Macroeconomics - Wikibooks, open books for an open world Jump to content


50% developed
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This textbook concerns the wonderful world of macroeconomics, or economics on a very large scale, concerning national and international systems. It serves as an introduction to macroeconomics, and is primarily aimed at students in their final few years of secondary education, though it could also be used by interested students younger or older than that. See Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory for learning more advanced macroeconomics.

Knowledge of microeconomics would be useful and preferred, but grasping overall concepts does not require an in depth previous knowledge. See Principles of Economics for a brief introduction to both microeconomics and macroeconomics and Principles of Microeconomics for learning introductory microeconomics.

It is worth remembering that this textbook can be edited at any time, with the link at the top of this page. This is both good and bad - you yourself, having spotted a mistake or having noticed a poor definition, can correct it and should feel free to do so. The bad side is that anyone can edit it, so content may be inaccurate while the wikibook is in its infancy!


Section Article
Introduction 75% developed  as of Feb 11, 2005 Macroeconomic Objectives 75% developed  as of Feb 11, 2005

Measuring Economic Activity 100% developed  as of Feb 11, 2005
Macroeconomic Equilibrium 100% developed  as of Feb 11, 2005
Role of Savings and Investment 0% developed  as of August 20, 2011

Employment and Unemployment 25% developed Definitions of Unemployment 75% developed  as of April 17, 2005

Types and Causes of Unemployment 0% developed  as of August 20, 2011
Consequences of Unemployment 0% developed  as of August 20, 2011
Policies to Reduce Unemployment 0% developed  as of August 20, 2011

Macroeconomic Variables 50% developed  as of Feb 11, 2005 Aggregate Expenditures 0% developed  as of August 20, 2011

Multiplier Process 100% developed  as of Feb 11, 2005
Expanded Multipliers 100% developed  as of Feb 11, 2005
Aggregate Demand 50% developed

Aggregate Supply 75% developed
Macroeconomic Equilibrium in the Short Run and the Long Run

Money and Inflation0% developed  as of January 6, 2014 Effects of Interest Rates on Real GDP0% developed  as of January 6, 2014
Economic Policy 75% developed  as of April 17, 2005 Government Spending 0% developed  as of Feb 11, 2005 (included in Fiscal Policy)

Taxation 75% developed
Fiscal Policy 75% developed  as of March 19, 2005
Monetary Policy 75% developed  as of March 15, 2005
Supply-side Policy 0% developed  as of April 17, 2005
Central Banks 25% developed

Government Intervention0% developed  as of August 20, 2011 Market Failure 0% developed  as of August 20, 2011

Methods of Government Intervention 0% developed  as of August 20, 2011
Government Failure 0% developed  as of August 20, 2011

International Economics0% developed  as of January 6, 2014

Alternate Perspectives50% developed  as of Feb 11, 2005 Radical Economics 50% developed  as of Feb 11, 2005
Advanced Topics Development stage: 30% Math Review 25% developed  as of Jun 01, 2007

Keynesian Demand-side Economics and Multipliers 75% developed  as of Jun 01, 2007
Optimal Growth 25% developed  as of Jun 01, 2007
Harrod-Johnson Diagram 0% developed  as of Jun 01, 2007

Glossary of Terms0% developed  as of January 6, 2014

Proposed change

  1. Economics - Introduction to economics
  2. Market Economics - Basics of market economics, resources, and production possibilities
  3. Supply and Demand - Supply and Demand for single products
  4. Measuring Domestic Output - Gross Domestic Product and other indicators
  5. Open Economies - International trade
  6. Business Cycle - Basics of unemployment, inflation, and economic growth
  7. Aggregate Expenditures - Consumption, Investment, Government spending, and Exports
  8. Aggregate Supply and Demand - Basics of how an entire economy functions
  9. Fiscal Policy
  10. Money - How money is created and why it works
  11. Monetary Policy
  12. Government Finances

Advanced topics

  1. Math Review
  2. Keynesian Demand-side Economics and Multipliers
  3. Optimal Growth
  4. Harrod-Johnson Diagram

Useful background reading

The following links will lead you to Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia similar in style to this site. The information in these articles may go above and beyond that which you need to know for this book, though they will undoubtedly prove useful to refer back to from time to time, and are good portals to more relevant articles.

The following links take you to useful websites for learning, revising or expanding your knowledge:

For contributors

Any and all corrections, additions, alterations etc. are always welcome! If you wish some credit for your work, stick your name below :

Name Contribution
Evgeniy Chernyshov Inflation, Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy
Jacob Taylor The Entire Glossary