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「労務費」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 39



personnel expenses  - EDR日英対訳辞書


The stated price does not include labor charges. - Tatoeba例文


The stated price does not include labor charges.  - Tanaka Corpus


A labor cost calculating means 13 calculates the labor cost of the final cooking on the basis of the working time of the final cooking read from the process master 6, allocates the labor cost calculated by the middle labor cost calculating means 14, and calculates the labor cost of the menu. - 特許庁



combined costs of raw material and labor incurred in producing goods  - 日本語WordNet



Then, the control part 11 calculates direct costs by totaling the material costs and labor costs. - 特許庁


To reduce risk in piping work, to reduce a material cost and a labor cost, and to shorten a working term. - 特許庁


Difference between a management plan of the production division inputted from a management plan input part 1, and actual labor cost inputted from an actual achievement input part 2 is calculated at a labor cost difference calculation part 12, and displayed on a labor cost difference displaying part 16. - 特許庁


The difference of labor cost becomes clear quantitatively by checking the displayed content. - 特許庁



Data showing working processes of each working cost in a provided business process is added to data showing each working cost in the provided business process (S111-S113). - 特許庁



To provide a direct labor expenditure management device that easily calculates direct labor expenditure concerned with a manufactured body on an electronic information display screen by using transmission and reception of mail of PHS. - 特許庁


The sum total of standard direct material cost, standard direct labor cost, and standard factory overhead for a single product is called the cost standard. - Weblio英語基本例文集


To estimate a building equipment cost, especially, a compound cost including material and equipment costs, a labor cost, and relevant costs related to equipment construction of a new building. - 特許庁


A volume calculation part 205 refers to a volume table 226 for storing costs of materials, labor and the like for house production. - 特許庁


To provide a cost price calculating device for a menu provided by a restaurant capable of easily calculating the cost price of a dish including labor cost. - 特許庁


Then, the control part 11 acquires the standard working man-hours, production rate, wage rate, and operation rate of the calculation object item, and calculates labor costs in each factory. - 特許庁


To provide grasping of a breakdown of unit utility costs to a user by showing the unit utility costs by using each expense element such as a material cost, labor cost or expenses as components when calculating unit costs of utilities such as electric power, water and steam. - 特許庁


A direct labor expenditure calculating device is a device for calculating the direct labor expenditure at a factory in which a plurality of products are manufactured in parallel and equipped with an instruction form transmitting means for transmitting an operation instruction form created on the screen of a display unit that the device is equipped with to individual workers by a mail function of PHS. - 特許庁


To provide a nonoxidation heating method where, when performing nonoxidation heating for heating a material such as a steel is heated in a nonoxidizing state, equipment cost is made low and a labor load is not imposed on a furnace operator, and to provide a nonoxidation heating furnace. - 特許庁


To carry out unpacking working quickly and easily by improving a packaging technique, to contribute to the improvement of working efficiency and the reduction of labor costs, and to promote the safety of the unpacking working collectively. - 特許庁


To provide a nonoxidation heating method where, when performing nonoxidation heating for heating a material such as a steel in a nonoxidizing state, equipment cost is made low and a labor load is not imposed on a furnace operator, and to provide a nonoxidation heating furnace. - 特許庁


A larger pool of skilled people is employed, the work is done around the clock by using people all over the globe, and the costs is reduced by directing work to people in countries with lower labor rates. - 特許庁


To reduce a labour cost and to curtail construction time by mixing a fiber reinforcer and a chemical admixture into mortar easily, correctly, and promptly and utilizing the effect of fiber-reinforced mortar sufficiently. - 特許庁


To provide a method of constructing a cable dome eliminating the drawback with a conventional construction method: that it needs a number of timbering members to be installed on the surface of the ground, increasing the costs of materials, labor, and construction work. - 特許庁


To provide a stable nonoxidation heating method where, when performing nonoxidation heating for heating a material such as a steel in a nonoxidizing state, equipment cost is made low and a labor load is not imposed on a furnace operator, and to provide a nonoxidation heating furnace. - 特許庁


In addition, to strengthen the secretariat functions of Shopping Center Promotion Associations, etc., experts in, for example, planning, management, financial affairs, labor relations and tax matters will be sent to associations, etc. (continuation) (included in SMRJ operating expense subsidy) - 経済産業省


To reduce the number of times of cleaning a preheater in a wastewater treating denitrification apparatus by dissolving and removing scale generated inside the preheater using acidic raw water, and to reduce cleaning costs such as a labor cost and a packing purchase cost by the reduction of the number of times of cleaning. - 特許庁


