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「認知力のある」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 38



The most cognitively able. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

人間的な認知あるゆえに なおさらです例文帳に追加

Especially if you have human cognitive ability. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


A cognitive status-evaluating means 4 uses the brain wave signals obtained from a reference person who can purposely fall into a resting state, meta-cognition state or meta-meta-cognition state as reference data, and evaluates which state the subject is in the resting state, meta-cognition state or meta-meta-cognition state by inputting the data of the self-affine fractal dimension from a previously set decision criteria. - 特許庁


The cognitive performance is, for example, at least one performance selected from the group consisting of judging ability, spatial attention-allocating ability, concentration on recognition of surroundings, and agility as determined by speed and/or accuracy of a body reaction which requires a higher brain function. - 特許庁



The I/O part on one side of the circuits is also a symbol representation part for achieving various kinds of behavior and cognition of the module. - 特許庁



To simplify the design of a GUI picture which is easily recognizable with a feeling of unity by efficiently executing the design, arrangement and change of picture display/input-output components. - 特許庁


Since then, "Tanabata Matsuri" was acknowledged as an event of a shopping avenue which has the ability to attract more customers and has developed as one of city events at present.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a composition and a method to modulate α-secretase and/or to improve cognitive ability. - 特許庁


To provide a composition and a method to modulate α-secretase and/or to improve cognitive activity. - 特許庁



To make an image device on a network recognize even a specific job in which no user identification information, etc., is originally set as a job of a normal registered user, output and process it. - 特許庁



To provide a device reproducing audio data from a recording medium that can supply an audio output with high cognitive powers independently of a sound volume of an audio signal under a limited power source and a small- sized speaker whose size is limited. - 特許庁


To provide an active substance derived from Hericium erinaceum, suitable also for industrial mass production, acting on nerve even by oral administration and improving spatial cognitive power and learning and memory skills, reducing toxicity of amyloid β peptide and having high safety and enabling constant dose and having effect on dementias, particularly Alzheimer type dementia and to provide a method for producing the active substance. - 特許庁


To provide a vehicle pedal reaction force changing device capable of recognizing a trend in fuel consumption in traveling of a vehicle without depending on a driver's eyesight. - 特許庁


Making Japan’s attractiveness widely recognized overseas is thought to have various effects, such as increasing investment in Japan from overseas, increasing business opportunities of Japanese companies in overseas markets, etc. - 経済産業省


For example, when the object of the alarm output is a baby, approach of the self vehicle is effectively recognized by producing a music or the like favorite for babies without producing the sound to even more startle the object person like a known alarm. - 特許庁


While the large number of stores demonstrates the strength of the enterprise’s presence in one way, it is very effective in promoting brand awareness and securing a favorable position in sales and procurement. - 経済産業省


To provide an essential noise resistance technique capable of recognizing a speech by estimating a dynamic state recognition parameter DIP of speech input data through preprocessing of speech recognition on an embedded type system used by a compact information device. - 特許庁


Increasing the recognition and presence of Japan in the global economy is an effective means to promote both inward and outward direct investments. - 経済産業省


To provide an induction cooker in which the user can recognize that the support board is hot even after the power supply switch is switched off and the stand-by power can be made zero and, which is reliable. - 特許庁


As effective tools for job performance evaluation, it is important to encourage corporations to deeply recognize/understand and actively utilize the following programs: qualification programs, such asNational trade skill tests”; and “Vocational capability evaluation standard,” which organize necessary occupational skills/knowledge for each industry.  - 経済産業省


At the same time, it is also essential that they provide appropriate input as needed to represent the voice of Japan's accounting sector.Meanwhile, it is essential that continuing efforts be made toward the convergence of standards with IFRS to gain greater prominence in the international deliberations about accounting and, furthermore, for Japan's accounting standards to continue to be internationally recognized for their outstanding quality.  - 金融庁


There are many reasons, doubtless, why doctrines which are the badge of a sect retain more of their vitality than those common to all recognised sects, and why more pains are taken by teachers to keep their meaning alive;  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


The preparation has the improved biological activity, and is useful for curing a variety of states and troubles related to recognition ability and mentality, and for maintaining normal states of a system and a process to which a brain is related. - 特許庁


Being focused on under "Tennosei to Buraku sabetsu" (Emperor system and Buraku discrimination) by Ryo SUZUKI, this problem became recognized as an important issue to attribute the cause of Buraku problem to the Emperor system, with the theory that it was a good example of domineeringness by the state power having the emperor at its center.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a simple and inexpensive optical decoration device that allows a player to lucidly recognize the situation of a game result by using an optical decoration body itself as a strong light emitting source and constituting it into symbols, signs and characters. - 特許庁


An operator can carry out efficient input work without using limbs at all by contacting or pressing a piezoelectric sensor or the like mounted to a mouthpiece in a mouth cavity by a tongue, by vertically moving a jaw to substitute it for a click button, or by using a sensor for recognizing motion of a jaw or a hypopharynx part. - 特許庁


