ClassDojo Engineering Blog

JSDoc comments can make fixtures easier to work with

Image of test file with a fixtureId imported. The editor is hovering over fixtureId.teacher1Id which shows a wealth of information about which classes, students, parents, and schools that teacher is connected to.

Our tests used to be full of hundreds of random ids like 5233ac4c7220e9000000000d, 642c65770f6aa00887d97974, 53c450afac801fe5b8000019 that all had relationships to one another. 5233ac4c7220e9000000000d was a school, right? Was 642c65770f6aa00887d97974 a parent in that school? What if I needed a teacher and student in that school too—how did I find appropriate test entities? It wasn't an insurmountable problem—you could either poke around the CSVs that generated our fixtures or query the local database—but it slowed down writing and maintaining tests. Some engineers even had a few of these ids memorized; they'd say thing like "Oh, but 000d is parent4! Let's use 002f instead. They're in a school." or "I quite like 9797, it's a solid class for story-related tests."

To make navigating our fixture IDs and their relationships a bit simpler, I wrote a simple script to query our database and decorate names for these fixture ids (e.g., student2Id, school5Id) with the most common relationships for that entity. For a school, we show teachers, parents, students, and classes. For a parent, we show children, teachers, schools, classes, and message threads.

 * - name: Student TwoParents
 * - **1 current classes**: classroom3Id
 * - **0 past classes**:
 * - **2 parents**: parent10Id, parent11Id
 * - **1 current teachers**: teacher1Id
 * - **schoolId**: none
export const student5Id = "57875a885eb4ec6cb0184d68";

Being able to write a line like import { student5Id } from "../fixtureIds"; and then hover over it and see that if we wanted a parent for that student, we could use parent10Id, makes writing tests a bit more pleasant. The script to make generate this fixture-id file was pretty straightforward:

  1. Get ordered lists of all of the entities in our system and assign them names like parent22Id or teacher13Id[^1]
  2. Set up a map between an id like 57875a885eb4ec6cb0184d68 and student5Id.
  3. For each entity type, write model queries to get all of the relationship IDs that we're interested in.
  4. Use JS template strings to create nicely formatted JSDoc-decorated strings and write those strings to a file.

One small pain point I ran into was migrating all of our existing test code to reference these new fixture IDs. I wrote a script to find lines like const X = /[0-9a-f]{24}/;, delete those lines, update the variable name with the fixture-id name from the file, and then add an appropriate import statement to the top of the file. (Shell patterns for easy automated code migrations talks through patterns I use to do migrations like this one.)

After setting up these initial fixtureId JSDoc comments, we've added JSDoc comments for more and more of our collections; it's proven to be a useful tool. We also set up a complementary fixtureEntities file that exports the same information as TS documents so that it's straightforward to programmatically find appropriate entities. All in all, it's made our test code nicer to work with—I just wish we'd made the change sooner!

[^1]: Whenever we add any new IDs to our fixtures, we need to make sure that they come after the most recent fixtureID. Otherwise we'll end up with fixtureID conflicts!


    In my first week at ClassDojo, a small bug fix I was working on presented an intriguing opportunity. A UI component was displaying stale data after an update due to a bug within a ClassDojo library named Fetchers, a React Hooks implementation for fetching and managing server state on the client. I couldn't help but ask “Why do we have a custom React Query lookalike in our codebase?” A quick peek at the Git history revealed that Fetchers predate React Query and many other similar libraries, making it our best option at the time. Four years have passed since then and we now have several other options to consider. We could stick with Fetchers, but why not use an established library that does the exact same thing? After discussing the tradeoffs with other engineers, it became apparent that React Query was a better fit for our codebase. With a vision set, we formulated a plan to migrate from Fetchers to React Query.

    The Tradeoffs, or Lack Thereof

    Like most engineering problems, deciding between Fetchers and React Query meant evaluating some tradeoffs. With Fetchers, we had complete control and flexibility over the API, designing it directly against our use cases. With React Query, we would have to relinquish control over the API and adapt to its interface. What ended up being a small downgrade in flexibility was a huge upgrade in overall cost. Maintaining Fetchers involved time & effort spent writing, evolving, debugging, testing, and documenting the library, and that was not cheap. Fortunately, React Query supports all the existing use cases that Fetchers did and then some, so we’re not really giving up anything.

    As if that wasn't enough to convince us, Fetchers also had a few downsides that were crucial in our decision-making. The first was that Fetchers was built on top of redux, a library we’re actively working at removing from our codebase (for other unrelated reasons). The second, due to the first, is that Fetchers didn’t support callbacks or promises for managing the lifecycle of mutations. Instead, we only returned the status of a mutation through the hook itself. Often, prop drilling would separate the mutation function from the status props, splitting the mutation trigger and result/error handling across separate files. Sometimes the status props were ignored completely since it wasn’t immediately obvious if a mutation already had handling set up elsewhere.

