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該当件数 : 49



repair-works  - 斎藤和英大辞典


The railway is under repairs.  - 斎藤和英大辞典




July, 1946: The reconstruction due to war damage was completed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Intensifying prevention of occupational accidents on reconstruction sites  - 経済産業省



Restoration work is implemented on government buildings and systems damaged by the earthquake disaster. - 厚生労働省

②道路工事や上下水道工事における土砂崩壊災害の防止 等震災復旧例文帳に追加

2) Prevention of the sediment disaster in roadworks and the water and sewage work. - 厚生労働省


October 30, 1950: Restoration work for the damages caused by typhoon "Jane" finished.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


October 20, 1951: The flood-damage restoration work of the outbound-train track between Keage and Kujoyama was completed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Meanwhile, restoration of Shinnagata Station and its surrounding area was also implemented to resume operations on March 10.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


6 被災労働者、復旧工事従事者等の労働条件確保対策等 211億円例文帳に追加

6. Measures taken to ensure working conditions for workers affected by the disaster and those engaged in disaster-relief work 21.1 billion yen - 厚生労働省


Restoration work is carried out on the Polytechnic Centers, etc. affected by the earthquake disaster. - 厚生労働省


After that, in accordance with the progress situation of the relief and recovery work, the following was examined. - 厚生労働省


To provide a recovery support system, capable of attaining rapid recovery work by labor-saving or automating field survey and preparation operation of a plan document required for recovery construction at a disaster. - 特許庁


To provide a recovery support method and system, capable of realizing rapid recovery works, by saving man-hours needed for the field survey and preparation work of a specification required for recovery construction at disaster or automating the work therefor. - 特許庁


Restoration work was carried out every day and night until February 8, when the section between Ashiya and Sumiyoshi was restored, and until February 20, when another section between Kobe and Nada was restored, leaving the section between Sumiyoshi and Nada yet to be reconstructed including an elevated bridge that had been destroyed in the area of Rokkomichi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Fortunately, the bases of the pagoda including the central pillar were safe, so the pagoda was restored from 1999 to 2000 and returned to its former appearance.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


These disasters proved to be a big ordeal for the field practice forest, but the construction of facilities and forest roads was promoted together with the work to restore the state of the forest.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a snow-melting block for being laid on a track, the function of which can be restored by short-term repair work when it is stopped. - 特許庁


Restoration support for agricultural lands/facilities, coastal forests, forest lands, fishing ports/boats, aquaculture facilities, etc.  - 経済産業省


Fully enforce preventive measures of work-related accidents and diseases for workers engaged in restoration works including measures to prevent exposure to asbestos. - 厚生労働省


Conduct restoration work on the facilities of the government buildings of the labour standards inspection offices and the information management system on workers' compensation administration, etc. damaged by the earthquake disaster. - 厚生労働省


(July 6, 2011) The third meeting was held to consider the establishment and operation of a liaison conference for the relief and recovery construction work carried out in the disaster-hit areas. - 厚生労働省


Request for the compliance with the Worker Dispatch Act in the implementation of the earthquake disaster relief work - 厚生労働省

7 この法律で「港湾工事」とは、港湾施設を建設し、改良し、維持し、又は復旧する工事及びこれらの工事以外の工事で港湾における汚でいその他公害の原因となる物質のたい積の排除、汚濁水の浄化、漂流物の除去その他の港湾の保全のために行うものをいう。例文帳に追加

(7) In this Act, "Port and Harbor Works" means construction, improvement, maintenance or rehabilitation of a Port Facility and other works necessary for the removal of deposits of wastes and other polluting materials in ports, the purification of contaminated seawater, the removal of floating materials and other works for the preservation of ports.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide an efficient road pavement construction competitive bidding system which integrates pieces of real restoration construction that are subjected to order and construction in the responsibility range of each infrastructure company and extensively and generally performs competitive bidding. - 特許庁


Request for publicizing the decision criteria of dormitories attached to construction companies related to the disaster relief work associated with the earthquake disaster ? MHLW requested that construction contractors publicize the compliance of rules of dormitories attached to construction companies related to the disaster relief work, and notified it to the Prefectural Labour Bureaus. (July 11, 2011) - 厚生労働省


When some of the laid blocks are damaged, only the damaged blocks are detached in a vertical direction, and replaced by fitting a new block from the vertical direction, so that restoration work can be easily completed. - 特許庁


To provide a bucket for power shovel capable of coping with a series of work situation in building construction work, civil engineering work and recovery work from disaster efficiently and safely without performing connecting or detaching work for a sub-bucket portion. - 特許庁


To provide an upright wave-dissipating breakwater caisson which creates a uniform reaction at the bottom surface when the sea waves are calm, restricts the earthquake damages to the minimum after the earthquake trembles severer than expected have occurred and also makes the restoration work easier. - 特許庁


