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falsification by means of vague or ambiguous language - 日本語WordNet
It is inadequate to refer to drawings because drawings generally have ambiguous meanings and could be interpreted in many ways. - 特許庁
Since the word 'sovereign power' can be interpreted in various means, it is necessary to be careful. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Therefore, the device can convert the "shake" operation given to the device main body into an ambiguous operation. - 特許庁
The plots are simple and ambiguous, as many Setsuwa (anecdotes) are, and many are simple, lacking complicated composition and detailed descriptions. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Where a description in a claim allows various ways of interpretation, an examiner should consider all possible ways of interpretation for the purpose of conducting the widest scope of prior art search. - 特許庁
To allow the design of typable devices (6,005), in particular, touch-typable devices (6,005) embodying ambiguous codes (6,001), to present numerous ergonomic problems. - 特許庁
Setting information for univocally specifying a process is attached normally to process control data attached to image data, but information for specifying in a polysemic manner is attached thereto. - 特許庁
To provide an ambiguity evaluation device more correctly evaluating ambiguity of a sentence even about a sentence including a polysemous verb regardless of only presence/absence of essential case of the verb. - 特許庁
To provide a cross-lingual information searching technique enabling a user to visually recognize the polysemy of words searched for with picture information and to make selection out of translated words and search-related words presented on the basis of meanings related to the words searched for. - 特許庁
By allowing the selection of the performance data or the like in such a manner, equivocal performances are achieved for the main board command and the performances are diversified. - 特許庁
To provide a method for reducing the redundancy of a retrieved result due to the ambiguity of meaning of a retrieving keyword and the variety of meaning relation among plural retrieving keywords in the retrieval of an electronic document and realizing a highly efficient electronic document retrieval. - 特許庁
Each interpretation of "job creation capacity" can also be considered from a macro-perspective in terms of the quantity of jobs created by enterprises in aggregate, or from a micro-perspective that focuses on the attributes and growth of individual enterprises and examines the quality of jobs and enterprise growth of individual enterprises. Interpretations of "job creation capacity" are thus considerably more diverse in practice than the term itself may suggest. - 経済産業省
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