When on the other hand, the distance between the vehicle concerned and other car is equal to or below the reference distance, the output level of the alarm is lowered from the reference level or the alarm output is stopped with the fact taken into consideration that the surrounding can sense the approach of the vehicle by the other car, and thereby giving discomfort to the surrounding is precluded by the alarm (Step S270). - 特許庁


An environmental control equipment comprises an action information cognition means 1 for sensing or inputting human action information in a habitable room, an environmental factor sensing means 2 for sensing an environmental factor around the person, and an environmental factor control means 3 for controlling an illuminator 5 capable of dimming and toning an air conditioner 4 based on information of the means 1 and 2. - 特許庁


The challenges of RM include gaining of recognition of NISA throughout the society, well understanding of NISA’s daily activities by public, response to the special interest of the public, formation of opinion on the direction and revision of the regulatory system, response to an emergency such as an accident and activation of the internal communication. - 経済産業省


In case that the estimated traveling scene of the one's own vehicle is a traveling scene becoming a target to which effect sound is output, a sound processing device 20 outputs the effect sound of a pattern corresponding to the traveling scene from a speaker 2, at timing different from standard timing synchronizing with visual recognition by a direct view filed of the driver. - 特許庁


It has been found that the cognitive faculty of brain is increased and consequently the treatment of arbitrary diseases including various cancers becomes possible by the use of a medicine for the treatment or prevention of diseases comprising a combination of a major tranquillizer with vitamin C or its salt, optionally in combination with intravenous infusion, antidepressant and an iron pill. - 特許庁


Brain waves after the stimulus presentation are measured, the processing unit 3 analyzes the brain wave data and determines that a particular decision was made in the brain by a function of estimating in-brain process that is engaged in decision making by every trial of the constituent elements being subjects of recognition, and the avatar outputs a message formed by combining the constituent elements. - 特許庁


To provide an apparatus and method for remotely controlling household appliances that controls the household appliances at outside the home through a power line, monitors their operating states, recognizes information with respect to various items and states, and transmits a control command through a mobile terminal on the occurrence of a fault in a household appliance. - 特許庁


The IAS have no legal binding force, but are widely accepted in global capital markets, since it was adopted by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) in 1999 as the standards for financial statements used by foreign companies that raise capital in global markets. IOSCO is an international organization that oversees securities markets around the world. - 経済産業省


To provide an Internet retrieval engine means for allowing a user (1) to change an inputting means and an outputting means regardless of various pieces of Internet information terminal equipment (30) which are being used by the user (1). - 特許庁


If we look at the differences between enterprises that successfully develop new products and those that do not in terms of their advantages over competitors in business resources (such as "planning and solution capabilities" and "price competitiveness") and enterprise attributes (such as "human resources regularly engaged in planning and development of new products" and "market recognition"), we find that a large proportion have "planning and solution capabilities," "provide original products" and "introduce advanced technologies" (Fig. 2-1-67, Appended Note 2-1-7). - 経済産業省


The EU’s decision on the equivalence assessment of Japanese GAAP can be regarded as a proof of the outstanding quality and international consistency not only of the accounting standards themselves but also of its accounting practices based on the standards at this point in time.However, in view of the importance of accounting standards and their application in capital markets as mentioned above, the fairness and transparency of Japanese markets as well as the country’s stance on investor protection need to be reaffirmed and the convergence efforts should be continued toward high-quality and internationally consistent accounting standards and their application, in order to enhance the attractiveness of the Japanese capital markets and ultimately to maintain and foster its economic vitality.  - 金融庁


しかしながら、感染症のみならず、がん、認知症等に対するワクチンへの期待が寄せられ、世界のワクチン需要は向 10 年で現在の 3 倍以上と予測される中、このままでは日本は世界の競争に乗り遅れてしまう。「ワクチン産業ビジョン」を強に推進することにより、ワクチン開発の新しいターゲットを、アルツハイマー等の疾患の予防・治療、がん等の疾患の予防・治療、新たな小児・成人・高齢者感染症の予防、新型インフルエンザ対策等とし、これまでの注射による古典的な予防接種技術のみならず、効率的培養法、抗原タンパク製造法等の新しい生産・製剤化技術の開発及びその臨床評価により、経鼻等の新投与経路によるワクチンやさらに効果的なワクチンとしてDNAワクチンの開発につながる次世代ワクチン開発研究を推進する必要がある。(2008 年度~)例文帳に追加

Nevertheless, hopes are gathering for vaccines for disorders such as cancer and dementia as well as for infections, and the global demand for vaccines is estimated to at least treble the current level in the next ten years. If this situation persists, Japan will be left behind in the global competition. The 'Vaccine Industry Vision' should be pushed ahead to allow new vaccine development targets to be set, including the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's and similar disorders, the prevention and treatment of cancer and similar disorders, the prevention of new infectious diseases in adults and the elderly and the fight against new types of influenza. Second-generation vaccine research should be promoted whereby, in addition to conventional injection-based inoculation techniques, the development and clinical evaluation of new production and pharmaceutical techniques, such as efficient culture methods and antigen protein manufacturing processes, leads to the development of vaccines with transnasal or other new routes of administration and also of effective DNA vaccines. (Fiscal 2008 ~ ) - 厚生労働省


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