    // Fetchers Example
    // Partial typing to illustrate the point
    type FetcherResult<Params> = {
      start: (params: Params) => void;
      done: boolean;
      error: Error;
    // More on this later...
    const useFetcherMutation = makeOperation({ ... });
    const RootComponent = () => {
      const { start, done, error }: FetcherResult = useFetcherMutation();
      useEffect(() => {
        if (error) {
          // handle error
        } else if (done) {
          // handle success
      }, [done, error]);
      return (
          <LeafComponent start={start} />
    const LeafComponent = ({ start }) => {
      const handleClick = () => {
        // No way to handle success/error here, we can only call it.
        // There may or may not be handling somewhere else...?
        start({ ... });
      return <button onClick={start}>Start</button>;

    With React Query, the mutation function itself allows for handling the trigger & success/error cases co-located:

    // React Query
    // Partial typing to illustrate the point
    type ReactQueryResult<Params, Result> = {
      start: (params: Params) => Promise<Result>;
    // More on this later...
    const useReactQueryMutation = makeOperation({ ... });
    const RootComponent = () => {
      const { start }: FetcherResult = useReactQueryMutation();
      return (
          <LeafComponent start={start} />
    const LeafComponent = ({ start }) => {
      // Mutation trigger & success/error cases colocated
      const handleClick = async () => {
        try {
          const result = await start({ ... });
          // handle success
        } catch(ex) {
          // handle error
      return <button onClick={handleClick}>Start</button>;

    Finally, Fetchers’ cache keys were string-based, which meant they couldn’t provide granular control for targeting multiple cache keys like React Query does. For example, a cache key’s pattern in Fetchers looked like this:

    const cacheKey = 'fetcherName=classStoryPost/params={"classId":"123","postId":"456"}'

    In React Query, we get array based cache keys that support objects, allowing us to target certain cache entries for invalidation using partial matches:

    const cacheKey = ['classStoryPost', { classId: '123', postId: '456' }];
    // Invalidate all story posts for a class
    queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ['classStoryPost', { classId: '123' }] });

    The issues we were facing were solvable problems, but not worth the effort. Rather than continuing to invest time and energy into Fetchers, we decided to put it towards migrating our codebase to React Query. The only question left was “How?”

    The Plan

    At ClassDojo, we have a weekly “web guild” meeting for discussing, planning, and assigning engineering work that falls outside the scope of teams and their product work. We used these meetings to drive discussions and gain consensus around a migration plan and divvy out the work to developers.

    To understand the plan we agreed on, let’s review Fetchers. The API consists of three primary functions: makeMemberFetcher, makeCollectionFetcher, and makeOperation. Each is a factory function for producing hooks that query or mutate our API. The hooks returned by each factory function are almost identical to React Query’s useQuery, useInfiniteQuery, and useMutation hooks. Functionally, they achieve the same things, but with different options, naming conventions, and implementations. The similarities between the hooks returned from Fetchers’ factory functions and React Query made for the perfect place to target our migration.

    The plan was to implement alternate versions of Fetcher’s factory functions using the same API interfaces, but instead using React Query hooks under the hood. By doing so, we could ship both implementations simultaneously and use a feature switch to toggle between the two. Additionally, we could rely on Fetchers’ unit tests to catch any differences between the two.

    Our plan felt solid, but we still wanted to be careful in how we rolled out the new implementations so as to minimize risk. Given that we were rewriting each of Fetchers’ factory functions, each had the possibility of introducing their own class of bugs. On top of that, our front end had four different apps consuming the Fetchers library, layering on additional usage patterns and environmental circumstances. Spotting errors thrown inside the library code is easy, but spotting errors that cascade out to other parts of the app as a result of small changes in behavior is much harder. We decided to use a phased rollout of each factory function one at a time, app by app so that any error spikes would be isolated to one implementation or app at a time, making it easy to spot which implementation had issues. Below is some pseudocode that illustrates the sequencing of each phase:

    for each factoryFn in Fetchers:
      write factoryFn using React Query
      for each app in ClassDojo:
        rollout React Query factoryFn using feature switch
        monitor for errors
        if errors:
          turn off feature switch
          fix bugs

    What Went Well?

    Abstractions made the majority of this project a breeze. The factory functions provided a single point of entry to replace our custom logic with React Query hooks. Instead of having to assess all 365 usages of Fetcher hooks, their options, and how they map to a React Query hook, we just had to ensure that the hook returned by each factory function behaved the same way it did before. Additionally, swapping implementations between Fetchers and React Query was just a matter of changing the exported functions from Fetchers’ index file, avoiding massive PRs with 100+ files changed in each:

    // before migration
    export { makeMemberFetcher } from './fetchers';
    // during migration
    import { makeMemberFetcher as makeMemberFetcherOld } from './fetchers';
    import { makeMemberFetcher as makeMemberFetcherNew } from './rqFetchers';
    const makeMemberFetcher = isRQFetchersOn ? makeMemberFetcherNew : makeMemberFetcherOld;
    export { makeMemberFetcher };

    Our phased approach played a big role in the success of the project. The implementation of makeCollectionFetcher worked fine in the context of one app, but surfaced some errors in the context of another. It wasn’t necessarily easy to know what was causing the bug, but the surface area we had to scan for potential problems was much smaller, allowing us to iterate faster. Phasing the project also naturally lent itself well to parallelizing the development process and getting many engineers involved. Getting the implementations of each factory function to behave exactly the same as before was not an easy process. We went through many iterations of fixing broken tests before the behavior matched up correctly. Doing that alone would have been a slow and painful process.

