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該当件数 : 113



The compound can be given in a nasal formula through local use of a proper nasal vehicle or a dermal pathway by using a dermal absorption patch known to those of skill in the art. - 特許庁


In this way, a triangular opening 5 adequate to the shape of the nose is formed by the cuts and the nose is held at its sides by the holding members, ensuring hard-to-shift positioning during the period of usage. - 特許庁


This instantaneous cooling agent is contained in a bag shaped like a mask of about the same size as the human face, with a cut around the place covering a nose so as to be fit on the uneven surface of the nose. - 特許庁


To obtain a composition to be applied to the nasal cavity and enabling especially the right response to the change of performance with time occurring after the application of the composition to the nasal cavity. - 特許庁



I then glanced at her face, and, observing the dint of a pince-nez at either side of her nose, I ventured a remark upon short sight and typewriting, which seemed to surprise her."  - Arthur Conan Doyle『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』



The partitioning portion 20 takes the shape of a band projecting into he dustproof mask 10, and has at each end with a strap member 21 and a retaining member such as a hook-and-loop fastener so as to be positioned to partition the nose and mouth mask portions 16 and 18 between the nose and mouth. - 特許庁


He considered it was inappropriate for a book of enlightenment for the general public to include an anecdote relating to a sexual part of the body, so he intentionally replaced "breast" with "nose."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a nasal cartilage cutter capable of collecting a part to be collected as possible while reducing unnecessary parts when collecting the nasal cartilage part from the head part of fish. - 特許庁


Slots 6 for locking which can be locked to the sandal thongs 3 are formed at the sandal thongs 3 from the inner peripheral edges in the rear of the side thongs 5. - 特許庁



Of the outer peripheral edge part of the mask body, at a part crossing the nose when wearing the mask, a long-length core material 3 made of paper is arranged. - 特許庁



To provide a head-mounted display capable of suitably preventing a shift during a mounting state and dispersing the load placed on the nose of a user. - 特許庁


In the construction method of the eaves gutter attaching structure, the measurements of the cutting size of the eaves gutter 3 are taken by making the side 7 of the fascia board curved member 1B a reference. - 特許庁


In this case, when the subject places his nose on the plate 1, his mouth is becomes hard to hit against the case thereby enabling stale arrangement thereof at a proper position. - 特許庁


To provide a spectacles frame which has no nose pad and is held in a proper wearing state, without being pulled backward excessively. - 特許庁


To appropriately arrange an insertion portion of an aid in a position with respect to an insertion portion of a nasotracheal endoscope in accordance with the treatment. - 特許庁


and when she laughed her grey-green eyes sparkled with disappointed shyness and the tip of her nose nearly met the tip of her chin.  - James Joyce『土くれ』


The eaves end plate 2 attached to a fascia board 1 consists of fascia board fittings 3, a hanging piece 4, a vent 5 provided at the hanging piece 4, an eaves' side end piece 7 to cover the eaves' side end of eaves soffit 6, and a blind piece 9. - 特許庁


To provide a cutter for cutting thread, string, wire, materials to be cooked and the like and hairs of delicate parts including nose hair which is safe, does not damage the mucous membrane or the skin and is made with consideration of allergy. - 特許庁


This pack sheet formed by punching out a nonwoven fabric or the like is disposed with perforated scores 5 running longitudinally or slightly obliquely in a region surrounded with lines connecting parts from the root of one wing to the root of the other wing of the nose via the apex of nose, to parts from the root part of one eye to the root of the other eye. - 特許庁


To enlarge a cutting edge range at an upper rim side of a movable blade to enable the efficient cutting of nose hair by preventing the protrusion of the upper rim of the cutting edge of the movable blade from a slit without the necessity of disposing a dedicated restriction piece. - 特許庁


To provide a shaver which can safely and unerringly cut off hairs in parts where the hairs are difficult to shave such as vibrissae growing in nasal cavities and tragi growing from the conchae to the external auditory meatuses without damaging mucous membranes or skin where the hairs grow. - 特許庁


In addition to their use as intraocular lens materials, the present materials are also suitable for use in other ophthalmic or otorhinolaryngological devices, such as contact lenses, keratoprostheses, corneal inlays or rings, and otological ventilation tubes and nasal implants. - 特許庁


To provide an eaves gutter draining structure which is used for an eave gutter attached in the state of getting close to the side of a fascia board, and which can prevent the corrosion of an edge-of-eaves section by preventing driving rain and splashed water from an eaves gutter from being scattered to the side of the fascia board. - 特許庁


To provide a fascia board cover capable of being installed with fittings for bearing a throating board and an eaves gutter body for preventing the incursion of rain water from a roof into the fascia board and preventing dusts such as fallen leaves, etc., from falling down in the eaves gutter body. - 特許庁


When the mask body molded with a flexible resin with a rubber hardness of about 0-10 is molded by clipping or molding, an integrally shaped article of an ear hanging string-like part, a jaw hanging belt part, and a nose hanging belt part and a part for fixing the nose hanging belt part, are molded at the same time. - 特許庁


For fitting the dust-proof and bacteria-proof filters, a projecting part is molded at the upper part of the parts for fixing the nose hanging belt, and a notch for inserting and fixing the projecting part of the part for fixing the nose hanging belt is made on the dust-proof and bacteria-proof filter side. - 特許庁


