「利息法」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索

「利息法」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 利息法に関連した英語例文






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It is necessary to pay attention to the point that even transactions whereby no fund directly falls to the other party, such as paying-in of interest on a deposit, may fall under payment under the Foreign Exchange Act and thus require permission. In addition, does the institution comply with the conditions attached to the permission, if any?  - 財務省


A low office work processing method attached to specific monetary credits of the servicer concluded a backup servicing contract with respect to an originator in a fluidifying system of financial credits performs money collection as a dual business to a cashing service portion exceeding the limit of the Interest Limitation Law in the credit (card) claims. - 特許庁

5 第二項の規定により資金管理人が自動車の所有者が預託すべき再資源化等預託金の一部を負担した場合における当該自動車についての第七十八条第一項の規定の適用については、同項中「当該再資源化預託金等を取り戻す」とあるのは、「当該再資源化預託金等の額から負担金の額及びその利息の額を控除した額の金銭を取り戻す」とする。例文帳に追加

(5) Regarding the application of the provisions of Article 78, Paragraph 1 concerning the Vehicle in the case where a Deposit Management Entity assumes a portion of Recycling, etc. deposit to be deposited by the owner of the Vehicle pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 2, the term "recover the Recycling Deposit, etc." in Article 78, Paragraph 1 shall be deemed to be replaced with "recover the amount after deducting the Burden Charge and the interest therefor from the Recycling Deposit, etc.".  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

四 金額及び存続期間が確定している定期金債権のうち、各定期金につき第二号の規定に準じて算定される額の合計額(その額を各定期金の合計額から控除した額が定利率によりその定期金に相当する利息を生ずべき元本額を超えるときは、その超過額を加算した額)に相当する部分例文帳に追加

iv) With regard to a claim for periodic payments the amount and duration of which are fixed, the portion of which amounts to the total of the amounts calculated with regard to the respective periodic payments in accordance with the provision of item (ii) (in cases where the amount calculated by deducting said total from the total amount of periodic payments exceeds the amount of principal which would accrue interest equivalent to the periodic payments when calculating at a statutory interest rate, such amount in excess shall be added  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


6 特定振替国債等の償還金又は利息の支払の取扱者は、前項の規定による確認をした場合には、財務省令で定めるところにより、当該確認に関する帳簿(これに類する帳簿又は書類を含む。)に、当該確認をした旨を明らかにし、かつ、当該帳簿及び第四十一条の十二第十八項に規定する告知書を保存しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(6) A person in charge of handling payment of redemption money or interest pertaining to specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. shall, when having provided a confirmation under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, clearly record that he/she has provided the said confirmation in the books concerning the said confirmation (including the books or documents equivalent thereto), pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance, and preserve the said books and the written notice prescribed in Article 41-12(18) of the Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


4 第四十一条の十二第二十二項の承認を受けようとする同項に規定する特定振替国債等の償還金又は利息の支払の取扱いをする者は、その名称及び所在地、当該承認を受けようとする旨その他の財務省令で定める事項を記載した申請書を同項に規定する所轄税務署長に提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(4) A person in charge of handling payment of redemption money or interest pertaining to specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. prescribed in Article 41-12(22) of the Act who intends to obtain the approval set forth in the said paragraph shall submit a written application containing his/her name and location, intention to obtain the said approval, and any other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance to the competent district director prescribed in the said paragraph.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The philosopher Hajime NAKAMURA guesses that the oldest limit of age when Hokke-kyo sutra was written must be 40 B.C., judging by the situation of a dying wealthy man who took an interest in finance, as described in the parable of the wealthy man and the poor son; because there could not be such a wealthy man who was not only a wealthy man but also a capitalist and was scared by kings and utilized them, unless it was in the age when money economy became much more developed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


By this investing method, part or the whole of interest that the financial institution set for the investment capital that the customer invests is allotted as an investment capital to a purchase of an option based upon the prediction of the customer to a specific phenomenon in a specific period and a purchase of an option is repeated in a specific predetermined period. - 特許庁


This investing method appropriates as investment financial funds a partial portion or the entire of an interest amount set by the financial institution with respect to original investment invested by the customer to option purchase based on customer's prediction to a prescribed phenomenon on a prescribed date and also repeatedly performs the option purchase during predetermined prescribed period of time. - 特許庁


22 平成十一年四月一日以後に個人又は人に対し国内において特定振替国債等の償還金又は利息の支払の取扱いをする者(当該支払の取扱いをする者が外国仲介業者である場合には、当該特定振替国債等に係る当該外国仲介業者の前項に規定する特定振替機関等とする。以下この項において「支払の取扱者」という。)は、その償還金又は利息の支払を受ける者の各人別に、その支払を受ける者の氏名又は名称及び住所、その支払をした特定振替国債等の償還金又は利息の額その他の財務省令で定める事項を記載した調書(次項から第二十五項までにおいて「特定振替国債等の償還金等の支払調書」という。)を、その支払をした日の属する年の翌年一月三十一日までに(政令で定めるところによりその支払の取扱者の営業所等でその償還金又は利息の支払事務を取り扱うものの所在地の所轄税務署長(以下この項において「所轄税務署長」という。)の承認を受けた場合には、その支払をした日の属する月の翌月末日までに)、当該所轄税務署長に提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(22) Where a person handles, in Japan on or after April 1, 1999, payment of redemption money or interest on specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. to an individual or corporation (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as the "person in charge of handling payment"; in the case where the person who handles the said payment is a foreign intermediary, the person in charge of handling payment shall be the specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. prescribed in the preceding paragraph that is related to the said foreign intermediary with regard to the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc.), the person in charge of handling payment shall, for each person who receives payment of redemption money or interest, submit a report stating the name and address of the person who receives payment, the paid amount of redemption money or interest of the specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc., and any other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance (referred to in the next paragraph to paragraph (25) as a "report of payment of redemption money, etc. of specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc."), to the competent district director having jurisdiction over the location of the business office, etc. of the person in charge of handling payment where the affairs for payment of redemption money, etc. are handled; hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as the "competent district director"), no later than January 31 of the year following the year that includes the day on which payment has been made (in the case where approval has been obtained from the competent district director pursuant to the provision of a Cabinet Order, submission shall be made no later than the last day of the month following the month that includes the day on which payment has been made).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


