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「設計の公開」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 36


今も 私たちは 全ての設計図を オンラインで公開例文帳に追加

So we're still publishing all the designs online - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


When a developer requests to publish design information using the reference design information 201, the design information is stored as public design information 261b in a public design information storing part 260 (S17). - 特許庁


A design data disclosure processing part 7 opens a design data public homepage disclosed through a network 2 to be connected and transfers public design data 4 and an editing program file 5. - 特許庁


Public design information to be used for design of design information is stored as reference design information 210 in a developer design information storing part 202 (S5). - 特許庁



In 1993, a design for an exhaustive DES key search machine including a detailed chip design was published.*  - Electronic Frontier Foundation『DESのクラック:暗号研究と盗聴政策、チップ設計の秘密』



The design release and the design intent information are coupled to an IC manufacturing facility where the design release is used for creating the layout of the integrated circuit and the design intent information is coupled to equipment, especially metrology equipment, in the IC manufacturing facility. - 特許庁


To reduce waste by redesign, etc., of design information by clarifying a matching state of reference design information to which the design information refers to before the design information is opened to the public. - 特許庁


The publication of our design will probably in itself reduce the design cost of future machines, and the advance of semiconductor technology also makes this cost likely to drop.  - Electronic Frontier Foundation『DESのクラック:暗号研究と盗聴政策、チップ設計の秘密』


The full publication of our design should enable other teams to rapidly reproduce, validate, and improve on our design.  - Electronic Frontier Foundation『DESのクラック:暗号研究と盗聴政策、チップ設計の秘密』



When the design information is stored in the public design information storing part 260, a matching state between the reference design information 210 of design information using the design information 261b and the design information 261 is confirmed (S19), and the matching state is stored in a matching state storing part 203. - 特許庁



This sales management server 4 receives the mask design data, a mask design data management commission detailed data, the publication commission detailed data including the specification information relating to the mask design data and its publication condition, and the sales commission detailed data including the sales condition of the mask design data, from a terminal 11 of the designing manufacturer. - 特許庁


To provide a design checking system capable of checking electric properties of a board layout without disclosing a circuit designing technology or a board designing technology in an Internet connection environment. - 特許庁


An IP provider 11 for providing a tagged design description language to be a design property discloses a tagged design description library 12 through an Internet 14. - 特許庁


His atelier (studio) at Ichigaya, Tokyo prefecture, designed by Isoya YOSHIDA, which he used in his later years, was moved to Kiyoharu art colony in Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture and is now open to the public.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Comment providers are invited, who provide comments in response to client's wishes related to a house of the client who will design his or her house, and the creation process of a design plan of the client is disclosed to comment providers, and comments such as opinions and demands provided from comment providers are disclosed to the client. - 特許庁


The sales management server 4 transmits the specification information to a terminal of the manufacturer desiring the purchase, on the basis of the publication condition, when it receives the commission on the publication of the specification information from the terminal of the manufacturer desiring the purchase excluding the terminal 11 of the designing manufacturer. - 特許庁


To achieve a delay test between a manufacturer provided circuit and a client designed circuit, targeting a semiconductor integrated circuit device installed with the manufacturer provided circuit for which the internal circuit information is undisclosed, and the client designed circuit. - 特許庁


To assist new building design by effectively using design property by giving a planner an incentive to register a model plan and open it to the public. - 特許庁


A development company which develops a structure optimal design program opens data information related with the input and output data of a design changing device to a coherent program development company or design agent which develops a coherent structure calculation program (S101). - 特許庁


RIKEN has made basic programs of the VCAD (Volume-CAD) system, which integrates process such as product design, prediction of functions and structures, and simulation of the manufacturing process, available for free, with the number of basic programs made available by December 2008 standing at 17. - 経済産業省


The coherent program development company or design agent prepares a data conversion program capable of transferring data between a design verification supporting device and a design changing device based on the opened data information (S102), and installs the conversion program in the design verification supporting device (S103), and performs the transfer of the data. - 特許庁