To provide a cutting device for a paved surface furnished with constitution capable of preventing cost rise required for cutting by covering a facility and time required for construction work and repairing at the time of recovery with the minimum trouble. - 特許庁


To provide a root-swelling disaster-preventive pile with C-steel and a multistage joint column and guard plate structure capable of simply coping with the prevention of a disaster, restoration construction or a disaster site having high dangerousness surely and safely in a short time. - 特許庁


To provide an earthquake damage estimation device, method and program, capable of easily and precisely predicting a business interruption period, without requiring an expert knowledge as to restoration work. - 特許庁


When the quay is used, the construction is interrupted between the constructions, and a cap 17 for temporary recovery is fitted to the top of the cylindrical structure 8b and an apron 5 is released. - 特許庁


To subduct an indication line paint part on an asphalt part, have thickness on an indication line and maintain indication up to the time of repair, improvement and restoration work of asphalt for a long time without wearing and eliminating the indication. - 特許庁


The full enforcement of measures on the prevention of work-related injuries during the disaster recovery work was requested to construction business organizations and notified to the Prefectural Labour Bureaus. (March 18, 2011) - 厚生労働省


The following concrete points regarding the full enforcement of measures on the prevention of work-related injuries during the disaster recovery work were requested to construction business organizations and notified to the Prefectural Labour Bureaus. - 厚生労働省


Regarding the full enforcement of measures on industrial accident in disaster relief work, construction business organizations were requested the following points that became of particular concern beginning in the rainy season. - 厚生労働省


MHLW requested construction contractors to comply with the Worker Dispatch Act in the implementation of the earthquake disaster relief work through notification of the prohibition of the dispatch of workers in construction work. (July 25, 2011) - 厚生労働省


The organization 5 transmits the drawing information 14 and the order and purchase information 14 to a plurality of pavement companies 2-1, 2-2,..., and gives a pavement company 2 that has made a successful bid in a competitive bidding system an order for the construction of a real restoration construction range 57. - 特許庁


To provide a reinforcing body uncollapsible even by an earthquake of seismic intensity of about 6, by fixing to an existing structural material, by arranging a reinforcing wall at a right angle on outside 2 surfaces of a building corner part. - 特許庁


To provide a method for supplying electricity to a ballast water processing facility etc. in which a main switchboard and a group starter panel are not newly replaced and a cable setting work and a connected wire recovering work are not required in the case where a ballast water processing facility etc. is additionally installed to a ship after its service. - 特許庁


A microcomputer 106 of the receiver 102 measures the antenna level and the electric field strength of the received signal, a display section 108 informs an antenna installation worker about the result, and provides a means that facilitates assurance of the reception quality and restoration from a fault. - 特許庁


To provide a technology of reducing stress generated at a compound steel floor slab only by applying MMA resin mortar to it, which is achieved by the work of a simple step of carrying out blasting and thereafter applying the MMA resin mortar to restore the pavement of a bridge. - 特許庁


To reliably maintain a rust-proofing bush in an initial rust-proofing treatment state to reduce a restoring operation of rust-proofing treatment caused by the slip-out movement of the rust-proofing bush, and to renew an opening and closing valve efficiently, reliably and easily while achieving the reduction of the scale of a construction. - 特許庁

被災した漁港の多くは、陸揚岸壁等について、2013 年度末までの復旧工事の完了を目指しており、漁港機能の回復に必要な加工流通施設・設備や漁船のための資金調達等に対して引き続き支援が必要といえる。例文帳に追加

The reconstruction works for the landing docks at many of the damaged fishing ports are scheduled for completion by the end of fiscal 2013, and continued support is needed, including assistance in securing funds for processing and distribution facilities and equipment and for fishing boats as required for recovery of the fishing port functions.  - 経済産業省


As the public and private sectors jointly and fully enforced measures on industrial accident prevention in the earthquake disaster relief and recovery work, the "Safety Promotion Headquarters for the Great East Japan Earthquake Relief and Recovery Work" was set up within the construction industry (Secretariat: Japan29Construction Occupational Safety and Health Association), and its first meeting was held upon the MHLW's request (June 3, 2011). - 厚生労働省


In regard to the full enforcement of measures on industrial accident prevention in disaster relief work, MHLW requested construction business organizations that they take 1) general safety measures, such as the prevention of falling, as well as measures on demolition work based on the structures of buildings and 2) measures to prevent exposure to asbestos during the demolition work, and address concerns related to the "demolition work of buildings damaged by the earthquake and tsunami" to be carried out intensively from now on, and notified the Prefectural Labour Bureaus of the request (August 31, 2011) - 厚生労働省



To have a deformation resulting from force acting on a reinforced concrete structural member, cause the damage to a concrete reinforcement to absorb its deformation by separately extending from the reinforced concrete, prevent the damage to concrete, enable the damage to the reinforcement to simply carry out maintenance and repair work, enable the life of a building structure to extend and to enable the damage by earthquake to easily restore. - 特許庁


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