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該当件数 : 18


そのため変化は物語の 基礎要素となります例文帳に追加

And that's why change is fundamental in story. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


In short, genealogical/family tree factors such as blood-line relationships or student-master relationships are only basic considerations.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For this reason the most basic component of rakugo can be said to be the spoken words, rather than any physical element.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A life of the mechanical element of the turbine is uniformly managed, and is accumulated as basic material for estimating a remaining life of other turbines. - 特許庁



A foundation interface for concrete foundation for supporting a structure comprises a prefabricated concrete element with a plurality of through holes, which are geometrically arranged to correspond to an arrangement of holes or bolts of the structure to be supported. - 特許庁


Linux カーネルは、ユーザ空間で高速なロック機構やセマフォを使用するための基礎的要素として futex ("Fast Userspace muTexes"; 高速ユーザ空間 mutex) を提供している。例文帳に追加

The Linux kernel provides futexes ("Fast Userspace muTexes") as a building block for fast userspace locking and semaphores.  - JM


In the building, a support 3B is erected on a foundation section 2; a block-like building forming element body 3A is provided integrally with the support 3B; and the foundation section 2 is equipped with a pile member 2B which is provided in the state of being anchored to bearing ground G. - 特許庁


Introduction of a common currency is logically based on the optimal currency area theory, which advocates advantages of introducing a common currency in regions whose capital and production factor markets are highly homogeneous and integrated. - 経済産業省


Even today, in such areas as venture funds, M&As and the revitalization of failed businesses, decisions on an amount of investment as a matter of course involve the evaluation of factors related to intellectual assets. The growth of these markets can be expected to lay the groundwork for an adequate evaluation of intellectual assets in Japan. - 経済産業省


基礎なアルゴリズムは可塑なものであり、1980年代の後半に発表されたRatcliffとObershelpによるアルゴリズム、大げさに名づけられた``ゲシュタルトパターンマッチング''よりはもう少し良さそうなものです。 その考え方は、``junk''要素を含まない最も長いマッチ列を探すことです(RatcliffとObershelpのアルゴリズムではjunkを示しません)。例文帳に追加

The basic algorithm predates, and is a little fancier than, an algorithmpublished in the late 1980's by Ratcliff and Obershelp under the hyperbolic name ``gestalt pattern matching.'' The idea is to find the longest contiguous matching subsequence that contains no``junk'' elements (the Ratcliff and Obershelp algorithm doesn'taddress junk). - Python



He took in the instrumental elements into biwa that had been used as accompaniment to narration and made fresh approaches such as biwa performances without narration, ensemble with Western musical instruments and other traditional Japanese musical instruments that had never been played with, or refinement of the Biwa uta based on the Kinshin-ryu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The control environment determines the tone of an organization; influences the awareness of its people toward control; lays the foundation for all other components; and influences risk assessment and response, control activities, information and communication, monitoring and response to IT.  - 金融庁


The control environment determines the tone of an organization; influences the awareness of its people toward control; lays the foundation for all other components; and influences risk assessment and response, control activities, information and communication, monitoring and response to IT.  - 金融庁


To enable optimized structure to be reliably derived despite not performing mode-tracking at the structure optimizing method which makes the structure model grow in each element unit to a direction in which the eigenfrequency approaches a target value based on the structure model decided beforehand. - 特許庁


Invocation of the functionality of the control element causes a context-based help dialog to be presented to the user, which informs the user of the basis for the current status condition and which includes a prompt for automated modification or resolution of the secondary settings, so as to change the current status condition of the control element to a new status condition that offers the desired control function. - 特許庁


At this time, for a factor of causing remaining part due to discrete copying of the tool, that is, either the area of the basic electrode model or the oscillating direction in oscillating the model, a part corresponding to the part overlapping an area of an oscillating range of a downward bent edge point on the model surface bent inward the model is previously deleted from the target. - 特許庁


A major maker development part that is a purchaser, a material or raw material maker that is a basic study request destination, and the local manufacturer including middle and small cross-industrial manufacturers are on-lined, whereby device information, experimental manufacturing state, intellectual element examination, basic trade contract or the like is speedily processed in a computer-assisted online system as needed. - 特許庁


こうした問題の解決に向けた議論は広域な経済統合を進める上でも重要な要素であると考えられることから、広域経済統合に向けた政府間での議論の基礎とすることも念頭に、我が国は、2010 年2 月に東アジア地域16 カ国の政府関係者が参加する、「東アジアの経済統合における原産地規則ワークショップ」を開催し、広域な経済統合を進める上での原産地規則の在り方について議論を行った。例文帳に追加

Discussions for resolution of these issues are being considered as an important factor on promoting regional economic integration. There is also the basis for discussions at the intergovernmental regional economic integration. Japan participated with officials from 16 countries in the region in February 2010 and the "Rules of Origin in Economic Integration in East Asia Workshop" was held. The existence of the rules of origin on promoting regional economic integration was discussed. - 経済産業省


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