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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 配属するの意味・解説 > 配属するに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 54



the act of putting a person into a non-elective position  - 日本語WordNet


A newly assigned employee is assigned to the group by selecting the employee by use of a mouse on the screen 94, and dragging and dropping the employee to the organization on the list 82 to which the employee is assigned. - 特許庁


The Technical Divisions shall consist of technically qualified permanent members and the Legal Divisions shall consist of legally qualified permanent members.  - 特許庁


situated farthest from point of attachment or origin, as of a limb or bone  - 日本語WordNet



Also positioned was Eshi, with a core of the Monbu (gate division), which carried on the yugei traditions.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Multiple Yoriko were assigned to one Yorioya to form a military force.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


80 persons of kushicho (general workers) who were assigned to government officials requiring a large number of persons were assigned, and conducted practical works.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Appeal and the Nullity Divisions shall consist of legally qualified and technically qualified members.  - 特許庁

彼のような有能な人物が配属になれば, 間違いなくうちの戦力はアップするだろう.例文帳に追加

With an able man like him on our staff, our section [department, etc.] will certainly increase in effectiveness.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典



attach to, as a journalist to a military unit when reporting on a war  - 日本語WordNet



Since only one small bus is alloted for this service, it may sometimes be substituted by a middle-size bus.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

駆使丁 多大な人員を必要とするため諸官庁に配分した残りを全て配属させた例文帳に追加

Kushicho (general workers): All personnel remaining after staffing to authorities were assigned to this because a large number of personnel was required.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This legally qualified member may be assigned simultaneously to several Technical Divisions.  - 特許庁


Each of the sales bases and numbers of the assigned members corresponding to them are displayed in a specified format. - 特許庁




The legally qualified member assigned to the Technical Division shall participate in the decision under subsection (3) with the right to vote.  - 特許庁


the department responsible for hiring and training and placing employees and for setting policies for personnel management  - 日本語WordNet


It was decided on April 27 that they would belong to Betsudo Daini Ryodan (Independent Second Brigade) and one troop for the Chindai (garrison) and several snipers were arranged.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If an action before a Technical Division was omitted, the legally qualified member assigned to the Division shall decide on the petition.  - 特許庁


The driving gear assigned to both the polariscope and the laser beam machining head moves in connect with a common driving rod extending in the direction of the common motion axis line. - 特許庁


The drive gear assigned to both the polariscope 19 and the laser processed head moves in connect with a common driving rod stretching in a common traveling axis line direction. - 特許庁


A screen 94 for a table of newly assigned employees displays a table of new employees or those transferred from a different group of basic organizations. - 特許庁


A job-offering DB 9 accumulates job-offering data including a treatment condition and work site environmental data of an employment and posting designation. - 特許庁


To inexpensively monitor a drive unit of a vehicle and/or each component allocated to the vehicle. - 特許庁


To raise overall satisfaction in both sides of an employer and a job seeker by creating a tentative plan automatically in preparing assignment by matching employers (assignment destination sections) and job seekers (informally appointed workers). - 特許庁


According to "Nakao no go gunyakushu namae cho" (register of military service), a person who went to the war front from the same Go (village), was sometimes assigned to several Yorioya, and turned out to be Yoriko Doshin, or a person who owned one's territory in several Go (village)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a device, method and program for preparing a database where phrases included in a document are classified by category so as to properly classify information in a document. - 特許庁


The total numbers of members of staff is inputted and then an assigning process is performed according to the adjusted budgets of the sales offices to calculate the numbers of members assigned to each of the sales offices. - 特許庁


To provide a liquid crystal display device and its driving method capable of increasing a moving picture response time upon assigning and driving of a frame frequency and removing a flicker generated with an increase in the moving picture response time. - 特許庁


After the Meiji Restoration, in 1869, he was ordered to transfer his residence to Tokyo along with Emperor Meiji, and was assigned to the Kunaisho Gagakukyoku (Music Department of the Imperial Household Ministry).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The engine is provided with at least one cylinder 1 and a piston 6 which is reciprocative along its sliding surface 13, and a plurality of lubricant delivery ports 17 for supplying lubricant are disposed on the sliding surface 13. - 特許庁


The adjustment of the relative position of the mirror 22 and the turning depending on the circumstances are executed mechanically by a remote operation through one controller 30 attached to the device depending on the circumstances. - 特許庁


A rapid degassing valve (21) is arranged so as to be belong to the deburring chamber (1) and the positive pressure in the deburring chamber (1) can be released through the rapid degassing valve (21). - 特許庁


To provide a job offer information inquiry system, with which information such as the amount of salary scheduled to be paid, the kinds of various benefits, amounts scheduled to be paid, section to belong to, place of working, post or class can be exactly known before determining a company desired to start work. - 特許庁


