NHKラジオ英語講座 ディクテーション

ラジオ英会話 2/3 - 2/7, 2025

ラジオ英会話  Lesson 201  Monday, February 3

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, this is Akino Roza. Today's lesson will stimulate your brain.
D: Wooo, I'm ready to go. Hi everyone, I'm David Evans.

(stimulate = 刺激する、活気づける  to encourage something to grow, develop, or become active)

◆ Practice
D: OK everyone, it's time for today's practice. It's 指定ルール time. Now, today, we'll use adjectives and nouns. Keep them together. OK? Adjective then noun. Let's practice and describe some things together.
R: Let's begin.

  • a red jacket -- a red jacket -- I want a red jacket.
  • I want a stylish jacket.
  • I want a warm jacket.
  • I want a lightweight jacket.
  • I want a denim jacket.

D: Great work. Let's keep going.

  • an excellent presentation
  • our latest product

R: OK, and a couple more.

  • my only daughter
  • the main road

◆ Ending
O: Gordon's here? Is he Flash Gordon?
D: Oh, actually, I was thinking Commissioner Gordon.
O: What's that?
D: Uh, it's from Badman.
O: All right.
R: Well, at least I know that one, David.
O: Age difference, right?
R: Yes.

(Flash Gordon = 1980年のアメリカ合衆国SF映画。主人公の名前がフラッシュ・ゴードン)
(Commissioner Gordon = ゴッサム市警本部長ジェームズ・ゴードンはバットマンの最大の協力者)


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 202  Tuesday, February 4

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here.
D: And I'm David Evans. Now, it's like you found the fountain of youth.
O: Uh-huh. Yes, that's right.

(fountain of youth = 若返りの泉 The "Fountain of Youth" is a legendary spring that can make people young again. Many stories say that drinking or bathing in its water gives eternal youth. Today, people use this phrase to talk about things that help them stay young and healthy.)

◆ Practice
D: All right, it is time for today's practice, everyone. Today we'll link some adjectives together using conjunctions. It's a two-for-one feeling. Remember them as a chunk. We have conjunctions like "and," "but," "though," "albeit." There's many different flavors. So, let's practice them together.

(two-for-one feeling = 二つのことを一度にできる感じ、お得な感じ、一挙両得の感覚 The phrase "two-for-one feeling" refers to getting two benefits or results from one action, similar to a "two-for-one deal" in a sale, where you get two items for the price of one. In this context, it suggests that by linking adjectives together using conjunctions, you get an extra benefit or effect—like achieving two things at once with one practice.)

(albeit = とはいえ / 硬い書き言葉)

R: All right, repeat after us.

  • long and difficult -- It was a long and difficult journey.

D: Great work. Let's keep going.

  • long, though easy -- It was a long, though easy test.

Let's try "albeit" now.

  • It was a long, albeit easy test.

R: OK and one more.

  • bright and hardworking


  • All my students are bright and hardworking.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, there is no quick and easy way to lose weight. True, right?
D: Well, if it's quick, it won't be easy. And if it's easy, it won't be quick.
R: Well, the important thing is to be happy in the body that you are in. Sensei, you are perfect and beautiful as you are.
O: I know.


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 203  Wednesday, February 5

◆ Opening
O: Hey Roza, I'll paint David behind this old house.
R: Wow! He's bigger than the house. Your painting is not very realistic, is it?
D: Well, no, no, no. He was just painting my larger-than-life personality.
R: Ah!
O: Ah!

(larger-than-life = 実物より大きい、普通より大きくて目立つ、力強い、堂々とした、人が伝説的な)

R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here.
D: And I'm David Evans.

◆ Practice
R: It's practice time. Today, we will practice combining adjectives. So, get into the habit of saying these phrases in a connected flow. All right? Let's begin.
D: Let's get to it.

  • beautiful silk dress -- beautiful silk dress -- Look at that beautiful silk dress.

Once more,

  • Look at that beautiful silk dress.

D: Great work. Let's keep going.

  • new black leather jacket -- new black leather jacket -- How do you like my new black leather jacket?

