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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 3人がけのに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 187



The artificial sand for forming the mold is formed from this granulated body 3. - 特許庁

3のスーパー・ソルジャーが刑務所に押し入り、 彼を脱獄させた。例文帳に追加

Three supersoldiers divebomb a prison, pluck him out. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

更に5年前にアルバカーキでも 良く似た手口の殺が3件だ例文帳に追加

Now, there were also three murders with a similar m.o. in albuquerque five years before that. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


The luminaire 1 includes the human detection sensor 2 for detecting the existence of a human body, a light source 3 to be lit on when the human detection sensor 2 detects the human body, and a casing 4 for holding the human detection sensor 2 and the light source 3. - 特許庁



When corresponding personal information is detected by respective functions of a control part 3, the user presses a personal information mail transmission button 5b of the operation part 5. - 特許庁



When a specified person whose existence is detected enters (moves) from the outside of a building to the inside, a human body detection signal is outputted from a first human detection sensor 3 and then a human body detection signal is also outputted from a second human detection sensor 4. - 特許庁


At the time of a connection request from a portable radio terminal 3, an apparatus 2 installed in the traveling object is connected to the portable radio terminal 3 and confirms whether the user of the advertising media is an owner himself of the portable radio terminal 3. - 特許庁


The remote control device 3 and information unit 8 are provided with a notifying means for notifying the human detection according to the communicated human detection signal. - 特許庁


The control device lights all the base luminaires 2 with light modulation when the human body is detected by the entrance human body sensor 3. - 特許庁


(k) 出願が第30条(3)に基づく条件を満たすために瑕疵を訂正するのに要した期間。第30条(6)(a)に基づく登録官の通知の日から第30条(3)のすべての条件が満たされた日までが計算される。例文帳に追加

(k) the period taken by the applicant to rectify any failure to satisfy any condition under section 30(3), calculated from the date of the Registrar's notification under section 30(6)(a) to the date on which every condition in section 30(3) is satisfied; - 特許庁


(i) 出願が第29条(4)に基づいて審査報告を求める請求書を提出するのに要した期間。第29条(3)(b)に基づく登録官の通知の日から出願が当該請求書を提出した日までが計算される。例文帳に追加

(i) the period taken by the applicant to file a request for an examination report under section 29(4), calculated from the date of the Registrar's notification under section 29(3)(b) to the date on which the applicant files the request; - 特許庁

(3) 申請が必要な約束を行った場合は,登録官は,自己の保管する押収商品の見本を申請が検査のために持ち出すことを許可することができる。例文帳に追加

(3) If the applicant gives the requisite undertakings, the Registrar may permit the applicant to remove a sample of the seized goods from the custody of the Registrar for inspection by the applicant. - 特許庁


Regarding the Mizuho Group, there have been problems related to the personnel management system that seeks to maintain a balance between the three banks that integrated business operations to create the Mizuho Group. What is your view on that?  - 金融庁

五 外国管財等が第十七条第三項の規定に違反したとき。ただし、その違反の程度が軽微であるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(v) where the foreign trustee, etc. has violated the provisions of Article 17, paragraph (3), except where such violation is minor; or  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) 長官は,自己が係争事項に関連ありとみなす証拠を請求し又は承認することができ,異議申立により請求される場合は,本件の決定を下す前に当該請求に対して審理を受ける機会を与える。例文帳に追加

(3) The Controller may require or admit any evidence which he or she considers relevant to the questions at issue and, if so requested by any opponent, give that opponent an opportunity to be heard thereon before deciding the matter. - 特許庁


A rear side recess section 18 coinciding with the shape of the contact face of the forefinger gripping the outside 7c thereof is formed on the back chip 7 of the grip section 3. - 特許庁


If the name or address of an applicant or the name of the representative of the applicant is missing, the applicant shall, on own initiative, file all documents and information specified in subsection (3) of this section within two months as of the date of receipt of the initially filed documents in the Patent Office.  - 特許庁


A Board of Appeal of the Patent Court shall decide on appeals within the meaning of Section 66, composed of three legally qualified members.  - 特許庁


A room is divided into a first region A detectable only by the first person-sensitive sensor 3, a second region B detectable both by the first and second sensors 3 and 4, and a third region C detectable only by the second person-sensitive sensor 4, and based on a detecting signal, a discharge direction of air-conditioned air is set. - 特許庁


Among them, people in the film industry (normally, three people each year), who are empaneled as the final jury, decide one grand prize winner and two runners-up.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(b) 出願が出願を開始するために登録局に提出した書類が第26条(1)(a),(b)及び(c)(i)又は(ii)の条件をすべて満たすことを登録官に納得させる第26条(3)(b)(i)に基づく意見を述べるまでに要した期間。第26条(3)(a)に基づく出願への登録官の通知の日から出願が意見を述べた日までが計算される。例文帳に追加

(b) the period taken by the applicant to make observations under section 26(3)(b)(i) which satisfy the Registrar that the documents filed at the Registry to initiate the application satisfy all of the conditions in section 26(1)(a), (b) and (c)(i) or (ii), calculated from the date of the Registrar's notification to the applicant under section 26(3)(a) to the date on which the applicant makes the observations; - 特許庁


