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該当件数 : 32



This sushi style has been imported to Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


And then they get reimported into the u.s. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


to import a thing which has been exported once  - EDR日英対訳辞書


(Rise in offshore production ratio and increase in re -imports) - 経済産業省



Re-imports currently comprise as much as 15 percent of total imports (Fig.2.2.9). - 経済産業省



Western Hydrangeas were reimported into Japan in the Taisho era. - 時事英語例文集


an act of reimporting goods made for export and, by selling them, taking advantage of changes in the exchange rate  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Some dishes originated in Japan: They were altered in a foreign country and have been imported to Japan again (an example: California roll)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The increased overseas production also resulted in increased reimporting to Japan - 厚生労働省



But the novelty-loving people in Shanghai loved the drink when it was reimported from Japan and nearly two million cases were sold in 2002.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave



Moreover, as a result of the offshore production shift of the manufacturing industry, reimports by Japanese companies have surged, particularly from Asia. - 経済産業省


On the other hand, if the index is below one, it means that the country imports high-value products for domestic consumption and exports products of relatively lower value. - 経済産業省

にブラジルからASEAN への輸出額は2000 年には9 億ドルだったものが2010 年には輸入額同様66 億ドルに達している。例文帳に追加

Also, export from Brazil to ASEAN was US$900 million in 2000, and it reached to US$6.6 billion in 2010, almost the same amount of import. - 経済産業省


Meanwhile, there is a case where they reimport menus that have become popular in foreign countries, which contributes to the activation of stores in Japan. - 経済産業省


On the contrary, as for natural resources, countries Australia, Russia, Canada and Chile hold high export ratio and East Asia region including Japan and Korea demonstrate high import ratio. - 経済産業省


In terms of current account balance fluctuation, this increase in foreign investment such as the offshore shift of production reduces exports and brings about a structural increase in imports due to the expansion of re-imports, and as such serves as a long-term structural factor in reducing both the trade and current account surpluses. - 経済産業省


In 1956, Sagi mai hozon kai (Preservation Society of Sagi mai) reimported and restored the dance from Tsuwanocho, Shimane Prefecture, which had conveyed the sagi mai of the Gion Matsuri Festival; its costs were paid by the ujiko soshiki (organization of shrine parishioners) (Seisei kosha - organization of Ujiko shrine parishioners of Yasaka-jinja shrine) and then the dance came to be dedicated to the Yasaka-jinja Shrine.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, in the United State, People's Republic of China and Republic of Korea, avocado and caviar are used as toppings for sushi, which had not been used in Japan before, and this sushi style has been imported back into Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the 1970s, sushi had a burst of popularity mainly on the West Coast of the United States, and the 'California roll' developed under such circumstance had a great success and was brought back also to Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Sushi created a big boom on the west coast of the United States in the 1970s, and in particular, 'Californian roll' born out of the boom became quite popular and was reimported to Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"Fen Shu" and "Cang Shu" written by Li Zhuowu, which had been almost forgotten in China as they were banned by the Qing government, were re-imported into China as a result of the enthusiasm for studying Yomeigaku in Meiji Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For example, the term 'shakai' (society, '社会' in kanji) was the one which had originally appeared in "Kinshiroku" (a book of Chinese thought) (edited by CHU Hsi and RYO Soken), a book of Southern Sung Dynasty, so that it may be said that it was reimported to the continent with a new meaning.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The current account deficits had been financed by capital inflows from other euro-zone countries, but once a sense of crisis mounted, the capital flow reversed and importers had difficulties in financing their settlements.  - 財務省


It seems that the great increase of import and export with China was a result of the East Asia production network, in which we make products in China and export the final product to western countries or reverse import to Japan. - 経済産業省


On the whole, many SMEs have established overseas production bases with the purpose of lowering costs and re-importing to Japan, which differs from the many large enterprises that indicated marketing as their main purpose for venturing overseas. - 経済産業省


Based on the copy of Ino map acquired at that time "Map of Sea along the Coasts of Japan and Korean Peninsula" was published in Britain in 1863, and later it was brought back to Japan and published as "Rough Map of Sea along the Coast of Great Japan"in woodblock printing by Kaishu KATSU (1823-1899) in 1867.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The book was read by a lot of people abroad including American politicians such as Theodore Roosevelt, presiding John F. Kennedy and a founder of Boy Scout Robert Baden-Powell and the Japanese version translated by Tadao YANAIHARA who was a disciple of Nitobe that was published by reimport and created a boom in 'Bushido'.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore,looking at the share of exports to Japan in extra-regional exports in the Asian region, there is a noticeable increase in the rates of exports to Japan for all industries except iron and steel, which shows the expanding tendency of the so-called reverse imports (Fig. 2.2.7). - 経済産業省


In a specific example, apparel is included in Category C and clothing-related retail businesses carry out direct overseas production and re-import products. These businesses are then able to offer low-priced products in the market by adopting a business strategy of direct sales without dealing in the wholesale sector. - 経済産業省


Later, Inazo NITOBE wrote "Bushido (Inazo NITOBE)" to introduce bushido to American people, but after the Sino-Japanese War, it was reimported to Japan and formed the ethical framework for military officers, mixing with the ethics which the military officers of the Empire of Japan should have, and on the other hand it appeared as aesthetic in various forms in the world of literature or entertainment.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Degree of trade integration is an indicator for the advancement of closeness in bilateral trade relations. It takes the overall global trade volume(exports and imports) as the standard and measures how far from the standard case the bilateral traderelations are, with figures above 1 indicating close bilateral trade relations, and figures below 1indicating the opposite. - 経済産業省


この取組はこれまで一定の実効性・機能性を有してき たものの、輸入バッテリーの販売比率の増大等により、 再資源化が担保されていない自動車用バッテリーが増 加していること、鉛相場が下落した際には使用済みバッ テリーの有償化が進み、回収が停滞する可能性があ ることなどから、産業構造審議会・中央環境審議会の 合同会合において、輸入バッテリーを含む国内に投入 される自動車用バッテリーの回収・リサイクルの実効性 が確保され、かつ、鉛相場の影響を受けない継続的・ 安定的なシステムを構築するための報告書のとりまとめ を行いました。例文帳に追加

The members of the Battery Association of Japan that are battery manufacturers voluntarily purchase recycled lead batteries, taking them back and recycling them, and 20 million lead batteries areIn view of these circumstances, the reports are collected and sorted at the joint meeting of the Central Environment Council in order to assure the effectiveness of the collection and recycling of imported batteries and to establish a continuous and stable system that is less susceptible to the trend of the lead market. expected to be taken back annually. Although this system has exerted some effectiveness and functionality, there were concerns that the collection of batteries became stagnant due to an increased amount of imported vehicle batteries of which recycling requirements were not necessarily met and the possibility that disused batteries would become chargeable if the market price of lead ad significantly dropped.  - 経済産業省


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