*English follows Japanese.
気象庁の発表において、以下「対象地域」で震度5弱以上の地震が観測された場合、地震観測時点より該当する各「対象キャンパス」の授業(オンライン授業、定期試験を含む。以下同じ。) を休講とします。この場合、MyWASEDAのお知らせやメール等による休講連絡は原則発信されず、自動的に休講となります。授業再開の連絡方法やその他の詳細は、本学ホームページを確認してください。
東京都新宿区 または
埼玉県所沢市 |
戸山キャンパス 西早稲田キャンパス 所沢キャンパス 喜久井町キャンパス 芸術学校 先端生命医科学センター(TWIns) 東伏見キャンパス 上石神井キャンパス(大学設置科目) |
To all students, faculty and staff,
If an earthquake with a seismic intensity of 5 Lower or above on the Japanese scale is recorded in the cities of Shinjuku (Tokyo), Tokorozawa (Saitama), or Kitakyushu (Fukuoka), classes at the respective campuses will be cancelled as follows. This policy also applies to online classes and examinations. In accordance with the guidelines, classes will be automatically cancelled, and no notice of class cancellation will be sent out via MyWASEDA email. Please check the following website for details on how to announce for the resumption of classes. (https://www.waseda.jp/top/en/about/work/organizations/academic-affairs-division/class-cancellation-earthquake)
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo or
Tokorozawa-shi, Saitama |
Waseda Campus
Toyama Campus Nishiwaseda Campus Tokorozawa Campus Kikuicho Campus Art and Architecture School Center for Advanced Biomedical Sciences(TWIns) Higashifushimi Campus Kamishakujii Campus (Only University classes) |
Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka
*These guidelines do not apply to Honjo Campus, Nihonbashi Campus, Extension Center (Waseda Campus and Nakano Campus), Waseda University Junior and Senior High School, and Honjo High School.
*For the Kitakyushu Campus, classes will also be canceled if a “tsunami warning”(tsunami-keihou) is issued.
If the University decides to enact contingency measures involving the cancellation of classes, postponement of examinations, etc., the University will inform all students, faculty and staff of the decision no less than two hours prior to the start of each affected class period or examination. Only after the directive to cancel classes, postpone examinations, etc., has been made, will notifications be posted on the University’s website, as well as being disseminated via other communication channels, such as Waseda email, Waseda University Emergency Bulletin Website(https://emergency-notice.waseda.jp/)and Waseda University Official Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/WasedaU).
If classes are not canceled, but students face difficulties commuting to the university for any reason, they may request consideration by submitting a “Notice of Absence” to their school office/ graduate school office.