A gas alarm 2 is connected to these human sensor 3 and gas meter 4, and raises an alarm in voice when a state of gas supply with no person in which no one is detected around the gas apparatus 5 and gas supply is detected, is continued beyond a predetermined period. - 特許庁


When one portion of a human body, such as hands and fingers, is brought closer to the surface of the enclosure 2A in a robot toy (electronic equipment) 2, a variable capacitance section is formed at an area to a counter electrode 3 that opposes one portion of the human body via the enclosure 2A. - 特許庁


Case 3 When it become impossible to provide a service to the person due to the loss or damage of personal data that was registered by the person in order to be provided the service continuously since it was failed to recover the personal data damaged by a system failure because the backuped data was also damaged although it was believed the backup was made  - 経済産業省


Then, the horizontally long opening part 4 is formed at the board 2 to allow the carpet 3 to house the coccyx of the human body and its neighboring part while deforming so as to locally sink into the part 4 by the weight of the human body. - 特許庁

(7) 商標登録出願が授権代理により代表されている場合は,代理は出願により与えられた委任状を根拠として願書に署名することができ,出願後3月以内に委任状がOSIMに提出されない場合は,出願は発効せず拒絶されるものとする。例文帳に追加

(7) When the applicant for the registration of a trademark is represented by the authorized representative, the representative can sign theapplication on thebasis of the power of attorney given by the applicant. If, within three months from submitting the application, the power of attorney is not presented to O.S.I.M., the application shall take no effect and shall be rejected. - 特許庁

(3) 登録簿の更正に係る申請は,(1)に基づいて裁判所に対してなされるべきものであるが,申請が登録官自身でない場合は,申請の選択により,最初は登録官に対してなすことができる。ただし,当該意匠に係る訴訟が係属中の場合を除く。例文帳に追加

(3) Any application for the rectification of the Register, which undersubsection (1) is to be made to the Court and where the applicant is other than the Registrar himself, may, at the option of the applicant, be madein the first instance to the Registrar except where an action concerning the industrial design in question is pending. - 特許庁

これが彼の生指針にどのような影響を及ぼしたのかはわからないが、慶応3年3月 伊東甲子太郎と共に御陵衛士(高台寺党)を結成すべく新選組を離脱している。例文帳に追加

It is not known how this affected his life but, in March 1867, he left the Shinsengumi together with Kashitaro ITO in order to form the Goryoeji (Kodai-ji-to).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(1) 出願は,博覧会における自己の発明の展示を,技術水準が決定される時に,次の場合は考慮しないよう,第3条(b)に基づき請求することができる。例文帳に追加

(1) The applicant may request under Article 3(b) that the display of his invention at an exhibition shall not be taken into consideration when the state of the art is determined, if - 特許庁


However, while Ienari was alive, the Ienari's close advisers including Tadaatsu MIZUNO (hatamoto or bannerman), Tadafusa HAYASHI and Mochinaru MINOBE (the three were comprehensively called Tempo no san-Neijin) wielded dictatorial power in bakufu, which prevented Tadakuni from launching any reform.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the human detection sensors 15, 16 detect that the arm and the hand of a human come close to kettle holders 9A, 9B, 9C and the rise of surface temperature of clothes of the human, heating power of the cooking stove burner 7 and the grill burner 3 can be reduced or fire can be extinguished by a control signal from a controlling part 20. - 特許庁


On November 3, 2005, the members of 'a project to climb Mt. Omine-san,' which was set up by dissenters against the nyonin kinsei of Mt. Omine-san, visited the spot in order to climb Mt. Omine-san, and requested the release to the temple's side by submitting a questionnaire, but it ended in failure.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This artificial slat 1 is formed out of an imitation stone layer 2 comprising binder and crushed bones on the surface layer section, and a hard frame section 3 is formed in the peripheral edge section of the back face of the slate 1, and a fire resistant layer 4 made of fire resistant material is formed on the back face side of the imitation stone layer 2 inside of the frame section 3. - 特許庁


One side of the metal plate, the plastic plate or the wooden plate constituting the body (1) is provided with the semicircular cutout (2) capable of measuring spaghetti noodles for three persons, one side of the body is provided with the semicircular cutout (3) capable of measuring spaghetti noodles for two persons, and one side of the body is provided with the semicircular cutout (4) capable of measuring spaghetti noodles for one person. - 特許庁

(3) 当事者は,証拠調が行われるすべての期日について通知を受けるものとし,また,その証拠調に立ち会うことができる。当事者は,証及び鑑定に対して関連質問をすることができる。質問に対して異議が唱えられたときは,連邦特許裁判所が決定する。例文帳に追加

(3) The parties shall be notified of all dates on which evidence is to be taken and may attend the taking of evidence. They may put relevant questions to witnesses and experts. If a question is objected to, the Patent Court shall decide.  - 特許庁

(5) (3)に基づく承認は,当該承認が与えられた日から60日が経過するまで効力を持続する。ただし,その期間が満了する前に申請が登録官に対し書面で当該申請を取り下げた場合はこの限りでない。例文帳に追加

