「特別料金」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索

「特別料金」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 特別料金の意味・解説 > 特別料金に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 51



Extra charge on your credit card  - Weblio Email例文集


There is a special discounted price on weekdays.  - Weblio Email例文集


Is there a weekly rate? - Tatoeba例文


All families with children get special rates. - Tatoeba例文



charge an extra fee, as for a special service  - 日本語WordNet



mail that is delivered by a special carrier (for an additional charge)  - 日本語WordNet


an extra charge applied to a service provided late at night  - EDR日英対訳辞書


They give special rates to the VIP members. VIP - Eゲイト英和辞典


Is there a weekly rate?  - Tanaka Corpus



All families with children get special rates.  - Tanaka Corpus



There is often a special fee required on the day of fire works.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

特別料金をいただければ メイドと遊べますよ!例文帳に追加

If you pay a special fee, you can have fun with the maids. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


On limited express trains you have to pay an extra charge even for just standing in the aisle.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


I have no objection to paying a special fee if it is necessary. - Tatoeba例文


I have no objection to paying a special fee if it is necessary.  - Tanaka Corpus


This system is equipped with a server 50 for special accounting which decides whether a telephone call should by charged for normally or specially at a rate higher than the normal rate. - 特許庁


If it seems that there is an interest in the suite room, we will indicate a special fee of 82,000 yen.  - Weblio Email例文集


A telephone charge by the special accounting is collected from an object calling subscriber of the special accounting and a part or the whole of the difference from a normal telephone charge is returned to the called subscriber. - 特許庁


In discount adjustment of received money, after performing special operation in the parking fee adjustment machine 1 or a parking fee adjustment machine of another parking lot, repayment processing can be performed as fee discount in adjustment on and after the next time. - 特許庁


In this case, the amount to be charged is calculated in accordance with a calculation method of the amount claimed (a basic charge system, a divided charge system, a special charge system) memorized in a charge system data memory 12B and prescribed beforehand, and corresponding to the shifted time. - 特許庁


Meanwhile, when the automatic toll collection apparatus is set in a special operation mode by using a special operation button, if a start detecting device detects a start of a specific vehicle while the automatic collection apparatus does not collect regular toll, the automatic toll collection apparatus generates collection data that does not contain information which indicates the improper passage by the specific vehicle. - 特許庁


As the attendees of the DTA General Meeting will be offered the block rate, when you reserve Marriott Hotel for me, please notify them that I will attend it. - Tatoeba例文


As the attendees of the DTA General Meeting will be offered the block rate, when you reserve Marriott Hotel for me, please notify them that I will attend it.  - Tanaka Corpus


Advice, drawings or similar provisions usually accompanying machinery or equipment, provided that they do not entail any special surcharge for the one whom they are destined to;  - 特許庁


To authenticate a user without the need for installing a particular exchange and for billing a phone charge to a user. - 特許庁


To improve convenience by realizing the unitary processing of various charge payments in an electronic settlement utilizing a portable telephone set without installing a special device. - 特許庁


To enable even a person who has no specific authority other than being a driver to read out the contents of an IC card to be used for automatic tall reception at a tall road. - 特許庁


On the basis of the communication utilization information containing the identification information, regarding the utilization of the telephone number guide service, the utilization charges are calculated only for the general user between the special user and the general user, and regarding the utilization of the transfer service, the utilization charges are calculated for both the special user and the general user. - 特許庁


To improve convenience of a non-stop automatic toll collection system by holding utilization information when collecting a fee so as to be usable later with a comparatively simple and inexpensive constitution without using a special on-vehicle device or a minute description output device. - 特許庁


To provide a charging charge calculation terminal, a charged device, and a charging charge calculation method, wherein it is possible to avoid trouble related to the payment of charge for the amount of power supplied, when charging is carried out on the road or on the other like occasions and carry out charging using the existing facilities, without having to provide special facilities. - 特許庁


By causing a terminal device to conduct performance related to the degree of remainder based on the remainder of fee data stored in a fee server, even if no player carrying out a game with a communication terminal conducts a special operation, it is possible to inform the player of the remainder of fee data. - 特許庁


Fortunately, we have enough units of SP-TABLET4147 in stock and can meet your request. However, this change requires extra charges due to the need to use special delivery. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集


Therefore, it can be said that the trains that are actually in a competitive situation with the limited expresses of Meitetsu would be the Rapid trains (including New Rapid trains and Special Rapid trains), which require no extra charge, running in the same section on the regular railway line operated by JR Tokai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The funds collected and the expenditures incurred as a result of the enforcement for the Law being here regulated, shall be entered and accredited, respectively, in a "Special Account for the National Direction of Property .  - 特許庁