Let's go one more time.

  • How do you like my new black leather jacket?

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, look at my beautiful new brown leather jacket.
D: I don't know. Uh... Would you say that is beautiful?
R: Yeah, it's... well... It's really nice. But David, your blue floral collared shirt is also very nice.
D: Uh… don’t know. Well… Thank you.

(blue floral collared shirt = 青い花柄の襟付きシャツ)

(Q: blue floral color shit とは言いませんか?
A: "blue floral color shit" という表現は、文法的に不自然で、意味が伝わりにくいです。
blue floral shirt
shirt with a blue floral pattern
blue-colored floral shirt
floral shirt in blue tones
「color」を入れると少し冗長になるので、通常は blue floral shirt が最も自然です。)


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 204  Thursday, February 6

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, this is Akino Roza.
D: And I'm David Evans. Let's get started.

◆ Practice
R: All right, everyone, are you ready to practice? Using these multiple-word adjectives is really fun in your conversations. So, I encourage you to really practice these on your own as well. Are you ready to get started?

  • a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

Keep that flow.

  • a no-nonsense approach

D: Great. Let's keep going with some conscious words.

  • cost-conscious
  • fashion-conscious
  • health-conscious
  • calorie-conscious

R: OK, now let's use "free" in our combinations.

  • gluten-free
  • calorie-free
  • sugar-free

D: All right, and for these last ones, remember, even though the number is greater than one, there is no "s" here. OK?

  • my 26-year-old son
  • a 25-meter pool
  • a five-year contract

◆ Ending
O: Hey David, can you stand a three-hour wait for a restaurant?
D: Oh, no. Forget about it. That's like skipping an entire meal.
O: Oh, yeah. How about you, Roza?
R: I think my max would be an hour and a half. Unless maybe I went to a really far place and I really wanted to eat there. In which case, maximum two hours.


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 205  Friday, February 7

◆ Opening
R: Hello everyone, welcome back to Friday's lesson. It's time to review. This is Akino Roza.
D: That's right. It's time for the review. Hi everyone, I'm David Evans.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, you know, I'm very calorie-conscious.
R: If so, why can't you lose weight?
O: Uh... 'Cause I'm not so good at adding numbers.
D: I like that diet. Maybe I'll try it.

遠山顕のいますぐ使える英会話 2025年冬号 Dialog 7

遠山顕のいますぐ使える英会話 2025年冬号 Dialog 7

Write It!
◆ 実りある信連をもたらすと信じられている神道の神である祭神
J: Yeah, this is a little long. So, let's break it down.
K: Uh-huh.
J: First, you would say "toshigami, the Shinto deity."
K: So, you start with the last word.
J: Right, the opposite of the Japanese.
K: Okay.
J: And then you would say, "who is believed to bring a prosperous new year."
J: So, it's just the opposite of the Japanese.


J: Umm.... This was a tricky one.
J: Wonderful.
F: Excellent.

Before We Move On!
F: So, see you just a...
J: ...little later.
K: And don't forget to...
J: Keep listening.
F: Keep practicing.
K: And keep on smiling.

遠山顕のいますぐ使える英会話 2025年冬号 Dialog 6

遠山顕のいますぐ使える英会話 2025年冬号 Dialog 6

Write It!
◆ 驚いたことに
K: You may be surprised...
J: Yeah, we can use a whole sentence to do it, but instead, we're going to just use one word "surprisingly." And you put that at the front of the sentence, and that sets the mood. That sets the tone "surprisingly." And then you don't have to use a whole sentence.

◆ 偶然にも……です
K: by accident いう表現もありますが、Flores?
F: Um... Yes, we could also say that. Maybe more simply, we could say "happened to."


J: I'm sure they did.
F: Yes.
J: They always do.
F: They always do. That's true.
J: Well done.
F: Very, very good.
J: Good job.

Before We Move On!
K: We have a little blank here, and then seems like the whole thing is in one word. After the blank, we have "i-t-o-r." Janus is uh... what?

