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該当件数 : 42



The device guides (a) on a map of the station premise for the station premise mode, guides (b) on a railroad map for the intra-train mode, and guides the current position on a street map for the other occasions. - 特許庁


To improve convenience for the user of a store in a station yard. - 特許庁


To achieve a rapid charging of an on-vehicle battery and level out power consumption of a site system. - 特許庁


To perform GUI processing on a train diagram and station yard information at high speed without discrepancy on display even when a lithographic condition of the station yard information displayed on a layout of the train diagram is changed. - 特許庁



The data section 4 comprises a timetable data 4a, a congestion degree data 4b, a yard position data 4c related to a yard facility expressed by 3-dimensional position vector, for example, and a map data 4d. - 特許庁



To conceal data communicated between dedicated networks in a communication system in which a plurality of dedicated network systems are interconnected. - 特許庁


There are documents related to this residence such as the original floor plan, and this residence was reconstructed at the MOA Museum of Art site in Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To increase exposure of advertisements to enhance an advertisement effect by changing advertisements on the inside and the outside of a train to match those on its line or in stations. - 特許庁


To reduce labor required for diagram revising work, and to shorten time by automatically and quickly making a station yard shunting plan without relying on manpower. - 特許庁



To provide a work supporting system capable of improving the working efficiency of a vehicle circulating plural work stations in yard. - 特許庁



A presence/absence of call waiting for each individual incoming call group is registered in an extension management data shown in Fig. 2 in a storage device 131 of a private branch exchange. - 特許庁


In the information center, a guide route from the present position to the designation is retrieved by use of databases such as time table, station yard map, general map and the like, and sets passing points on the guide route. - 特許庁


Game use data transmitted from a PHS terminal installed in a game machine is taken in a personal computer through a PHS in-house base station and an in-house exchanger to conduct statistical processing of game kind, the frequency of use, the use date and the like, whereby the efficiency of game shop management can be heightened. - 特許庁


To provide a private branch exchange to significantly reduce facility costs without preparing caller numbers for each of a plurality of extension terminals stored in the private branch exchange and to improve operability without requiring a caller to intentionally select and dial a caller number. - 特許庁


The book, which starts with the explanation about the zoning system of the both of Sakyo Ward (left side section) and Ukyo Ward (right side section) of Heiankyo (the ancient capital in current Kyoto), rikyu (imperial villas), residences of Sekkan (regents and advisers to the Emperor), gives not only general views but also precise descriptions on each of the palaces within the premise of Daidairi by using the ancient drawings as references, and offers in-depth commentary.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


March 31, 2007: The work to make the premises of Fushimi-inari Station barrier-free was completed (the slopes were reformed, and ticket vending machines supporting wheelchair users, wide automatic ticket-checking machines, Braille fare tables and station maps, multipurpose lavatories, and AED in the station office were installed).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an inkjet recording apparatus which has an improvement to uniform a concentrated ink components for supplement stored in a concentrated ink supplementing mechanism in the inkjet recording apparatus equipped with the concentrated ink supplementing mechanism. - 特許庁


The route of the retrieval result is displayed easily to understand by displaying the yard map on the input/output device and emphasizing and displaying the route on it. - 特許庁


To provide a local communication system that can simultaneously transmit/receive video and audio information or the like by using the same local network signal line through a plurality of channels resulting in saving lines and easily extend the functions. - 特許庁


To develop a flexible medium corresponding to local commercial zone needs capable of improving the convenience of users by introducing multi-media starting with animation advertisements to a community space in a station or the like. - 特許庁


To provide a private communication system capable of simultaneously transmitting images and voice by the same signal line of a local area network through a plurality of channels, therefore attaining saving of wiring and expanding the functions. - 特許庁


To directly call a called party intended by a user of a phone with a Web function in the case of arrival of a phone call from the phone with the Web function to a private branch exchange via a public network. - 特許庁


The private branch of exchange is a digital exchange that processes voice and a control signal as digital signals and to which a plurality of extension telephone sets, 12, 13 and an office line trunk 14 are connected via a line circuit. - 特許庁


