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Acted by Koji TAKAHASHI "Okita Soji (Movie)" (Director: Masanobu DEME), Year 1974, by Toho. 例文帳に追加
高橋幸治『沖田総司(映画)』(監督:出目昌伸)1974年、東宝 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Yoshimitsu Zekan was taught by someone who had studied under SANKOBO, and he became the founder of the Ono Deme family. 例文帳に追加
是関吉満は、三光坊からは孫弟子にあたり、大野出目家の祖となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Noh-men uchi in the early-modern times were the Ono Deme family, the Echizen Deme family (Takefu City, Fukui Prefecture) and the Omi Izeki family (Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture), and it is said that all of them were monks of Heisen-ji Temple in Echizen Province and disciple line of Mitsuhiro SANKOBO who appeared at the end of Muromachi period. 例文帳に追加
近世の面打には、大野出目家、越前出目家(福井県武生市)、近江井関家(滋賀県長浜市)があったが、いずれも越前国平泉寺の僧で室町時代末期に出た三光坊満広の弟子筋とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Yoshimitsu Zekan DEME (1526? - 1616) was a Noh-men uchi (a person who makes Noh masks) from the Momoyama period to the early Edo period. 例文帳に追加
出目是閑吉満(でめぜかんよしみつ、1526年?-元和(日本)2年(1616年))は、桃山時代から江戸時代初期にかけての面打師。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
A person who became an adopted child of the Ono Deme family and took over the family business was Tohaku, the fourth generation, being called 'Jozu' (superior) and granted the title 'Tenka ichi,' and thereafter, he carried on the occupation of Noh-men uchi down to the end of Edo period. 例文帳に追加
養子となり家業を継いだのが「上手」と言われ「天下一」を許された4代洞白であり、以後、幕末に至っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When Hideyoshi's subordinates distinguished themselves in a war, Hideyoshi used to grant tea ceremony utensils evaluated by SEN no Rikyu for them as incentive award at the beginning, however, later, since he came to grant Noh masks as their award, a lot of Noh masks which had added value were required, and for these reasons, the title 'Tenka ichi' was given to Yoshimitsu Zekan DEME. 例文帳に追加
「天下一」の称号は、秀吉が部下の武将の戦功の際、当初は千利休に鑑定させた茶器を与えていたが、のちには能面を賞として与えるようになったため、付加価値のある多数の面を必要としたためでもあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Furthermore, when Kokumori was to be revised in a land survey, an increase in Kokumori was called "Kokumori-deme" and a decrease was called "Kokumori-chigaibiki"; the term used when upgrading a piece of land (e.g.: from a field to a rice paddy) became called "Kokuma-shukkoku" and downgrading (e.g.: from a rice paddy to a field) became called "Kokuma-biki." 例文帳に追加
なお、検地による石盛の修正があった場合、石盛の増加分を石盛出目(こくもりでめ)、減少分を石盛違引(こくもりちがいびき)と称し、土地の名目が上昇(畠→田)を石間出石(こくましゅっこく)、反対に下落(田→畠)を石間引(こくまびき)と称した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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