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該当件数 : 316


十三 株式会社日本政策金融公庫(株式会社日本政策金融公庫法(平成十九年法律第五十七号)第十三条第三項に規定する専任の部門に限る。)及び沖縄振興開発金融公庫例文帳に追加

(xiii) Japan Finance Corporation (limited to an exclusive division as prescribed in Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Japan Finance Corporation Act (Act No. 57 of 2007)) and the Okinawa Development Finance Corporation;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In the global financial crisis, the crises of financial institutions in the non-banking sector triggered a chain reaction of crises among other financial institutions through the markets, producing a widespread impact on market participants  - 金融庁


a. Arrangements concerning the organizational system for finance facilitation (including authority and responsibilities etc., in cases where a Finance Facilitation Management Division is established or a Finance Facilitation Manager is appointed)  - 金融庁


The profitability of financial institutions (banking sector) in the United States and Japan reveals, for instance, that the recent return on assets (ROA) of Japanese financial institutions, which has at times fallen below zero, have been lower than those of US counterparts (see Figure 2-4-74). - 経済産業省



Does the Finance Facilitation Manager appropriately manage by guidance and supervision etc. for people serving in operations concerning finance facilitation of the Credit Risk Management Division and Marketing and Sales Division etc., in order to enable appropriate execution of Finance Facilitation Management?  - 金融庁



Since the European debt crisis was not simply a fiscal problem, but was also the financial sector's problem in which financial institutions as lenders incurred latent losses, leading to a deterioration of the euro zone's financial status. Therefore, it became urgent also to take measures to stabilize the financial sector and restore market confidence in addition to responding to the worsening of the debt problem. - 経済産業省


These circumstances have reminded us that Japan faces the challenge of further enhancing the banking sector's financial intermediary function and developing the market sector's financial intermediary function while increasing the resilience of the banking sector against stock price fluctuations, and other sudden changes in markets.  - 金融庁


Thus, the following will focus on the capital procurement situation of the corporate sector in East Asian countries and regions and examine the post-crisis recovery of the corporate and financial sectors. - 経済産業省


A breakdown of the capital shows that procurement from stocks in the corporate sector is expanding, and that the household sector is the source of that capital, while financing in the financial sector is still on a capital collection trend. - 経済産業省



With regard to the financial sector, deposits from the household and corporate sectors have not recovered to pre-Asian crisis levels, the overseas sector is still recovering from foreign debt, and the total amount of capital procured is half the pre-crisis levels. - 経済産業省



The trends in the financial sector of Thailand are the same as Korea; namely, the capital procured from the overseas sector was used to finance the domestic corporate sector before the Asian crisis. - 経済産業省


Before making a financial transaction, the financial account holder starts an authentication session with a financial agency business department by gaining access to a financial agency business department central processor (CPU) and a DB, arranged in the embedded privacy and security layer(EPSL) architecture having an automated 'clock control' AAA session, via a dedicated communication network. - 特許庁


Prior to the financial transactions the financial account holder initiates an authentication session with financial institution back office by accessing its central processing unit (CPU) and a database (DB) installed in the back office of the financial institutions, which are assigned to an embedded privacy and security layer (EPSL) architecture having automated "clock controlled" AAA sessions. - 特許庁


Banking-sector financial intermediary activity that takes into consideration the risk-return balance helps to better exercise the pricing mechanism of the market sector, and the appropriate exercise of the pricing mechanism of the market sector, in turn, helps the banking sector exercise the financial intermediary function that takes into consideration the risk-return balance.  - 金融庁


- The descriptions in this checklist are based on the assumption that the role that must be performed by the Finance Facilitation Manager is extensive, and therefore a dedicated division or department in charge of Finance Facilitation Management may be established, or persons in charge of Finance Facilitation Management may be assigned to the Credit Risk Management Division or Marketing and Sales Division, etc. and coordinate with Manager, in the case where the Board of Directors determines that the Manager alone would not be sufficient to secure effective finance facilitation.  - 金融庁


You mention that "in our view, the Financial Services Agency's current assessment of the health of the financial sector does not fully reflect the true scale of impaired loans". We understand that the FSA, fully recognizing the magnitude of NPL problems and the importance of bank restructuring, has implemented various measures, including special inspections, and is determined to continue making every effort in a speedy and firm manner in order to better monitor and secure the soundness of the financial sector. - 財務省


(ii) Has the manual for market value calculation been approved in an appropriate manner by the person with the approval authority after being checked by a division (such as the Risk Management Division and the Internal Audit Division) independent from the Office (Trading, Banking) Divisions (divisions performing so-called front-office functions) and a division responsible for the development of financial products, in order to secure fairness and validity of the manual?  - 金融庁


Specifically, first of all, it is urgent to reform the financial intermediary function of the banking sector, which is deemed to have relied on credit security based on collateral  - 金融庁


It has also become clear that, in the insurance sector as well, imbalances that could trigger a financial crisis may be accumulated through group companies.  - 金融庁


- Does it avoid setting institution-wide and division-specific strategic objectives that sacrifice risk management for profit?  - 金融庁


