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該当件数 : 1892



At the time of performing the maintenance and restoration of the track 12, the amount of displacement of the track 12 is obtained as measurement data by dividing, for example, an electric and track inspection car 11 on the track 12. - 特許庁


In an analyzer on the ground, the orbit of a synthetic aperture radar satellite 100 in the first observation and that of the satellite in the second observation are calculated, and the angle of intersection of the orbits formed by the orbit in the first observation and that in the second observation is calculated. - 特許庁


The conveyance device (20) conveys an object to be conveyed along an track having a first curved track section in which a vehicle should travel at a speed for a curve and a second track section which is adjacent to the first track section and which is present at the upstream side of the first track section in which the vehicle should travel at the speed for a curve. - 特許庁


A track rail 11 of a linear guide unit 1 is fitted by fitting bolts 6 in the state of reference side face 27 for fitting a track rail and a reference bottom face 28 for fitting track rail being respectively butt-positioned to a side face 4 for fitting track rail and a track rail fitting upper face 5 of a bed 2. - 特許庁



When a train 1 enters a track circuit nT, an ATC ground device 2 decides ATC codes of a self-track circuit nT and a front track circuit (n+1)T, and creates ATC signals including the decided ATC codes and a self-track circuit ID so as to transmit them to the track circuit nT. - 特許庁



To provide an observation method capable of observing highly accurately an object whose revolution period is approximately the same as the rotation period of the earth, on the orbit having a high orbit inclination to a geostationary orbit or a geostationary orbit passing near the geostationary orbit. - 特許庁


An opposite position to a center between the tracks of the wayside coil center, and height from a track top surface on a top surface of the wayside coil are computed by using the specified points. - 特許庁


The vessel 46 lowering or lifting in a state of being fitted to a second support surface exists on one track of both tracks having an offset and is dislocated from the other track when transferring to the second revolution track from the first revolution track, and clearance S is arranged between a first support surface and the vessel so that the track can be smoothly transferred. - 特許庁


How many satellites have been put into orbit round the earth? - Tatoeba例文



February 20, 1931: Operation kilometers were reduced by 86 meters because the Furukawacho - Keage section, which had run on the exclusive track, was relocated to the track running on Sanjo-dori Street.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



At the same time, the groove depth Hi of the inner ring track 4 is not less than the groove depth Ho of the outer ring track 6. - 特許庁


This satellite launching method once launches multiple satellites into the LEO packing orbit 6 and then individually places the respective satellites into the respective orbits 4. - 特許庁


To avoid a groove 3 formed in a top portion of the circular track from being blocked, a vehicle roadway 2 is provided on the track for a power vehicle 5 to pass therethrough. - 特許庁


The jetting material jetted from a nozzle 22 is impacted on the raceway surface 25 of the raceway 24 to remove the oxidized scales and burrs for surface finishing. - 特許庁


The ball bearing comprises an outer ring having an outer ring raceway groove in the inner peripheral face, an inner ring having an inner ring raceway groove in the outer peripheral face, and a plurality of balls rollingly arranged between the outer ring raceway groove and the inner ring raceway groove. - 特許庁


To shorten a time required for the movement work of a vehicle and to enhance operability in a truck for a track wheel traveling on a track while loaded with the track wheel of the vehicle placed on a pair of tracks extending in parallel and moving the vehicle. - 特許庁


Each of the machine frames 2, 4 can move on the track by means of track bogies 5 arranged at both ends thereof. - 特許庁


This pallet conveying device includes a circulation track conveying means 20 for conveying a plurality of the pallets 11 mounted with workpieces along a circulation track, and a reciprocation track conveying means 50 for conveying the partial pallets 11 of the plurality of pallets along a reciprocation track for connecting a reference position K on the circulation track and destination positions M1-M3 deviated from the circulation track. - 特許庁


The reference orbit of the satellite of the first orbit, the orbit of the second satellite, and the orbit of the third satellite is set from the time series of the argument and the eccentricity, a holding range is set around the satellite mass of the reference orbit so that the satellite passes while overlapping the holding range of each satellite on each intersection of the orbital plane. - 特許庁