To provide an electric inspection device particularly for the inspection of a wafer disposed on an inspection article, provided with a contact head having a pin-shaped contact member comprising a contact pin arrangement and an electric connection device having a contact surface that contacts the end of the contact member located on the opposite side to the inspection article. - 特許庁


To provide an economical method for manufacturing an ink jet print head having a high nozzle density per array and comprising nozzles and chambers associated with respective nozzles wherein each member is provided with means for supplying ink from each chamber to a belonging nozzle and ejecting ink therefrom. - 特許庁

光ディスクに記録するファイルの配属に関する属性情報として、Allocation classを規定し、そのクラスがGathered Fileと規定されているファイルは、光ディスク上の予め定められた所定の位置に形成されているGathered File領域にまとめて記録する例文帳に追加

An allocation class is defined as attribute information related to allocation of files to be recorded in an optical disk, and files with the class defined as Gathered file are collectively recorded in a Gathered file area formed in a prescribed position preliminarily determined in the optical disk. - 特許庁

光ディスクに記録するファイルの配属に関する属性情報として、Allocation classを規定し、そのクラスがGathered Fileと規定されているファイルは、光ディスク上の予め定められた所定の位置に形成されているGathered File領域にまとめて記録する例文帳に追加

An allocation class is prescribed as attribute information related to allocation of files to be recorded on an optical disk, and files of which the allocation class is Gathered File are collectively recorded in a Gathered File area formed in a prescribed position preliminarily determined on the optical disk. - 特許庁

(1) 平成 20年7月の異動期において、キャリアパスに関するアンケート結果に配意した任用や専門性が求められる部署に若手職員を配属させ育成を目指すなど、専門性に資する任用体制の確立に向けた取組みを実施。例文帳に追加

(1) In July 2008, the FSA adopted a new personnel appointment policy that gives due consideration to individual FSA employeesknowledge and skills by referring the replies to a career path questionnaire survey, and that assigns young employees to positions requiring a high level of expertise in order to develop their skills and knowledge of such areas.  - 金融庁


Decisions and all orders in matters of patent protection falling within the purview of the Legal Division shall be the responsibility of the member assigned to the Technical Division (Section 61(5)) whose patent classes or subdivisions comprise the patent or the application in question (Section 61(1)).  - 特許庁


A torque quantity indicative of characteristics of necessary torque of the drive unit and/or each component allocated to the drive unit is measured, and an error is detected according to the torque quantity and/or a quantity on which the measurement of the torque quantity is based. - 特許庁


To provide a controller for a production facility capable of avoiding disability of installing the controller owing to a spatial restriction, eliminating troublesomeness in the control operations by eliminating the labor for movement of a molding operator stationed at the production facility, and thereby achieving easy operations. - 特許庁


A driving device for a liquid crystal display device can automatically adjust, in real time, a swing of a gamma reference voltage which is used for determining a grayscale level of a frame that is driven at an assigned frame frequency. - 特許庁


*Fill in below specific details of any effects (international personnel exchanges, allocation of high-level human resources to Japan, availability of world-class management know-how and technical capabilities, etc.) that the global operation of group companies will have when the applicant implements its new project in Japan.  - 経済産業省


By a method for transmitting data, particularly having multimedia contents, from a first communications unit to a second communications unit in a telephone communications network, at least one transmission status message assigned to the data is transmitted to the first communications unit. - 特許庁


To enable a business strategy supporting system, which uses a com puter, to decide objectively and automatically decide the number of members of the staff to be assigned to each sales base and the business policies of each area and also to carry out simulation about the number of the members of staff. - 特許庁


In the linear guide, an energy self-support system and/or a noncontact energy transfer system assigned to at least one electric load arranged in the movable system is configured to detect at least an actual operation state of the guide carriage. - 特許庁


The device has means 24 and 26 for reversibly increasing or decreasing the pressure inside the receptors 10 and 12, so that the pressure level inside the receptors 10 and 12 can be changed according to the variation of the capacity inside capacity adjusting elements 24 and 26 disposed in the receptors 10 and 12. - 特許庁


The set includes only carriers whose thickness difference is maximum 5 μm, each carrier of the set has at least one clear identification feature for assigning them to the set, and information included in the identification feature is utilized for assuring that the plastic lining is exchanged at a fixed interval and the semiconductor wafer exists in the same order after polishing as in the case before polishing. - 特許庁



The microscope which has at least one magazine (30, 40) having a plurality of reception areas (42) receiving a plurality of constituent elements (44) is equipped with a read unit which has transponders (48) arranged at the plurality of constituent elements (44) received in the plurality of reception areas (42) and reads data stored in the transponders 48. - 特許庁


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