3 内国人に対し国内において第百七十四条各号(内国人に係る所得税の課税標準)に掲げる利子等、配当等、給付補てん金、利息、利益、差益、利益の分配又は賞金(これらのうち第百七十六条第一項又は第二項(信託財産に係る利子等の課税の特例)の規定に該当するものを除く。)の支払をする者は、その支払の際、当該利子等、配当等、給付補てん金、利息、利益、差益、利益の分配又は賞金について所得税を徴収し、その徴収の日の属する月の翌月十日までに、これを国に納付しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) A person who pays a domestic corporation, in Japan, interest, etc., dividend, etc., compensation money for benefits, profit, margin profit, distribution of profit or monetary award listed in the items of Article 174 (Tax Base of Income Tax in the case of Domestic Corporations) (excluding those that fall under the provision of Article 176(1) or (2) (Special Provisions for Taxation on Interest, etc. on Trust Property)) shall, at the time of payment, collect income tax with respect to the said interest, etc., dividend, etc., compensation money for benefits, profit, margin profit, distribution of profit or monetary award, and pay it to the State no later than the tenth day of the month following the month that includes the date of collection.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

18 平成十一年四月一日以後に国内において特定振替国債等の償還(買入消却を含む。以下この項において同じ。)又は利息(第十二項に規定する分離利息振替国債に係るものに限る。以下この条において同じ。)の支払によりその償還金(買入消却が行われる場合にあつては、その買入れの対価。以下この条において同じ。)又は利息の支払を受ける者(人税別表第一に掲げる人その他の政令で定めるものを除く。)は、その者の氏名又は名称及び住所その他の財務省令で定める事項を記載した告知書を、その償還又は利息の支払を受ける際、その償還金又は利息の支払の取扱者に(当該支払の取扱者が外国仲介業者である場合には、当該外国仲介業者(当該外国仲介業者が外国再間接口座管理機関である場合において、当該外国仲介業者が外国間接口座管理機関において当該特定振替国債等の振替記載等を受けるときは当該外国仲介業者及び当該外国間接口座管理機関とし、当該外国仲介業者が他の外国再間接口座管理機関において当該特定振替国債等の振替記載等を受けるときは当該外国仲介業者、当該特定振替国債等の振替記載等に係る他の外国再間接口座管理機関及び当該特定振替国債等の振替記載等に係る外国間接口座管理機関とする。)を経由して当該外国仲介業者(当該外国仲介業者が外国再間接口座管理機関である場合には、当該特定振替国債等の振替記載等に係る外国間接口座管理機関)が当該特定振替国債等の振替記載等を受ける特定振替機関等の営業所等の長に)提出しなければならない。この場合において、当該告知書の提出をする者は、当該支払の取扱者にその者の確認書類を提示しなければならないものとし、当該支払の取扱者は、当該告知書に記載されている氏名又は名称及び住所を当該確認書類により確認しなければならないものとする。例文帳に追加

(18) Where, in Japan on or after April, 1, 1999, a person (excluding the corporations listed in Appended Table 1 of the Corporation Tax Act and any other person specified by a Cabinet Order) receives, due to the redemption (including retirement by purchase; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) of specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc., payment of redemption money (or a consideration for the purchase in the case of retirement by purchase; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), or receives, due to interest payment pertaining to specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. (limited to interest on coupon-only book-entry transfer national government bonds prescribed in paragraph (12); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), payment of interest, such person shall, upon receiving the redemption or interest payment, submit a written notice stating the person's name and address and any other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance to the person in charge of handling payment of redemption money or interest (in the case where the said person in charge of handling payment is a foreign intermediary, submission shall be made via the said foreign intermediary (in the case where the said foreign intermediary is a foreign further indirect account management institution, and the said foreign intermediary makes entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. through a foreign indirect account management institution, submission shall be made via the said foreign intermediary and the said foreign indirect account management institution; in the case where the said foreign intermediary is a foreign further indirect account management institution, and the said foreign intermediary makes entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. through another foreign further indirect account management institution, submission shall be made via [1] the said foreign intermediary, [2] such other foreign further indirect account management institution pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc., and [3] the foreign indirect account management institution pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc.) to the head of the business office, etc. of the specified book-entry transfer institution through which the said foreign intermediary (in the case where the said foreign intermediary is a foreign further indirect account management institution: the foreign indirect account management pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc.) makes entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc.) In this case, the person who submits the said written notice shall present the person's identification document to the said person in charge of handling payment, and the said person in charge of handling payment shall confirm, by the said identification document, the person's name and address stated in the written notice.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

7 第四十一条の十二第十八項に規定する支払を受ける者が、第二十六条の十八第六項の規定によりされた確認(以下この項において「振替記載等に係る確認」という。)に係る特定振替国債等の償還又は利息の支払によりその償還金又は利息の支払を受ける場合には、当該償還金又は利息の支払の受領については、当該振替記載等に係る確認に係る第四十一条の十二第十二項の規定による同項の告知書の提出(第二十六条の十八第四項の規定による同項の書類の提出を含む。)をもつて第四十一条の十二第十八項の規定による同項の告知書の提出があつたものと、当該振替記載等に係る確認に係る同条第十二項の規定(第二十六条の十八第五項の規定を含む。)による確認書類の提示をもつて第四十一条の十二第十八項の規定による確認書類の提示があつたものと、当該振替記載等に係る確認をもつて同項の規定による確認(同条第十九項において準用する同条第十四項の規定による同項の書類の提出を含む。)があつたものと、それぞれみなす。ただし、同条第十八項の告知書に記載すべき氏名又は名称及び住所が当該振替記載等に係る確認がされたその者の氏名又は名称及び住所と異なるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(7) Where a person who receives a payment prescribed in Article 41-12(18) of the Act receives redemption money or payment of interest pertaining to specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc., due to the redemption or payment of interest, pertaining to a confirmation provided pursuant to the provisions of Article 26-18(6) (hereinafter referred to as a "confirmation pertaining to entries or records under the book-entry transfer system" in this paragraph), with regard to the receipt of the said redemption money or payment of interest, it shall be deemed that the submission of a written notice set forth in Article 41-12(18) of the Act under the provisions of the said paragraph has been made by the submission of a written notice set forth in Article 41-12(12) of the Act under the provisions of the said paragraph (including the submission of the document set forth in Article 26-18(4) under the provisions of the said paragraph) for the said confirmation pertaining to entries or records under the book-entry transfer system, that the presentation of the identification documents under the provisions of Article 41-12(18) of the Act has been made by the presentation of the identification documents under the provisions of Article 41-12(12) of the Act (including the provisions of Article 26-18(5)) for the said confirmation pertaining to entries or records under the book-entry transfer system, and that the confirmation under the provisions of Article 41-12(18) of the Act (including the submission of the documents set forth in paragraph (14) of the said Article under the provisions of the said paragraph which is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (19) of the said Article) has been provided by the said confirmation pertaining to entries or records under the book-entry transfer system; provided, however, that this shall not apply when the name and address to be entered in a written notice set forth in Article 41-12(18) of the Act are inconsistent with the name and address of the person for which the said confirmation pertaining to entries or records under the book-entry transfer system has been provided.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

