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「数を絞る」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 数を絞るに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 30



Furthermore, the candidate color regions are selected depending on whether the number of crossing points of the "lines" connecting the same color regions included in the groups of color regions mutually is even or odd number. - 特許庁


To narrow down the number of extracted parts to a proper number while automatically extracting parts (key areas) useful for the recognition of contents from a document image. - 特許庁


To provide a squeezing apparatus that corrects variations of the moisture when the moisture is squeezed from a plurality of green veneers and hardly causes cracks in the fiber direction. - 特許庁


To draw even a thermoplastic tube having a plurality of through-holes while holding the outer diameter thereof and the inner diameter of the through- holes highly accurately. - 特許庁



A plurality of baffle plates 9 are arranged in the distribution resistance providing portion 8 to change the direction of the flow of the high viscosity molten glass or to narrow flow. - 特許庁



Candidate color regions are selected from among the groups of color regions depending on whether the number of color regions included in the groups of color regions is correct or not. - 特許庁


The warp sizing method performs pretreatment to attach the pretreatment liquid to a plurality of warps arranged in a sheet-like form and squeeze, and divides the pretreated plural warps into a plurality of warp groups to attach a sizing liquid to each of the divided warp groups. - 特許庁


The separator is configured so that a frequency detecting circuit 29 detects the frequency band of a luminance signal outputted from an adding circuit 25, and the level of a color signal as an output signal of a second subtracting circuit 27 is narrowed depending on a result of detection. - 特許庁


It is manufactured by adding rice malt which has been fermented for a long time to mochi rice and fermenting with half the usual amount of water and adding charcoal a few days before refining the sake.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



To enhance gas diffusiblity by gradually reducing the number of gas passage grooves as they come closer toward an gas outlet side from a gas inlet side, and causing a turbulent flow at the part where the number of the gas passage grooves is reduced. - 特許庁



A hose body (6a) of a flexible synthetic resin having heat resistance is provided and many jet nozzles (7) are formed at a prescribed interval in the longitudinal direction in the hose body (6a) and the top of the hose body (6a) is closed or squeezed. - 特許庁


A plural number of pressure pockets 41 are formed on a thrust plate 19, and a contraction means 45 to contract high pressure oil is provided in a flowing route of the high pressure oil (high pressure fluid) introduced to the pressure pockets 41. - 特許庁


As limiting the variety of dishes served makes cooking more efficient, teishoku are usually cheaper than buying the dishes alone, and are therefore very popular with students and company employees.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to a first display example shown in Fig. 4, the number of displayed buttons is narrowed down according to the entering direction of the user finger, so that the user can easily press the button. - 特許庁


A selection means 5 narrows the number of candidate phonemic sequences by comparing the fundamental frequency of the waveform data of each candidate phonemic sequence with the value of the fundamental frequency pattern, discriminating whether the difference between the two is in a prescribed range, and discriminating further whether each candidate phonemic sequence satisfies a prescribed reference. - 特許庁


To support simplification of a settlement procedure or the like by narrowing down the number of stores of purchase destinations and decision of whether or not purchase is low-priced shopping by a total money amount including carriage or the like, when simultaneously retrieving and purchasing a plurality of commodities in a site of Internet shopping wherein a plurality of stores are bundled. - 特許庁


In this configuration, when the number of revolution of the engine is less than a preset number of revolution, a controller 26 reduces the extent of opening of the communicating path 27 through a straight travel proportional valve 23 to prevent pressure interference that causes such a trouble as stoppage of the work actuator. - 特許庁


A key area discrimination means extracts key areas directly showing document contents, on the basis of features on layout representation and checks the total number of extracted key areas and reduces the total number of extracted key areas to a proper number in the case the total number is equal to or more than a threshold. - 特許庁


To provide an LED lighting device which controls dimming by an inverter, maintains an LED current at a target current value by feedback control, and reduces the LED current without increasing a drive frequency of the inverter so high. - 特許庁


This fixed throttle device for an oil static pressure bearing comprises a cylindrical fixed throttle body, and a plurality of slender through-holes for the flow-rate throttling of a fluid penetrating a cylindrical part provided at the fixed throttle body. - 特許庁


Then, when the amount of combustion is reduced, the primary air introduction path 15 and the diluting air introduction path 25 are nearly closed down for increasing the rotational speed of a blower 44, and a proper amount of air can be maintained even if wind hits against the combustion device, thus reducing the nitrogen oxide. - 特許庁


To provide an LED lighting device, brought under dimming control by an inverter, which maintains an LED current at a target current value under feedback control, and narrows down the LED current without making a drive frequency of the inverter not so high. - 特許庁


A collimated laser beam is divided into a plurality of laser beams by using a multibeam circulator 9, and respective divided laser beams are turned by 90 degrees and condensed to fine spots with a condensing optical system 11. - 特許庁


Composition adjustment is performed on the multicomponent solution so as to increase the number of phases in the multicomponent solution, thereby narrowing down the number of physical quantities requiring measurement to one while using a measuring instrument typified by a densimeter and capable of facilitating rapid and simple measurement. - 特許庁

そこで、シャングリ・ラ アジアの売上高(対前年比)をみると、直営方式でも海外事業展開の拡大や地域を絞ることで、さらに大きな収益を上げることができる可能性があることがわかる(第3-3-2-20 図)。例文帳に追加

So, comparing the sales (over the previous year) of Hotel Okura and Shangri-La Asia, we find that the sales of Hotel Okura are consistently less than that of Shangri-La. It tells us that there is a possibility to make much more profit by increasing the number of overseas business development or focusing on specific locations, even if they employ the same direct management system (Figure 3-3-2-20). - 経済産業省


This mohair 1 has a tabular base 2 and a pile group 3 installed on this base 2 and formed of a plurality of piles 3a, and is constituted so that the pile group 3 is bound so as to squeeze inward in the width direction in an intermediate position in the height direction of the piles 3a. - 特許庁


The X-ray optical means diaphragms the X-rays emitted from the X-ray source in a state without the object to the discrete dot-like or streak X-ray irradiation amount distribution so as to cover at least two adjacent pixels among the plurality of pixels of the X-ray detector. - 特許庁


An electronic control unit (controller), when an off signal of a key switch as a stop warning signal for warning the stopping of the supercharged engine 1 is input, controls an EGR valve 51 so as to close an EGR passage 49 and subsequently controls a nozzle actuator so as to rotate a plurality of variable nozzles 25 in the direction of narrowing the plurality of variable nozzles. - 特許庁


Outputting a PLU detecting signal by a PLU detecting means of a load dumping detecting circuit makes a controller on load dumping 30A to rapidly shut a regulating valve 18 and an intercept valve 22 as well as increasing a turbine rotational number is suppressed by throttling an opening of a boiler fuel valve 14 until the minimum specified opening so as to continue the operation. - 特許庁



In the water treating device 100, the air feed pipe 210 connects in parallel a blower 200 and a plurality of air treating regions and possesses an orifice plate 230 throttling the pipe flow passage in an upstream pipe part 211, and the upstream pipe part 211 having the orifice plate 230 can be detached from downstream pipe parts 213, 215, 217 and a blower discharge pipe 201 through replaceable joints 202-205. - 特許庁


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