Instruction on medical examination, fingerprinting and photography in English is attached.
It will take place at Novosibirsk State University in June in the following fields: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine; Modern Quantum and Information Technologies in Electronics and Photonics.
It will combine developing new treatment methods using an innovative medical bed with developing a new Medical Decision Support System.
Scientists at the NSU Center for Artificial Intelligence (CAI NSU) were awarded a patent for an electronic computing model that detects urban infrastructure defects and identifies procedures to eliminate them.
Novosibirsk State University is interested in expanding cooperation with the Republic of Indonesia in the educational sphere.
The initial focus will be on student and faculty exchanges, joint scientific conferences, and scientific research in the priority spheres of chemistry, mathematics, information technology, and new materials.
Novosibirsk State University and Heilongjiang University (Harbin) are strengthening their cooperation within the China-Russia Institute (CRI) framework.