To attain high testing efficiency by downsizing and simplifying a test apparatus in additionally installing field apparatuses such as signal lights in a railroad station yard on a signal maintenance system which controls the field apparatuses with an electronic interlock device. - 特許庁


To prevent the unauthorized use of information communication and secure the security of information by dynamically changing an encryption key while reducing a user's effort for the authentication of a communication terminal, with respect to information transmission/reception using a LAN. - 特許庁


To provide a private communication system capable of attaining saving of wiring and also facilitating function extension by enabling video and audio to be simultaneously transmitted, on a plurality of channels, via the same signal line of a local network. - 特許庁


The additional information includes the seat position, etc., in the hall when the ticket is an admission ticket of a concert, etc., and a train transfer guidance, a station guide map, etc., when the ticket is a reserved seat ticket for a means of transport. - 特許庁


To provide a telephone set in which a non-used DTMF signal can effectively be utilized and a general telephone set has functions of a dedicated telephone set, and to provide a private branch exchange. - 特許庁


To save wiring and easily securing communication quality by using a LAN as one of communication channel which transmits meter reading information of each dwelling unit in a collective housing. - 特許庁


To provide a work supporting system improving the working efficiency of a vehicle making the rounds of a plurality of work places in a premises. - 特許庁


To reliably feed a lubricating oil to a washer disposed in a planetary gear mechanism without increasing any parts cost, and to reduce the axial dimension of a transmission. - 特許庁


To provide an information relay system which prevents an unauthorized use by dynamically changing an encryption key while reducing a user's effort for the authentication of a communication terminal, with respect to information transmission/reception using a LAN, and a communication terminal. - 特許庁


To provide an intercommunication system by which wiring is saved and functions can easily be expanded by transmitting information such as video information, voice information by a plurality of channels through the same signal line of a local network. - 特許庁


To provide a room management system that simplifies a front job and carries out man-hour saving and can protect customers' privacy by automatically confirming the intention of a customer as to whether the customer desires to take a rest or lodgment by way of a private telephone set when confirming check-in to a guest room. - 特許庁


To provide a room management method that simplifies a front job and carries out man-hour saving and can protect customers' privacy by automatically confirming the intention of a customer as to whether the customer desires to take a rest or lodgment by way of a private telephone set when confirming check-in to a guest room. - 特許庁


To reduce noise caused by refrigerant flow by stabilizing the refrigerant flown out of the first heat exchanger and the refrigerant decompressed with a refrigerant throttling mechanism, and avoiding the partial throttling inside the throttling mechanism and the penetration of the noise to the front side of an indoor unit. - 特許庁


To always keep a sound field environment in a station boarding and stepping floor where signaling sounds of arrival and departure of trains on platforms can be heard distinctly and significant information such as a melody cannot be distorted or heard noisily even when the signaling sounds are generated at the same time. - 特許庁


To provide a private wireless system with which services reliability can be improved as a system by synchronizing a parameter change by linking parameter change work on the side of the system to parameter change work on the side of a terminal. - 特許庁


In order to analyze the advertisement contents that the railroad user may have contacted, in an advertisement content linking information providing device 1400 in the Fig.1, the record (entry/exit record) of the railroad user passing through an IC card ticket gate machine and the record (money reception and payment record) of receiving and paying money at an IC card adjusting machine in the station are used. - 特許庁


To provide a job support system utilizing private radio communication where a mail server side informs a job support terminal about the arrival of electronic mail so as to enhance the service. - 特許庁


To provide an admittance person card which secures the safety of an admittance person and an admittance management system which performs admittance management by simplifying and speeding up the admittance management for the admittance person having reserved admittance and transmitting facility-inside information to all persons of frequent admittance in real time. - 特許庁



To provide an operation support system using intraoffice radio, which can flexibly and easily be dealt with system alterations accompanying requests to alter operation contents by solving the problem that alteration and addition of pictures, alterations of a process flow, etc., can not flexibly and easily be dealt with in conventional technology and can improve services by improving the usability by giving support while following the state of operation progress. - 特許庁


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