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「刑事補償」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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a law called the {Criminal Indemnity Act}  - EDR日英対訳辞書

リ 刑事補償法の規定による補償の請求の手続例文帳に追加

(i) Procedures for application of the Criminal Compensation Act  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第百八十八条の七 補償の請求その他補償に関する手続、補償と他の法律による損害賠償との関係、補償を受ける権利の譲渡又は差押え及び被告人又は被告人であつた者の相続人に対する補償については、この法律に特別の定めがある場合のほか、刑事補償法(昭和二十五年法律第一号)第一条に規定する補償の例による。例文帳に追加

Article 188-7 Requests and other procedures concerning compensation, the correlation between compensation and compensation for damages provided for by other acts, the assignment or the civil seizure of the obligation-right of compensation; and compensation towards the heirs of the accused or the person who was the accused shall be governed by Article 1 of the Criminal Compensation Act (Act No. l, 1950), except as otherwise provided by this Code.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The court may, in any civil or penal action, order the sale of the articles distrained, or to be distrained, and deduct their value from the amounts of the compensation or fines, or dispose of them by any other means the court may deem appropriate.  - 特許庁


(5) 犯罪行為に関係する物品は没収することができる。刑法第 74a条が適用される。第 140a条にいう請求権が被侵害者の補償に関する刑事訴訟法の規定(第 403条から第 406c条まで)に基づく手続において認められた場合は,没収に関する規定は適用されない。例文帳に追加

(5) Objects to which the criminal act relates may be confiscated. Section 74a of the Criminal Code shall apply. Where the claims referred to in Section 140a are granted in proceedings under the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Strafprozessordnung) regarding compensation of the injured party (Sections 403 to 406c), the provisions on confiscation shall not be applied.  - 特許庁



The District Court of Helsinki shall have jurisdiction in actions concerning a better right to a design, for cancellation of a registration, for transfer of an application or registration, for design infringement, for a compulsory license or the right referred to in Section 32 (2), in criminal proceedings and claims for compensation under Section 40, and in actions for a determination in accordance with the provisions of Section 41.  - 特許庁

第百八十八条の六 第百八十八条の二第一項又は第百八十八条の四の規定により補償される費用の範囲は、被告人若しくは被告人であつた者又はそれらの者の弁護人であつた者が公判準備及び公判期日に出頭するに要した旅費、日当及び宿泊料並びに弁護人であつた者に対する報酬に限るものとし、その額に関しては、刑事訴訟費用に関する法律の規定中、被告人又は被告人であつた者については証人、弁護人であつた者については弁護人に関する規定を準用する。例文帳に追加

Article 188-6 (1) The scope of the expenses to be compensated as prescribed in paragraph (1) of Article 188-2 or Article 188-4 shall be limited to the travel expenses, daily allowance and accommodation charges which were necessary for the accused or the person who was the accused or his/her counsel to appear for trial preparation or for the trial date and remuneration for the person who was the counsel, and, with regard to the amount, the provisions in the Act on Criminal Court Costs pertaining to a witness shall apply mutatis mutandis to the accused or the person who was the accused, and the provisions pertaining to the counsel shall apply mutatis mutandis to the person who was the counsel.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


216.1本法の規定により保護される権利を侵害する者は,次のことに対して応じる責任がある。 (a)その侵害を止めさせる差止命令。裁判所は,特に,侵害に係る輸入商品の取引の場への持込を防止するために,その商品の税関手続の直後に,被告に対して,侵害を止めることを命令することもできる。 (b)著作権者,その譲受人又はその相続人に対して,法的費用その他の支出を含み,それらの者が侵害により蒙った実際の損害,及び侵害者が侵害により得た利益を支払うこと利益を立証するに当たっては,原告は販売の事実を立証することのみ要求され,被告が要した費用の詳細を立証することを要求される。又は,実際の損害及び利益に代えて,裁判所にとって相応と認められ,かつ,罰金とはみなされない損害賠償を支払うこと (c)訴訟の係属の間における押収のために,裁判所が定める条件で,販売送り状その他販売を立証する文書,著作権を侵害すると申し立てられた物品及びその包装,並びにそれら物品を製作する器具を,宣誓して引き渡すこと (d)裁判所の命令に従い,補償しないで破棄するため,侵害する複製物又は装置,及び図版,鋳型その他侵害する複製物を製作する手段を,宣誓して引き渡すこと (e)刑事訴訟において無罪宣告があった場合であっても,裁判所が適切であり,賢明であり,かつ,衡平であるとみなすことができる教訓的かつ見せしめの損害賠償の支払,及び著作物を侵害する複製物の廃棄を含む,その他の条件例文帳に追加

Sec.216 Remedies for Infringement 216.1. Any person infringing a right protected under this law shall be liable: (a) To an injunction restraining such infringement. The court may also order the defendant to desist from an infringement, among others, to prevent the entry into the channels of commerce of imported goods that involve an infringement, immediately after customs clearance of such goods. (b) Pay to the copyright proprietor or his assigns or heirs such actual damages, including legal costs and other expenses, as he may have incurred due to the infringement as well as the profits the infringer may have made due to such infringement, and in proving profits the plaintiff shall be required to prove sales only and the defendant shall be required to prove every element of cost which he claims, or, in lieu of actual damages and profits, such damages which to the court shall appear to be just and shall not be regarded as penalty. (c) Deliver under oath, for impounding during the pendency of the action, upon such terms and conditions as the court may prescribe, sales invoices and other documents evidencing sales, all articles and their packaging alleged to infringe a copyright and implements for making them. (d) Deliver under oath for destruction without any compensation all infringing copies or devices, as well as all plates, molds, or other means for making such infringing copies as the court may order. (e) Such other terms and conditions, including the payment of moral and exemplary damages, which the court may deem proper, wise and equitable and the destruction of infringing copies of the work even in the event of acquittal in a criminal case. - 特許庁


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