(Janus [ジェナス]《ローマ神話ヤヌス、門の神)

J: ... is the base. Uh-huh. Janus comes from the... from Janus.
K: And he's uh... what? God of doors...
F: Doors.
J: And the gates and beginnings and endings.
F: Would it be... Janitor?
J: Janitor.
K: Hey, you got it. I think you are right.
F: Oh, good.


J: Yes.
F: Alrighty. Knock, knock.
K&J: Who's there?
F: Jay.
K&J: Jay, who?
F: Jay, I ate so much osechi. I can't move.

F: That's cute, right?
K: I like that a lot.

K: Jay, I ate ... Jay, ... Jay, I ate so much osechi, I can't....
K: Well, whether you are full or hungry.
J: Keep listening.
F: Keep practicing.
K: And keep on smiling.


ラジオ英会話 1/27 - 1/31, 2025

ラジオ英会話  Lesson 196  Monday, January 27

◆ Opening
R: Akino Roza here.
D: That's a little obvious, but simple is best. I like it. I'm David Evans.

(obvious = 明らか easily understood; clear)

Q: 「Simple is best」と「Simple is the best」の違いは?

(1) Simple is best.  一般的な価値観
例: In design, simple is best.(デザインにおいてはシンプルが最良だ。)

(2) Simple is the best.  特定の状況や選択肢に対する強調
例: Out of all the options, simple is the best.(全ての選択肢の中で、シンプルが最良だ。)

◆ Practice
D: OK everyone, it's time for today's practice. Uh… Where is the gap? Where is the gap? At first, it may take a little time. That's OK. You'll get better with practice. So, let's practice, practice, practice, and don't forget to mind the gap.
R: All right, repeat after us, everyone.

  • an outcome I didn't think (snap sound) was possible

Altogether now,

  • This is an outcome I didn't think was possible.
  • This is an outcome I didn't think was possible.

D: You're doing great. Let's keep going.

  • the dish that we found (snap sound) too spicy

All right, the complete sentence,

  • This is the dish that we found too spicy.

Let's go one more time.

  • This is the dish that we found too spicy.

R: OK and one more sentence to practice.

  • the woman I asked (snap sound) to give a speech

All right. Altogether,

  • She is the woman I asked to give a speech.

Once more,

  • She is the woman I asked to give a speech.

◆ Ending
R: Hey guys, Radio Eikaiwa is a program you don't want to miss. So, see you tomorrow.
D: That's right and keep practicing, practicing, practicing.


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 197  Tuesday, January 28

◆ Opening
R: I am worried. Akino Roza です.
D: And I'm David Evans. What's this about watermelon information?

◆ Practice
D: It's time for today's practice. Sometimes we want to add extra information. It's not essential, must-have information, but we want to add it anyways. When you listen to these sentences, you can hear a short pause.


R: This type of sentence is one of my favorites. So, let's practice together.
Repeat after us.

  • My sister, who lives in Mie -- My sister, who lives in Mie


  • My sister, who lives in Mie, visits Ise Jingu often.

D: Great work, let's continue.

  • Sakata, where I was born

Do you feel that little pause? It's not "Sakata where I was born." Let's try one more time.

  • Sakata, where I was born

And now, the full sentence,

  • Sakata, where I was born, is on the coast.

R: All right, and one more.

  • Last summer, when I moved here -- Last summer, when I moved here

OK, full sentence,

  • Last summer, when I moved here, was very hot.

◆ Ending
O: Time's up.


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 198  Wednesday, January 29

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here.
D: And I'm David Evans. I don't remember asking for that explanation.

◆ Practice
D: All right, everyone, it's time to jump into today's practice. Again, we'll be adding extra information. This time, using "which." Now, the pause is the key indicator. This is extra information. So, today we'll focus on that pause and practice together. We have three sentences, all of "which," we'll practice.
R: All right guys, let's begin.

  • uni, which is a local favorite

Full sentence,

  • We ate uni, which is a local favorite.

