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Correction of Tariffs on Products Covered by the Information Technology Agreements <new item> - 経済産業省


Correction of Tariffs on Products Covered by the Information Technology Agreements <new item> - 経済産業省

君が提したように 仕事の協定を継続する 尊重しよう例文帳に追加

We maintain our professional arrangement, as you suggested, which I will honor. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

(d) 知的所有権保護において目標とする国際協定の作成及び実施に参加し,かつ,当該協定を締結するために提を行うこと例文帳に追加

(d) it shall participate in the preparation and implementation of international agreements aimed at intellectual property protection and shall make proposals to conclude such agreements; - 特許庁


五 締結しようとする協定(変更しようとする場合は、変更事項。以下同じ。)の例文帳に追加

v) Draft of the agreement to be concluded (in case of change, matters to be changed, the same shall apply hereinafter  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



Based on the information on an examination status, it determines whether an agreement is reached on the case of the accident. - 特許庁

途上国間の地域貿易協定については、GATT 第24条と授権条項の両方を勘して判断する。例文帳に追加

Judgments concerning RTAs among developing countries should take into account both Article XXIV and the Enabling Clause. - 経済産業省

・補助金制度の透明かつWTO 協定整合的な運用・改善<新規件>例文帳に追加

Operation and Improvement of its Subsidy System in a Transparent Manner and in accordance with WTO Agreements <new item> - 経済産業省


Operation and Improvement of its Subsidy System in a Transparent Manner and in accordance with WTO Agreements <new item> - 経済産業省



Operation and Improvement of its Subsidy System in a Transparent Manner and in accordance with WTO Agreements <new item> - 経済産業省



They made sure that they would secure their interests in Manchuria through making an agreement to deny the proposal of having the South Manchuria Railways stand neutral by the United States of America (Knox's proposal).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Additionally, with a view toward revising the Articles of Agreement, we should actively discuss enforceable reform ideas within the current framework and swiftly implement necessary reforms.  - 財務省

従来どおり、授権条項根拠の地域貿易協定は、CTD で審査するが、(他の件と一緒に審査するのではなく、)専ら地域貿易協定を審査するための会合として開催する。例文帳に追加

The CTD implements this Transparency Mechanism for RTAs falling under paragraph 2(c) of the Enabling Clause as before, but the CTD shall meet for purposes of performing the functions established under this Mechanism. - 経済産業省

2000年までの件は、経過期間が満了していた先進国相互間の事協定発効と同時に全ての加盟国に履行義務が生じた内国民待遇・最恵国待遇についての先進国から途上国への事が占めていたが、TRIPS 協定を取り巻く激しい議論のもと、近年のTRIPS 協定関連の紛争処理の申立は鈍化してきている。例文帳に追加

Until 2000, most of the cases dealt with issues between developed country Members after the transitional period, developing country Members regarding the national treatment, and MFN obligations incurred by Members at the time the Agreement took effect. Due to the recent intense debate regarding the TRIPS Agreement, more matters have been referred to dispute settlement procedures. Now that the TRIPS Council has conducted Member implementation reviews, Japan urges Members to focus not only on WTO-inconsistent legislation, but also on further improvements in enforcement by actively identifying problems and cooperating with rights holders. - 経済産業省


If an agreement is reached on the case of the accident, it decides a supplier terminal that is a supplier of repair parts required for the case of the accident, based on the information on the case of the accident. - 特許庁


In January this year, the Board of Governors approved the solution on the amendment to the Bank's Charter in order to add Mongolia to the countries of operations.  - 財務省

(b) ハンガリーの特許明細書,実用新,意匠及び回路配置の明細書並びに国際協定に規定するこれら明細書を公表すること例文帳に追加

(b) it shall publish the Hungarian patent specifications, utility model, industrial design and topography descriptions, and those provided for in international agreements; - 特許庁

