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a type of insurance called dowry insurance  - EDR日英対訳辞書


in Japan, property given by a prospective husband to the bride's family  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Married to TAKASHINA no Shigeyoshi, she bore great poets like Prince Yasusuke's mother, CHIKUZEN no Menoto and MINAMOTO no Kanetoshi's mother.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A high-ranking lady in the court (a wife of an Emperor) Princess Enshi (Tsuyako) (972 - 998) - Ippon no Shikibu kyo, Prince Tamehira's daughter, later became FUJIWARA no Sanesuke's wife.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



He had an older maternal sister, Princess Enshi (972-998), who was first the nyogo (consort) of Emperor Kazan and later remarried to FUJIWARA no Sanesuke.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



From this, Eishi HINO, who was the legal wife of Yoshimochi, consulted her family member Yoshisuke HINO (the legal son of Shigemitsu) and made the younger sister of Yoshisuke, Muneko, marry him as his legal wife.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


- Cases where a securities company, etc., (or companies belonging to the same groups therewith) originates securitization products based on assets it has acquired as a result of principal investments and sells the products to investors without providing sufficient explanations (transfer of risk).  - 金融庁


Furthermore, we should also improve terms of trade by promoting R&D investment, business investment,business restructuring, etc. and ensuring export prices, and reflect the increased productivity to wages. - 厚生労働省


After that, when Yukinari tried to marry off another daughter to Nagaie, Michinaga refused her, and when Michinaga tried to match his son with Sanesuke's daughter, FUJIWARA no Chifuru, his son, Nagaie, refused her, and as a result neither of the two marriages happened.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



He was of such strong nerve and had a violent temper on one hand, and on the other hand had coolheadedness to consider that the end justifies the means, as shown by, for example, his attempt to maintain his position by making his daughter marry Yoshitsune.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Shigemitsu died at a young age, and Yoshisuke HINO, who succeeded Shigemitsu, married off Shigemitsu's daughters, Muneko HINO and Shigeko HINO, to Yoshinori ASHIKAGA, the 6th Shogun.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


We show that possible factors may be the fact that the benefits of a growth in exports which fuel economic recovery and an increase in capital investment do not easily reach SMEs and that it is difficult for SMEs to increase sales and profits by passing on price increases to the consumer. - 経済産業省


Broadly speaking, the terms of trade are an indicator to express to what extent an increase in payment resulted from an increase in prices of imported natural resources/materials can be passed on to export prices. - 経済産業省


Furthermore, soaring material prices have also become a pressure factor on corporate profits, especially in the consumption goods and other such sectors, where, amid a harsh competitive environment, rising costs are not being passed onto consumers. - 経済産業省

労働生産性の上昇努力が賃金に反映されるためにも、例えば研究開発投等により輸出価格へ転できるようにすることで交易条件を改善し、生産性の上昇を賃金に反映することも必要である 。例文帳に追加

In order to reflect the efforts for increase of labour productivity to the wages, we should also improve terms of trade by promoting, for example, R&D investment, and ensuring export prices, and reflect the increased productivity to wages . - 厚生労働省


However, the increase in the House of Hino's influence caused suspicion on the shogunate side, whereby the assassination of Yoshisuke HINO by Yoshinori led to the temporary ruin of the Hino Family, but once Tomiko Hino got married to the eighth shogun Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA, Katsumitsu HINO, Tomiko's elder brother, regained his political influence.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To enable inversion of a consumption tax on a system, and acquisition of a right taxation certification, so as to cope with the present consumption tax and to prepare for revision of the consumption tax rate anticipated in the future, while eliminating an excessive equipment investment for every change in the consumption tax rate. - 特許庁


To shift a consumption tax on a system, to obtain a right taxation certification and to dispense with excessive amount investment for every change of a consumption tax rate so as to cope with the present consumption tax and in preparation for the revision of the consumption tax rate anticipated in the future. - 特許庁


From this standpoint, in Chapter 1 of Part I, for example, we showed that demand related to consumer products mainly handled by SMEs is not growing while capital investment and demand related to foreign demand, which have a relatively deeper connection to large enterprises, is growing. - 経済産業省

特に米国、英国、ドイツといった我が国以外の主要先進国は、1990 年以降の約20 年間にわたり交易条件をほぼ一定に保っており、源・原材料価格の高騰に対しても、輸出製品への価格転を進めることなどにより、対処してきたことを示している(第2-4-3-11図参照)。例文帳に追加

With the exception of Japan, major developed countries, particularly U.S., UK, and Germany, maintained their terms of trade at a certain level for about two decades in and after 1990 and this suggests that these countries coped with the soaring prices of natural resources and raw materials by passing the price increases on to prices of their export products (see Figure 2-4-3-11). - 経済産業省


However, with the marriage of his younger sister MINAMOTO no Akiko to Michinaga, he gained a kinship relation with the Sessho/Kanpaku (regent and chief adviser to the Emperor) family, and he took charge of raising political funds for Michinaga, working as an intermediary between Michinaga and other nobles and officials by making use of his kinship connection, although his promotion to Gon Dainagon took place when he was 59 years old - far from rapid advancement.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Facilitating financing for SMEs is, in the first place, a very important task for deposit-taking financial institutions and other institutions with the financial intermediary function. I believe that it is important to enhance measures to facilitate the financing for SMEs, particularly at a time when they find it difficult to pass additional costs caused by the surging crude oil and raw materials prices to their customers.  - 金融庁


Since zero interest incurs costs to the depositor (including opportunity cost),there will be a disincentive for depositors to deposit funds in excess of what is truly necessary for payment and settlement.  - 金融庁


第三十四条 国は、容器包装廃棄物の減量及び容器包装に係る源の有効利用を図るために再商品化に要する費用を商品の価格に適切に反映させることが重要であることにかんがみ、その費用の円滑かつ適正な転に寄与するため、この法律の趣旨及び内容について、広報活動等を通じて国民に周知を図り、その理解と協力を得るよう努めなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 34 In view of the fact that it is important to reflect expenses required for recycling in the price of goods in order to reduce waste containers and packaging and achieve the effective utilization of resources pertaining to containers and packaging, the state shall endeavor to obtain public understanding and cooperation by making public the purpose and content of this Act through publicity activities, etc. in order to contribute to smooth and proper shifting of expenses.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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