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該当件数 : 48



an imprudent tactic  - EDR日英対訳辞書


There is a theory that this term is an abbreviation of 'Asakusanori' (Asakusa laver).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Hideyoshi was based in the castle and captured the AZAI clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In October, he captured Odani-jo Castle and Hisamasa AZAI and his son Nagamasa committed suicide.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In 1567, she was forced for political reasons to marry Nagamasa ASAI of Omi Province (present Shiga Prefecture) by the order of Nobunaga, her elder brother; the marriage concluded an alliance with the Asai family for the Oda family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



As for his real mother, there are several theories: "Rokkaku Sasaki-shi keizuryaku" [Rokkaku Sasaki Family Tree Rough] and "the Azai family register of deaths" show it was Chiyozuru AZAI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The shrine tradition says that it started when shoshi (a small shrine) to enshrine Azaihime no mikoto was made in 420.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The shallow grooves 7a and 7b are formed in the nearly center position of the land so as not to be wobbled. - 特許庁


A cycle period λ1 of the shallow groove part 40 is substantially constant in the whole periphery of the pneumatic tire 1. - 特許庁



The divided shallow grooves 34 and 36 are arc-shaped and are arranged to be separated from each other in substantially parallel. - 特許庁



A magnetic shield has a virtually constant throat height TH2 which is shallow at a central part 810. - 特許庁


Nobunaga, who decided that it would be hard to capture the enemies only with forces, framed a conspiracy to cause internal divisions in the Azai clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They are: the one in which hanayoten (constable in colorful uniform) appear in front of asagimaku (light-blue curtain), the one in which only asagimaku is shown without hanayoten (when asagimaku is drawn, Okaru and Kanpei are walking together), and the one in which Okaru, followed by Kanpei, runs out from hanamichi (passage through audience to the stage) after hanayoten leaves in grief.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The shallow bottom part 29a is formed shallower than a downstream side part in the oil delivery groove 29, and is formed into a flat surface substantially parallel to a bottom surface of the pump casing 21. - 特許庁


He participated in the Battle of Okehazama and the capture of Mino, and in 1570 he actively fought against the Azai and Asakura clans in the Battle of the Anegawa and became the Lord of Inuyama-jo Castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In "Igofu" written by MA Rong in the Later Han, while sugoroku game was described as a speculative and superficial gamble, Igo was described as a strategic and intellectual game.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The shallow bottom 43 is formed with a plurality of grooves 43a extending in a direction substantially perpendicular to an oil flow. - 特許庁


The tray 4 is formed as a substantially V-shaped shallow pan-like container provided with an elliptical hole 5 in the middle of the V-shaped bottom. - 特許庁


This tray body 1 is formed into a shallow vessel with an erecting edge 1b around the surface 1a and its shape is defined as an approximate rectangle. - 特許庁


A first curved shallow groove is formed in a substantially semi-circular shape projecting in the tire rotational direction with the radius thereof being about 1/4 of the tread width. - 特許庁


Each notch 2a, 2b, 3a and 3b which is substantially parallel with the crack 1 to be repaired and is shallower than the crack 1 is formed on both sides of the crack 1 across the crack 1. - 特許庁


In the case that the desktop device is placed while changing its set angle, the upper part of each plate formed nearly a right-angled triangle is inserted to each short shallow groove. - 特許庁


The isolation region comprises a deep isolation region 22, whose width is substantially fixed and a shallow isolation region 23 consisting of an STI. - 特許庁


A shock absorber below a car is omitted using a fluid pressure cylinder having buffer action as a driving means, and a frame below the car is omitted by hanging the car by a car longitudinal frame to reduce the depth of the pit. - 特許庁


An opening part 41A with a phase difference ofis provided with the shallow dipped part 43A, an opening part 41B with a phase difference of 180° is provided with a deep dipped part 43B having an undercut, the quantity of light of the shallow dipped part being nearly equal to that of the deep dipped part. - 特許庁


Although the Oda and Tokugawa allied forces captured various castles of the Asakura clan one after another, when they advanced to Kanegasaki they were attacked from behind by the Azai clan who was their sworn ally in Kita-Omi Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On June 28 (old calendar) of the same year, soon after Nobunaga defeated the allied forces of Azai and Asakura at the Battle of Anegawa, he launched an attack on Yokoyama-jo Castle and forced the lord of the castle's Mitamura clan to surrender.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On April 22, commoners gathered around at midnight for the purpose of plunder and broke into Asano's Tepposhu Kamiyashiki from the back door.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Each of the grooves 11, 12 extends in its contour in a nearly axial direction and has a wedge shape in cross section whose depth becomes shallower gradually from the deepest portion to one peripheral direction. - 特許庁


The groove becomes gradually shallow toward a rear groove shoulder part 52 from the deepest part 51 and the corner angle θr of the rear groove shoulder part 52 becomes larger than the corner angle θf (about 90°) of a front groove shoulder part 53. - 特許庁


In particular, low-heel room footwear covering the whole of the foot is formed into a two-forked shape, and the upper body part of the room footwear is formed of fabric where Japanese-style pictures and/or patterns are applied. - 特許庁


