例文 (573件) |
該当件数 : 573件
Are the values comparable with results obtained from the central laboratory? - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
The result is sent to the central controlling means 18 and the central control means 18 controls the stage control means 24 according to the result. - 特許庁
In the women’s event, 17-year-old Asada Mao won the title for the second consecutive year. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
A display apparatus 14 displays an arithmetic result of the central processing unit 12. - 特許庁
As Hidesato's descendants did not go up to Kyoto, the political center, they became ancestors of samurai clans which came to control the central part of Kanto. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
As a result, the image in the center of the photographic image plane is positioned in the center of the image pickup range 192 not the range 191. - 特許庁
In addition, the clearance is reduced toward the center part in the axial direction, and formation of an oil film is promoted by the pressure-increasing effect even at the center part. - 特許庁
Luminance at the center part of the screen can be effectively secured by providing the fluorescent lamps 37 at the center part of the screen. - 特許庁
deciduous shrub of eastern and central United States having black berrylike fruit - 日本語WordNet
If a suitable comparison is made, the data may be recorded for input into the CPU - コンピューター用語辞典
in a clinical trial, median survival time is one way to measure how effective a treatment is. - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
「ラベル」コンポーネントを Results ページ上部の中央にドロップし、テキストを「結果」に設定します。例文帳に追加
Drop a Label component on the top center of the Results page and set the text to Results. - NetBeans
When the center of the city was moved to the east, Suzaku-oji Street ceased to play a role as central street. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
At the same time, it is considered that he played an important role in introducing the culture of the capital into rural areas. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Asada Mao won the women’s event for the first time in two years and the second time overall. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
Consequently, the maximum value ΔVsat of the electrification potential in the center of the spacer is about 50 V. - 特許庁
As a result, a processing liquid atmosphere can be prevented from diffusing upward from the substrate center part. - 特許庁
Consequently, an airflow blown up from the bottom center is generated in the container 2. - 特許庁
As a result, the center electrode D0 is electrically connected to the switch contact piece S3. - 特許庁
Consequently, the reference registers by the timbre are arranged nearly in the centers of the respective key areas. - 特許庁
By using the calculation result, the central control processing means 7 calculates the coordinate position of the indicated point. - 特許庁
As a result, the central absorbing body 45 assumes a good substantially arch shape and stably floats to the upper face side. - 特許庁
Since the central part has two layers, high flexibility is kept, and the thermal insulation effect is obtained by an air layer. - 特許庁
To provide an improved structure capable of efficiently cooling the anterior end of a central structure. - 特許庁
Further, by using activated carbon, having high heat capacity, in the central part, a similar effect is produced. - 特許庁
A desirable result is obtained when central width is 2 mm in a reading area. - 特許庁
The measured result is transmitted to a central monitor 20 through a communication network 30. - 特許庁
In this case, a central member 21A of a substrate-receiving member 21 also works together with it to rectify. - 特許庁
As a consequence, the administrative function for urban water supply disappeared from the central government. - 厚生労働省
A person is usually located in the center under the umbrella, and the rain water falling on the center of the umbrella canopy flows from the center to the tips as it gradually increases the speed and the necessity for rain water screening effect is gradually decreased. - 特許庁
The median obtained may be compared with the value of the original noted data to determine whether the median or the original data is employed or not based on the results of the comparison (S110, S111). - 特許庁
To provide a camera shake correcting device which will not perform electrical center-return control for returning a correction optical system for correcting camera shake to the center in its displaceable range, but rather will obtain an effect equivalent to that obtained, when performing the center returning control using a simple constitution. - 特許庁
That is, both ends made low in temperature as compared with the central part of the fixing roller 5a by the air streams going toward both ends of the roller case 603 from the central part thereof, are heated by the hot air from the central part of the roller case 603 to be allowed to approach the uniform temperature of the central part of the roller case 603. - 特許庁
中央銀行総裁の参加により、本会議が、政策対話の強化と協力のためのより効果的な 3 カ国の枠組みの役割を果たすと認識。例文帳に追加
We believe that this meeting, with their engagement, will serve as a more effective trilateral platform for enhanced policy dialogue and cooperation. - 財務省
Consequently, the bending in the central part of the stop rail 30 can be suppressed and the striking occurring in such deflection can be effectively prevented. - 特許庁
Further, the central processing unit 30 generates processing result data 63 being result information of the rearrangement of the telephone directory data 61. - 特許庁
Then the central processing unit 30 allows an output section 50 to display the rearrangement result of the telephone directory data 61 on the basis of the processing result data 63. - 特許庁
The local condition of the virtual space provided as a result is integrated into the central condition of the virtual space on the side of the central computer 10 in the case of new connecting to the central computer and the virtual activity to be newly cooperated is continued. - 特許庁
A kodencho was an account book made to report to the central government on the results of koden (research of public paddy fields in a ryoseikoku [province]) by a kodenshi (koden researcher) or a kokushi (provincial governor) sent by the central government under the ritsuryo system in ancient Japan. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In consequence, the disk center part printing data is printed to the center cut region 101, and the original main printing data before the allotment is printed to the annular label region 102. - 特許庁
To efficiently suppress a liquid leakage at a center boss portion of a resin-made gasket and enhance a liquid leakage resistance in a cylindrical alkaline battery having a structure in which a negative electrode current collector passes through the boss portion of the gasket. - 特許庁
In the central processing unit, the content of instruction to the central processing unit from commands constituting the objective thread is discriminated, instead of relationship between threads obtained by analyzing execution results of the objective thread, for selecting a preceding subthread. - 特許庁
Since the part which approximately corresponds to the center of a combustion chamber is formed as the deepest part 16a, thermal stress of the center part of the combustion chamber, which is considered to be especially large thermally expanded, can be relaxed. - 特許庁
A character recognition result after correction is transmitted to the central controller 15 and unified in the device 15 so that form data corresponding to the original form are generated. - 特許庁
To provide a train wireless system in which a central device is cascade-connected to a plurality of wireless base station devices, and the wireless base station device 21 effectively performs notification to the central device. - 特許庁
In a method for manufacturing a band, a position detection device 34 detects a side edge 12e of a center member 12 that is a wide sheet material, and based on the detection result, first and second rollers 26, 27 control a conveyance passage of the center member 12. - 特許庁
An AE control unit 108 automatically sets the ISO sensitivity based on a photometry result, and controls an exposure by determining the exposure value based on both a center within a field and photometric area of other than the center. - 特許庁
Whether or not focusing at a periphery part in the image plane based on an image signal at the peripheral part is performed is decided by a CPU 21 according to output result on the passive type center focusing and the active type center focusing. - 特許庁
例文 (573件) |
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