(5) An approval under subsection (3) shall remain in force until the end of the period of sixty days commencing on the day on which the approval was given, unless it is withdrawn before the end of that period by the applicant by giving a notice in writing to the Registrar. - 特許庁


When the person is detected by the human body detection sensor 22, a control part 10 makes operation input from the remote controller 3 invalid and performs operation control based on operation input by the remote controller 2. - 特許庁


In the alarm sensor A, the alarm level setting part 5 sets the alarm level at a high level when the face detection part 3 cannot detect the face or cannot detect a front face although the person is detected by the person detection part 2. - 特許庁


In drafting the first notice of reasons for refusal, the examiner (Examination Guidelines Part V. Chapter 3. Section 1) should make an effort to notify the reasons for refusal required for the applicant to amend for obtaining the patent, without sticking to trivial matters.  - 特許庁


The illumination system includes a light-emitting part 2 including a surface light source which emits light by itself; a detecting part 3 for detecting an article passing therethrough; and a driving section 4 for making the light-emitting part 2 emit the light in the case where the detecting part 3 has detected an article passing therethrough as a passerby. - 特許庁


When a human body comes close to the detection electrode 2, a capacitance detection circuit detects the change of capacitance to the ground of the detection electrode 2, the light source 3 is tentatively lit when the detection value thereof exceeds a predetermined threshold value, and the light source 3 is regularly lit when the detection value satisfies a predetermined condition. - 特許庁


This wig 1 includes a netty polyester mesh sheet 3 which is made of a polyester fiber, artificial hair 2 which is made of polyester and bound to the polyester mesh sheet 3, and a silk mesh sheet 4 which is arranged on the polyester mesh sheet 3 and formed with a mesh passing the artificial hair 2 bound to the polyester mesh sheet 3 therethrough. - 特許庁

(4) 登録意匠所有者が授権された代理により代理されていない場合も,庁は(3)に従って処理する。登録意匠所有者が所定期間内に授権書提出を求める通知に従わない場合は,同は抹消請求に応答しなかったものとみなされる。例文帳に追加

(4) The Office shall proceed pursuant to paragraph 3 in the case if the owner is not represented by an authorised representative. If the owner of the registered design fails to comply with the notice for submitting the authorisation within the prescribed period, he shall be deemed not to have responded to the request for the invalidation. - 特許庁


The pallet 1 for artificial ground comprises a base 2 and pins 3 set on the base 2 to stand rows, wherein air holes 4 are formed on the base 2 and a ventilation space 5 is set under the base 2 and vent holes 6 are set on all or a part of pins 3. - 特許庁


At the ground station, an individual determining section 7 discriminates an individual from the ID data, included in the information detected by the sensor 3; and when an information synthesizing section 9 determines that the individual is a contractor, the ground station distributes to the passenger the position information of the vehicle which the passenger is boarding. - 特許庁


Born in Ouaza-Oshiguma, Heijou Town, Ikoma County, Nara Prefecture (present day Oshiguma Town, Nara City), the oldest of three sons to a father who was involved in factory management and foreign trade, he spent his youth in Osaka.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the absence of man in the room is detected by a man detecting sensor 5, a fan 2 and the ion generating part 3 are operated until a timer 4 confirms the lapse of a specific time tk after the stop of a heater 1, to send the air including ion. - 特許庁

(4) 第3条第3段落にいう他の保護商号,補助商号若しくは副次的表象であるとの印象を与えるか,又は死去後長期間が経過した者に明白に関係する場合を除き,他の名称若しくは肖像であるとの印象を与える虞があるもので構成されるか又はそのようなものを含む場合例文帳に追加

(4) if it is composed of or contains anything likely to give the impression of being the protected trade name of another or the auxiliary trade name or secondary symbol of another as referred to in the third paragraph of Section 3, or of being the name or likeness of another person, unless such name or likeness plainly relates to a person long dead;  - 特許庁


A plurality of concaved parts 3 having the partitioning walls 3a and bottom parts 3b surrounded by the partitioning walls 3a are adjacently formed in a zirconia base material 2 formed of zirconia, colored materials 4 such as cloisonne enamels, natural stones, artificial stones formed into contours formed by the partitioning walls 3a are arranged in the concaved parts 3 so as to be fitted into the concaved parts 3. - 特許庁


(2) 請求は,出願の提出後 7年が満了する前に,特許出願又は第三者が行うことができるが,後者はこれによって,審査手続の関係にはならない。特許費用法により規定される審査手数料の納付期限は,その納付期日(特許費用法第 3条(1))後 3月とする。ただし,この期限は出願日から 7年が経過したときに到来する。例文帳に追加

(2) The request may be filed by the applicant, or by any third party who will not by this become a participant in the examination procedure, prior to the expiration of seven years after the filing of the application. The deadline for payment of the examination fee, as prescribed by the Patent Cost Act, shall be three months after the due date (Sec 3(1) Patent Cost Act). This deadline shall, however, end with expiry of the seven years following filing of the application.  - 特許庁


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