

Jake Archibald, Bruce Lawson, Vadim Makeev

17. What the W3C TAG is, how standards are made, and why gray is darker than darkgray

Lea Verou, Bruce Lawson, Vadim Makeev

16. The Fugu project: priorities, Mozilla and Apple, support realms, Web vs native, and future plans

Thomas Steiner, Bruce Lawson, Vadim Makeev

15. Origins of Apple browser ban and hope for changes

Alex Russell, Bruce Lawson, Vadim Makeev

14. Is JavaScript a hazardous material to the user experience?

Alex Russell, Bruce Lawson, Vadim Makeev

13. Does the iOS browser ban harm or help the web?

Stuart Langridge, Bruce Lawson, Vadim Makeev

12. Theme-color and extensions in Safari 15, testing a11y in React Native, :has pseudo class

Bruce Lawson, Vadim Makeev

11. Susy and Sass, CSS Layers and CSS compatibility, Container Queries and CSSWG

Miriam Suzanne, Bruce Lawson, Vadim Makeev

10. Igalia, what’s coming, CSS Nesting and Cascading Layers

Eric Meyer, Bruce Lawson, Vadim Makeev

9. Safari extensions, cascading layers of CSS, what’s new in WCAG 3

Bruce Lawson, Vadim Makeev

8. Replacing UA strings with Client Hints as possible harm to the Web

James Rosewell, Bruce Lawson

7. We’re back, Chrome 88 beta, and The grand unification proposal

Bruce Lawson, Vadim Makeev

6. Mozilla layoffs, modals and focus, AVIF, AdBlock Plus lawsuit

Bruce Lawson, Vadim Makeev

5. Open Prioritization experiment, Igalia, MathML and the Web commons

Brian Kardell, Bruce Lawson, Vadim Makeev

4. Apple vs. EU, form slappers, where’s Houdini, browser bugs and Web compat

Bruce Lawson, Vadim Makeev

3. Web site resilience, HTML nesting rules, masonry layout, Web We Want

Bruce Lawson, Vadim Makeev

2. Chrome 81, Firefox 75, gaps in Safari, webdev glossary, a11y for designers

Bruce Lawson, Vadim Makeev

1. Npm and GitHub, closing HTML tags, disappearing User-Agent, Safari vs PWA

Bruce Lawson, Vadim Makeev