「異なり型」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索

「異なり型」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 147


self.request のはサービスがデータグラムかストリームかで異なります。例文帳に追加

request is different for datagram or stream services. For stream services, self. - Python


The choices vary depending on the binding type.  - NetBeans


While of a different type, the numeric value is the same. - Python


No class appears more than once in this tuple.Note that the method resolution order depends on cls's type.  - Python


``ファイルサイズ'' の解釈はファイルのによって異なります。例文帳に追加

The interpretation of ``file size'' changes according to the filetype.  - Python



Different from Battera stated above, the process of forming in the mold is not done.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Unlike the smaller rotary kilns, the waste is burned with the fuel right in the flame. - 英語論文検索例文集

他のリリース異なり、bundle リリースのcontentsタグには bundledpackage タグだけが含まれている必要があります。例文帳に追加

Unlike the other release types, a bundle release's contents tag must contain only the bundledpackage tag.  - PEAR


Unlike the small bus, these types of bus are not limited in their usage, but are comonly used.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The hard foamed molding 1 can be manufactured by using the mold having good molding accuracy different from the conventional mold of a silicone resin. - 特許庁



This alignment is different from the alignment due to the positioning rings 19 and 48 and acts even in such a state that the fixed mold 1 and the movable mold 2 are opened. - 特許庁


The operation of charging at an initial stage differs from that of the SAR-type A/D converter, and only a capacitive pressure sensor is charged. - 特許庁


Unlike older sequential programming languages (also known as procedural programming) where the code is executed line by line, ...  - コンピューター用語辞典

両方とも同じ操作 (関数の呼び出し) をサポートしますが、実装は異なるので、オブジェクトの異なります。 より詳しい情報は例文帳に追加

Both support the same operation (to call the function), but the implementation is different, hence the different object types.See the - Python


The paint differs other series of the same car which is provided by the same office, and features a puzzle pattern which is the same as the Kurutto Bus.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Different from a usual big barrel which is ignited by adding fire and positioned on the ground, it refers to one in the form of hinawaju using the gunstock and karakuri (mechanism).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Though it is shaped like a two-storied pagoda, it differs from normal two-storied pagodas in that the upper story is a square instead of a flat circle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an ultraviolet irradiation apparatus wherein miniaturization of the apparatus can be attained and an operating time for inserting or unloading of tools can be diminished. - 特許庁


Melting rate of the crystal for etching liquid is different in each direction of the substrate 1 and a reverse pyramidal cavity is formed by etching. - 特許庁


Since cooling by blowing the cooling liquid does not apply a buoyancy or a water pressure to the molding different from submerging or the like, occurrence of a strain is suppressed. - 特許庁


The bearing 5 can be large in size unlike in attaching to the inside of the pressurizing shaft 3 to build up the processing pressure. - 特許庁


For this reason, unlike a conventional structure, the n-type channel layer 5 can have a structure having a constant film thickness without variations. - 特許庁


At this moment, differing from improving the start-up performance of the rotor 13 by increasing the size of a spring 1a, no fear of enlarging clock size exists. - 特許庁


To provide a heat exchanger that is distinct from a conventional heat exchanger such as a radiator in that it is versatile and it is miniaturized. - 特許庁


By such a system, the illuminating device 30 is constituted to be small in size and light in weight by eliminating a mechanical moving mechanism different from the conventional technique. - 特許庁


As a result, it is made unnecessary to convert picture data to the fixed size in the personal computer of 2 the transfer destination, contrary to a conventional method. - 特許庁


As a result, the system can deal with the applications of the in-line type for which the freedom from maintenance is demanded, unlike in the case a hot cathode is used. - 特許庁


Unlike the conventional install type rear projector, the rear projector 10 is movable by utilizing the casters 20. - 特許庁


In addition, the frozen noodles have such an advantage in that the noodle mass is easy to be taken off out of molds for freezing unlike the conventional structure where piercing holes are provided at the center thereof. - 特許庁


This area is different from surrounding cities such as Hamamatsu because it is surrounded by mountains and the sea, which limits opportunities to open large stores in outlying areas. - 経済産業省

