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該当件数 : 58



scrape together pieces of mud (into a pile)  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


A lot of thieves. a lot of bad people out there. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Kamigamo Midoro-yamagami-cho, Kamigamo Midoro-shirakiyama-cho, Kamigamo Midoro-nishiyama-cho and Kamigamo Midoro-goyodani-cho are not shown on maps.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


an avalanche of volcanic water and mud down the slopes of a volcano  - 日本語WordNet



a rapidly flowing stream of mud and water caused by a volcanic eruption or a landslide  - EDR日英対訳辞書



an accumulation of volcanic matter in the ocean called volcanic mud  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Hirayama was too drunk to standup at the entrance.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

頂や丘陵などの高地から 例文帳に追加

It can wash the sludge off high mountain peaks and hills - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

今まで棒は沢居たけど あの男は・・・例文帳に追加

I've been around thieves my whole life, but this guy... - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



At the same time the area that had remained as 'Oaza Kamigamo' was reorganized into Kamigamo Midoro-goyodani-cho, Kamigamo Midoro-shirakiyama-cho, Kamigamo Midoro-nishiyama-cho and Kamigamo Midoro-yamagami-cho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



A total of 70 towns is now prefixed by 'Kamigamo,' including the aforementioned Kamigamo Midoro-goyodani-cho, Kamigamo Midoro-shirakiyama-cho, Kamigamo Midoro-nishiyama-cho and Kamigamo Midoro-yamagami-cho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Can't even catch the one thief that is in my heart. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


a slide of large masses of snow and ice and mud down a mountain  - 日本語WordNet


a slide of a large mass of dirt and rock down a mountain or cliff  - 日本語WordNet


Chinese-style landscape painting was drawn mainly with silver paint on the silk used for its cover.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kin-gin Dei Shiki Soka-zu Shita-e Waka Kan (poem scroll with underpainting of plants of the four seasons) - Hatakeyama Memorial Museum of Fine Art  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Accordingly, the gaps exist between the low and small mountain-shaped heaps of treated sludge 4a. - 特許庁

の国で 沢棒を捕まえてきた でも君は 永久に追いかけると思った例文帳に追加

I've bagged so many thieves in so many countries, but you, I thought i'd chase you forever. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


SERIZAWA and HIRAYAMA were heavily drunk, but HIRAMA, who was not a big drinker, was more sober..  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The slurry containing coagulated and precipitated adhesives is included in surplus soil from construction work and/or pit sand. - 特許庁


However, during Kennyo's time, it became mired in war, (known as the 'Ishiyama War'), for ten years (including a ceasefire) and withdrew from Ishiyama.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To remove soil only by moving a nozzle 3 or support floor 1 relatively in any direction without requiring a device for scraping off the soil stuck to an earth retaining material 4, and to allow the soil to naturally flow out or to be naturally discharged in the longitudinal direction of the earth retaining material 4. - 特許庁


The soil mixed with paper is taken from a stratum called the second tuff of the Miocene Kobe group at the foot of a mountain, from a terrace in Najio, which is exposed here and there.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the "Kojiki," the father of Prince Kanimeikazuchi was Prince Yamashirono Ootsutsukimawaka, and the mother of Prince Kanimeikazuchi was Taniwa no Ajisawabime who was a daughter of Irine no Miko.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since Irine no Miko, the maternal grandfather of Kanimeikazuchi no Miko, was the younger maternal half-brother of Prince Yamashirono Ootsutsukimawaka, his father and mother were in the relationship between an uncle and a niece.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the hilly area in Hago and Osadano terrace, it is possible to see a layer consisting of sand, mud and gravel which is called the Fukuchiyama Layer.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Same as other mountains in Okuhira, Mt. Bunagatake is in middle-paleozoic strata and is an outcrop which is composed of sedimentary rocks such as sandstones, mudstones and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A Bacillussubtilis strain T-169 was isolated from the sample, which was collected from muddy sediment of seabed of Toyama Bay in Japan, with a method known to a person skilled in the art.  - 特許庁


To improve work efficiency in mounting a single grouser type shoe plate suitable to traveling on a mountain road and the like liable to cause mud jamming. - 特許庁


To certainly prevent mud water from flowing out of a peripheral surface of a level-driving machine in the case of drilling a drift in a natural ground. - 特許庁


To provide a start structure of an excavator which does not require improvement of a natural ground and can prevent inflow of slurry or the like into the shaft. - 特許庁


To provide a boring method for performing the boring while injecting the air bubble with the air from a boring bit, capable of discharging the mud with the air bubble without attaching the mud to a borehole wall even in a case of the ground of high content of mud. - 特許庁


