「協定税率」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索

「協定税率」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 協定税率の意味・解説 > 協定税率に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 32



a conventional tariff  - 斎藤和英大辞典


a conventional tariff  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


a conventional tariff based on an agreement between several countries  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Clarification on submission of data by RTA Parties (preferential duties and MFN duties etc.) - 経済産業省


後者については、例えば、関税引上げは貿易制限的な措置ではあるが、WTO協定において約束している譲許税率 よりも実行税率 を低く設定していた場合、譲許税率を超えない範囲の関税率引上げであれば、WTO協定との関係で直ちに問題が生じるわけではない。例文帳に追加

As an example of the latter, although a tariff increase is a trade-restrictive measure, if the effective tax rate4is lower than the concession tax rate5 promised in the WTO agreements, a tariff rate increase that does not exceed the concession tax rate would not directly contravene WTO agreements. - 経済産業省


また関税の引き上げ幅についても、セーフガード協定では特段の定めがないのに対して、二国間セーフガード措置ではFTA/EPAに基づく関税削減の停止、又は関税率を実行MFN 税率(二国間セーフガード措置をとる時点における実行MFN 税率又は協定発効の前日における実行MFN 税率のいずれか低い方の税率)まで引き上げることのみとされることが多い。例文帳に追加

In addition, whereas the WTO Agreement on Safeguards does not have any special provisions on the permissible extent to which tariffs may be increased, bilateral safeguard measures often provide for suspension of tariff reduction under the FTAs/EPAs or increase of the tariff rate up to the then most-favored-nation rate in respect of import duties (by lowering the tax rate of either the then most-favored-nation rate of import duties as of the time of the bilateral safeguard measure or as of the day before the agreement entered into force). - 経済産業省

現在、多くの国々が実行税率を譲許税率よりも低い水準に設定しているが、仮に全てのWTO加盟国が自国の関税を協定税率まで引き上げた場合、全世界の関税率が2 倍になり、世界貿易は8%減少、ひいては毎年3,500 億ドルの経済損失を惹起するとの試算16 がある。例文帳に追加

Currently, many countries set effective tax rates lower than the concession tax rate. However, according to some tentative calculations, if all WTO members increased their tariffs to the level of the concessionary tariff rate, the world's effective tariff rate would double and the world trade volume would decrease by8%, incurring an economic loss of $350 billion per annum. - 経済産業省


Regarding trading relations, they approved each other the conditions for commerce (most-favored-nation treatments and agreed tariff rates) which were equal to that for the allied western powers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

そのため、EPA /FTAでは、第三国による迂回貿易(協定締約国経由で輸出入することにより、協定特恵税率の適用を受けようとする等)を防止する目的から、協定締約国の「原産品」であるか否かを判定するためのルールである原産地規則を規定し、原産品についてのみ協定特恵税率を適用することとしている。例文帳に追加

As such, EPAs/FTAs function to curb round-about trade by third countries (attempts to receive preferred tariff rates applied to member countries of an EPA/FTA by trading en route to any such member country), by stipulating country-of-origin rules, aiming to verify whether or not traded products are original to their member countries. Pursuant to these rules, only products originated in member countries can receive the preferred tariff rates of any given EPA/FTA. - 経済産業省



For example, EPA/FTAs allow the application of preferential tariff rates to goods originally produced in contracting countries, so that the rules of origin, which are applied to determine the nationality of goods, are indispensable in order to avoid roundabout trade (trade of goods originally produced in the third country via a contracting party, aiming at the illegal application of preferential tariff rates). - 経済産業省



For example, if final products assembled in the ASEAN region from high value-added parts produced in Japan are to be exported to countries in the ASEAN region, the bound tariff rate under the AJCEP will be applied, as long as the products meet the Rules of Origin11, even if such a preferential tariff rate cannot be applied under the AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Agreement) or any bilateral EPAs (see Figure. 4-3-3). - 経済産業省

EPA / FTAでは、域内輸入品に課す関税の撤廃又は引下げによって域内国間における市場アクセスの改善を享受しつつ、域外からの輸入品に課される関税率(MFN ベースの譲許税率)を維持することが WTO協定の例外的措置として認められている。例文帳に追加

As an exception to WTO agreements, EPA/FTA signatory countries are allowed to maintain their tariff rates (tariff binding rates based on MFN), while enjoying market access made possible by the tariff elimination or reduction on goods traded within the region that has been shaped by the agreement. - 経済産業省

また、関税撤廃方式の適用については、現行関税率によって関税撤廃方法及び期間を機械的に定める場合があり、例えば、豪NZ は現行関税率5%を超えるものは5年、5%以下のものは即時撤廃、中国アセアン協定は現行関税率に応じて5分類の関税撤廃方式が存在するという例がある。例文帳に追加

In some agreements, the applicable tariff elimination formula and periods are automatically determined by the current tariff rates (see for example, the Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (“ANZCERTA”), wherein the tariff is to be eliminated in five years if the current tariff rate exceeds 5%, and eliminated immediately if the current tariff rate is 5% or less; and the China-ASEAN agreement, wherein five methods of eliminating tariffs, depending on the current tariff rate are provided.). - 経済産業省