5 特定振替国債等の償還金又は利息の支払の取扱者は、第四十一条の十二第十八項に規定する告知書の提出があつた場合には、当該告知書に記載された氏名又は名称及び住所が、当該告知書の提出の際に同項の規定により提示を受けた確認書類に記載された氏名又は名称及び住所と同じであるかどうかを確認しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(5) A person in charge of handling payment of redemption money or interest pertaining to specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. shall, when a written notice prescribed in Article 41-12(18) of the Act has been submitted, confirm whether or not the name and address entered in the said written notice are consistent with the name and address entered in the identification documents that were presented to him/her at the time of the submission of the said written notice pursuant to the provisions of the said paragraph.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

6 第四十一条の十二第二十三項の承認を受けようとする同項に規定する特定振替国債等の譲渡の対価の支払をする者又は特定振替国債等の償還金又は利息の支払の取扱いをする者は、その名称及び所在地、その提出しようとする同項に規定する光ディスク等の種類その他の財務省令で定める事項を記載した申請書を当該所在地の所轄税務署長に提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(6) A person who pays a consideration for the transfer of specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. or who is in charge of handling payment of redemption money or interest pertaining to specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. prescribed in Article 41-12(23) of the Act, who intends to obtain the approval set forth in the said paragraph, shall submit a written application containing his/her name and location, the type of optical disk prescribed in the said paragraph which he/she intends to submit, and any other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance to the competent district director having jurisdiction over the said location.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第四十二条 貸金業を営む者が業として行う金銭を目的とする消費貸借の契約(手形の割引、売渡担保その他これらに類する方によつて金銭を交付する契約を含む。)において、年百九・五パーセント(二月二十九日を含む一年については年百九・八パーセントとし、一日当たりについては〇・三パーセントとする。)を超える割合による利息(債務の不履行について予定される賠償額を含む。)の契約をしたときは、当該消費貸借の契約は、無効とする。例文帳に追加

Article 42 (1) With regard to a contract for monetary loans made by a Money Lender on a regular basis (including contracts where money is to be delivered based on a discount of negotiable instruments, security by sale, or any other method similar thereto), where a contract for interest whose interest rate exceeds 109.5% per annum (in the case of a leap year, such interest rate shall be 109.8% per annum, and the per diem interest rate shall be 0.3%) has been concluded (agreed liquidated damages for default shall be included as interest), said contract for monetary loans shall be void.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


I do not know whether such advertising by lawyers is a crowd-pulling ploy for commercial gain or whether it reflects a conscientious intention to provide support for people saddled with a heavy burden of interest payments on multiple debts and for people seeking a refund of overcharged interest  - 金融庁

二 その引受けを行う人課税信託の信託財産に帰せられる内国人課税所得(第百七十四条各号(内国人に係る所得税の課税標準)に掲げる利子等、配当等、給付補てん金、利息、利益、差益、利益の分配又は賞金をいう。以下この条において同じ。)の支払を国内において受けるとき又は当該信託財産に帰せられる外国人課税所得(国内源泉所得のうち第百六十一条第一号の二から第七号まで又は第九号から第十二号までに掲げるものをいう。以下この条において同じ。)の支払を受けるとき。例文帳に追加

(ii) Where the nonresident receives, in Japan, payment of taxable income of a domestic corporation attributed to the trust property under a trust subject to corporation taxation for which he/she accepts the position of trustee (meaning interest, etc., dividend, etc., compensation money for benefits, profit, margin profit, distribution of profit or monetary award listed in the items of Article 174 (Tax Base of Income Tax in the case of Domestic Corporations); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), or receives payment of taxable income of a foreign corporation attributed to the said trust property (meaning domestic source income listed in Article 161(i)-2 to (vii) or (ix) to (xii); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


I believe that it is up to the management teams of individual money lenders to decide what kind of business alliances and other measures to implement as part of their business strategies. What the FSA must consider, is how to ensure that money lenders establish a new business model based on the application of interest rates lower than the limits set by the act on interest limitation, as preparations are underway toward the full introduction of the revised Money Lending Control Act. At the same time, it is important to ensure the establishment and improvement of legal compliance and corporate governance systems so that users and consumers can feel safe.  - 金融庁