The document describes how the land steward conscripted peasants for forced labor by threatening to "cut off the ears and noses" of resistant peasants and to "cut the hair of their wives to make them nuns."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since the lacrimal duct stent is made of the soft material, for example a plastic tube, the length is adjusted by cutting the lacrimal duct stent with the pair of scissors, and the lacrimal duct stent is removed by cutting the collar and pulling out from a nasal cavity under an endoscope. - 特許庁


Since the intubator is formed of the soft material such as a plastic tube, the length is adjusted by cutting it with the scissors, or the collar part can be cut off and removed being pulled from a nasal cavity under an endoscope. - 特許庁


This gable structure comprises a flashing part integrally formed on the lower end of a plate body to be connected to the gable wall, and an engagement part with a fascia board member formed on the lower end of the flashing part. - 特許庁


The nasal cartilage-cutting blade 3 has the first blade part 31 for cutting the line extending from the front end part of the eyeball 24 to the tip part of the head part 22, and the second blade part 32 for cutting the line extending from the front end part of the eyeball 24 to the aslant rear part in the side view of the head part 22 of the salmon 2. - 特許庁


The 24 people had their left ears cut off on Ichijo Modori-bashi Bridge located at Horikawa-dori Street in Kyoto (Hideyoshi ordered to cut off their ears and noses) and were dragged through the city streets.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the second invasion called the Keicho War, he ordered the severed noses of killed soldiers of Joseon Korea and the Ming Dynasty to be sent to Japan as proof of his army's bravery in battle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A stimulation electrode is brought into contact with a mucous membrane of the pharynx through the nasal cavity, and a current having a suitable value is supplied to the stimulation electrode to correctly trains and treat the dysphagia patient for the deglutition. - 特許庁


To provide an internal standard gene proper for accurately measuring the expression level of a target gene present in a nasal mucosa specimen and a measuring method using the internal standard gene. - 特許庁


The face mask 10 which is a single sheet body, has notches 1 and 2 formed ranging from the peripheral edge of the cheek sections 17 and 18 facing the left and right cheeks to sections facing the outer sides of the nostrils. - 特許庁


To appropriately dispose the insertion part of an auxiliary tool to the insertion part of a nasal endoscope at a position corresponding to treatment contents, and to quickly perform coping even when the treatment contents are changed during an inspection. - 特許庁


Since the resin 6 is attached to the top end of the inserting end 4 and the top is smoothly rounded, operation for polishing a cut trace is made unnecessary and production operation can be simplified. - 特許庁


Even in such a state that switching from the consonant to the vowel of the audio signal is a changing state from the nasal sound and liquid sound, which are voiced sound, to the vowel which is the voiced sound, the audio effect signal A is generated. - 特許庁


To provide a fascia board member which can retrofit a cover member or a water drip arranged as a protection from snow, a protection from fallen leaves or the like to an existing eaves gutter and which can achieve easy performance of the attachment with a single motion. - 特許庁


The base ends 2a and 2a of a pair of the slots 2 and 2 of the sandal things 3 have arcuate shapes escaping outward in the lateral direction of the respective flexible plate bodies 1A and 1B and terminating at the same. - 特許庁


The sandals are formed with sandal thongs 3 formed with top ends and engaging sections 3a by cutting a pair of slots 2 and 2 backward in the front ends of respective flexible plate bodies 1A and 1B constituting pedestals to be placed on with the feet. - 特許庁


The face mask has a longitudinal cutoff line 4 to separate between a mouth part 14 and a nostrill part 13, and under the mouthpart 14 to the right and the left. - 特許庁


Tubes 4 for opening the cut ends of eyewires 3 are disposed on a connecting member side and fastening parts 14 disposed at the arm ends of the nose pads l are held by upper tube pieces 6 and lower tube pieces 7 of the tubes 4 and are screwed. - 特許庁


To provide an eaves gutter suspending implement capable of preventing an end plate from becoming wet even if the rainwater flowing into an eaves gutter from a roof rebounds and scatters and provided with a water draining-off member being easily mounted. - 特許庁


As a result, a large amount of the part to be collected can be collected and the unnecessary parts such as hard bones are reduced by cutting the nasal cartilage part 21 by using the eyeball 24 of the salmon 2 as a guide. - 特許庁


One side face of the vertical baseboard 6 is constituted as an exposure surface 67, while the other side face is constituted as a non-exposure side face 68, and the upper end is provided with a nosing corresponding piece 61 and a cutout part 62. - 特許庁


-- the man with the fine sweep of profile for the forehead running meanly at the end into a little snub, curled-up feature, like a bisected pothook, that formed the nose.  - R. Landor『カール・マルクス Interview』


In the stair structure, the nosings 2a are chamfered and worked and notched sections 20 are formed in each tread 2, and the cushioning materials 1 are stuck on each tread 2 in the stairs so that cavity sections D are formed of the notched sections 20 of these each tread 2 and the recessed sections 12 of the cushioning materials 1. - 特許庁



In this eave soffit ventilating opening apparatus, a corner bead panel 30 being suitable as a ventilation corner bead in an eave soffit space between an external wall 11 of the building and a fascia decorative board 6 has a channel cross section having such a size that blocks the eave soffit space, and has a ventilating hole 32 for ventilating between the inside and the outside of the building in a channel bottom part. - 特許庁


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原題:”The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”

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