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該当件数 : 7



We expect the high-level commission chaired by former Mexican president Hon. Zedillo, in addressing such issues, to have discussions from a broad perspective, considering the future of the Bank, and to provide insightful suggestions, based on the Bank’s mandate as a development institution.  - 財務省


As I said earlier, this is a major reform that has implications for future generations, so we have selected, from a wide range of fields, people who can oversee the reform from a comprehensive viewpoint based on excellent judgment, broad perspectives and acute insight.  - 金融庁


The eleven persons appointed as council members have excellent judgment, broad perspectives and acute insight, as well as successful careers in their fields of expertise. We intend to work out specific measures for the reform of the civil servant system while taking into consideration opinions provided from their various and broad viewpoints.  - 金融庁


However, this time, countries around the world are moving in the same direction from a broad perspective, and that is the difference from the situation after 1929, in which the world was divided into economic blocs, which I have often mentioned. Countries have gone so far as to carry out coordinated interventions. I hear that a G-7 meeting and two G-20 meetings will be held before the summit meeting. Various opinions may be expressed at individual meetings, but from a broad perspective, a consensus must be forged by all means. I feel this is a mission for humanity.  - 金融庁


特に、20 年の長きにわたる経済低迷で、企業もそこで働く人々も守りの姿勢やデフレの思考方法が身に付いてしまっている今日の状況を前向きな方向に転換していくためには、賃金交渉や労働条件交渉といった個別労使間で解決すべき問題とは別に、成長の果実の分配の在り方、企業の生産性の向上や労働移動の弾力化、少子高齢化、及び価値観の多様化が進む中での多様かつ柔軟な働き方、人材育成・人材活用の在り方などについて、長期的視点を持って大所高所から議論していくことが重要である。例文帳に追加

In particular, through two long decades of economic stagnation, both companies and the people who work in Japan have gotten accustomed to conservative attitude and deflation mentality. In order to change this to a forward-looking mindset, it is important that discuss with a broad and long-term perspective on the following issues, separately from issues which should be settled individually between workers and employers such as wage and work condition negotiations.  - 経済産業省



For the past two years and eight months since the change of government, he has been doing his part behind the scenes as senior vice minister without any grumbles, and he is a man of reputation. When I recommended him to Prime Minister Noda as my successor, the prime minister said, “I know of him well.He is a man of reputation among experts. While he may lack glamour, I place firm confidence in him. It is important to gain the people's confidence and to have a broad perspective as minister for financial services in a democratic country. Regarding the international perspective and technical matters, it is necessary to seek the support of civil servants. However, he knows well what should be looked at from a broad perspective and what should be looked at from the technical perspective. Therefore, I believe that we may rest assured about him.  - 金融庁



Of course, I intend to do so. This is a matter of political leadership. Trade in agricultural goods has existed since the Meiji period; the rice market was opened in the Edo period. It is said that the first futures trading was conducted in Osaka. Grain trading has a very long history and tradition and it has been promoted by the former Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as part of the agricultural policy. Trading in crude oil and other mineral resources has been promoted as part of the trade and commerce policy. For my part, I served as parliamentary secretary for international trade and industry 20 years ago. However, regarding financial products, which account for most of the trading, futures trading is under the jurisdiction of the FSA. I am well aware that ministerial sectionalism has existed until now. The reality is that individual ministries have been operating on the basis of sectionalism. In this respect, we must exercise political leadership. Under the current economic strategy, it is an important task to strengthen the Tokyo market’s international competitiveness and enhance its position from a broad perspective, so the three relevant ministers will discuss this matter and take necessary actions.  - 金融庁


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