第九十八条 資金管理人は、その管理する再資源化預託金等(その利息を含む。以下この条において同じ。)のうちに、次の各号のいずれかに該当するもの(以下「特定再資源化預託金等」という。)があるときは、政令で定めるところにより、主務大臣の承認を受けて、当該特定再資源化預託金等をその資金管理業務の実施に要する費用に充て、又は指定再資源化機関に対し第百六条第二号から第五号までの業務に要する費用に充てることを条件として、若しくは情報管理センターに対し第百十四条に規定する情報管理業務に要する費用に充てることを条件として出えんすることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 98 (1) When a Recycling Deposit, etc. (including interest; the same shall apply hereinafter in this article) managed by a Deposit Management Entity (hereinafter referred to as the "Specified Recycling Deposit, etc.") shall fall under any of the following items, the Deposit Management Entity may make a contribution with approval from the competent minister as specified by Cabinet Order on the condition that the Specified Recycling Deposit , etc. is allocated as an expense required for implementation of the Deposit Management Business or allocated as a expense required for the business of Article 106, Item 2 to Item 5 for the Designated Recycling Organization, or on the condition that the Specified Recycling Deposit, etc. is allocated as a expense required for the information management business prescribed in Article 114 for an Information Management Entity.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

5 貸金業者は、貸付けに係る契約の締結に際し、その相手方又は相手方となろうとする者に対し、債務履行担保措置(当該契約に基づく債務の履行を担保するための保証、保険その他これらに類するものとして内閣府令で定めるものをいう。以下この項において同じ。)に係る契約(当該債務履行担保措置の対価として支払われる金銭の額が当該金銭の額を利息制限第八条第一項に規定する保証料の額とみなして同条の規定を適用したときに同条の規定により無効とされることとなる部分を含むものに限る。)を、債務履行担保措置を業として営む者と締結することを当該貸付けに係る契約の締結の条件としてはならない。例文帳に追加

(5) A Money Lender shall not, when concluding a loan contract, require the counterparty or the person who intends to be the counterparty to the loan contract to conclude a contract for Security Measures for Performance of Obligations (meaning guarantees, insurance, and other measures specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as being similar thereto which are arranged for the purpose of securing performance of obligations under the contract; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) (limited to contracts covering a portion of the amount which is to be invalid under Article 8 of the Interest Rate Restriction Act, given that said provisions are applied by deeming that the amount of money paid as consideration for the Security Measures for Performance of Obligations is a guarantee charge provided for in that Article) with a person who is engaged in the business of Security Measures for Performance of Obligations on a regular basis, as a condition for concluding said loan contract.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


I am Namikawa from Toyo Keizai. From your position as Minister in charge of the supervisory authority for moneylenders, please explain that in the event of the bankruptcy of a moneylender, whether it would be desirable for some members of the top management to remain in office under the Corporate Reorganization Act in the form of debtor-in-possession (DIP). Given that there are various problems such as shareholders being pursued for shareholder responsibility and borrowers who are entitled to claim reimbursement of overpayments not being able to have the interest refunded, would it be desirable for DIP-style reorganization in which the existing management executives remain in office as a way of holding them responsible for management?  - 金融庁

一 第二条第一項第一号及び第二号に掲げる有価証券、同項第三号に掲げる有価証券(政府が元本の償還及び利息の支払について保証しているもの並びに商工組合中央金庫(昭和十一年律第十四号)第三十三条ノ二に規定する短期商工債、信用金庫(昭和二十六年律第二百三十八号)第五十四条の四第一項に規定する短期債及び農林中央金庫(平成十三年律第九十三号)第六十二条の二第一項に規定する短期農林債に限る。)、第二条第一項第四号に掲げる有価証券、同項第五号に掲げる有価証券(政府が元本の償還及び利息の支払について保証しているもの並びに社債等の振替に関する律第六十六条第一号に規定する短期社債及びこれに類するものとして政令で定めるものに限る。)、第二条第一項第八号に掲げる有価証券、同項第十一号に掲げる有価証券(投資信託及び投資人に関する律第百三十九条の十二第一項に規定する短期投資人債及びこれに類するものとして政令で定めるものに限る。次号において「短期投資人債等」という。)、第二条第一項第十二号から第十四号までに掲げる有価証券、同項第十五号に掲げる有価証券(発行の日から償還の日までの期間が一年未満のものに限る。)、同項第十六号に掲げる有価証券、同項第十七号に掲げる有価証券のうち政令で定めるもの、同項第十八号に掲げる有価証券、同項第二十一号に掲げる有価証券のうち政令で定めるもの並びに同条第二項の規定により有価証券とみなされる同項各号に掲げる権利(第四号の政令で定める権利を除く。) 同条第八項第一号から第三号まで、第六号、第八号及び第九号に掲げる行為例文帳に追加

(i) Securities listed in Article 2(1)(i) and (ii), Securities listed in Article 2(1)(iii) (limited to those for which the government guarantees the redemption of principals or the payment of interests, short-term commercial and industrial debentures prescribed in Article 33-2 of the Shokochukin Bank Act (Act No. 14 of 1936), short-term debentures prescribed in Article 54-4(1) of the Shinkin Bank Act (Act No. 238 of 1951), and short-term agriculture and forestry debentures prescribed in Article 62-2(1) of the Norinchukin Bank Act (Act No. 93 of 2001)), Securities listed in Article 2(1)(iv), Securities listed in Article 2(1)(v) (limited to those for which the government guarantees the redemption of principals or the payment of interests, and short-term bonds prescribed in Article 66(1) of the Act on Transfer of Bonds, etc. or those specified by a Cabinet Order as similar to these), Securities listed in Article 2(1)(viii), Securities listed in Article 2(1)(xi) (limited to short-term investment corporation debentures prescribed in Article 139-12(1) of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations and those specified by a Cabinet Order as similar to these; referred to as "Short-Term Securities Investment Corporation Debentures, etc." in the following item), Securities listed in Article 2(1)(xii) to (xiv), Securities listed in Article 2(1)(xv) (limited to those for which the term between the day of issuance and the day of redemption is less than one year), Securities listed in Article 2(1)(xvi), Securities specified by a Cabinet Order among those listed in Article 2(1)(xvii), Securities listed in Article 2(1)(xviii), Securities specified by a Cabinet Order among those listed in Article 2(1)(xxi), and rights listed in the items of Article 2(2) that shall be deemed to be Securities pursuant to the provisions of said paragraph (excluding rights specified by a Cabinet Order set forth in item (iv)): acts listed in Article 2(8)(i) to (iii), (vi), (viii) and (ix);  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五条の二 非居住者又は外国人でその有する次の各号に掲げるものの区分に応じ当該各号に定める要件を満たすものが、特定振替機関、特定口座管理機関若しくは特定間接口座管理機関(以下この条において「特定振替機関等」という。)又は適格外国仲介業者から開設を受けている口座において当該特定振替機関等の国内にある営業所若しくは事務所(郵便局を含む。以下この条において「営業所等」という。)又は当該適格外国仲介業者の特定国外営業所等を通じて振替記載等を受けている社債等の振替に関する律第八十八条に規定する振替国債(同第九十条第三項に規定する分離利息振替国債を除く。以下この条において「振替国債」という。)又は同第百十三条において準用する同第六十六条の規定により同の規定の適用を受けるものとされる地方債(以下この条において「振替地方債」という。)につきその利子(第八条第一項又は第二項の規定の適用があるものを除く。)の支払を受ける場合には、その支払を受ける利子(その者が当該振替国債又は当該振替地方債を引き続き所有していた期間(当該振替国債又は当該振替地方債につき引き続き振替記載等を受けていた期間に限る。以下この条において「所有期間」という。)に対応する部分の額として政令で定めるところにより計算した金額に相当する部分に限る。)については、所得税を課さない。例文帳に追加

