Request an Accommodation | Equal Opportunity Programs

Request an Accommodation

Request an Accommodation

The University is committed to making sure its programs are accessible to students, faculty, other academic appointees, staff, postdoctoral researchers, and visitors with disabilities. A reasonable accommodation is a modification or adjustment to a course, program, service, job, activity, or facility that enables a qualified person with a disability to have equal access to full participation in the University community. A reasonable accommodation does not lower or modify essential requirements, fundamentally alter the nature of a service, program or activity, or result in undue financial or administrative burdens. The process for identifying a reasonable accommodation requires an individualized assessment of how a person’s disability affects them in the particular context for which the accommodation is sought.

Please click here for information regarding the processes and procedures to request a reasonable accommodation.

If you would like to report a campus access barrier, you may report it online or contact Access UChicago Now.

If you have an urgent facilities services request (e.g., inoperable wheelchair lift), call 4.1414 (campus phone) or 773.834.1414 (all other phones).

For additional information on available resources to support individuals with disabilities, including information accessible campus routes and building entrances and parking and transportation, visit our Resources page.


How to Request an Accommodation

For Faculty, Other Academic Appointees, or Postdoctoral Researchers

To request a reasonable accommodation, complete the OAE reasonable accommodation request form for academics and the Medical Provider Form, as appropriate. After submitting the reasonable accommodation request form, an OAE staff member will contact you to schedule a time to discuss your request further. To learn more about the reasonable accommodation process, review OAE’s summary of the reasonable accommodation process or contact a member of the OAE team.



Information on How to Request an Accommodation for Other Members of the Campus Community

For Students

Contact Student Disability Services with any questions, to raise a concern regarding accessibility, or if you are in need of a reasonable accommodation. Student Disability Services may also assist prospective students.

Student Disability Services

Charnessa Warren
Director, Student Disability Services


For Staff

Contact the Employee and Labor Relations Team if you are in need of a reasonable accommodation.


For Visitors

Contact your event sponsor or if you anticipate needing a reasonable accommodation.

What to Expect After Requesting an Accommodation

The process of determining eligibility and considering what is a reasonable modification or adjustment is an interactive and collaborative process, which requires the direct involvement of the person seeking the accommodation and the University (i.e. Student Disability Services, the Office for Access and Equity, or the Employee and Labor Relations Team). Both the person seeking the accommodation and the University are expected to make reasonable efforts to complete the disability determination process and to identify any reasonable accommodation expeditiously.

How to Request Review of an Accommodation Determination

For Students:

  1. Meet with the Director of Student Disability Services to discuss your concerns. The Director will follow up in writing within seven business days of the meeting.
  2. If you seek further resolution, you may request a review from the Associate Provost for Equal Opportunity Programs within ten days of the date of the written response from the Director.

For faculty, other academic appointees, or postdoctoral researchers:

  1. Meet with the Director of Access UChicago to discuss your concerns. The Director will follow up in writing within seven business days of the meeting.
  2. If you seek further resolution, you may request a review in writing from the Associate Provost for Equal Opportunity Programs within ten days of the date of the written response from the Director of the Office for Access and Equity.

In all circumstances, the University will provide equal opportunities in accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Section 504 the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and other applicable state and federal laws.


Marquetta Scott
Director, Access UChicago