TRIPS 協定発効から2006年12月までの紛争件は、24件の協議要請がなされ、うち9件のパネルが設置された(巻末図表資Ⅰ―5参照)。例文帳に追加

Since the TRIPS Agreement took effect on January 1, 1995, 24 matters have been referred to consultations under the WTO dispute settlement procedures; of these matters, 9 panels have been established. - 経済産業省


Correction of Tariffs on Products Covered by the Information Technology Agreements <new item> - 経済産業省

① FTA 上の紛争解決手続が優先するとするも の ② WTO協定(又はGATT)上の紛争解決手続 が優先するとするもの ③申立国が自らWTO協定(又はGATT)上の 紛争解決手続とFTA 上の紛争解決手続のい ずれをも選択し得ることとしているもの ①の例としてはNAFTA がある。同協定は、 NAFTA 及びGATT またはその関連協定から生 じる紛争について、被申立国が当該件は NAFTA 上の「環境及び省資源協定関連」規定、 または「衛生及び植物衛生措置」もしくは「規格関 連措置」に関連する規定の適用を受けると主張し、 当該件をNAFTA に従って検討するよう要請 する場合は、申立国はNAFTA 上の手続のみ利用できる旨規定している(2005条3項、4項)。② の事例として、EC-チリは、紛争件が WTO協定の対象にもなりうる場合には、当該 件はWTOの紛争解決手続に付託されるとの包括 的なWTO優先手続を規定している(189条3項 )。例文帳に追加

(1) priority is given to the dispute settlement procedures under the relevant FTA (see, for example, NAFTA, which provides, in regard to any dispute arising from NAFTA or GATT or any related agreement, that if the respondent claims that its action is subject to the provisions on "Relation to Environmental and Conservation Agreements", "Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures" or "Standard-Related Measures," and requests that for the matter be considered under the NAFTA, the complainant may have recourse solely to the dispute settlement procedures under NAFTA (Article 2005, Paragraphs 3 and 4)); or (2) priority is given to the dispute settlement procedures under the WTO Agreement (or GATT) (See, for example, the EC - Chile FTA, which stipulates that when a case is disputable under the WTO Agreement, such case shall be referred to the dispute settlement procedures (Article 189, Paragraph 4(c)) under the WTO Agreement. - 経済産業省


in addition to permitting the interpretation or application of the relevant agreement, other FTAs/EPAs permit for a wider scope of disputes that can be referred to the dispute settlement body established thereunder, allowing parties to claim in respect of measures which are not inconsistent with the provisions thereof, but effectively nullify or impair the benefits expected by such parties from such agreements (similar to "non-violation" claims under the WTO Agreement) (for example, CARICOM, Article 187; NAFTA, Article 2004 (with certain limitations); and Korea - Singapore FTA, Chapter 20, Article 20.2, Paragraph 1 (with certain limitations)). - 経済産業省


This year, there is no measure reported with respect to the consistency of the EPAs Japan has concluded. (See Note.) However, we expect the number of such measures to increase as the number of EPAs Japan concludes increases, and we hope for further understanding of those rules by Japanese companies. - 経済産業省

このような論法を認めれば、発動国は「相手国のWTO協定上の問題を争っていない」と主張することにより、常にDSU 第23条違反を免れるという不合理な事態を招来するため、係争事がWTO協定上の問題か否かは、紛争処理手続に関するルールに照らして客観的に判断されるべきである。例文帳に追加

Under this scenario, the enforcing country could unreasonably escape WTO violation. To avoid this problem, it should be made clear that regardless of whether each case is related to the WTO Agreement, it should be judged objectively according the rules of dispute settlement. - 経済産業省

これにより、授権条項根拠の地域貿易協定も本透明性メカニズムの対象となること、審査の場はCRTA ではなくCTD とするが、他の件と一緒に審査するのではなく、専ら地域貿易協定を審査するための会合として開催することが決定した。例文帳に追加