Article 5-2 (1) Where a nonresident or foreign corporation who satisfies the requirements specified in each of the following items for the category of bonds listed in the relevant item that are held thereby, receives payment of interest (excluding interest subject to the provision of Article 8(1) or (2)) on book-entry transfer national government bonds prescribed by Article 88 of the Act on Book-Entry Transfer of Company Bonds, etc. (excluding coupon-only book-entry transfer national government bonds prescribed in Article 90(3) of the said Act; hereinafter referred to in this Article as "book-entry transfer national government bonds") or local government bonds which shall be subject to the provisions of the said Act pursuant to Article 66 of the said Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 113 of the said Act (hereinafter referred to in this Article as "book-entry transfer local government bonds"), for which the nonresident or foreign corporation has made entries or records under the book-entry transfer system in his/her or its account established with a specified book-entry transfer institution, specified account management institution or specified indirect account management institution (hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "specified book-entry transfer institution, etc.") or a qualified foreign intermediary, via a business office or any other office of the said specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. located in Japan (including a post office; hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "business office, etc.") or a specified overseas business office, etc. of the said qualified foreign intermediary, income tax shall not be imposed with respect to such interest to be received (limited to the part of interest equivalent to the amount calculated pursuant to the method specified by a Cabinet Order as the amount corresponding to the period during which the nonresident or foreign corporation has continued to hold the said book-entry transfer national government bonds or the said book-entry transfer local government bonds (limited to the period during which he/she or it has continued to hold entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said book-entry transfer national government bonds or the said book-entry transfer local government bonds; hereinafter referred to in this Article as the "holding period"):  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3. 組合員等が正当な事由なく本組合の事業に関し各自が負担すべき公租公課を滞納した場合、又は無限責任組合員若しくは本組合が適用令上組合員等に関連して源泉徴収を行い若しくは組合員等に代わり若しくは組合員等に関連して公租公課の納付(更正通知、決定通知、納税告知その他日本の税務当局によりなされた課税査定により必要とされる納税を含む。)を行うことが必要とされるものと無限責任組合員が合理的に判断する場合、無限責任組合員は、その裁量により、第29 条に基づく分配を行うに際し、当該組合員等に分配すべき組合財産の中から当該滞納額又は納付額に相当する現金又は現物を控除し、現物についてはその裁量により適切と認める方によりこれを売却した上、当該公租公課を支払うことができるものとする。この場合、無限責任組合員は、かかる源泉徴収又は公租公課の納付を行った上で、かかる方により現金又は現物を収受することもできる。組合員等は、かかる支払いに必要な金額又は支払った金額につき、無限責任組合員から請求があれば、無限責任組合員において既にかかる支払いを行った後であればかかる支払いの日から組合員等による現実の支払いがなされた日までの期間につき年[ ]%(年365 日の日割り計算とする。)の利息を付して、無限責任組合員に対し直ちにこれを支払うものとする。かかる支払いは本組合への出資とはみなされない。なお、無限責任組合員は、本項の判断(売却の決定、方及び結果を含む。)につき、いかなる責任も負わないものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) If (i) any Interested Partner fails to pay its taxes and other public duties in connection with the business of the Partnership without any justifiable reason, or (ii) the General Partner reasonably determines that the General Partner or the Partnership is required by applicable laws to withhold taxes with respect to any Interested Partner or pay any taxes and other public duties (including tax payments required by an amendment notice, determination notice, tax payment notice and any other tax assessment issued by a Japanese tax authority) on behalf of or with respect to any Interested Partner, the General Partner may, in making a distribution pursuant to Article 29, in its discretion, (x) deduct cash or property that is to be distributed to such Interested Partner by an amount equal to such unpaid amount or amount paid from the Partnership Assets to be distributed to such Interested Partner and (y) sell such property in such a manner as the General Partner in its discretion deems appropriate, and pay such taxes and other public duties. In such case, the General Partner may make such withholding or payment of taxes or other public duties and collect cash or property in the same manner. Upon request of the General Partner, the Interested Partner shall immediately pay to the General Partner (a) the amount necessary for payment of such taxes or other public duties or (b) if the General Partner has already made such payment, the amount paid by the General Partner, together with interest at [__]% per annum for the period from the date of payment by the General Partner until the date of actual payment by the Interested Partner prorated on the basis of a 365-day year. These payments shall not be treated as part of any contribution to the Partnership. The General Partner shall not be liable for its determinations under this paragraph (including the determination, manner or results of any sale).  - 経済産業省