将来、異なるのオブジェクト間における比較規則は変更されるかもしれません。 )同じのオブジェクト間における比較は、によって異なります:例文帳に追加

In the future, the comparison rules for objects of different types are likely to change.)Comparison of objects of the same type depends on the type: - Python


The rear end face of the template 22 is a concrete noncontact face, and this form 20 is easy to fix at an elevated position in particular, unlike the conventional process that the form 20 is fixed from the concrete contact face of the template 22. - 特許庁


A p^+-type diffusion layer 15 is not formed just under the n^+-type source 17E unlike an n^+-type source region 17 in a region A and a sheet resistor R1 in the n^+-type source region 17E is larger than a sheet resistor R2 in the n^+-type source 17 (R1>R2). - 特許庁


In a crystalline polymer molded article, 0.5 wt.% or more of two or more kinds of polyalkylene oxides, which are mutually different in crystal structure and eutectic with each other, are included mixedly and continuously bled out to the surface of the molded article. - 特許庁

ドリフト領域を有するシリコン基板11は、ウェル濃度が異なり、N^--ウェル111、それより高濃度のN^- ウェル112を配している。例文帳に追加

In a silicon substrate 11 having a drift area, an N---t type well 111 and an N--type well 112 having a higher well concentration than the well 111 has are arranged. - 特許庁


Since the flexibility of disposition of a reactor for smoothing is high in the current type inverter different from the smoothing capacitor of a voltage type inverter, various type of vehicles can adopt in wheel motor. - 特許庁


To provide a small-sized molding apparatus for efficiently obtaining paste products having different sizes and variously processed with no unevenness in quality. - 特許庁


A hood striker after the repair consists of, different from a fixed type hood striker 10A, consists of a separate type hood striker 10B to be fastened and fixed by fixing bolts 42, 42. - 特許庁


Thus, even when the originals of indeterminate forms are copied on the recording paper of a definite size, it is not required for a user to enter the width and the length of the originals of indeterminate forms for the purpose of recording an image at a proper magnification or of producing a proper space on the recording paper which is different from the conventional image forming device. - 特許庁

返り値は常に文字列で、そのフォーマットは $value のデータによって異なります。 $value が文字列の場合は、このメソッドは実際の RDBMSにあわせて適切にクォートやエスケープをした文字列を返します。例文帳に追加

The return value is always a string, with a return value whose format depends upon the PHP type of $value: If $value is a string, the method returns a string that is properly quoted and escaped for the underlying RDBMS.  - PEAR


Butsudan of Nichiren Sho Sect (Taiseki-ji Temple) is quite different in configuration from those of other sects, since it is equipped with a door copied from zushi, while, recently, many assembled zushi-type butsudan can be seen.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Unlike Judo, which is united under the Kodokan Judo Institute, karate has many organizations (schools), and the types of kata, practice methods and match rules differ significantly, depending on the organization.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The section between Shichijo and Momoyama stations was different from the JR Nara Line's current route in that the route passed through Fushimi Station (Kyoto Prefecture), the origin of the current Kintetsu Kyoto Line.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Thus, the number of the reflected wavelength variable gratings is typically sufficient if it equals the number of the channels of the wavelength multiplexed lights, which is different from a conventional technology. - 特許庁


The movement of the handle undergoes scaling so that the end effector may have the corresponding movement which differs from the movement of the hand of the surgeon and is typically smaller. - 特許庁


In an electrostatic and electromagnetic superimposed type deflector 11, the deflection electrodes 12a, 12b of the electrostatic deflector are given voltages of different polarities and of the same magnitude by power supply devices 14a, 14b. - 特許庁


On the other hand, the software agents can mutually act so that they are specified by the configuration data unlike a message-driven bean which interfaces only with an application server. - 特許庁


To provide a motor, having a stator and a rotor of different height and a sensor magnet for detecting rotor position where torque is increased, by utilizing the flux of the sensor magnet effectively while realizing miniaturization. - 特許庁


The unnecessary incident light is removed and the occurrence of the ghost image is prevented without upsizing of the constitution, unlike the conventional lens hood for shielding the light on the outside of the lens barrel 1. - 特許庁



The p-conductivity type layer contains, at least, a first dopant element and a second dopant element which are set different from each other in concentration and vary in concentration in the direction of thickness of the substrate. - 特許庁


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