The Cryptology ePrint Archive provides rapid access to recent research in cryptology. Papers have been placed here by the authors and did not undergo any refereeing process other than verifying that the work seems to be within the scope of cryptology and meets some minimal acceptance criteria and publishing conditions.
Recent papers
Adaptively Secure Threshold Blind BLS Signatures and Threshold Oblivious PRF
An Efficient Sequential Aggregate Signature Scheme with Lazy Verification
RHQC: post-quantum ratcheted key exchange from coding assumptions
Worst-case Analysis of Lattice Enumeration Algorithm over Modules
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- 10 Dec 2024
- Sofía Celi joins as new co-editor.
- 19 Oct 2023
- Matthias J. Kannwischer joins as new co-editor and replaces Tancrède Lepoint.
- 20 Dec 2022
- New RSS feeds ordered by publication date
- 26 May 2022
- By popular demand, the compact view view is back.
- 25 Apr 2022
- Cryptology ePrint Archive has been rewritten in Python.
- 28 Sep 2021
- Cryptology ePrint Archive now supports UTF-8.
For more than 20 years, the Cryptology ePrint Archive has been publishing pre-print papers relevant to the field of cryptology. You can read more about our goals and history, see our acceptance and publishing conditions, check out some statistics, or contact us.