第六十七条の十七 外国人が第五条の二第一項に規定する特定振替機関等(以下この条において「特定振替機関等」という。)又は第五条の二第五項第四号に規定する適格外国仲介業者(以下この条において「適格外国仲介業者」という。)から開設を受けている口座において当該特定振替機関等の国内にある営業所若しくは事務所(郵便局を含む。以下この条において「営業所等」という。)又は当該適格外国仲介業者の同項第五号に規定する特定国外営業所等(以下この条において「特定国外営業所等」という。)を通じて同項第六号に規定する振替記載等(以下この条において「振替記載等」という。)を受けている分離振替国債(社債等の振替に関する律第九十条第二項に規定する分離元本振替国債及び財務省令で定めるところにより同条第一項に規定する元利分離が行われた同条第三項に規定する分離利息振替国債をいう。以下この条において同じ。)の保有又は譲渡により生ずる所得を有する場合の当該分離振替国債の保有又は譲渡により生ずる所得については、人税を課さない。例文帳に追加

Article 67-17 (1) Where a foreign corporation has any income from the holding or transfer of book-entry transfer national government bonds in separate trading (meaning principal-only book-entry transfer national government bonds prescribed in Article 90(2) of the Act on Book-Entry Transfer of Company Bonds, etc. and coupon-only book-entry transfer national government bonds prescribed in paragraph (3) of the said Article for which separate trading of principal and interest prescribed in paragraph (1) of the said Article has been conducted pursuant to the provision of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), for which the foreign corporation has made entries or records under the book-entry transfer system prescribed in Article 5-2(5)(vi) (hereinafter referred to in this Article as "entries or records under the book-entry transfer system") in its account established with a specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. prescribed in Article 5-2(1) (hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "specified book-entry transfer institution, etc.") or a qualified foreign intermediary prescribed in Article 5-2(5)(iv) (hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "qualified foreign intermediary"), via a business office or any other office of the said specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. located in Japan (including a post office; hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "business office, etc.") or a specified overseas business office, etc. prescribed in Article 5-2(5)(v) of the said qualified foreign intermediary, corporation tax shall not be imposed with respect to such interest from the holding or transfer of the said book-entry transfer national government bonds in separate trading.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


It is appropriate to make the “payment and settlement depositwidely available, as a deposit to be used exclusively, in principle, for payment and settlement.  - 金融庁