To provide a door pull holder and a pulling handle which can prevent the free using of a special rate room in a public bath establishment and can be opened by a simple operation and simply attached. - 特許庁


To provide a system for automatically selecting an IP telephone provider of a low call charge only by dialing a telephone number of a destination while using a telephone set without requiring any special user's operation. - 特許庁


To provide an information delivery system for avoiding communication charges and call setting constrains on a transmission side and allowing the output of information delivered to multiple addresses on a reception side without the need for special operation. - 特許庁


To establish a connection to the Internet from a remote terminal without being restrained by service contents provided from an ISP neither requiring special contracts or charge. - 特許庁


To provide a toll collection system, capable of relieving traffic jams by realizing settlement with non-stop, without having to provide special lane dedicated to the electronic settlement. - 特許庁


The network system refers to the duty factor of the resource, and when it finds that the duty factor of the resource exceeds a certain value, all users using the communication paths are burdened with extra charges. - 特許庁


To provide an IP phone system for automatically selecting an IP phone service of an inexpensive charge for a call by allowing a user to have only to designate a speech opposite party without the need for the user to make any special operation. - 特許庁


To provide a simple charge collecting system whose service time is shorter than payment of cash, etc. and which does not need maintenance of special infrastructure such as an ETC system. - 特許庁


To provide an IP (Internet protocol) telephone system which automatically chooses an IP telephone provider offering inexpensive call charge simply by dialing a speech destination telephone number by using a telephone set requiring no special operation of a user. - 特許庁

2 鉄道賃及び船賃は旅行区間の路程に応ずる旅客運賃(はしけ賃及びさん橋賃を含むものとし、運賃に等級を設ける線路又は船舶による旅行の場合には、運賃の等級を三階級に区分するものについては中級以下で公正取引委員会が相当と認める等級の、運賃の等級を二階級に区分するものについては公正取引委員会が相当と認める等級の運賃)、急行料金特別急行列車を運行する線路のある区間の旅行で片道百キロメートル以上のものには特別急行料金、普通急行列車又は準急行列車を運行する線路のある区間の旅行で片道五十キロメートル以上のものには普通急行料金又は準急行料金)並びに公正取引委員会が支給を相当と認める特別車両料金及び特別船室料金並びに座席指定料金(座席指定料金を徴する普通急行列車を運行する線路のある区間の旅行で片道百キロメートル以上のもの又は座席指定料金を徴する船舶を運行する航路のある区間の旅行の場合の座席指定料金に限る。)によつて、路程賃は一キロメートルにつき三十七円以内において公正取引委員会が相当と認める額によつて、航空賃は現に支払つた旅客運賃によつて、それぞれ算定する。例文帳に追加

(2) Train fares and boat fares shall be calculated based on the passenger fare (including any lighterage or pierage dues, and in the case of travel by rail transport or water transport where the fare varies by grade, if the fare has three grades, it shall be the fare for the middle or the lowest grade, whichever the Japan Fair Trade Commission deems reasonable, and if the fare has two grades, it shall be the fare for whichever grade the Japan Fair Trade Commission deems reasonable), any express fare (for travel of 100 kilometers or more each way in a section where a special express train is operated, it shall be the special express fare, and for travel of 50 kilometers or more each way in a section where an ordinary express train or a local express train is operated, it shall be the ordinary express fare or the local express fare), and any special vehicle charge or special cabin charge or reserved-seat charge (limited to a reserved-seat charge for travel of 100 kilometers or more each way in a section where an ordinary express train that charges a reserved-seat charge is operated or for travel in a section where a ship that charges a reserved-seat charge is operated) which the Japan Fair Trade Commission finds reasonable, according to the distance of the traveled section; distance fees shall be calculated based on the amount which the Japan Fair Trade Commission finds reasonable not exceeding 37 yen per kilometer; and air fares shall be calculated based on the passenger fare that is actually paid.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 鉄道賃及び船賃は旅行区間の路程に応ずる旅客運賃(はしけ賃及びさん橋賃を含むものとし、運賃に等級を設ける線路又は船舶による旅行の場合には、運賃の等級を三階級に区分するものについては中級以下で裁判所が相当と認める等級の、運賃の等級を二階級に区分するものについては裁判所が相当と認める等級の運賃)、急行料金特別急行列車を運行する線路のある区間の旅行で片道百キロメートル以上のものには特別急行料金、普通急行列車又は準急行列車を運行する線路のある区間の旅行で片道五十キロメートル以上のものには普通急行料金又は準急行料金)並びに裁判所が支給を相当と認める特別車両料金及び特別船室料金並びに座席指定料金(座席指定料金を徴する普通急行列車を運行する線路のある区間の旅行で片道百キロメートル以上のもの又は座席指定料金を徴する船舶を運行する航路のある区間の旅行の場合の座席指定料金に限る。)によつて、路程賃は最高裁判所が定める額の範囲内において裁判所が定める額によつて、航空賃は現に支払つた旅客運賃によつて、それぞれ算定する。例文帳に追加