(ウニ = sea urchin) 
いくら(イクラ)= salmon roe
まぐろ(マグロ)= tuna 
大トロ = fatty tuna
中トロ = medium fatty tuna 
ぶり = yellowtail
はまち = young yellowtail 
たい(鯛)= sea bream / red snapper 
かつお(鰹)= bonito 
さば(鯖)= mackerel 
あじ(鯵)= horse mackerel 
さんま(秋刀魚)= pacific saury 
いわし(鰯)= sardine 
ほたて(帆立)= scallop 
あわび(鮑)= abalone 
はまぐり(蛤)= clam
えび(海老)= shrimp
甘えび = sweet shrimp
車えび = kuruma prawn
うなぎ(鰻)= eel
あなご(穴子)= conger eel

「sushi」文化が広がったため、海外でも maguro, toro, hamachi, uni, ikura など日本語のまま通じるネタも多いです。

D: All right, let's keep going.

  • extroverted, which I am not

Let's try the whole sentence.

  • He's extroverted, which I am not.

(extroverted = 外向的なoutgoing and socially confident)
(introverted = 内向的な shy, quiet, and preferring to spend time alone rather than often being with other people)

R: OK and our last sentence.

  • seven courses, all of which were delicious


  • The meal had seven courses, all of which were delicious.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, I say a lot of things, all of which are true.
D: Most of which are true.
R: You do tend to exaggerate a bit.

(exaggerate = 誇張して大げさに言う overstate, to make something seem larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is)
understate (控えめに言う、過小評価する)
minimize (最小限にする、過小評価する)


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 199  Thursday, January 30

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, this is Akino Roza here.
D: And I'm David Evans. All you need is love ♪♬ Tu, tutu, tu….

◆ Practice
R: OK everyone, are you ready to practice? Today, we're practicing the 説明ルール. So, as always, 説明は後ろに. So, the older man あぁ~説明したぁい. Keep that in mind as we're practicing. Ready?
D: All right everyone, here we go.

  • the woman -- the woman wearing glasses

Full sentence,

  • The woman wearing glasses is Alyssa.

D: Great work, here is our next one.

  • the area -- the area to aim for
  • The area to aim for is the center.

R: OK, next example,

  • the news -- the news that you passed the test
  • I heard the news that you passed the test.

D: Great work. Let's do one more. OK?

  • the answer -- the answer that you gave
  • I liked the answer that you gave.

◆ Ending
R: Hi everyone, this is Barbara. I just want to tell you all that you all did really great this month. Keep going!
D: Yeah man, you guys did such a great job.


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 200  Friday, January 31

◆ Opening
R: Yay!
D: Yay! Two, two, two, 200, hundred, hundred, hundred!!
R: Hey everyone, this is Akino Roza. Welcome to lesson 200!
D: And I'm David Evans. Let's get to it. Wwooo!

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, suppose you locked yourself in your room, what would you be doing?
D: Oh, there is only one reason for me to be locked in my room. That's because I'm wrapping presents for my wife.
O: Ohhhh... how about you, Roza?
R: Well, for me, it would probably be, because I'm doing something similar to Ken, like working on something artistic.

遠山顕のいますぐ使える英会話 2025年冬号 Dialog 5

遠山顕のいますぐ使える英会話 2025年冬号 Dialog 5

Write It!
◆ 3人の社員
F: Oh, okay, that would be simple. We would say "the three company workers."

◆ どう……すればいいのか全くわかりません
J: Hmm... This is when you really have uh... "no clue" or what we say "no idea." So, it would be "not have any idea how to 何々."

◆ ……することにします
F: We're deciding something. We're trying to figure something out. So, I would use "decide to 何々."
K: Got it.


J: I know they did.
F: Oh, I believe in them too.
J: Good job guys.
F: Yap!
J: Well done. Super.

Before We Move On!
テキストのp.91 にトランスクリプトがあるので割愛します

ラジオ英会話 1/20 - 1/24, 2025

ラジオ英会話  Lesson 191  Monday, January 20

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here.
D: And I'm David Evans.