9 非居住者又は外国人(第一項第一号、第三号又は第四号に掲げる者を除く。以下この項において同じ。)が、第五条の二第九項(同条第十二項において準用する場合を含む。以下この項において同じ。)の規定によりされた確認(以下この項において「振替国債等に係る確認」という。)に係る振替記載等に係る口座において平成十一年四月一日以後最初に短期国債等(第四十一条の十二第九項第一号から第八号までに掲げる国債で同項に規定する特定短期公社債に該当するもの並びに同条第十二項に規定する分離元本振替国債及び分離利息振替国債をいう。)の振替記載等を受ける場合には、当該振替記載等については、当該振替国債等に係る確認に係る第五条の二第一項第一号イの規定による同号イの振替国債非課税適用申告書の提出(同条第十項の規定による同項の申告書の提出を含む。)又は同条第一項第二号イの規定による同号イの振替地方債非課税適用申告書の提出(同条第十一項の規定による同項の申告書の提出を含む。)をもつて第四十一条の十二第十二項の規定による同項の告知書の提出(第四項の規定による同項の書類の提出を含む。)があつたものと、当該振替国債等に係る確認に係る第五条の二第九項の規定による同項の政令で定める書類の提示をもつて第四十一条の十二第十二項の規定(第五項の規定を含む。)による確認書類の提示があつたものと、当該振替国債等に係る確認をもつて第六項の規定による確認(第七項の規定による同項の書類の提出を含む。)があつたものと、それぞれみなす。ただし、同条第十二項の告知書又は第四項の書類に記載すべき氏名又は名称及び住所が当該振替国債等に係る確認がされた当該非居住者又は外国人の氏名又は名称及び住所と異なるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(9) Where a nonresident or foreign corporation (excluding those listed in paragraph (1)(i), (iii), or (iv); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) makes entries or records under the book-entry transfer system for short-term national government bonds, etc. (meaning national government bonds listed in Article 41-12(9)(i) to (viii) of the Act which fall under the category of specified short-term government or company bonds and principal-only book-entry transfer national government bonds and coupon-only book-entry transfer national government bonds prescribed in paragraph (12) of the said Article) for the first time on or after April 1, 1999 in the account pertaining to entries or records under the book-entry transfer system that has gone through the confirmation pursuant to the provision of Article 5-2(9) of the Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (12) of the said Article; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) (hereinafter such confirmation shall be referred to as a "confirmation pertaining to book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc." in this paragraph), with regard to the said entries or records under the book-entry transfer system, it shall be deemed that the submission of a written notice set forth in Article 41-12(12) of the Act under the provisions of the said paragraph (including the submission of the document set forth in paragraph (4) under the provisions of the said paragraph) has been made by the submission of a written application for tax exemption of book-entry transfer national government bonds set forth in Article 5-2(1)(i)(a) of the Act under the provisions of (a) of the said item (including the submission of a written application set forth in paragraph (10) of the said Article under the provisions of the said paragraph) or the submission of a written application for tax exemption of book-entry transfer local government bonds set forth in Article 5(1)(ii)(a) of the Act under the provisions of (a) of the said item (including the submission of a written application set forth in paragraph (11) of the said Article under the provisions of the said paragraph) for the said confirmation pertaining to book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc., that the presentation of the identification documents under the provisions of Article 41-12(12) of the Act (including the provisions of paragraph (5)) has been made by the presentation of the documents specified by a Cabinet Order set forth in Article 5-2(9) of the Act under the provisions of the said paragraph for the said confirmation pertaining to book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc., and that the confirmation under the provisions of paragraph (6) (including the submission of the documents set forth in paragraph (7) under the provisions of the said paragraph) has been provided by the said confirmation pertaining to book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc.; provided, however, that this shall not apply when the name and address to be entered in a written notice set forth in Article 41-12(12) of the Act or the document set forth in paragraph (4) are inconsistent with the name and address of the said nonresident or foreign corporation for which the said confirmation pertaining to book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. has been provided.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 非居住者又は外国人が次の各号に掲げる口座において最初に振替国債(利子が支払われるものに限る。以下この項、第五項及び第二十二項において「利付振替国債」という。)の振替記載等(第五条の二第五項第六号に規定する振替記載等をいう。以下この条において同じ。)を受ける場合において、当該振替記載等を受ける際、当該各号に掲げる口座の区分に応じ当該各号に定める者が、当該非居住者又は外国人の氏名又は名称及び第五条の二第一項第一号イに規定する住所(以下この項、第五項及び第二十二項において「住所」という。)その他の財務省令で定める事項を記載した書類(以下この項及び次項において「振替国債特例書類」という。)を作成し、当該振替国債特例書類を同号イに規定する税務署長に対し提出したとき(当該各号に定める者に係る特定振替機関等(同条第一項に規定する特定振替機関等をいう。以下この条において同じ。)が第五条の二第五項第二号に規定する特定口座管理機関(以下この条において「特定口座管理機関」という。)である場合には、同項第一号に規定する特定振替機関(以下この条において「特定振替機関」という。)を経由して当該税務署長に対し提出したとき、当該各号に定める者に係る特定振替機関等が同項第三号に規定する特定間接口座管理機関(以下この条において「特定間接口座管理機関」という。)である場合には、当該利付振替国債の振替記載等に係る特定口座管理機関(当該各号に定める者に係る特定振替機関等が他の特定間接口座管理機関から当該利付振替国債の振替記載等を受ける者である場合には、当該他の特定間接口座管理機関及び当該利付振替国債の振替記載等に係る特定口座管理機関)及び特定振替機関を経由して当該税務署長に対し提出したとき)は、当該非居住者又は外国人は、当該利付振替国債につき第五条の二第一項第一号イの規定による振替国債非課税適用申告書の提出をしたものとみなす。ただし、当該振替国債特例書類に記載すべき氏名又は名称及び住所が、同条第九項(同条第十二項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により振替地方債につきされた確認(以下この項、次項及び第二十二項において「振替地方債に係る確認」という。)又は第四十一条の十二第十二項の規定により短期国債等(同条第九項第一号から第八号までに掲げる国債で同項に規定する特定短期公社債に該当するもの並びに同条第十二項に規定する分離元本振替国債及び分離利息振替国債をいう。)につきされた確認(第二十六条の十八第六項の規定によりされた確認を含む。以下この条において「短期国債等に係る確認」という。)がされた当該非居住者又は外国人の氏名又は名称及び住所と異なるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(3) Where a nonresident or foreign corporation makes, for the first time, entries or records under the book-entry transfer system (meaning entries or records under the book-entry transfer system prescribed in Article 5-2(5)(vi) of the Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) with regard to book-entry transfer national government bonds (limited to those bearing interest; hereinafter referred to as "interest-bearing book-entry transfer national government bonds" in this paragraph, paragraph (5) and paragraph (22)) in the account listed respectively in the following items, if the person specified in the relevant items for the category of accounts listed in the relevant items has, when the said entries or records under the book-entry transfer system are made, prepared a document containing the name of the said nonresident or foreign corporation and his/her or its address as prescribed in Article 5-2(1)(i)(a) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as "address" in this paragraph, paragraph (5) and paragraph (22)) and any other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as a "document on special measures for book-entry transfer national government bonds" in this paragraph and the next paragraph) and submitted the said document on special measures for book-entry transfer national government bonds to the district director prescribed in Article 5-2(1)(i)(a) of the Act (in the case where the specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. (meaning a specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. prescribed in paragraph (1) of the said Article; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) pertaining to the person specified in the relevant items is a specified account management institution prescribed in Article 5-2(5)(ii) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as a "specified account management institution" in this Article), submission shall be made to the said district director via a specified book-entry transfer institution prescribed in paragraph (5)(i) of the said Article (hereinafter referred to as a "specified book-entry transfer institution" in this Article); in the case where the specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. pertaining to the person specified in the relevant items is a specified indirect account management institution prescribed in paragraph (5)(iii) of the said Article (hereinafter referred to as a "specified indirect account management institution" in this Article), submission shall be made to the said district director via [1] the specified account management institution pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said interest-bearing book-entry transfer national government bonds (in the case where the said specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. pertaining to the person specified in the relevant items makes entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the interest-bearing book-entry transfer national government bonds through any other specified indirect account management institution, submission shall be made via the said other specified indirect account management institution and the specified account management institution pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said interest-bearing book-entry transfer national government bonds) and [2] a specified book-entry transfer institution), the said nonresident or foreign corporation shall be deemed to have submitted a written application for tax exemption of book-entry transfer national government bonds pursuant to the provisions of Article 5-2(1)(i)(a) of the Act with respect to the said interest-bearing book-entry transfer national government bonds; provided, however, that this shall not apply where the name and address to be entered in the said document on special measures for book-entry transfer national government bonds are inconsistent with the name and address of the said nonresident or foreign corporation for which a confirmation has been provided pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (9) of the said Article (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (12) of the said Article) with respect to book-entry transfer local government bonds (hereinafter referred to as a "confirmation concerning book-entry transfer local government bonds" in this paragraph, the next paragraph and paragraph (22)) or a confirmation has been provided pursuant to the provisions of Article 41-12(12) of the Act with respect to short-term national government bonds, etc. (meaning national government bonds listed in paragraph (9)(i) to (viii) of the said Article that fall under the category of specified short-term government or company bonds prescribed in the said paragraph, and principal-only book-entry transfer national government bonds and coupon-only book-entry transfer national government bonds prescribed in paragraph (12) of the said Article) (including a confirmation provided pursuant to the provisions of Article 26-18(6); hereinafter referred to as a "confirmation concerning short-term national government bonds, etc." in this Article):  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


