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該当件数 : 36



This town has undergone a rapid change. - Tatoeba例文


This town has undergone a rapid change.  - Tanaka Corpus


This town could care less about us. and it'll keep changing. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

変化を求め このにやってくる者たち例文帳に追加

People come to the city to seek change. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



What struck me also was how much the city - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



One of the many changes we'll have to make around here. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Shopping districts are intrinsically susceptible to externalities, and locations and types of store change in tandem with changes in consumer lifestyles. - 経済産業省

ウォールで抗議運動を始めた人達の サイトだ でも みんな変化に対して もっとずっと積極的で例文帳に追加

It's people who started with occupy, but everyone's a little more... aggressive about change. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Support was also provided for community projects implemented by shopping center promotion associations around the country.  - 経済産業省



"Heat island effect" occurs when the temperature in cities becomes higher than that in suburban areas because of environmental changes made by people.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave





In the future, the tenancy ratio is expected to increase as a generational shift occurs, leading to major changes in shopping districts. - 経済産業省


In order for an increase in visitors to city centers using urban functions as a whole to translate into a concrete increase in store sales, the qualitative changes in the increased numbers of visitors attracted need to be understood (including users of facilities other than retailers that attract customers). - 経済産業省


Developing mechanisms for infusing new blood appears to be an effective way of revitalizing shopping districts, and guiding the internal changes in shopping districts in the desired direction is a major challenge. - 経済産業省


For example, the prescribed condition includes a condition which can be judged that the vehicle is in the middle of travelling in an urban area from a value of vehicle speed or its changing state, a condition of a direction indicator being operated or a condition in which a car navigation device shows the middle of travelling in the urban area. - 特許庁


The shopping district voluntarily held picture exhibitions and various events. In order to respond to these environmental changes, the shopping district worked on store appearance befitting the yokai road, developed and sold original yokai-related goods, and achieved the attraction of many yokai fans from all over the country. - 経済産業省


In shopping districts in City E, the proportion of stores that opened in or after 1997 is 6%, conspicuously lower than in the larger cities of City A and City B (both 40%), and City C and City D (20~30%), and the samesized cities of City F (35%) and City G (19%). The small scale of the change in shopping districts in City E therefore appears to be one characteristic (Fig. 2-3-54). - 経済産業省


As consumer behavior changes and transport and communications develop, the wholesale and retail sectors are witnessing rapid structural change: retailers are growing in size, stores are being located increasingly in the suburbs, commercial clusters in central urban areas are declining, online and mail-order marketing are growing, and distribution channels are becoming streamlined and centralized. - 経済産業省


Considering next the desire to continue in business for the time being (for the next five years or so) in shopping districts in these seven cities, we find that while two thirds intend to continue in the same industry and type of business as at present, one third may change. - 経済産業省


Preferably, a dynamic appearance pattern of the character is varied associatively with a frequency of that day when the customer visits the virtual shopping mall, a purchased commodity, or the service. - 特許庁


When prescribed conditions are satisfied during execution of a stage performance, a stage shift performance (a stage shift performance from a stage within a shop to a stage in a downtown area) for shifting a stage by changing the background image is executed. - 特許庁


To provide a display device for a radio broadcast reception state that can properly discriminate the reception state of a radio broadcast reception section as to whether or not a reception level is temporarily changed due to a street lined with large buildings or a tunnel or the like. - 特許庁


In order to revitalize shopping districts confronting such severe conditions, it is necessary to provide the goods, services and so on required by changing consumer needs and central shopping districts, and in order to achieve this it is necessary to foster a shared vision of town development, a shift in the industrial makeup required of shopping districts, and the development of the attractiveness of clusters. - 経済産業省


In addition, if it were not for changes in consumers' transportation means and life styles, we could not discuss the mainstay of commerce having been changing; the advent of railways caused transition from road sides to railway-station shopping areas, motorization caused transition to suburban shopping malls, and the increase of single-person households and midnight dwellers caused transition to neighborhood convenience stores.  - 経済産業省


Amidst the maturation of Japan's economy and changes in demographic structure such as the rapid advancement of the declining birthrate and ageing population, Japan's environment for consumption is seeing great change. Given this environment, support will be provided to shopping districts and small and medium retailers that continually "begin with the consumer in mind" and eagerly endeavor to expand their businesses into the service industry to create new demand and to increase competitiveness, etc., through collaborations with small and medium-sized retail and wholesale dealers. - 経済産業省