    How Can We Improve?

    One particular pain point with this project were Fetchers’ unit tests. Theoretically, they should have been all we needed to verify the new implementations. Unfortunately, they were written with dependencies on implementation details, making it difficult to just run them against a new implementation. I spent some time trying to rewrite them, but quickly realized the effort wasn't worth the payoff. Instead, we relied on unit & end-to-end tests throughout the application that would naturally hit these codepaths. The downside was that we spent a lot of time stepping through and debugging those other tests to understand what was broken in our new implementations. This was a painful reminder to write unit tests that only observe the inputs and outputs.

    Another pain point was the manual effort involved in monitoring deployments for errors. When we rolled out the first phase of the migration, we realized it’s not so easy to tell whether we were introducing new errors or not. There was a lot of existing noise in our logs that required babysitting the deployments and checking reported errors to confirm whether or not the error was new. We also realized we didn’t have a good mechanism for scoping our error logs down to the latest release only. We’ve since augmented our logs with better tags to make it easier to query for the “latest” version. We’ve also set up a weekly meeting to triage error logs to specific teams so that we don’t end up in the same situation again.

    What's Next?

    Migrating to React Query was a huge success. It rid us of maintaining a complex chunk of code that very few developers even understood. Now we’ve started asking ourselves, “What’s next?”. We’ve already started using lifecycle callbacks to deprecate our cache invalidation & optimistic update patterns. Those patterns were built on top of redux to subscribe to lifecycle events in Fetchers’ mutations, but now we can simply hook into onMutate, onSuccess, onError provided by React Query. Next, we’re going to look at using async mutations to simplify how we handle the UX for success & error cases. There are still a lot of patterns leftover from Fetchers and it will be a continued effort to rethink how we can simplify things using React Query.


    Large code migrations can be really scary. There’s a lot of potential for missteps if you’re not careful. I personally believe that what made this project successful was treating it like a refactor. The end goal wasn’t to change the behavior of anything, just to refactor the implementation. Trying to swap one for the other without first finding their overlap could have made this a messy project. Instead, we wrote new implementations, verified they pass our tests, and shipped them one by one. This project also couldn’t have happened without the excellent engineering culture at ClassDojo. Instead of being met with resistance, everyone was eager and excited to help out and get things moving. I’m certain there will be more projects like this to follow in the future.

      When the ClassDojo engineering team was in the office, we loved our information radiators: we had multiple huge monitors showing broken jenkins builds, alerts, and important performance statistics. They worked amazingly well for helping us keep our CI/CD pipelines fast & unblocked, helped us keep the site up & fast, and helped us build an engineering culture that prioritized the things we showed on the info radiators. They worked well while the whole team was in the office, but when we went fully remote, our initial attempt of moving that same information into a slack channel failed completely, and we had to find a different way to get the same value.

      Open-office with row of 4 monitors displaying production metrics across the back wall

      Most teams have an #engineering-bots channel of some sort: it's a channel that quickly becomes full of alerts & broken builds, and that everyone quickly learns to ignore. For most of these things, knowing that something was broken isn't particularly interesting: we want to know what the current state of the world is, and that's impossible to glean from a slack channel (unless everyone on the team has inhuman discipline around claiming & updating these alerts).

      We had, and still have, an #engineering-bots channel that has 100s of messages in it per day. As far as I know, every engineer on the team has that channel muted because the signal to noise ratio in it is far too low. This meant that we occasionally had alerts that we completely missed because they quickly scrolled out of view in the channel, and that we'd have important builds that'd stay broken for weeks. This made any fixes to builds expensive, allowed some small production issues to stay broken, and slowed down our teams.

      slack channel with lots of alerts in it

      After about a year of frustration, we decided that we needed to figure out a way to give people a way to set up in-home info-radiators. We had a few requirements for a remote-work info-radiator:

      1. It needed to be configurable: teams needed a way to see only their broken builds & the alerts that they cared about. Most of the time, the info-radiator shouldn't show anything at all!
      2. It needed be on an external display: not everyone had an office setup with enough monitor real-estate to support a page and keep it open
      3. It needed to display broken builds from multiple Jenkins locations, broken builds from GitHub Actions, and triggered alerts from Datadog and Pagerduty on a single display

      We set up a script that fetches data from Jenkins, Github Actions, Datadog, Pagerduty, and Prowler, transforms that data into an easily consumable JSON file, and finally uploads that file to S3. We then have a simple progressive web app that we installed on small, cheap Android displays that fetches that JSON file regularly, filters it for the builds that each person cares about, and renders them nicely.

      picture of info-radiator with broken build highlighted picture of small Android display running the info-radiator on a desk

      These remote info-radiators have made it much simpler to stay on top of alerts & broken builds, and have sped us up as an engineering organization. There's been a lot written about how valuable info-radiators can be for a team, but I never appreciated their value until we didn't have them, and the work we put into making sure we had remote ones has already more than paid for itself.

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