The total excavated amount equivalent to a plurality of ring parts excavated by a sludge type shield machine is obtained, and a bedrock around the sludge type shield machine is managed on the basis of the total excavated amount. - 特許庁


The soil incorporated into Najio paper is a tuff consisting of separative volcanic ash and volcanic sand, special products for Najio (Nishinomiya City) that do not adhere to the fibers unless the new paper on the screen is left untouched on 'an upright board' for a while after the process is completed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Next, after feeding the drying container 1 at a fixed pitch, repeatedly, the treated sludge 4 is extruded from the extrusion port 6 by the extrusion operation member 7, thrown down so as to form a line with the low and small mountain-shaped heaps of treated sludge 4a in the drying container 1, and contained therein. - 特許庁


The mud type pipe jacking method is so constituted that a cutter 9 is provided on the front end section of a boring machine body 1, a bedrock is excavated by the cutter 9 while supplying slurry ahead of the cutter 9 and that the excavated earth and sand are absorbed by a vacuum pump to move to the outside of a tunnel. - 特許庁


Fans of Yamashina school in the early-modern times had a picture as follows: gold Genjigumo (floating clouds) with brilliant-colored frames (both pigments made from earth materials and foil were used for gold; gold and silver were used for girl's fan of Yamashina school but only gold was used for cross-grained fans); two flying cranes and a big pine tree; bamboo grass on the hill at the bottom of the pine tree; ultramarine water on the left; in the water there were Kanzemizu (whirling waves) drawn with silver paint; and a green turtle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Thereafter, by repeating the extrusion operation of the extrusion operation member 7 and the fixed pitch feeding of the drying container 1 in turn, a large number of low and small mountain-shaped heaps of treated sludge 4a are properly contained in an arrangement state in the drying container 1. - 特許庁


At the party, Oume, SERIZAWA's lover, Geiko Kichiei of the Geisha House Kikyo-ya, who was intimate with HIRAYAMA and Geiko Itosato of Geisha House Wachigai-ya, who was intimate with HIRAMA, were waiting for them, and SERIZAWA and others who were deeply drunk slept with the women after the party was over.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the critical biography written by Okamoto and Rikiya TAYAMA, he often drank heavily during work around this period and lost the reliance of many staff and actors, but these descriptions need to be investigated.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Shigetada HATAKEYAMA took Kagetoki's place and treated Hachiro YURI with courtesy; Hachiro YURI was impressed and answered the questions saying 'there was a world of difference (between Kagetoki and Shigetada).'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In order to deal with an imminent threat from the 'expeditionary force to the east' as it approached Edo, Yoshinobu selected Tesshu YAMAOKA, the chief of Seieitai (an elite army force on the bakufu side) and a brother in law to Deishu TAKAHASHI; he was guarding Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA as his envoy, while Yoshinobu confined himself in Kanei-ji Temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the present case, there is no description about the reasonable ground that the Bacillussubtilis strain T-169 is present in the sample collected again from muddy sediment of seabed of Toyama Bay in the Description of the invention.  - 特許庁


After erecting the H steel beam 1 in a muddy water ground excavation gutter 10, the inner side ground of each H steel beam 1 is worked by a cut-and-cover method, and the flange surface side protected by the covering member 7 is exposed and an earth retaining wall 20 is built. - 特許庁


The mixing ratio of the slurry containing coagulated and precipitated adhesives to the surplus soil from construction work and/or the pit sand is 0.01-50 pts.wt., more preferably 3-10 pts.wt. to 100 pts.wt. - 特許庁


In this case, preferably, materials, which include at least 20 wt% fine-grained fraction with a particle diameter of 74 μm or less, such as mountain soil and surplus soil in construction, coal ash, blast furnace slag, activated-sludge molten slug are selected as the soil covering materials. - 特許庁


The surface layer of bottom mud 2 in the closed water area, such as a lake and an inner bay, is covered with a crushed shell material 4 made by crushing shells into the shape of sand or with a layer where sea sand, river sand, pit sand and/or dredge soil, etc. are mixed with the crushed shell material 4. - 特許庁


To provide a wheel cap for a passenger rice transplanter capable of transplanting without forming a large pile of the mud at a central part of the wheel cap. - 特許庁


To provide a soil discharge device for a mud pressure shield machine capable of securing mud pressure to resist against an earth pressure of a face and executing a tunneling work even for natural ground with many boulders clustered therein in no way inferior to tunneling a general gravel layer subject to use of a ribbon type shaftless screw conveyor which can convey the boulders. - 特許庁



The invention further provides the solidified product to solve the problems. - 特許庁


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