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該当件数 : 193



(3) Discount rate  - 金融庁


What is your discount rate?  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


the discount rate fixed by a central bank  - 日本語WordNet


a rate of interest, called discount rate  - EDR日英対訳辞書



With many restrictions, the discount amounts are large.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


割引率 5% で現在価値に直すと例文帳に追加

Discount that back to the present, at five percent: - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


For instance, this method presents a fixed rate discount, a general variable discount with small range of variation in discount rate, and a high variable discount which provides a possibility of higher range of variation in discount rate while the probability is smaller than the general variable discount, and the customer can select a discount method according to his/her own choice. - 特許庁


A discount rate in electronic commerce and a discount rate in in-store transaction are automatically set based on discount schedule information. - 特許庁


A membership card, etc., is read in and when the customer is judged as a member, customer data are read in. - 特許庁



Therefore, the price correctly discounted by the special discount rate is derived as the transaction price. - 特許庁



The registering part 1 receives discount information being information on merchandise discount selling from the seller through a network N and registers the discount information. - 特許庁


The electronic coupon has discount information showing a discount amount and a discount rate coded by an electronic transparency and embedded therein. - 特許庁


A discount determination part 208 determines a discount rate in reference to discount tables 210-1 to 210-n based on the parameter. - 特許庁


The amount of bill discounting depends on the amount of time left before the bill matures. - Weblio英語基本例文集


We have agreed on the rate of discount. - Tatoeba例文


We have agreed on the rate of discount. - Tatoeba例文


a travel allowance at a given rate per mile traveled  - 日本語WordNet


We have agreed on the rate of discount.  - Tanaka Corpus


Transitional Measures Pertaining to the Basic Discount Rate  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The external server 64 calculates a discount rate at the time of replacement based on the received passage time, and transmits the discount rate and future transition of the discount rate to the refrigerator 1 as discount rate information. - 特許庁

一 第三十三条第一項第一号の手形の割引に係る基準となるべき割引率その他の割引率並びに当該割引に係る手形の種類及び条件の決定又は変更例文帳に追加

(i) Determining or altering the basic discount rate and other discount rates pertaining to the discounting of negotiable instruments set forth in Article 33, paragraph 1, item (i), as well as the types and conditions of negotiable instruments pertaining to the said discounting;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In a POS system, a sum is classified into a plurality of discount ranks, and a discount table is stored in which the discount ranks and discount rates are associated so that the discount rate is increased as the sum is increased. - 特許庁


A commodity sales server presents a discount rate at random to the customer and comes up with a possibility of a higher discount rate. - 特許庁


The bar code reader 5 reads a bar code displayed on the electronic paper 3, converts the bar code to the data for the discount (a discount rate or a discount amount or the like, for instance), and transfers the data for the discount to the register 6. - 特許庁


In this price payment method and this system, the date of user's birth is recorded in a discount certificate, and discount information for determining the price discount rate corresponding to the age of a user of the discount certificate is set. - 特許庁


When using the discount certificate, the user's age is determined from the date of user's birth recorded on the discount certificate and the date at the using point of time, and the price discount rate is retrieved from the age and the discount information. - 特許庁


The single tickets 2 and 3 are purchasable, for example, at a discount rate of several percent for a rental and at a discount rate of tens of percent for an extension. - 特許庁


The user can choose a taxicab of cheap fare referring for the discount rate. - 特許庁


When it is judged that a tentative transaction amount is larger than a subtotal amount (S21), 1 yen is added to a tentative discount amount (S22) and a return to S18 is made so as to predict an amount after tax again. - 特許庁


The electronic data download server 40 accesses a discount right management server 50, acquires a discount rate of a CD or the like associated with a number recorded in a discount right table 50a, and transmits even discount right information such as the discount rate related to the electronic data, and the discount right information is stored in a discount right acquisition means 20. - 特許庁


Moreover, a whole discount rate including the other services and the discount price are calculated and are notified to the user together with the toll. - 特許庁


A discount calculation function 24 calculates the discount of the use day according to the weather forecast of the use day and the hitting ratio thereof, and presents it to the user. - 特許庁


To provide a discount commuter ticket processing system allowing improvement of efficiency of an issuing process of a discount commuter ticket. - 特許庁


A charging management part 209 performs discounting from a streaming viewing charge based on the calculated discount rate, and manages the charging of each node. - 特許庁


A discount sum calculation part 105 sets the discount rate of a ticket for each seat according to the popular seat classification determined by the information tabulation part 104. - 特許庁


The discount selling managing device 10 is provided with a discount rate registering part 1, a selling price deciding part 2, a merchandise information/price providing part 3 and an order receiving part 4. - 特許庁


To set a discount rate corresponding to easiness to sell a seat in performing the discount selling of a seat ticket. - 特許庁


A discount rate is set in response to the car type, a discount amount is calculated by multiplying the discount rate by the points held by the user, and the amount (cashback) is displayed on a screen. - 特許庁


The system provides the discount by setting a low discount rate to nearly located customers, i.e. highly probable visitors to a shop, and setting a high discount rate to remotely located customers, i.e. low probable visitors to the shop. - 特許庁


Then, the CPU 1 reads a service number out of a service information table of the RAM 3 and acquires the information on the price service contents corresponding to the service number and the member code. - 特許庁


To provide a ticket vending machine and ticket vending method capable of rapidly and properly performing the unattended vending of a discount ticket for boarding at a discount fare of maximum discount ratio in a prescribed boarding section and boarding time band. - 特許庁


The discounted region is displayed such that a free region R1a and discounted regions R2a and R2b can be identified with balloons F1, F2 and F3 indicating a discount rate, a free period and the like. - 特許庁


The retail price management server 20 checks to see if there is a purchase history of the customer for the article at the store, and sets a discount rate and a discount amount according to the number of purchases or the like to transfer, e.g., the discount amount into the customer's bank account. - 特許庁


To calculate a discount rate and discount price of toll by long-distance discount service and other services, and to notify them of a user after the travel on a toll road using an ETC (electronic toll collection) system. - 特許庁


A portable telephone/PHS communication charge reduction deciding means 30 decides the reduction amount of a communication charge amount based on the total value of reduction rate calculation object charge amounts in the first and the second charges. - 特許庁


On the other hand, the settlement processing is executed by deriving a balance between the minimum sum of the discount rank whose discount rate is next higher than that of the discount rank to which the total selling price belongs and the total selling price, and displaying the balance on a display (steps S8, S9). - 特許庁


Settlement processing is executed by applying a total selling price to the sum of the discount table, and discounting the total selling price by the discount rate of the discount rank to which the total selling price belongs (steps S5 to S7). - 特許庁


When a card presented by a customer at the time of settlement is a card issued from a specified card issuing source, a discount amount is calculated according to a discount rate set to the present time zone by an automatic discount table T, and the calculated discount amount is subtracted from a sales processed amount. - 特許庁


Specifically, a rule management part for holding a rule set for calculating the charge/discount rate of corresponding services and a discount amount specifying chart (discount chart) are provided and the corresponding rule set is executed while referring to the discount chart corresponding to the read of the data of a specified customer. - 特許庁



To provide a system which can share the highest favored discount rate among associate members by associating the associate members holding a privilege card having a different favored discount rate with one another to group the associate members and calculates a favored discount rate of the next year with the total amount of card using expenses among the grouped associate members. - 特許庁


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