(headmistress = 女性校長 a woman who is in charge of a school)
特に イギリス英語 で 女子校 または 共学の学校 の女性の校長を指します。
headmistress(女性の校長)⇔ headmaster(男性の校長)

ダイアログでは、昔を想定していたので、headmistressを使っていますが、現在では "headmistress" という言葉は あまり使われなくなりつつあるようです。特に現代の教育機関では 性別に関係なく 「校長」を指す "headteacher"(イギリス英語) や "principal"(アメリカ英語) が一般的です。

◆ Practice
R: OK everyone, it is time to practice. Today's sentences, we're focusing on the 先行詞 and then "whose + 名詞." OK? So, the most important thing is to get used to that rhythm, get used to that feeling as you practice. So, "whose 名詞," "whose 名詞." Keep that in mind, close your eyes if it helps. And let's begin.
D: Here we go.

  • whose employees all work from home -- whose employees all work from home -- It's a company whose employees all work from home.

D: Great work. Let's do one more.

  • whose art I bought -- whose art I bought -- He's the painter whose art I bought.

◆ Ending
D: Great work.
R&D: Bye!
O: Bye, bye.


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 192  Tuesday, January 21

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here.
D: And I'm David Evans. Roza, you look a little bored. Are you OK?
R: Well, what can I say? Sensei's opening was just okay.

◆ Practice
D: OK everyone, it's time for the practice. And today, we'll sound very formal. So, imagine you're wearing a tuxedo or a formal dress as we use the preposition first in these sentences. OK?
R: All right, guys, let's begin.

  • on which Arnold Sylvester's last movie was filmed -- on which Arnold Sylvester's last movie was filmed


  • This is the street on which Arnold Sylvester's last movie was filmed.

One more time,

  • This is the street on which Arnold Sylvester's last movie was filmed.

D: Very nice. All right, let's continue.

  • I've been looking for -- I've been looking for

And altogether,

  • This is the man I've been looking for.
  • This is the man I've been looking for.

◆ Ending
D: Oh man, I think it'll go well. I don't know. What do you think, Roza?
R: I think it could go either way. I guess we'll have to find out.


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 193  Wednesday, January 22

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, this is Akino Roza.
D: And I'm David Evans. Yeah, ショックでしたね。

(What is Vivaldi's most famous piece? -- The Four Seasons)

◆ Practice
D: OK, it's time for today's practice. We're into the 関係副詞 zone. Today, we'll practice with "where." The information that comes after "where" is what happened or what happens at that place or in that situation. All right? So, think of that as we practice.
R: Let's begin.

  • where I relax on weekends -- where I relax on weekends -- This is the park where I relax on weekends.
  • This is the park where I go when I need to think.

D: Good work. Let's keep going.

  • where we have to think outside the box -- where we have to think outside the box -- This is a situation where we have to think outside the box.

R: And a couple more,

  • that I go -- that I go -- She follows me everywhere that I go.
  • She follows me everywhere I go.

◆ Ending
O: It's a game where you flip over two cards ... うーん、これは「神経衰弱」だね。
D: Hey, that's right. Yeah. It's called "memory" in English.
O: Hmm...
D: Hi Roza, it's your turn. Flip a card.
R: Ugh... they're different.

(かくれんぼ = hide and seek)
(鬼ごっこ = tag)
e.g. Let's play tag! (鬼ごっこしよう!) You're it! (君が鬼だよ!)
(しりとり = word chain / word chain game)
(ババ抜き = old maid)


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 194  Thursday, January 23

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, this is Akino Roza. Do you remember the time when we had our last lesson?
O: That's yesterday.
D: Hi everyone, I'm David Evans. All right, guys, let's get to it.

(archaeology = the study of the buildings, graves, tools, and other objects that belonged to people who lived in the past, in order to learn about their culture and society.)

◆ Practice
D: OK. Let's keep up our 関係副詞 practice. Today we'll use "when" and "why." Just remember "when" and "why" give extra clarity on the timing or the reason behind something. All right. Let's jump right into the practice.

(clarity = 明瞭さ clearness)

R: Repeat after us.

  • when you were late -- when you were late -- There were a few times when you were late.

Once more,

  • There were a few times when you were late.


