「移民ではない人」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索

「移民ではない人」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 移民ではない人の意味・解説 > 移民ではない人に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 13



The U.S. is a country of immigrants and accepts foreign workers asimmigrants” and “non immigrants,” but the ratio of immigrants is high compared to non immigrants, so U.S. immigration systems cannot be directly compared to the systems in other countries. - 経済産業省


In fact, when the population change in developed countries is broken down into natural increase and immigration, immigration has reached a scale comparable to natural increase. In Germany, the Czech Republic, and Hungary, which have already experienced a natural decrease, immigrants are balancing out this decrease (see Figure 2-1-16). - 経済産業省


These days, when people emigrate, it is not so much in search of sunshine, or food, or even servants. - Tatoeba例文


These days, when people emigrate, it is not so much in search of sunshine, or food, or even servants.  - Tanaka Corpus



In the U.S. it is immigrants that primarily fill the labor market supply and demand gap rather than temporary foreign workers. - 経済産業省



Professor Philip Martin of the University of California in the U.S. says that“NAFTA will eventually reduce migration between the U.S. and Mexico arising from economic factors” and, regarding the fact that in the 1990s migration between the two countries actually increased rather than decreased, he insists that “this phenomenon does not negate the fact that the high levels of U.S.-Mexico migration in recent years will soon begin to decline for demographic and economic reasons. - 経済産業省


Even though Asian immigrant families, especially those whose mother tongues do not include English, often use other languages than English at home, more than half of Japanese immigrant families use only English at home, and if you include the families who use mainly English in this number, this proportion climbs to 3/4 of households, and Japanese families who use Japanese is as low as a half of the rate of non English speaking Asian immigrants using their native tongues at home.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It does not match the U.S. for immigration, but the rate of population growth in Britain exceeds that of China, and this high rate is shown against other major countries of the world (see Figure 3-1-3-12). - 経済産業省


They also live as immigrants of Japanese descent in countries around the world such as Latin America including Brazil, Asia, Europe and the United States; however, Japanese immigrants are relatively few in number compared to neighboring races such as the Han race and Korean race.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Middle-class people who pay taxes complain about immigrant workers, who are less skilled but benefit from public services. In the 2007 election, the Danish People's Party, which introduced the policy for lower taxes and against immigration, gained public support to some extent. - 経済産業省



A comparison between Japan and the U.S. of primary household income and social benefits reveals that in the U.S., which has a continuous inflow of immigrants into the U.S. and thus steady growth in the population of young people, both primary household income and social benefits are expanding equally, while in Japan, which faces aging and reduced family size, household income before redistribution is declining and social benefit income is increasing rapidly (see Figure 2-2-53). - 経済産業省


The characteristic features of the GATS model are (1) it applies only to the temporary stay of natural persons,(2) it does not have any effect on the long-term immigrant policies or immigration control policies ofcountries36 (in other words, measures affecting natural persons seeking entry into employment markets, and measures regarding citizenship and residence or employment on a permanent basis are outside the scope ofGATS37), and (3) in general, movement to other countries is not guaranteed for all natural persons classified as Mode 4; movement is allowed only within the range of liberalization promised by the recipient country. - 経済産業省



Nine special materials rooms are currently available in the Tokyo Main Library, as follows: the Business, Science and Technology Room (reference books on business and social science, science and technology; abstracts and indexes of science and technology) and the Humanities Room (reference books on general subjects and humanities; core journals of library and information science) on the second floor of the main building; the Rare Books and Old Materials Room (rare books, semi-rare books, Japanese old books up to the Edo period, Chinese old books up to the Qing dynasty, etc.) on the third floor of the main building; the Map Room (single-sheet maps and residential maps) and the Modern Japanese Political History Materials Room (Kensei-shiryoshitsu) (documents and microfilms related to modern Japanese political history, microfilms of GHQ documents and materials related to Japanese immigrants) on the fourth floor of the main building; the Audio-Visual Materials Room (phonograph records, CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, etc.) and the Electronic Resources Room (electronic resources such as CD-ROMs, electronic journals, etc.) on the first floor of the Annex; the Parliamentary Documents and Official Publications Room (parliamentary documents, official gazettes, statutes, court reports and treaties of Japan and other countries, publication catalogues, directories, annual reports, statistics of Japanese and foreign government offices and publications of international organizations, reference books on law and politics, etc.) on the third floor of the Annex; and the Newspaper Reading Room (Newspapers (original, reduced and reprinted edition and microfilm), newspaper clippings) on the fourth floor of the Annex.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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