The purpose of this scheme is to accelerate SMEsinvestment in human resources by providing tax credits worth 8%-12% of an SME’s total education and training expenditure where the rate of such expenditure to personnel expenses in the business year concerned is at least 0.15%.  - 経済産業省


When the safety instructor accesses the server 30, the physical data and work data of a target driver in a certain period are fetched and statistical processing is performed for each diagnostic item and a document indicating the tendency of safe driving and fuel saving can be automatically generated. - 特許庁


An on-vehicle terminal 11 capable of sampling physical data and inputting labor data is loaded on an operating vehicle 10 and these data are transferred to a traffic safety/fuel efficiency diagnosis server 30 (a safe driving diagnosis device and a fuel saving driving diagnosis device) through a communication line 4. - 特許庁


The integration device is equipped with a database means 25 for storing unit price data on materials and labor, and cost rate data about indirect construction cost, a work type-based integration means 20 for calculating a unit price for each work-type, and a construction cost integration means 21 for integrating construction cost by the unit price type integration method by using the unit price data. - 特許庁


Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, victorious in the Battle of Sekigahara, decided to build a castle at Omiya Oshikoji to be used as his residence during his stay in the capital; he began removing townhouses in May of 1600 and split the cost of construction and labor with the daimyo of the western provinces in December.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


And, when difference occurs between production plan and actual production achievement in the labor cost of the production division, factor is easily analyzed and the management contribution of the production division is also measured because the factor of the difference can be specified among budget difference, operation difference, and efficiency difference. - 特許庁


To provide an electric wiring system which can reduce a facility work as much as possible of cutting wirings in a job site, removing of an insulating coating, crimp connecting, device installing, wirings or the like without necessity of installing an electric implement on a ceiling in a job site and which can reduce labor costs and industrial wastes. - 特許庁


According to a questionnaire survey on risks that Japanese companies consider problematic in conducting business overseas, the most common answer for China was the “deterioration in people’s feelings towards Japan” (91.6%), followed bychanges in labor environments (upsurge of personnel cost and frequent labor disputes)” (65.0%).  - 経済産業省


Looking at the rate of increase in labor costs for the one-year period from April 2006, the average year-on-year costs increased 12% for general workers and 14% for managers. The locally-incorporated companies of Japanese SMEs that have expanded into China are most likely to cite the substantial rise in labor costs as a challenge. - 経済産業省

さらに、ジェトロ・バンコク(2012)のアンケート調査(今年3 月13 日実施)によれば、最低賃金上昇により、回答した製造業企業の労務費比率は平均4.6%上昇(17.9%から22.5%へ)し、営業利益も平均で15.2%減少する(営業利益にマイナスに影響すると回答した製造業企業は94.3%に達している)。例文帳に追加

Furthermore, according to the questionnaire survey conducted on March 13, 2012 by JETRO Bangkok Office (2012), the ratio of labor to the output of responding manufacturing companies will rise by 4.6% on average due to the rise in the minimum wage (from 17.9% to 22.5%) and the net operating profit will decline by 15.2% on average (94.3% of manufacturers responded that it will have a negative impact on the operating profit). - 経済産業省


Conversely, in consumer-oriented services a relatively high percentage of responses were given for reasons such as the following:"Want to move to a workplace where I can advance my career," "Poor working environment, including work being too busy," "No or few opportunities to learn; cannot grow," and "No or few opportunities to utilize my specialized knowledge and/or know-how." - 経済産業省


企業の経営に当たって必要な3要素として、“ヒト(組織機能)”、“モノ(流通・生産機能)”、“カネ(金融機能)”の3つがしばしば指摘されるが、これらは別個独立した存在ではなく、それぞれが相互に影響を及ぼす関係にある。 財務構造の悪化や債務超過に陥った場合においても、そこに至るまでには、業界の動向や消者の需要の変化、経営方針、販売・物流の状況、設備投資、設備の稼働・在庫管理、労務管理、原価管理などのマネジメントが根元的な問題として存在するはずである(第1-2-25図)。例文帳に追加

Three factors are typically identified as being necessary to an enterprise in business: people (organizational functions), goods (distribution and production functions), and money (financial functions). Rather than existing in isolation, though, each of these factors affects the others; even should an enterprise suffer a deterioration in its financial health or fall into insolvency, one would expect there to exist fundamental problems with its management of things such as industry trends, changes in consumer demand, business policy, state of sales and distribution, capital investment, capacity utilization, inventory control, labor management cost control, and so on before it reaches that stage (Fig. 1-2-25).  - 経済産業省


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