This Mechanism is applied to the RTAs under the Enabling Clause. The CTD implemented this Transparency Mechanism for RTAs falling under paragraph 2(c) of the Enabling Clause. The CTD shall convene in dedicated session for purposes of performing the functions established under this Mechanism. - 経済産業省

当該協定の解釈及び適用に関する件とのみ 規定するもの(CACM(26条)、「EC-ノルウ ェー」(29条)、コトヌー協定(98条1項)、 ASEAN(8条2項)等) ビジネス環境の整備及び協力に対しては紛争解決 手続に関する規定を適用しないと規定されている (67条、72条、128条3項、133条、138条及び144 条)。例文帳に追加

certain FTAs/EPAs limit the scope of disputes that can be referred to the dispute settlement body established thereunder to those concerning the interpretation or application thereof, (for example, CACM, Article 26, EC - Norway FTA, Article 29; Cotonou Agreement, Article 98, Paragraph 1; and ASEAN, Article 8, Paragraph 2) - 経済産業省


Classification of Utility Models”: grounded on the International Classification of Patents established by the Strasbourg Arrangement on March 24, 1971, and subsequent amendments thereof.  - 特許庁


24 projects and programmes are selected asEarly Harvest Cooperation Projects”, which will be implemented immediately upon entry into force of the JMEPA.  - 経済産業省


On May 12th, a measure to prevent the reoccurrence of a fiscal crisis which included an advance evaluation of the EU member state budget proposals was proposed at the European Commission and based on the stable growth agreement the Commission expressed their goal of maintaining confidence in the euro. - 経済産業省

我が国としては、これまでTRIPS 理事会において行われてきた協定実施のレビューが一巡したことから、各国法制度のTRIPS 協定整合性といった制度面の問題ばかりでなく、権利者からの協力を得つつ権利行使手続や取締りなどの実効面・運用面でのTRIPS 協定の履行状況の問題についても積極的な把握に努めるとともに、加盟国間での紛争件の動向についても注視し、また、TRIPS 協定の実効性を十全ならしめるための適切な対応を講じることが望ましい。例文帳に追加

Japan will continue to monitor the status of legal systems during the Member reviews and also examine disputes between Members. Japan may find it necessary to become more active in some cases. - 経済産業省


The European Parliament answered "No" to the Bush administration, voting 665 to 11 in opposition to a proposed secret agreement being negotiated by the European Union and the United States. - Weblio英語基本例文集

第五百六十六条 清算株式会社は、協定案の作成に当たり必要があると認めるときは、次に掲げる債権者の参加を求めることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 566 If a Liquidating Stock Company regards it as necessary in preparing a draft agreement, it may seek the participation of the following creditors:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Monetary policy issues were discussed and the EU side presented the developments in the fiscal policy area, outlining the recent proposals for strengthening the implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact.  - 財務省


Specifically, taking advantage of the opportunity of the current IMF reforms, I propose addingfinancial stabilityto the purposes laid out in Article I of the Fund’s Articles of Agreement.  - 財務省


Such information shall include information that is foreseeably relevant to the determination, assessment and collection of such taxes, the recovery and enforcement of tax claims, or the investigation or prosecution of tax matters.  - 財務省


Portugal shall send Japan through diplomatic channels without delay the notification confirming the entry into force of such anagreement.  - 財務省

件にはパネル及び上級委員会において我が国も第三国参加したが、その結果、GATT 第11条、第13条に違反し、繊維協定第2条に反するとしてインド側の主張が認められた。例文帳に追加

With regard to this case, Japan participated as a third party in both the WTO panel and the Appellate Body proceedings. The WTO found that these restrictions violated Articles XI and XIII of the GATT and Article II of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing. - 経済産業省


If it is determined that the arbitral tribunal has jurisdiction, then the tribunal will judge the merits of the case and, if it finds there was a breach, determine the amount of compensation. - 経済産業省


