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Ctrl-N (Mac の場は □-N) をして、「規ファイル」ウィザードを開きます。例文帳に追加

Open the New File wizard by pressing Ctrl-N (-N on Mac).  - NetBeans


To prevent a fraudulent act which pushes down a start lever according to the update period of a winning random number. - 特許庁


To provide an information processor capable of certainly specifying a newly pressed position when the other position is newly pressed in a state that one or a plurality of positions on a touch panel are pressed. - 特許庁



Therefore, a sudden update of a display on a screen 16a in the continuous operation may cause the operator to continue the short pressing without noticing the display update, mistakenly pressing an item 32 newly displayed. - 特許庁



A metal fitting with a newly designed metal fitting for mounting a ready-made push switch, and a rotational push button placed by joining with a push button are installed. - 特許庁

しいノードに「 simpleProcess 」と入力し、Enter キーをします。 この時点で、デザイン領域に simpleProcess というしい複型が表示されます。例文帳に追加

Type simpleProcess in the new node and press Enter.The design area now shows your new complex type, called simpleProcess.  - NetBeans

しいノードに「processApplicType」と入力し、Enter キーをします。 この時点で、デザイン領域に processApplicType というしい複型が表示されます。例文帳に追加

Type processApplicType in the new node and press Enter.The Design area now shows your new complex type, called processApplicType.  - NetBeans


A notified user depresses an update button 120 to indicate annotation retrieval when updating of display is desired. - 特許庁



In the case of putting objects to be additionally pickled, the pressing board is removed and objects to be newly pickled are put therein followed by re-pressing with the pressing board. - 特許庁



Since the metal bumps 20a are crushed by the pressing, and a newly formed surface is exposed, the metal bumps 20a are joined to the junction part 22a. - 特許庁


When kind information is discriminated to be MP 3, a CPU updates a reproduction file number of a reproduction management table according to a depressed right key, etc., in the case the CPU discriminates the depression of the right, etc., (step S26). - 特許庁

(4) 差は,(2)に基づく登録の日から3 年の期間が満了したときに失効する。ただし,この期間内に更された場はこの限りでない。例文帳に追加

(4) An attachment shall lapse on the expiry of a period of three years from the date of recording it in terms of subsection (2), unless it is renewed within that period. - 特許庁


Then, when a "○" button 25 is pressed, a display image is updated to the one corresponding to the icon to which the frame D is matched. - 特許庁


When the staple is penetrated through the plurality of the sheets 1, collided with an end 13A of the portion 13 disposed under the sheets 1 and further pressed to the arm 12, ends of the staples penetrated through the sheet 1 are pressed by the end 13A, folded inside to bind the plurality of the backbone of the sheets 1. - 特許庁


In the first case, the second selection unit 180 newly selects an input candidate from the input candidate group allocated to the first key 110 which was receiving the depression operations before the depression operation of the second key 120 is received. - 特許庁


The tape end holding member 4 holds a terminal end of the cut tape and connects it to a starting end of a new tape placed on the pressurizing member by holding it between the pressurizing members. - 特許庁


A deposition layer is thin right after a surface activation process through an energy wave, and therefore, if the deposition layer is crushed for a joining operation, the joining interface is spread, and a regenerated surface appears on the joining surface, thus allowing relative members to be mutually joined. - 特許庁


To utilize a member for carrying-out formed of the extruded profiles of an aluminum alloy in a repaired window constituted by reforming an exterior wall while installing a dewproof type new sash frame. - 特許庁


A manufacturing means 20 is provided with a jointing table 50 jointing a pillow material 24 and a pillow material 24a supplied following the pillow material 24 and a pressing member 52 temporarily pressing the pillow material 24, and the manufacturing means 20 joints the pillow material 24 and the new pillow material 24a while keeping tension of the pillow material 24 by the pressing member 52. - 特許庁


The instant cereal processed food is obtained by performing gelatinization treatment and/or crushing treatment. - 特許庁


However, when ko-shinbun (small newspaper) began to be issued which combined therein simple texts and contents same as those of nishiki-e-shinbun, and illustrations printed in one color which needed less time to print than nishiki-e prints, nishiki-e-shinbun was overwhelmed by the ko-shinbun and most of nishiki-e-shinbun newspapers disappeared less than ten years after their appearance.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Similarly to one on the already installed side, a connector half 12 on the newly installed side is provided with a fit recess part 14a for fitting a press lid 15 therein in an upper part of a connector body 14. and the press lid 15 is adapted to be movable in the direction that fits the press lid 15 into the fit recess part 14a. - 特許庁


A butting end part 86 of a existing pipe 53 is airtightly sealed by one side seal pushing ring 75 and one side first seal member 77, and a butting end 87 of a newly provided pipe 54 is airtightly sealed by other side seal pushing ring 76 and other side first sealing member 78. - 特許庁


Thus, no misregistration of the sheets caused by pressing force afforded by the matching arm is developed even if a newly delivered sheet comes into contact with the sheets on the offset tray 11. - 特許庁


To provide a novel transition metal compound that comprises a specific transition metal compound and is useful as a catalyst for polymerization of an α-olefin giving an olefinic polymer that has high stereoregularity, high melting point, and high molecular weight and can be extruded and injected. - 特許庁


Where a utility model is seized for debt or is subject to a pledge that has been recorded in the Register or if an action for transfer of the registration is pending, the utility model may not be deleted from the Register at the proprietor's request as long as the seizure or pledge is in force or until a final decision has been given in the action.  - 特許庁