  • we met -- we met -- I still can't forget the day we met.
  • I still can't forget the time we met.
  • I still can't forget the year we met.
  • I still can't forget the moment we met.

R: OK and one more.

  • why I recognized him -- why I recognized him -- The reason why I recognized him is because I'm interested in archaeology.

One more time.

  • The reason why I recognized him is because I'm interested in archaeology.

◆ Ending
R: You probably want to know the reason why we're ending the program here. It's because we're out of time. Stay tune for the review tomorrow.
D: Keep it up, everyone.
All: Bye!


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 195  Friday, January 24

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, this is Akino Roza. Welcome back to Friday's lesson.
D: And I'm David Evans. Hey Roza, you know why I like Fridays so much?
R: Why?
D: Cause it's the review.
R: Oh yeah.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, actually one of my friends invited me to his cottage in Nagano. Of course, I brought a lot of wine and beef.
D: Oh, sounds great. So, what ended up happening?
O: Ugh, I gained a lot of weight.

遠山顕のいますぐ使える英会話 2025年冬号 Dialog 4

遠山顕のいますぐ使える英会話 2025年冬号 Dialog 4

Write It!
◆ ある人気作家
J: Well, this is actually a pretty easy one, because it's a direct translation from Japanese "a popular writer."


J: I'm sure they did.
F: Yeah, they nailed it.
J: Good job!

Before We Move On!
K: Well, here's a kind of, uh, sensitive question for you guys.
J: Yes?
F: Uh-huh.
K: How long have we known one another?
J: Oh, we're going down memory lane.

F: Uh-huh. Yap.
K: So let me talk about Jeff.
J: Yes.
F: Okay.
K: Well, I met Jeff in the 1980s, I think. We go way back to that time in point.
J: Yeah, when I first came. Uh-huh.

K: And uh... he would come to this program I was on, I was hosting with Yoko Narahashi, 百万人の英語. And you once in a while came and guest the program.
J: Yeah, once in a while as a special guest. Yeah. Uh-huh.
K: Very good-looking guy, and... you know, he had a guitar, and he played some songs.
J: Yeah, just like I do on this program.
K: Yap.
J: ... sometimes. Uh-huh.
F: That's true. You kept it up.
K: Yeah.
J: Yeah.
K: That's how I met. And then I asked you to come over to the TV program I was hosting.
J: Yes.
K: And you are very resourceful and funny at that time, and then the rest is kind of uh... NHK and stuff. Right?

(resourceful = 才覚のある、機知に富んだ smart, wise, clever, intelligent, bright)

J: Right, right, right.
K: Yeah. We've uh...
J: ... been involved in a lot of programs together over the years.
F: Yeah.
J: We go way back.

K: Jeff, how long have you known Florence?
J: Oh, well, I think I met Florence in the 90s.
F: Right.
K: OK.
J: This was around the time when they had the bubble economy.
F: That's right.
J: And uh... Yeah, I think we were on several programs in the 90s together, not as way back as Ken.
F: No.
J: But... several decades.
F: Right.
J: And Florence, you also have known Ken for quite a while.

F: All right. Yes, I was a university student way back.
K: You were?
F: Yes. And then when I first met you, Ken, I remember I was just shocked. I thought you were American, because, you know, but you said you never visited the States back then.
K: Oh, then.
F: Right. So I was really surprised that you were Japanese.

K: How far back do we go?
F: Oh, that would be like the 19... beginning of 1980s, I think.
K: Oh, I see.
F: Yeah.
K: Yeah.
F: Yeah, with... then that was also 百万人の英語 and...
J: So, that long ago!?
F: Yoko Narahashi... yes. So basically, kind of like the same route, long memory lane, very long one.

K: You were a very young lady.
F: Yeah, university.
K: Yeah. You haven't changed much.
F: Oh, you're sweet. You haven't either. Well, we're all. Big ....
K: We are all sweet.
F: Yeah.
K: We're all sweet.
J: Yeah.

K: Well, whether you're young or old...
J: ... whether you go way back or just since yesterday...
F: Yeah.
K: All right.
J: Keep listening.
F: Keep practicing.
K: And keep on smiling.