The protective cover 50 is in a shallow pan shape, and is provided with a mounting seat part 52, a cylinder part 54 and a flared part 56, and the protective cover is spaced from the exhaust sensor 30 with a predetermined interval. - 特許庁


Deep grooves 6aG and 6bG and shallow grooves 7aG and 7bG formed at the nearly center part between the deep grooves and having a V-shaped section are formed on a magneto-optical disk so as to be adjacently disposed. - 特許庁


Preferably, the groove 12 is regulated so as to be present along the major axis of the nearly elliptic shape, and so as to be extended from the side without the hole 11 to the side with the hole 11 while reducing the width and the thickness. - 特許庁


Because Yokoyama-jo Castle was located in Sekigahara of Mino Province (the present-day Sekigahara-cho, in Gifu Prefecture) and near the Hokuriku-wakiokan road running through the west side of the base of the Azai clan, Odani-jo Castle (in Kohoku-cho, Shiga Prefecture), and located only six or seven kilometers from Odani-jo Castle, Nobunaga ODA attempted to capture Yokoyama-jo Castle as an important front-line base.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Shingen therefore planned to confront Nobunaga in either the Mikawa-Owari area or Mino after he limited Nobunaga's forces in the Kinki region by deploying the troops of Nagamasa AZAI and Yoshikage ASAKURA as well as the followers of the Ikko sect of Hongan-ji Temple, so that Nobunaga would have a limited force to move to the east (the anti-Nobunaga network).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, the Asakura clan's indecisive strategy failed to eliminate Nobunaga, and after they lost the greatest opportunity due to the death by disease of Shingen TAKEDA, who had launched the Westing Operation against Nobunaga, the resistance forces, including the Azai clan, were exposed to the Oda army's large-scale counterattack.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This tape applicator 100 is moved along the guide rail 1 so that a shallow groove 101a can pressurize the tape T to the guide rail 1 by an approximately uniform pressurizing force and regulate the attachment position, thereby applying the tape in parallel. - 特許庁


Deep grooves 6a and 6b having 50 to 58% ratio of the groove width / the track pitch and shallow grooves 7a and 7b formed at the nearly center of a land and having a V-shaped section are formed on a magneto-optical disk so as to be adjacently disposed. - 特許庁


A washing-space-side floor member 110 in the form of a rectangular shallow pan is connected to a bathtub-side floor member 120 in the form of a rectangular deep pan having a shorter vertical side than the member 110, to form an approximately rectangular floor face having a rectangular cutout at a corner. - 特許庁


The welding of the container main body 2 and the cover 3, and the welding of the cap 4 and the corrosion resistance layer 6 are conducted in butt weld form in the circumferential direction (circumferential joint), the welding depth of the container main body 2 and the cover 3 is made shallow, thereby simplifies the welding work substantially. - 特許庁


In the foldable ruled line 2 annexed to a plastic sheet 1 in its folding part, a plurality of shallow groove parts 3 are provided over the whole length of a bottom face part 2b of the foldable ruled line 2 and are arranged in a substantially rope pattern while inclining at a predetermined angle in the direction g of the provision of the ruled line. - 特許庁


A rivet 10 driven in members 26 and 28 to be coupled has a tip part 14A of a hollow stem part 14 and its vicinity, which are deformed approximately in an oblong shape, and the tip part 14A of the hollow stem part 14 of the rivet 10 is formed such that the depth of the long stem side is shallower than that of the short stem side. - 特許庁


In principle, Kanei-tsuho Shimonsen coins had been cast under the supervision of the gin-za; however, Bunkyu-eiho coins cast at the gin-za in Fukagawa (Koto Ward), Senda (Koto Ward), and Shinden (Daikucho) in Edo under the supervision of the gin-za were in the 'shinbun' style, while Bunkyo-eiho coins cast at the zeni-za in Asakusabashijo (Kosuge) under the supervision of the kin-za were in the 'sobun' and 'ryakuho' styles.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The notches 6 are formed on the upper surface and/or lower surface of the ceramic base board 1 in depth of up to the connecting metallized conductors 4, the cross-section of the notch 6 is an approximately V-shape in a part shallower than the conductor 4, and both sides of the notch 6 are brought into contact with each other in the conductor 4. - 特許庁


The tip of the triangular bar-like portion 14 is placed in a pressing die 33 having a V-shaped groove 34 which becomes gradually narrower and shallower toward the tip, and ridges 16, 17, 18 of the triangular bar-like portion 14 are intersected at the tips thereof with each other to form a needle tip part 21 having a blade portion 19 of substantially isosceles triangular section. - 特許庁


To provide a self-luminescent rivet capable of being easily installed with the upper face kept at a level position nearly flush with or lower than an installation surface, capable of emitting light from a luminescence section at a relatively small angle relative to the installation surface (horizontal plane) visibly from afar, allowing an error in the installation height position, and capable of easily changing the luminescence direction to multiple different directions. - 特許庁



In a liquefaction countermeasure method for a banking structure 1 for a railway/road, by diagonally injecting a chemical solution to the substantially central part of the banking structure 1, a plurality of improved bodies 2 or the like are created in the radial direction so that the diameter gets gradually smaller from the deep layer part to the shallow layer part in the ground G. - 特許庁


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