12 平成十一年四月一日以後最初に特定振替機関等(社債等の振替に関する律第二条第二項に規定する振替機関及び同第四十八条の規定により当該振替機関とみなされる者並びに当該振替機関(当該みなされる者を含む。)の同第三条第一項第五号に規定する業務規程の定めるところにより口座の開設を受けた特定口座管理機関(第五条の二第五項第二号に規定する特定口座管理機関をいう。)及び特定間接口座管理機関(第五条の二第五項第三号に規定する特定間接口座管理機関をいう。)をいう。以下この条において同じ。)又は外国仲介業者(第五条の二第五項第八号に規定する外国間接口座管理機関(以下この条において「外国間接口座管理機関」という。)及び同項第七号に規定する外国再間接口座管理機関(以下この条において「外国再間接口座管理機関」という。)をいう。以下この条において同じ。)に開設され、又は開設されている口座において当該特定振替機関等の営業所等(第五条の二第一項に規定する営業所等をいう。以下この条において同じ。)又は当該外国仲介業者の国外営業所等(外国仲介業者の国外にある営業所又は事務所をいう。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)を通じて特定振替国債等(特定短期公社債並びに社債等の振替に関する律第九十条第二項に規定する分離元本振替国債及び財務省令で定めるところにより同条第一項に規定する元利分離が行われた同条第三項に規定する分離利息振替国債をいう。以下この条において同じ。)の振替記載等を受ける者(人税別表第一に掲げる人、特定振替機関等、外国仲介業者その他の政令で定めるものを除く。)は、その者の氏名又は名称及び住所(国内に住所を有しない者にあつては、財務省令で定める場所。以下この条において同じ。)その他の財務省令で定める事項を記載した告知書を、その最初に振替記載等(当該口座においてされるものに限る。以下この条において同じ。)を受ける際、その振替記載等を受ける特定振替機関等の営業所等の長に対し、又はその振替記載等を受ける外国仲介業者(当該外国仲介業者が外国再間接口座管理機関である場合には、当該外国仲介業者(当該外国仲介業者が他の外国再間接口座管理機関において当該特定振替国債等の振替記載等を受ける場合には、当該外国仲介業者及び当該特定振替国債等の振替記載等に係る他の外国再間接口座管理機関)及び当該特定振替国債等の振替記載等に係る外国間接口座管理機関)を経由して当該外国仲介業者(当該外国仲介業者が外国再間接口座管理機関である場合には、当該特定振替国債等の振替記載等に係る外国間接口座管理機関)が当該特定振替国債等の振替記載等を受ける特定振替機関等の営業所等の長に対し提出しなければならない。この場合において、当該告知書の提出をする者は、当該告知書の提出(当該外国仲介業者を経由して提出する場合を除く。以下この項において同じ。)をする特定振替機関等の営業所等の長又は当該外国仲介業者の国外営業所等の長にその者の住民票の写し、人の登記事項証明書その他の政令で定める書類(以下この項から第十八項までにおいて「確認書類」という。)を提示しなければならないものとし、当該告知書の提出を受ける特定振替機関等の営業所等の長又は当該外国仲介業者の国外営業所等の長は、当該告知書に記載されている氏名又は名称及び住所を当該確認書類により確認しなければならないものとする。例文帳に追加

(12) Where a person (excluding the corporations listed in Appended Table 1 of the Corporation Tax Act, specified book-entry transfer institution, etc., foreign intermediary and any other person specified by a Cabinet Order) makes, for the first time since April 1, 1999, entries or records under the book-entry transfer system with regard to specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. (meaning specified short-term government or company bonds, principal-only book-entry transfer national government bonds prescribed in Article 90(2) of the Act on Book-Entry Transfer of Company Bonds, etc., and coupon-only book-entry transfer national government bonds prescribed in paragraph (3) of the said Article for which separate trading of principal and interest prescribed in paragraph (1) of the said Article has been conducted pursuant to the provision of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) in the person's account that will be or has been established with a specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. (meaning a [1] book-entry transfer institution prescribed in Article 2(2) of the Act on Book-Entry Transfer of Company Bonds, etc., [2] an institution that shall be deemed to be the said book-entry transfer institution pursuant to the provision of Article 48 of the said Act, and [3] a specified account management institution (meaning a specified account management institution prescribed in Article 5-2(5)(ii)) and specified indirect account management institution (meaning a specified indirect account management institution prescribed in Article 5-2(5)(iii)), with each of which the said book-entry transfer institution (including an institution that shall be deemed as such) has established an account in accordance with the operational rules prescribed in Article 3(1)(v) of the said Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) or established with a foreign intermediary (meaning a foreign indirect account management institution prescribed in Article 5-2(5)(viii) (hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "foreign indirect account management institution") and a foreign further indirect account management institution prescribed in Article 5-2(5)(vii) (hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "foreign further indirect account management institution"); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), via a business office, etc. (meaning a business office, etc. prescribed in Article 5-2(1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) of the said specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. or an overseas business office, etc. (meaning a business office or any other office of a foreign intermediary which is located outside Japan; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and the next paragraph) of the said foreign intermediary, such person shall, upon making the first entries or records under the book-entry transfer system (limited to those made in the said account; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), submit a written notice stating the person's name and address (or any other place specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance in the case where the person does not have an address in Japan; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) and any other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance, to the head of the business office, etc. of the specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. through which the person makes the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system, or submit such a written notice via the foreign intermediary through which the person makes entries or records under the book-entry transfer system (in the case where the said foreign intermediary is a foreign further indirect account management institution, submission shall be made via the said foreign intermediary (in the case where the said foreign intermediary makes entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. through another foreign further indirect account management institution, submission shall be made via the said foreign intermediary and such other foreign further indirect account management institution pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc.) and the foreign indirect account management institution pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc.), to the head of the business office, etc. of the specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. through which the said foreign intermediary (in the case where the said foreign intermediary is a foreign further indirect account management institution: the foreign indirect account management institution pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc.) makes entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. In this case, such person who submits the said written notice shall present a copy of the person's certificate of residence, certificate of registered matters of the corporation and any other document specified by a Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph to paragraph (18) as "identification documents") to the head of the business office, etc. of the specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. to which the said written notice is submitted (excluding the case where the said written notice is submitted via the said foreign intermediary; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) or to the head of the overseas business office, etc. of the said foreign intermediary to which the said written notice is submitted, and the head of the business office, etc. of the specified book-entry-transfer institution, etc. to which the said written notice is submitted or the head of the overseas business office, etc. of the said foreign intermediary to which the said written notice is submitted shall confirm, by the said identification documents, the name and address stated in the said written notice.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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