具体的なメリットとしては、我が国で製造した高付加価値部品を用いてASEAN域内で最終製品に加工し、その製品を域内輸出する場合等において、原産地規則28 の関係からASEAN自由貿易協定(ASEAN Free Trade Area, AFTA)や二国間のEPAではカバーできず特恵関税率が適用されないケースであっても、日ASEAN包括的経済連携協定における原産地規則を満たせば同協定の下での特恵関税率の適用が可能となる(原産地規則における「累積」)こと等が挙げられ、本協定による日ASEAN域内の経済活動の一層の充実・強化が期待される(第3-2-1-24 図)。例文帳に追加

This is the first bilateral EPA for the Philippines aimed to promote a comprehensive economic partnership, including cooperation, between Japan and the Philippines by promoting free trade in goods, people, services and investment, and by harmonization and defining institutions, such as intellectual property, competition policies and business environment development. - 経済産業省


This was an equal treaty that mutually authorized the exchange of envoys, the presence of the consular with restricted jurisdiction, opening of a port and commerce, and tariff rates based on an agreement.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

FTA/EPA においては、通常、物品貿易の自由化約束として、相手国産品に対する関税の、協定発効時の即時撤廃や、実行税率からの一定年数による均等削減等が規定される。例文帳に追加

FTAs/EPAs ordinarily provide the commitment of each to trade liberalization in goods in the form of either an immediate elimination of the tariffs on the goods of the counterparty country upon the entry into force thereof, or a straight-line reduction of the present tariff rate over a certain number of years. - 経済産業省


In many other agreements, the applicable tariff elimination formula and periods are not automatically determined by the current tariff rates, but are determined based on the political sensitivity of each item subject to tariff on a case by case basis. - 経済産業省

●貿易協定の特恵関税率及びその他の側面を利用することの困難さ: 地域自由貿易協定を活用するための知識の向上は中小企業が輸出時に彼らの総合的なコストを引き下げ、その代わりに競争力を引き上げるこれらの協定から恩恵を受けることを一層容易にするだろう。例文帳に追加

. Difficulty in taking advantage of preferential tariff rates and other aspects of trade agreements: Improving the understanding of how to utilize regional free trade agreements will make it easier for SMEs to benefit from these agreements, which will lower their overall cost when exporting and, in turn, increase their competitiveness.  - 経済産業省


In light of the two considerations above, we have categorized unilateral measures based on: (1) the nature of the underlying dispute; (i.e., whether the country imposing the unilateral measures claims damages based on a WTO violation or damages in areas not covered by the WTO); and (2) the nature of the measures enacted (i.e., whether the measures violate the WTO Agreementfor example, tariff increases within bound rates). Figure 14-1, below, discusses whether these various unilateral measures are consistent with the WTO Agreement. - 経済産業省

上述のとおり、我が国が締結したEPA において認められる二国間セーフガード措置は、FTA/EPA に基づく関税削減の停止、又は関税率を実行MFN 税率まで引き上げることのみを目的としており、原則として、WTO協定との整合性の問題は発生しないと考えられる(GATT 第24条第8項の実質上廃止しなければならない制限的通商規則該当性は議論の余地がある)。例文帳に追加

As previously mentioned, the bilateral safeguard measures permitted under the EPAs executed by Japan are aimed at suspension of tariff reduction thereunder or at an increase of the tariff rate up to the present most-favored-nation rate of tariff . These measures are considered, in principle, not to give rise to any issue of consistency with the WTO Agreement (although it is potentially arguable that these measures fall under more restrictive regulations of commerce under paragraph 8 of GATT Article XXIV, which measures must be substantially eliminated). - 経済産業省


Under such agreement, a large portion of the average tariff rate (16%, based on annual average effective tariff rate as of 2001) which was previously imposed on export products to Mexico are to be eliminated within 10 years. In areas such as investment and services, and governmental procurement, Japan enjoys a competitive environment similar to that enjoyed by Western countries with Mexico. - 経済産業省


As an example of regional trade agreements between developing countries, the tariff elimination period of MERCOSUR is set at three (3) years, in principle (four (4) years for sensitive items). The China-ASEAN agreement sets the period at four (4) years (if the tariff rate is under 10%) or five (5) years (if the tariff rate is 10% or higher), in principle (seven (7) years for sensitive items with respect to China and the original 6 members of ASEAN); and ten (10) years, in principle and thirteen (13) years for sensitive items in the case of CLMV (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam). - 経済産業省

近年、製品の多機能化・高度化を契機として、EU は、本来協定の対象として扱われるべき製品について、恣意的な関税分類の変更を行い、協定対象外の製品と同一の高い関税を課している(複合機(税率6%)、PC 用液晶モニター(同14%)、セット・トップ・ボックス(ケーブルテレビ放送受信機)(同13.9%))。例文帳に追加

In recent years, the EU has been intentionally changing the duty classification of products that should be covered by the agreement originally, and imposes high duties that are same for products out of the agreement. (This includes a tax rate of 6% for complex machines, 14% for PC LCD monitors, 13.9% for set top boxes (cable TV broadcast receivers). - 経済産業省