In response to such new challenges, the WTO report published in 2005 suggested the revision of a decision-making process, adoption of plurilateral agreement system, enhancement of dispute settlement system, etc. - 経済産業省


The Appellate Body found that, in light of the object and purpose of the WTO Agreement and the Enabling Clause, the Enabling Clause does not necessarily prohibit the granting of different special treatment to different GSP (Generalized System of Preferences) beneficiaries. - 経済産業省


We consider that it is necessary that the ADA provide guidelines for determining what period or periods of data collection may be appropriate for the examination of dumping and of injury.  - 経済産業省

紛争解決手続に付託して解決を図っている事我が国は、WTO 協定に違反する外国政府の政策・措置について、二国間交渉やWTO 紛争解決手続等、あらゆる機会を通じてその改善を図っている。例文帳に追加

When it comes to policies and measures of foreign governments that violate WTO agreement, Japan makes effort to improve them at every opportunity through bilateral negotiation and the WTO dispute settlement system. - 経済産業省

履行方法については、WTO協定のDSU 19条 1項において見られるように、紛争解決機関にそ の提を行う権限を付与しているかどうかが一つ のポイントとなる。例文帳に追加

Whether or not the relevant dispute settlement body has the authority to recommend methods of implementing a relevant binding decisions (see, for example, Article 19, Paragraph 1 of the DSU of the WTO Agreement) is an important issue. - 経済産業省

TSG は、繊維協定発効後、特定の国によって頻繁に発動されてきたが、繊維・繊維製品監視機構(Textiles Monitoring Body、以下「TMB」という。)の審査の厳格化により、正当化される件は減少した。例文帳に追加

Certain countries frequently applied TSG after the ATC took effect, but the number of measures decreased due to the strict examination undertaken by the Textiles Monitoring Body ("TMB"). - 経済産業省


Japan raised this issue at the annual meeting between METI and the Department of Commerce in April 2006. Japan also submitted government opinions in individual cases which requested China to apply anti-dumping measures in a manner consistent with the WTO agreement. - 経済産業省


Note: Until last year, there was a measure reported in Part I which had the possibility of inconsistency with the Japan-Vietnam BIT (p 134, in 2006). Since this issue has been resolved, the report has no measure with respect to the consistency of EPAs this year. - 経済産業省

これに加え、MEA に基づく貿易制限措置について、WTO協定整合的であると認められる要件についてのガイドラインの作成についての提も行われている。例文帳に追加

There has also been a proposal to formulate guidelines for the types of trade measures under MEAs that would be considered consistent with the WTO Agreement. - 経済産業省


In February 2006, the US House of Representatives approved the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, which repealed the export credit guarantee program determined to be a violation of the ASCM. - 経済産業省

第4回3年見直しにおいて、GRP の議論が、強制規格や適合性評価手続の立、採択、運用に際する貿易上の不必要な障害の除去を図るという、TBT 協定の効果的な履行に役立つことが再認識された。例文帳に追加

At the fourth triennial review, it was recognized that the discussion on GRP will contribute to the effective implementation of a TBT agreement that aims to remove unnecessary obstacles to international trade in the preparation, adoption and application of technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures. - 経済産業省


(b) above shall be deemed to be respectively a related employer of the employer with a place of business in the territory of a Contracting State referred to in (a)(i), (ii) and (b) above. - 厚生労働省


図表7―3の発動件数の推移から明らかなとおり、セーフガード協定によりGATT 第19条の要件が緩和されたことに伴い、セーフガード協定発効以降、次第にセーフガード措置発動件数は増加し、パネルに付託される件も増加してきた(ケース及びWTOパネル・上級委員会の判断は、2.主要ケース参照)。例文帳に追加

It is clear from the statistics below that, after the Agreement on Safeguards relaxed the requirement in Article XIX of the GATT, the number of safeguards applied increased; the number of cases brought before WTO panels also increased. (See "Major Cases" on cases and rulings by WTO panels and the Appellate Body.) - 経済産業省


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