The Kaguya was put into an orbit about 100 kilometers above the moon on Oct. 18.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


In this case, while the ankle circulates on the elliptical track ArP once, the lower back moves on the track WP back and forth twice. - 特許庁


On the other hand, a localized magnetic crystal orbit is expressed as the linear connection of a crystal orbit, and the localized magnetic crystal orbit to be found is determined based on the largest overlapping condition evaluated between the reference orbit localized on the atomic orbit and the localized magnetic crystal orbit, so that the magnetic interaction is calculated. - 特許庁


A satellite was launched into orbit to monitor melting glaciers. - Tatoeba例文


A satellite was launched into orbit to monitor melting glaciers.  - Tanaka Corpus


On Oct. 16, it settled into a geostationary orbit about 35,800 kilometers above the equator. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


The ground receiver 62 is connected to the track circuit 2T. - 特許庁


To facilitate maintenance of a track located at a higher position from the ground. - 特許庁

そこへ至るで大きな困難は 地球軌道に乗せるコストにあります例文帳に追加

The difficulty is getting there, and clearly, the cost to orbit is key. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Orbital hotels to start with, but workshops for the rest of us later on. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


This makes to prevent each ball 5 from energetically colliding with the inner ring raceway 6 and the outer ring raceway 7 to solve the problem described above. - 特許庁


To support high speed driving on a track with a small radius of curvature and high speed driving on the track with a large radius of curvature. - 特許庁


An inclination angle measuring means finds the angle of inclination between the central axes of the outer track wheel member 4 and of the inner track wheel member 5. - 特許庁


Surface roughness of the side surface 7 of the second raceway plate 2 is made rougher than surfaces roughness of the side surface 6 of the first raceway plate 1. - 特許庁


tracked vehicle for travel on snow having skis in front  - 日本語WordNet


in astronomy, the apparent annual path of the sun through the heavens, called the ecliptic  - EDR日英対訳辞書

1931年(昭和6年)2月20日 三条通の併用軌道に移設される。例文帳に追加

February 20, 1931: It was relocated to the combined use tramway on Sanjo-dori Street.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The aforementioned double row rollers 3, 4 are arranged between the one row raceway grooves. - 特許庁


To accurately reproduce the vibration acceleration of a railway vehicle over a track. - 特許庁


The magazine 18 circulates around the driving mechanism 14 in a closed raceway. - 特許庁


In any case, 5 pieces of substrates can be arranged on the revolving orbit. - 特許庁


[2] Growth and expansion phase The company is now taking root and sales are increasing. - 経済産業省


And very quickly, you'll see those resort hotels in orbit. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

ランダーは軌道上に ありますが オーロラへは 燃料不足です例文帳に追加

Lander's in a stable orbit but I don't have enough fuel to reach the aurora. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

望遠鏡がヴァルカン巡洋船を フォージ軌道に見つけました例文帳に追加

Telescopes have sighted three vulcan cruisers in orbit over the forge. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

なぜなら多くのものがこの軌道上に回っているからです これを開けば例文帳に追加

There are a lot of things in its orbit. if we open this up - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Bob bigelow currently has a test article in the orbit. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

そして 木星の軌道の外に出た 史初の衛星でもありました例文帳に追加

And, of course, it's the first satellite to go beyond the orbit of jupiter - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


A shielding object is so arranged as to conceal a part of the loop tracks that the pieces look natural in changing over to other tracks. - 特許庁


A plurality of rollers 3a, 3b, 3c and 3d are arranged in parallel rotatably in the axial direction between an upper raceway plate 1 and an upper raceway plate 2. - 特許庁



A cover installation implement 22 is installed to each recessed part 1d of the track rail 1, and the cover 21 covering the through-holes 18 is installed on the upper face of the track rail. - 特許庁


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浜島書店 Catch a Wave
Copyright © 1995-2024 Hamajima Shoten, Publishers. All rights reserved.
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Copyright © National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. All Rights Reserved.
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