To timely recognize business needs and to support business activity by starting a dedicated site in order to publicize a simple design system of an anti-earth-pressure assembly structure and detecting inquiries from member customers, data requests, member registration and design requests. - 特許庁


Thus, a useful 3D graphic can be prepared from the data of the drawing having the 3D information such as the ground level values of manholes on an administrative drawing disclosed as data for supporting flood counter measures or various city facility plans. - 特許庁


In recent years NSA has tried, without success, to get the technical community to use classified, NSA-designed encryption algorithms such as Skipjack, without letting the users subject these algorithms to public scrutiny.  - Electronic Frontier Foundation『DESのクラック:暗号研究と盗聴政策、チップ設計の秘密』


To provide a design support system having a mechanism for widely inviting IP suppliers via the Internet and performing IP initial evaluation based on a specification sheet opened on a Web server. - 特許庁


A construction company opens a homepage provided with a question type page for building designing and many unspecified browsing persons browse the homepage and input and send answers to the question type page. - 特許庁


To enable the execution of a scan test including a test on connection between a manufacturer-offered circuit of which the information on the internal circuit is unpublished and a customer-designed circuit, and a delay test on at least a part between the manufacturer-offered circuit and the customer-designed circuit, for targeting a semiconductor integrated circuit device carrying these circuits. - 特許庁


To achieve a scanning test and a delay test including the connection test between a manufacturer provided circuit and a client designed circuit, targeting a semiconductor integrated circuit device installed with the manufacturer provided circuit which is provided to the client by the manufacturer of a semiconductor integrated circuit device and for which the internal circuit information is undisclosed, and the client designed circuit which is designed by the client. - 特許庁


To urge an IP(Intellectual Property) provider to open a high quality IP to the public and to reduce the burden of a user using the IP with respect to IP design and verification by facilitating the raising of funds by the IP provider and returning a reward corresponding to the value of the IP to the IP provider. - 特許庁


In 1908, he built Nirakuso which was designed by his friend Chuta ITO in Okamoto Station, at the base of Mt. Rokko in Kobe City (Hyogo Prefecture) (Higashinada Ward), and there, he set up a school for special education for gifted children (currently, the department of science in Konan University), the experiment station for horticulture, the meteorological station, the printing house and so on as well as exhibited the collections from his explorations and arranged them.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This system is mounted on a server system S2 on a design consultant side, enciphers the data acquired in the field by a public key of a server system S1, and transmits the enciphered data acquired in the field to a global address of the server system S2 as a destination via the Internet VPN. - 特許庁


To provide a tender opening system that can remarkably shorten time for negotiation by permitting a customer's own merchandise design desired by the customer and the transmission of desirable merchandise content to a provider. - 特許庁

第二十三条 特許権を付与する意匠は、既存の設計に属さないものとする。また、いかな る部門又は個人も同様の意匠について、出願日以前に国務院専利行政部門に出願しておらず、かつ出願日以降に公開された特許文書において記載されていないこととする。例文帳に追加

Article 23 A design for which the patent right is granted is not an existing design, and no application is filed by any unit or individual for any identical design with the patent administration department under the State Council before the date of application for patent right and no identical design is recorded in the patent documentations announced after the date of application.  - 特許庁


To provide a structured document editing method for reducing the time and labor for document picture program development by disclosing picture design information in a form processible by computer in a document accepting enterprise and automatically updating a picture generating function or content verifying function corresponding to the latest picture design information. - 特許庁


To provide a display control device enabling a general user to freely customize the color of parts of a product through a communication line network, and provide a user participating new product development system in which designed goods created by the user are registered on a home page to execute open popularity vote, and the popular goods are manufactured as a product. - 特許庁



The information on the level of engineering shall include data published on the means designed for the same purpose as the utility model claimed, which have become generally available before the date of priority of the application for utility model, the data on their use in the Kyrgyz Republic, not withdrawn applications for inventions and utility models submitted earlier by other persons as well as inventions and utility models patented in the Kyrgyz Republic. - 特許庁


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原題:”Cracking DES: Secrets of Encryption Research, Wiretap Politics, and Chip Design ”

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