In the case of a financial institution subject to international standards, the inspector should make sure that the division in charge of managing and recovering problem loans is dedicated to these tasks.  - 金融庁


In the case of a financial institution subject to domestic standards, too, it is desirable that such a division is a dedicated one.  - 金融庁


Has the Board of Directors developed strategic objectives for the Office (Trading, Banking) Divisions that are consistent with the institution-wide strategic objectives and disseminated them throughout the institution?  - 金融庁


Has the Board of Directors developed strategic objectives for the Loan Division that are consistent with the institution-wide strategic objectives and disseminated them throughout the institution? - 金融庁


In the case of a financial institution subject to domestic standards, too, it is desirable that such a division is a dedicated one.9 - 金融庁


Based on an exchange of experience over the past two years, we emphasised that strong domesticfinancial sectors are essential in supporting economic growth and reducing external vulnerabilities.  - 財務省

我々は、国際的な情報交換の取極めを引続き進展させ活用することを監督当局及び FIU(金融情報部門)に奨励。例文帳に追加

We urge supervisory authorities and financial intelligence units to continue to develop and use international information sharing arrangements.  - 財務省

(4) 海外市場での円建て・人民元建て金融商品・サービスの民間部門による発展慫慂例文帳に追加

IV. Encouraging the private sector to develop JPY-denominated and RMB-denominated financial products and services in the overseas markets; and - 財務省


Despite the economic slowdown, member countries continued to make substantial progress on financial and corporate sector restructuring as well as structural reforms.  - 財務省


They stressed the importance of the timely and substantive involvement of the private sector in the resolution of international financial crises.  - 財務省


In particular, sound policy reform in the financial and corporate sector, including on corporate governance as well as in the labour markets, should be pursued.  - 財務省


Continued efforts to accelerate corporate and financial restructuring, fiscal consolidation and improved investment climate have also led to a more conducive economic environment.  - 財務省


Administrative and technical support and resources will be provided by a dedicated group of experts from the MDBs and the private sector.  - 財務省


These developments in the financial sector are expected to help promote competition in the non-financial sectors and accelerate structural reforms of the overall economy.  - 財務省


Here capital flow statistics will be used to examine the financial environments of several East Asian countries with a focus on the corporate sector. - 経済産業省


It is generally the case that the financing of financial institutions accounts for a large proportion of capital procurement in the corporate sector in East Asian countries and regions. - 経済産業省


The existence of excess indirect financing includes the problem of concentration of credit risk in the banking sector. - 経済産業省


It is hoped that the advancement of recovery in capital demand of the corporate sector and restoration of financial intermediary functions will contribute to the recovery of the investment rates. - 経済産業省


Particularly big in the non-manufacturing sector were differences of profit margins between Japanese financial institutions operating in Asia and U.S. financial institutions operating there, with such margin gaps widening to 4% to 5%. - 経済産業省


If this occurs, there will also be great repercussions for the overseas companies and financial institutions that provided funds to these governments and private sectors. - 経済産業省

フード攻撃は 厳しく制限されたはずだ 金融部門の人達に 銃を突きつけて 富を再分配しようとした例文帳に追加

The hoods' attacks have been limited to the financial sector... trying to redistribute wealth in the glades at gunpoint. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Does the Liquidity Risk Management Division, in coordination with the Funds Management Division, collect and analyze information concerning internal environments such as the institution’s risk profile and external environments such as the economic and market conditions and appropriately judge the current urgency level category of funds needs that should be applied to the institution?  - 金融庁


There are currently variations between the trends in the capital procurement situation of the corporate sector and the trends in the financial intermediary functions of the financial sector among different countries and regions, but it can be said that the countries and regions are at a stage where they are finally showing signs of recovery, albeit insufficient recovery. - 経済産業省


(ii) Private sector risk management, disclosure, financial sector supervision, and regulation all lagged behind the rapid innovation and shifts in business models, leaving scope for excessive risk-taking, weak underwriting, maturity mismatches and asset price inflation. - 経済産業省


As a result, some financial institutions have improved their financial base and aggressively expanded their operations. Generally, however, financial institutions probably cannot fully lend to their corporate sector the expanded funds available through the deposits of their household sector. - 経済産業省


At the same time, it is necessary to establish a well-balanced financial system by strengthening the financial intermediary function of the market sector, whose weight in the Japanese financial system is still small  - 金融庁


The crisis not only spread across borders via globalized financial and capital markets but also produced a widespread impact on individual investors and fund-raisers, including companies, as well as on the financial sector.  - 金融庁


The two parties also exchanged information and views on the progress of restructuring in the financial and corporate sectors in Japan as well as on the expected economic, financial and legislative impact of EU enlargement.  - 財務省


In particular, I expect the IMF to enhance its analysis of the vulnerabilities of domestic financial sectors, the flow of international capital to these economies through markets, and the implications of domestic liquidity on real economies.  - 財務省



The financial environments of Korea, Thailand, and China centering on the corporate sector are analyzed based on their capital flow statistics, which indicate that the financial and capital markets in Korea and Thailand were heavily hit by the Asian crisis. - 経済産業省


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