(2) Railway fare and ship fare (including a lighterage and pierage) shall be calculated respectively as comprising [1] passenger fare (in the case of travel by a route or a ship for which there are fare classes, if the fare is categorized into three classes, the second- or third-class fare as considered reasonable by the court, and if the fare is categorized into two classes, the fare of the class as considered reasonable by the court) corresponding to the distance of the span traveled, [2] express charge (a limited express charge for travel of 100 kilometers or more one way between points where there is a railway on which a limited express train runs; an ordinary express charge or semi-express charge for travel of fewer than 100 kilometers and 50 kilometers or more one way between points where there is a railway on which an ordinary express train or semi-express train runs), [3] special compartment charge or special cabin charge, if the payment of which is considered reasonable by the court, and [4] seat reservation charge (limited to a seat reservation charge in the case of travel of 100 kilometers or more one way between points where there is a railway on which an ordinary express train requiring a seat reservation charge runs, or travel by ship between points where there is a route on which a ship requiring a seat reservation charge runs); a distance fare shall be calculated as the amount determined by the court within the range specified by the Supreme Court; and an airfare shall be calculated by the passenger fare actually paid.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


When a transfer service is utilized from a communication terminal continuously to utilization of a telephone number guide service, communication utilization information for the utilization of each service is generated so as to contain identification information capable of identifying whether a user of the communication terminal is a special user not to be billed for charges of the telephone number guide service or a general user not to be billed for the telephone number guide service. - 特許庁


Additionally, the rapid trains (including those of Tambaji Rapid Service) stop every station on the 72.8-km section above Sanda Station, which accounts for approximately 68% of the total operation kilometers of the Fukuchiyama Line, thereby resulting in poor convenience and promptness as well as the high fare of taking a limited express train.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Where, by reason of a special relationship between the payer and the beneficial owner or between both of them and some other person, the amount of the fees for technical services, having regard to the contracts for which they are paid, exceeds the amount which would have been agreed upon by the payer and the beneficial owner in the absence of such relationship, the provisions of this Article shall apply only to the last-mentioned amount.  - 財務省

3. 専門的,科学的若しくはその他の特別な技能又は知識を有する者であるために証人として登録官の面前に出頭するよう召喚された者は,次の額の支払を受ける。 (a) その者が自己の職業上,賃金,給料又は料金により報酬を得ている場合は,当該目的での登録官の面前への出頭のために支払われない賃金,給料又は料金の額に等しい額。ただし,当該額は,1日当たり150ドルを超えない。又は, (b) その他の場合は,その者が出席した各日当たり100ドル以上,150ドル以下とする。例文帳に追加

3. A person who, because of his professional, scientific or other special skill or knowledge, is summoned to appear before the registrar as a witness shall be paid -- (a) if the person is remunerated in his occupation by wages, salary or fees, an amount equal to the amount of wages, salary or fees not paid to the person because of his attendance before the Registrar for that purpose, but such amount should not exceed $150 per day; or (b) in any other case, an amount of not less than $100 but not more than $150.00 for each day on which he so attends. - 特許庁


第六十三条 国土交通大臣は、特定の地域(特別積合せ貨物運送に係る運賃及び料金にあっては、特定の地域間。以下この項において同じ。)において、一般貨物自動車運送事業に係る運賃及び料金がその供給輸送力及び輸送需要量の不均衡又は物価その他の経済事情の変動により著しく高騰し、又は下落するおそれがある場合において、公衆の利便又は一般貨物自動車運送事業の健全な運営を確保するため特に必要があると認めるときは、当該特定の地域を指定して、一般貨物自動車運送事業の能率的な経営の下における適正な原価及び適正な利潤を基準として、期間を定めて標準運賃及び標準料金を定めることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 63 (1) In the event that the fares and charges of the general motor truck transportation business are likely to significantly soar or drop by the imbalance between the supplied transportation capacity and the transportation demand or by fluctuation of prices and other economic conditions in a certain area (between specific sections for fares and charges pertaining to the special loading motor truck transportation of LTL, hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), when it is found necessary in maintaining the public convenience or ensuring sound management of the general motor truck transportation business operator in the said specific area, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism may designate the said specific area and determine the standard fares and standard charges for a specified period based on the fair cost and fair profit under efficient management of the general motor truck transportation business.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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