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「寿命モデル」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 寿命モデルに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 33



To provide a method and a program for estimating a service life of a fixed bed catalyst capable of estimating the service life with high accuracy without constructing any calculation model such as a model of the formula of the rate of reaction difficult to realize. - 特許庁


Then, the life, that is, exchange period of the consumable component is predicted based on the life prediction model and the operation plan of the plant. - 特許庁


A measured allocation quantity/recovery quantity is applied to this model to obtain an object lifetime distribution 5. - 特許庁

τを寿命、I_subを基板電流、I_dをドレイン電流、mをフィッティングパラメータとして、τ ∝ I_sub^-m・I_d^m-2 の特徴を持ったホットキャリア寿命モデルにより、MOSトランジスタのホットキャリア寿命を推定する。例文帳に追加

If the life time of the hot carrier of an MOS transistor are respectively represented by τ, its substrate current by Isub, its drain current by Id, and a fitting parameter by m, the life time of its hot carriers is estimated, based on the life time model with equation τ∝Isub-m.Idm-2. - 特許庁


τを寿命、I_pをMOSトランジスタの発光の光量強度、I_dをドレイン電流、mをフィッティングパラメータとして、τ∝ I_p^-m・I_d^m-2の特徴を持ったホットキャリア寿命モデルにより、ホットキャリア寿命を推定する。例文帳に追加

A hot carrier life is estimated by a hot carrier life model having a feature of τ∝I_p^-m.I_d^m-2 by setting τ as the life, I_p as light quantity of light emission of the MOS transistor, I_d as a drain current and (m) as a fitting parameter. - 特許庁



Therefore, since prediction of a lifetime of the tire can be separated into a global model calculation and a local model calculation, the lifetime of the tire can be predicted, while reducing a calculation load. - 特許庁


Then, the distortion amplitude to the analysis model for any electronic equipment is substituted into the life-distortion relation, and a life cycle number of the analysis model of any electronic equipment is determined. - 特許庁


To realize NBTI deterioration simulation and TDDB failure simulation which are very accurate and have wide application by creating an accurate NBTI (Negative Bias Temperature Instability) life model and TDDB (Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown) life model and using them. - 特許庁


The method comprises a model setting step S1 of setting a wiring board assembly analysis model 3M corresponding to a wiring board assembly; and a solder life calculating step S3 of calculating the lifetime of a solder 10, by subjecting the wiring board assembly analysis model 3M to a solder lifetime analysis simulation Shz constructed by using a linear damage rule. - 特許庁



To provide a method for predicting the fatigue life of a spot-welded structure that can shorten the time to create a finite element analysis model and can predict an accurate fatigue life. - 特許庁



To provide a mouse easily onsetting a skin ulcer of a specific level of a basal lamina level and having an enough life span as a laboratory animal. - 特許庁


Since a product life analysis apparatus updates parameter values of a product life model by utilizing newly updated monitoring data and past failure data of a product, calculation time can be shortened as compared with a conventional method for updating the parameter values of the product life model by using all monitoring data stored in the past. - 特許庁


To improve circuit reliability simulation accuracy by modifying the expression of correlation between the stress and life of an MOS transistor by using a hot carrier life parameter after it is corrected to make a simulated value coincide with an experimented value. - 特許庁


Heap usage is measured by a means 1 for measuring heap usage at new generation GC, to obtain an allocation quantity and a recovery quantity 4, and an existing distribution function is taken as a lifetime distribution model of objects to generate a model of relation between the allocation quantity and the recovery quantity by a model generation means 2. - 特許庁


A DC stress is applied to a transistor under maximum substrate current conditions or maximum gate current conditions and as a result, a coefficient H and an exponent (m) are corrected in accordance with the voltage acceleration coefficient and the life of obtained data (S2a). - 特許庁


The model of this character, TAKENOUCHI no Sukune, lived to a great age (however, as they lived much longer than a human life span, it is taken to be fiction).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide polishing technology for a semiconductor device capable of managing a service life of a consumable by a relation model between a multivariate process state and service-hours of the consumable. - 特許庁


To make precisely analyzable the thermal strain simulation of a solder bonding part and the life prediction in a short time by using a structure model mounting BGA/CSP onto a printed wiring board. - 特許庁


To provide a means enabling to remedy a recombination from products of various different product constitutions, which is treated as the scrap by the reasons except lifetime, to a reproduction object model in the order of redeemable recovery machines. - 特許庁


To reduce a calculation process load on a computer in which modeling is easy and which is related to a finite element method, in the case of predicting bending life of a wire bundle in a grommet using a finite element method. - 特許庁


This equipment management system for managing various pieces of equipment constituting a plant comprises a deterioration model part having a function part and an attribute part, a stress information part, a residual life span predicting part and a comparing part. - 特許庁


To use a model taking mutual interference between respective members in a tire into consideration for more precisely predicting a lifetime of the tire. - 特許庁


To provide a stress strain analyzing system for displaying the results of model formation for analyzing stress strains, of analysis by a finite element method, of a remaining life, and of a stress-strain distribution by a simple operation in a short time. - 特許庁


An index (m) of an N-type MOS transistor is corrected in accordance with the obtained voltage acceleration coefficient of stress application of a ring oscillator (S2c). - 特許庁


Diameters and the number of wires are inputted, a diameter of virtual wires modeling after a wire flux is calculated by a given arithmetic expression experientially derived, based on which, flexural life of the virtual wires is forecast. - 特許庁


A finite element method analytical means 14 computes the relation between stress and strain through the use of both the analytical model 13 and a general-purpose finite element method program and transmits the relation to both a remaining life predicting means 15 and a graph creating means 16. - 特許庁


Finite element analysis by a shell model is performed, and a uniform stress component and a bending stress component at a fatigue life evaluation part 23 of a longitudinal face 21 are determined. - 特許庁


In the central monitor center, the life prediction model of a consumable component is prepared based on various data included in operation information transmitted from the plant and measurement quantity as the durability index of the consumable component. - 特許庁


The lifetime of the tire is estimated by considering individual parts, predetermined parts or all parts of the change in the mechanical or chemical time series of rubber, modeling of crack propagation, the tire temperature estimation based on the internal heat generation/heat transfer to the inner and outer sides of the tire, and the shape change of a tread part by the wear. - 特許庁


To provide a method by which the dielectric break service life of the insulating film of a semiconductor element can be predicted with high reliability without requiring complicated calculations by easily and appropriately setting discriminating currents, which are used at the time of measuring the dielectric break voltage of the insulating film for a method for evaluating the insulation of film for semiconductor element. - 特許庁


When performing failure diagnosis by using the failure diagnosis model, the failure diagnosing part (104) performs more accurate failure diagnosis by adding the increase of failure factor probability due to the fact that the components are the reused ones, such that the service life of the reused components are shorter than that of new components. - 特許庁


To provide a reliability evaluation device 10 or the like capable of immediately calculating the reliability of the accuracy of an estimated value based on an output factor of a neural network section 41, for example a residual life estimated value of an oil immersed transformer, even when data out of the range of the data used for modeling the neural network section 41 is input. - 特許庁



The wiring design method for a semiconductor device having a multilayer wiring structure estimates a wiring life influenced by electromigration on the basis of a variety of estimation models in which levels of the void 14 formed in the vicinity of a connecting part between wirings 11, 13 and a via 12 interposed between are classified into a latent period and a growth period to design the wirings. - 特許庁


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