例文 (128件) |
該当件数 : 128件
To provide a PET bottle cover suitable for use on a beach or a pool side in midsummer, which can be cooled easily in a freezer chamber of a refrigerator at home and can demonstrate a sunshade effect, a cold preservation effect and a cooling effect by capping it on a PET bottle when it is used. - 特許庁
To obtain a laminated structure that, installed on a roof or a rooftop of a building, exhibits snowmelting effect and antifreeze effect in the winter, and further prevents the heat storage in the summer, thus enabling the saving of electricity consumption all through the year. - 特許庁
To provide a method for tomato cultivation, with which reduction in quality caused by excessive application of water and fertilizer for maintenance of growing power (securement of yield) of tomato is prevented, defective fruiting of flower and scorch of fruit occurring in a high-temperature period in the summer are prevented and reduction in shipment and qualities is prevented. - 特許庁
Having assessed customer needs through the market research conducted this summer, it is clear that customers want an effective yet safe product with several choices of scent. - Weblio英語基本例文集
This is because Uchimizu is not effective if water is sprinkled on an asphalt-paved road in summer when air temperature is high since water vaporizes soon after sprinkled and the effect of inhibiting temperature rise by the heat of vaporization is minimal. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Daisuke left Daigaku Nanko before graduation because of sickness and worked as a translator at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department (under Naimusho); Daisuke placed confidence in his bright youngest brother Soseki, and intended him to graduate from a university to succeed in life and to restore the Natsume family. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He pitched the first complete-game shutout in the finals of a high school tournament at Koshien since Matsuzaka Daisuke, then of Yokohama High School, did it in both the spring and summer tournaments in 1998. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
Based on the outcome, we will recommend how to engage the private sector to find innovative business solutions that meet the needs of the poor in a sustainable way.(Summer 2012) - 財務省
To provide a water-retaining concrete block applicable to roadways, parking lots, and pavements and effectively suppressing the remarkable rise of the surface thereof in summer. - 特許庁
To provide a snow-melting block which can effectively melt snow by microwave irradiation during snowfall, while maintaining a comfortable feeling of walking by suppressing a rise of temperature in summer. - 特許庁
To provide a heat insulating wall structure of a wooden building having an excellent heat insulating effect and extending a life of the wooden building by preventing not only dew condensation in winter but also reverse dew condensation in summer. - 特許庁
Experimental results show that pansies having the ordinary flowing season ranging from December through June can bloom till late in October by weathering the flaming sun in the midsummer where the average maximum temperature in a month exceeds 30°C. - 特許庁
Even when the tile is utilized on a veranda floor or a terrace floor whose surface temperature is to be elevated to 50°C or higher in summer, the surface temperature is effectively lowered by sprinkling water and the lowered state is maintained for a long time. - 特許庁
According to the cooling/heating and hot water supply system 10, the temperature of return hot water resulting from utilization in cooling/heating is approximately 60°C (in summer time) or approximately 50°C (in winter time). - 特許庁
To provide a new pavement structure securing sufficiently high strength, and considerably improving water-retaining performance compared to an open-graded asphalt pavement of a conventional structure to impart excellent effect of restraining temperature rise caused by summer insolation. - 特許庁
To provide a transparent dimming member capable of preventing an outside scenery from being viewed in the state of being floated or partially interrupted, even when being viewed from the inside of a room, blocking effectively sunlight in summer, and reducing greatly a heating/cooling load. - 特許庁
To prepare a skin lotion for bleaching, having excellent skin bleaching effect, giving non-sticking refreshing feeling to the skin and most suitable for the use especially in spring and summer seasons having increased demand. - 特許庁
To provide an outdoor installation cabinet for containing an electric electronic apparatus in which internal temperature rise can be suppressed even at daytime of midsummer while ensuring excellent heat insulation effect and good appearance. - 特許庁
Therefore, continuous budding is made possible not only period ranging from the latter half of autumn season to spring season, but also summer season and the first half of autumn season and fruits can be harvested over year round. - 特許庁
To provide a formed article which exhibits a cooling effect even when the sprinkling of water, the artificial supply of water, or the like is not done and which can serve to reduce the electrical energy consumed due to the use of an air conditioner during the summer. - 特許庁
To obtain a thermal storage material having effects on leveling room temperature not only in the winter or summer season but also throughout a year and having a higher thermal storage efficiency than that of a conventional product even when the use as a thermal storage material for houses is supposed. - 特許庁
To provide a cosmetic which has proper gloss, can suitably cover skin troubles, has excellent touch, and has a good temperature rising-preventing effect in summer due to the reflection of far infrared light and excellent heat conductivity. - 特許庁
This raising system is capable of taking out chill from snow preserved in a snow storage tank storing the snow in the winter season, taking the chill into a greenhouse, etc., for fruits and flowers, etc., in the summer season and making the chill useful for raising. - 特許庁
At this time, since the underfloor temperature is kept lower than the outside air temperature in the summer- time by the thermal insulating effect of the house, the thermal efficiency of the outdoor unit 1 is improved. - 特許庁
To provide a deck material, a cooling method of the deck material and a floor using the deck material, by which temperature increase of the deck material due to the sunlight in summer can be restrained, and burn injury or deformation of the deck material can be effectively prevented. - 特許庁
To provide a sheathing roof board 3 which is excellent in constructibility, which can effectively prevent the temperature of an attic space from being increased by solar radiation in summer, and which can suppress the outflow of heat into outside air from the attic space in winter; and to provide a roof finishing structure. - 特許庁