In this section, we first analyze recent structural changes in small and medium commerce, and then analyze the relationship between central urban areas and commercial clusters, and the comprehensive action required to revitalize them. In the process, we adopt a comparative international perspective, and also take into consideration accelerating population decline in the future. - 経済産業省


But while still positive, the correlation between the two has weakened since 2000 (Fig. 2-2-7), indicating that financial institutions may be moving away from their dependence on mortgages for securing loans (Appended Note 2-2-2). - 経済産業省


As noted in the interim report mentioned above, this indicates that competition between businesses has evolved from the traditional style of competition between large businesses and small and medium retailers, to location-based competition between city centers and suburbs. - 経済産業省


Questioned about how the level of activity in their city centers and downturn areas had changed in the preceding five years, a slightly higher proportion of local governments with larger populations answered that they were “growing busier and more active,” but the average was only around one in ten (10.3%) (Fig. 3-4-25). - 経済産業省


The prevalence of vacant stores and vacant lots is currently a problem for city center shopping districts throughout Japan. In shopping districts that are revitalizing, however, new tenants are determined quickly when stores become vacant, and the new tenants meet consumer needs. It also appears that many such shopping districts consist of industries adapted to environmental changes in their regions, and that they have achieved a tenant mix that attracts shoppers and forms an attractive cluster for local residents. - 経済産業省


With the recent taikodai, it is just modern or present-day modifications to the taikodai that several piled frames, modeling the layered futon, are used for the necessity to lighten upsized taikodai, and to perch some guards on the top who prevent the taikodai from hitting the roof of private houses or electric wires on the way of parades in the urban areas.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Moves are underway to seek new collaborations, such as agricultural-commercial industrial collaboration, and collaborations between shopping districts and community businesses. Adapting to changes in the economic community, rebuilding networks, and ensuring that regional SMEs create new added value will be the key to revitalizing regional economies and will contribute to improving workers' productivity. - 経済産業省


To ensure comparative evaluation by the same evaluator substantially under the same conditions when a standard vehicle mounted with a standard glass antenna and an evaluation vehicle mounted with a glass antenna to be evaluated are run in a preset outdoor course or urban area with variation in field strength varying from time to time to receive a radio wave from a broadcasting station for both vehicles. - 特許庁

2000 年前後における事業所数の変化として、住宅地背景型の商業集積地で小売店(中小規模店舗中心)が減少している一方で、ロードサイド型の小売店(大型店中心)は増加していることから、小売店の減少と大規模化は、立地が中心市地から郊外にシフトしたことの影響があると指摘されている。例文帳に追加

In terms of changes in the number of store locations around the year 2000, while there was a decline in the number of retailers (particularly small and mid-sized stores) concentrated in shopping districts and serving local residential communities, there was an increase in the number of roadside retailers (particularly large-scale stores), indicating that a shift from city centers to suburban areas was effecting a decrease in the number, and increase in the size, of retailers.  - 経済産業省


If we look at factors according to the Results of a Questionnaire Survey of TMOs (SME Agency, fiscal 2004), we find that the "factors behind the decline of shopping districts in central urban areas" reported include i. new commercial clusters in the suburbs, ii. individual stores being unable to respond to changes in consumer needs, iii. declines in the residential population of central urban areas, iv. the emergence of vacant stores and vacant lots, and v. the inability of shopping districts to adapt to consumer needs due to their industrial makeup. - 経済産業省



The U.S. is a free country, and I also see the U.S. as a country of extremely fast changes and also of an extreme diversity – a country of diverse values, indeed. Those qualities pushed the U.S. to embark on regulatory reforms that led to, notably in the area of financial services, advances in financial engineering in the last 20 to 30 years that were most prominent on Wall Street. Helped also by the fact that global investment money, of which there was so much, was just poured into the U.S., Americans explored a new field by exerting their characteristic frontier spirit. However, things escalated to the point where it became impossible for companies to take risk on their own, resulting in, as you know, the failure and bankruptcy of the Lehman Brothers investment bank. This brought about the global financial crisis because the world's economic center was, all in all, the U.S. The question is whether the cost is going to be passed on to taxpayers in the end.  - 金融庁


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