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該当件数 : 12件
a tax rate system called tariff quota system - EDR日英対訳辞書
All tariffs to be eliminated by 2017; effective immediately for approximately half of all exported amounts per Quota system - 経済産業省
After the conclusion of the Uruguay Round, the European Union created a new tariff quota regime for bananas. - 経済産業省
その後、EU は、2000年12月に新制度として先着順方式(first come, first served system, EU 市場に優先的にバナナを輸出する業者に対し、関税割当内でバナナ輸入のライセンスを与える制度)を発表、本関税割当制度を2001年4月より施行し、遅くとも2006年には関税のみの制度に移行することを提案し、2001年4月、米とEU 並びにEU とエクアドルは長年に渡るバナナ紛争の解決に向けて合意に達した。例文帳に追加
In December 2000, the EU announced a “first-come, firstserve” system that grants banana import licenses under the tariff quota to parties preferentially exporting bananas to the EU market. It was proposed that the quota system would take effect in April 2001, with a tariff-only system to take effect no later than 2006. - 経済産業省
またEU は、1993年1月の市場統合に伴い、バナナ輸入の共通制度として、従来の各加盟国が行ってきた輸入数量制限の代わりに関税割当制度を導入し、また関税も従価税を従量税に変更することを決定した(同年7月施行)。例文帳に追加
In February 1993, the EU decided to replace quantitative restrictions on banana imports with a tariff quota regime, and to move to a specific duty rather than an ad valorem duty. The change took effect in July 1993. - 経済産業省
EU は、EU とACP 諸国(アフリカ、カリブ海、太平洋諸国)との間に締結しているロメ協定に基づき、バナナの関税割当制度について、ACP 諸国産のバナナを優遇する特恵措置を採用している。例文帳に追加
Under the Lomé Convention, the European Union provides preferential treatment to imports of bananas from African, Caribbean, and Pacific (“ACP”) countries. - 経済産業省
日フィリピンEPAの鉄鋼関税割当制度については、フィリピン国内法令の整備遅延により運用開始が遅れていたが、2009 年5 月に運用を開始。例文帳に追加
Japan-Philippines EPA?s Steel Quota System had been delayed to incorporate it due to the development delay of national law; it became effective in May, 2009. - 経済産業省
2. 本日、合同委員会は、第3章(原産地規則)に規定する運用上の手続規則の採択、関税割当制度の実施に関する決定を含む、この協定の実施に必要な決定を行った。例文帳に追加
2. At this meeting, the Joint Committee made decisions necessary for the implementation of the Agreement, including the adoption of the Operational Procedures referred to in Chapter 3 (Rules of Origin) and the decision on Implementation of Tariff Rate Quota. - 経済産業省
Also, the Japan-Thailand EPA and Japan-Philippines EPA?s steel tariff quota system, Japan-Indonesia EPA?s Exempt Specified Usage tariff system, and other new EPA related system establishment and operation have seen many problems that required consultations with other governments to resolve various issues. - 経済産業省
EPAs not only include the elimination of border measures such as tariffs, quotas and investment regulations, but also include the lowering of indirect barriers such as harmonization among various economic systems; establishment of highly transparent and stable rules; and infrastructure development, making it possible to remove economic barriers among countries and regions. - 経済産業省
Under the Lomé Convention, the European Union maintains measures that provide preferential treatment to imports of bananas from countries in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific (ACP) in the form of tariff quotas (i.e., different tariffs are applied to set in-quota and out-of-quota amounts for the individual ACP countries). - 経済産業省
が、中南米産バナナを主として扱うバナナ業者を抱える米国は、同制度についても不満を示し、特に、関税割当のライセンス発給システムによるACP諸国産バナナの取扱いの優遇及びEUとフレームワーク合意を締結した中南米のバナナ生産国(特にコロンビア、コスタリカ)に対する割当の優遇がWTO協定違反であるとして、他の中南米諸国(エクアドル、グアテマラ、ホンデュラス、メキシコ)とともにGATT 第22条に基づいた協議を行った後、WTOパネルが設置された(1996年5月)。例文帳に追加
However, the United States, whose companies mainly deal in Latin American bananas, was dissatisfied with the new regime and argued that the licensing system provided preferential treatment to ACP bananas. The United States further argued that the preferential allocation of the quota to Latin American countries, who are parties to the “Framework Agreement on Bananas (BFA)” (especially Colombia and Costa Rica), was inconsistent with the WTO Agreement. After bilateral negotiations under GATT Article XXII between the European Union and the United States, as well as with some Latin American countries (Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico), a panel was established in May 1996. - 経済産業省
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