To improve operation efficiency of an outdoor unit by recovering thermal energy of exhaust from a ventilation system during cooling in the summer season and during heating in the winter season, and to prevent an opposite effect during an intermediate season such as spring or fall. - 特許庁
To provide an external wall construction for externally insulated wall construction capable of providing an energy saving effect for an externally insulated concrete building throughout a year even in a warm region where the outside air has a relatively high temperature in summer. - 特許庁
その結果、生産・出荷活動と輸出は同年5 月頃から持ち直しに向かい、夏頃には生産水準はおおむね大震災前の水準にまで回復した。例文帳に追加
As a result, both production and shipment activity and exports began to pick up from around May, and production was largely back to pre-earthquake levels by around the summer. - 経済産業省
Increased amounts of capital flowed into emerging economies by the summer of 2007 on the back of the increased risk-on stance on the part of global investors as they invested larger amounts in securities (stocks and bonds) or made more direct investments. - 経済産業省
To provide a system and a method which can effectively inhibit pollutants such as water blooms from growing in a closed body of water with stagnating water such as lakes and marshes when the water temperature rises in summer, can be inexpensively provided, and can effectively and easily inhibit pollutants from growing. - 特許庁
To provide a heat exchange type drainage pavement structure which enhances drainage performance of a drainage pavement part, effectively melts snow on a road surface and prevents freezing in winter, and effectively cools the road surface in summer. - 特許庁
To provide a heat exchange structure in a pavement part, capable of effectively melting snow on a road surface and preventing freezing in winter, capable of effectively cooling the road surface in summer, and capable of being surely constructed by shortening a construction period. - 特許庁
Vegetables having an improved sucrose concentration and content of nutrition component such as vitamins, etc., in edible parts such as leaves, stems, roots and fruits of leaf and stem root vegetables or fruit vegetables and high qualities are obtained irrespective of a cultivation period of summer and winter by the cultivation method. - 特許庁
To provide a cooling layer-forming material that exerts the cooling effect without sprinkling of water, or supplying of water, nor consuming electric energy by the use of an air conditioner in the summer season and that sustains the cooling effect over a long period of time. - 特許庁
To provide a coated film which can transmit heat rays such as infrared rays (that is, heat conduction) sufficiently in the winter season while exhibiting heat-shielding effects in the summer season so as to reduce the energy consumption necessary for heating and cooling. - 特許庁
A predetermined air space is formed between a cover sheet and a vehicle body by using a styrene foam, resulting in the heat radiation effect during the summer and the prevention of the temperature rise in a cabin while any temperature difference between the outside and the inside of the vehicle is eliminated and the dew condensation on a window can be effectively prevented in winter. - 特許庁
2 前項に定めるもののほか、都道府県知事等は、夏期、年末その他必要と認められる期間については、当該期間における都道府県等食品衛生監視指導計画の実施結果の概要を作成し、作成後速やかに、これを公表しなければならない。例文帳に追加
(2) In addition to what is provided in the preceding paragraph, a prefectural governor, etc. shall prepare an outline of the performance results of the prefectural plans for the monitoring of and guidance on food sanitation for the summer time, the year-end, or other necessary periods, and publicize it promptly. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Although the method of use differs from school to school and depending on the type of service, the suichu fulfills various roles throughout the service, being used for adding water to the tea kettle and to the bofura (water pot), for pouring water into the tea bowl, teapot, and yuzamashi (water cooling jar) at the start of the ceremony to wash and purify them, and to cool the tea bowl and teapot in the heat of the summer. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This is a comprehensive food wholesale market dealing with all kinds of food including mainly fresh fish, dried-salted fish, and fruits and vegetables, and it distributes a variety of food by request from retailers and restaurants, such as tilefish in winter and conger pikes and Kyoto vegetables in summer. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide an agricultural mulch film having an excellent reflection ratio and heat insulation to make fruits become evenly colored, accelerate photosynthesis, control the ground temperature in summer, easily and inexpensively produced, and excellent in recycling efficiency. - 特許庁
To provide a pavement structure capable of effectively suppressing the rise of temperature by direct sunlight in summer on the road surface of a sidewalk formed of paving blocks such as interlocking blocks without increasing labor, time and costs required for construction. - 特許庁
To provide a double sliding window with gratings capable of easily opening a window space, effectively ventilating the room while a cool air on summer night can be utilized for energy saving and moreover intrusion by a dubious person from outside can be prevented. - 特許庁
To provide a gas turbine plant, capable of preventing a power generating output from lowering, even at the peak time of power demand in the summertime and also contributing to the prevention of global warming by utilizing a compressor capable of effectively reducing a required power at a low cost. - 特許庁
Since the water accumulated in the space is gradually evaporated while removing heat therearound, the remarkable rise of the surface temperature of the block in summer can be effectively suppressed. - 特許庁
To provide a building facing material and a building, capable of preventing or relaxing a heat island phenomenon in summer by effectively reflecting solar heat, and reversely absorbing and storing the solar heat as much as possible in winter. - 特許庁
To provide a laminated reflective film having a thermosensitive light controlling function of keeping sufficient reflection efficiency at a period requiring IR ray cut like summer time and sufficiently reducing reflection efficiency at a period requiring heating effect by IR rays like winter time. - 特許庁
To provide a high recovery type desalting system capable of effectively reducing power cost even in such a case that the demand of fresh water to be made lowers in the summer season when the temperature of raw water becomes highest and increases in the winter season when the temperature of raw water becomes lowest. - 特許庁
To provide a three-layer insulation structure for agricultural greenhouses which is excellent in workability and formed by stretching out film in three layers to make double insulation space so as to be largely improved in insulation effect and thereby save energy, so that farm crops can be cultivated not only in summer but also in winter. - 特許庁
例文 (128件) |
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