The Contracting States shall endeavour to lend assistance to each other in the collection of tax to the extent needed to ensure that any exemption or reduced rate of tax granted under this Agreement shall not be enjoyed by persons not entitled to such benefits.  - 財務省


Under the Lomé Convention, the European Union maintains measures that provide preferential treatment to imports of bananas from countries in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific (ACP) in the form of tariff quotas (i.e., different tariffs are applied to set in-quota and out-of-quota amounts for the individual ACP countries). - 経済産業省


Methods of eliminating tariffs are, inter alia, (i) the immediate elimination thereof upon the entry into force of the agreement; (ii) a gradual and straight-line reduction or elimination thereof; and (iii) other various types of reduction thereof, such as (a) a substantial reduction thereof in the initial year, followed by gradual reduction or elimination thereof (for example, tariffs in respect of automobiles of Thai origin in the Australia-Thailand agreement), or (b) an initial grace period of several years during which tariffs are maintained, followed by the elimination thereof. - 経済産業省


With the sharp increase in the number of EPAs/FTAs signed, it is important to evaluate, from mid- and long-term perspectives, the EPAs/FTAs' roles in complementing and promoting the multilateral free trade system, as well as their effects on regional liberalization EPAs/FTAs are recognized as an exceptional measure4 of the WTO agreements in that they contribute to maintaining the tariff rates imposed on imports from external regions (bound tariff rates based on the most-favored-nation treatment), while improving market access between countries in the same region by eliminating or reducing the tariffs imposed on imports from the internal region. - 経済産業省


The Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the United States and Japan was an unequal treaty including unfavourable conditions against Japan such as extraterritoriality, resignation of tariff autonomy (tariff agreement system) and unilateral MFN (most favoured nation) status, therefore when the Japanese market was opened to the world, domestic industries were defenceless against the impact of price increases and the draining of gold reserves which gave rise to the Sonno Joi Movement (a movement advocating reverence to the Emperor and expulsion of foreigners), uprising, and destructive urban riots.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

中国ASEAN 協定(2003年発効)では、最終税率を0~5%までに引き下げるセンシティブトラック品目が設けられ、中国及びASEAN 原加盟国に対しては、HS 6桁の品目数で400品目以内及び輸入額の10%以内、CLMV はHS6桁の品目数で500品目以内の上限があるため、この分を差し引くと、貿易額ベース及び品目数ベースでの最終的な関税撤廃率は少なくとも90%を超えるとみられる。例文帳に追加

In the China-ASEAN Agreement (implemented in 2003) there are sensitive track items where the final tariff rate is to be reduced to 0%-5%. China and original ASEAN member countries have limits of less than 400 HS 6-digit items and less than 10% of the value of imports, while CLMV have a limit of 500 HS 6-digit items. Subtracting these amounts yields a final tariff reduction rate for both trade value and tariff line bases that is at the very least more than 90%. - 経済産業省


Enhancing Parties understanding of how to develop and promote seminars, workshops, trade opportunities and other activities, including establishing and maintaining a publicly available online tool kit to convey information, including text, tariff schedules, and references that can be useful for trading, investing, or doing business, to make it easier for SMEs to take advantage of the benefits of Free Trade Agreements.  - 経済産業省


In tandem with the Dispute Settlement Process, Japan proceeded with trade compensation procedures that exporting countries subject to safeguard measures are allowed to take under Agreement on Safeguards Article 8. Japan notified the WTO Council for Trade in Goods on May 17, 2002, of the covered amount, proposed items, additional tariff rates, etc., for: (a) immediate measures in case of absence of absolute increase in import (so-called "short list"3); and (b) the measures to be exercised after a decision by the Dispute Settlement Body that the US safeguard measure was in violation of WTO Agreements (so-called "long list"4). - 経済産業省


パネルは2001年10月29日に報告を発出し、①米国の導入した関税割当の一律的な一次税率枠割当は過去の輸入量に占めるシェアを無視しており、GATT 第13条の無差別原則に反すること、② GATT 第19条ならびにセーフガード協定は重大な損害またはそのおそれのいずれかを明示して認定することを求めるところ、ITCはこれを怠ったこと(ITC は「重大な損害またはそのおそれ」が存在するとした)、③因果関係の認定において、重大な損害の原因としての輸入増加とその他の要因の切り分けを怠ったこと等を理由として、当該措置のWTO設立協定違反を認定した。例文帳に追加

The panel issued its report on October 29, 2001, finding that the measures taken by the US violated the WTO Agreement because: (a) the uniform in-quota volume allocated by the US to each exporting country ignored the share of past import volume, thus violating the non-discrimination principle in Article XIII of GATT; (b) while Part II Chapter 7 Safeguards 357 Article XIX of GATT and the Agreement on Safeguards require a finding of either serious injury or the threat thereof, the ITC simply claimed that there was "serious injury or threat thereof"; and (c) in determining the causal link, the ITC failed to separate and distinguish increased imports from other factors which contribute to serious injury. - 経済産業省


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