Centering is carried out by pressing a newly setting floor member having the engagement fittings 10 against the existing floor member having the positioning fittings 9 by a pressing fastening member, an inclined contact part 10a of the engagement fitting 10 sinks under the positioning fitting 9, and a floor plate main body is held without dislocation. - 特許庁


Should such counter bond for any reason be found to be or become insufficient, and the party furnishing the same fails to file an additional counter bond, the attaching party may apply for a new order of attachment. - 特許庁


Afterwards, when new keying is reported from the key input accepting part 201, only when the same key is pressed within a prescribed time after first keying, a command execution part 204 is instructed to execute the command assigned to the relevant key. - 特許庁


To obtain a highly uniform illumination, have a thin shape and a high power consumption efficiency and be compatible with a novel design of a game machine even if enlarging a pressing face and widening an illumination face in an illumination type press switch applied for game machines. - 特許庁

モディファイアに対して指定されたしい KeyCode が現在定義されているモディファイアと異なり、そのモディファイアに対する(現在の、あるいはしい)キーのいずれかが論理的にされた状態にある場は、XSetModifierMappingはMappingBusyを返し、どのモディファイアも変更されない。例文帳に追加

If the new KeyCodes specified for a modifier differ from those currently defined and any (current or new) keys for that modifier are in the logically down state, XSetModifierMapping returns MappingBusy, and none of the modifiers is changed. - XFree86

モディファイアとして指定されたしい KeyCode が、現在定義されているものと異なり、そのモディファイアに対する(現在あるいはしい)キーが論理的にされている状態である場、XSetDeviceModifierMappingは MappingBusy を返し、いずれのモディファイアも変更されない。例文帳に追加

If the new KeyCodes specified for a modifier differ from those currently defined and any (current or new)keys for that modifier are in the logically down state, XSetDeviceModifierMapping returns MappingBusy, and none of the modifiers is changed. - XFree86


When an OK switch is pushed (S11; YES), the memory content of a firmware program EPROM is erased by a down-loader/rewriting program to renew the newest firmware program stored in the program operation confirming RAM (S12). - 特許庁


The web 6 of the exhausting web roll 1 is joined to the web 6 of the new web roll 1 with a double-sided adhesive tape 7 by pressing the web 6 of the exhausting web roll 1 against the outermost periphery of the new web roll 1 in the state of being rotated by a paster roller 3. - 特許庁


Thus, by combining the combination of the piece 16 and the lever 52 with the combination of the discrimination piece and the interference piece, many kinds of combination of an image forming device and the process cartridge are obtained at low cost while saving space without requiring new electric logic. - 特許庁


Therefore, by combining the combination of the pressing piece 16 with the control lever 52, with the combination of the identification piece 18 with the interference piece 80, the combination of the various image forming devices with the process cartridge can be made with the low cost and the space saving without requiring the new electric logic. - 特許庁


In the case of depressing the stop key when producing the resist pattern (S26) and arithmetically processing the resist correction value (S38) are performed, renewal of the resist correction value is immediately interrupted. - 特許庁


Also provided is a new formulation and process for the emulsification of polyester resins to form nano-scale particles dispersed in water (latex) without the use of organic solvents by an extrusion process. - 特許庁


The animation reproducing device performs the data recording processing (S10) and stores a new conversion address (S51) when the pause button is depressed during recording pause (S44: the pause button). - 特許庁


In this case, when any one key of the number keys 201 to 209 is depressed by a remote control device 200, a tuner 3 extracts the television broadcast signal of the channel newly associated with the number key. - 特許庁


That is, in the case of executing an examination to a new testee body, since the reset switch 71a for resetting the testee body information is surely pressed, the fingerprint is authenticated surely by the fingerprint sensor 71b. - 特許庁


When a history calling button 33a is pressed on a label registration screen 33, the label printer 1 searches the commodity master 31, reads commodity information in an order from a fresh registration number, and displays on a history calling screen 34. - 特許庁


To provide a tool which enables an easy releasing manipulation for a lashing mechanism that horizontally holds fuel assemblies in a cask in equipment for handling a new mixed-oxide(MOX) fuel with a radiation exposure dose curbed. - 特許庁


When the replacement blade 27 is damaged, only the replacement blade 27 is pushed out from the slits 52 or the penetration holes 51, or pulled out from the slits or the penetration holes by being hooked with the disk 40 attached as it is, and the blade is replaced with a new blade. - 特許庁


To propose a new construction method on a treating method of an existing metal frame among the reforming content of metal fittings such as a vestibule of a living multiple dwelling house by minimizing vibration, noise, dust and pollution. - 特許庁


An elastic material-make draining member 26 is pressed into the outdoor side end of the joint between the new window frame 7a and the attachment frame 18a to prevent the outdoor side end from rattling and to secure the sealability. - 特許庁


When a view key is depressed during execution of an ordinary mode program AP1, an assistant viewer for selection of a viewer mode program AP2 newly started is displayed and the mode is shifted to the viewer mode. - 特許庁


One action of a character is allotted to each of the X-button 65 and square button 66 of a controller 23, and a new action is brought into appearance by the combination of input signals by pushing down both buttons 65 and 66 within a predetermined time. - 特許庁



The liquid segment trapped by the trapping means is extruded by the following liquid segment. - 特許庁


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