What you can do | Ministry for the Environment

He mahi ka taea e koe What you can do

A group of people in hi-vis vests and rubbish bags, picking up rubbish along a beach.

We've all got a part to play in making Aotearoa's environment flourish for every generation. Find out how you can take action, get funding for projects or have your say on our proposals. 

E hara taku toa i te takitahi, he toa takitini

My strength is not that of a single warrior, but that of many.

Climate scenarios toolkit

This online toolkit provides people with information about different climate change scenarios and the impact they may have.
Overhead view of a beach shore and land.
Climate scenarios toolkit

Rural hub for farming

All you need to know about environmental matters that affect farming communities.
A farmer planting rows of trees.
Find out more

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