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Seniority-based human resource management had been one of the three main characteristics of the Japanese style of management. - Weblio英語基本例文集


The tricycle is characterized by a hollow main frame member mounted with a pair of rear wheels and a seat. - 特許庁

3 収法第条第項の労働保険事務組合は、前項の規定の適用については、労災保険適用事業とみなす。例文帳に追加

(3) A Labor Insurance Affairs Association of Paragraph 3, Article 33 of the Collection Act shall be deemed to be an Accident Insurance-applied business operator in the application of the provision of the preceding paragraph.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In light of the above, the government put the postal service in place, constructed the railway system, developed export industries (with an example being Tomioka Seishi-jo (Tomioka Silk Mill)) (encouragement of new industry) and implemented conscription (which, since the household head was exempt from this legislation and the other sons of the family or male members of the poor peasant class were drafted into military service, caused the blood tax revolt (anti-conscription revolt)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


第七十条 厚生労働大臣は、特別遺族給付金の支給に関し必要があると認めるときは、労災保険適用事業又は収法第条第項の労働保険事務組合若しくは労災保険法第十五条第一項に規定する団体(以下「労働保険事務組合等」という。)に対し、報告、文書の提出又は出頭を求めることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 73 (1) The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare may request each Accident Insurance-applied business operator, or each Labor Insurance Affairs Association of Paragraph 3, Article 33 of the Collection Act, or each organization prescribed in Paragraph 1, Article 35 of the Worker's Accident Insurance Act to report, or to submit a document, or to appear, when he/she finds it necessary in relation with the payment of the special survivor benefit.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


3 政府は、前二項の規定により労働保険事務組合が納付すべき収金については、当該労働保険事務組合に対して第二十六条第項(労災保険法第十二条の項及び第十一条第四項並びに雇用保険法第十条の四第項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による処分をしてもなお収すべき残余がある場合に限り、その残余の額を当該事業から収することができる。例文帳に追加

(3) With regard to the collected money payable by the labor insurance administration association pursuant to the preceding two paragraphs, the government may collect, only if any residual amount remains after the disposition pursuant to the provision of Article 26, paragraph (3) (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 12-3, paragraph (3) and Article 31, paragraph (4) of the Industrial Accident Insurance Act and Article 10-4, paragraph (3) of the Employment Insurance Act) is taken against such labor insurance administration association, such remaining amount from the business operator.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

十五条 第条第一項の委託に基づき、事業が労働保険関係法令の規定による労働保険料その他の収金の納付のため、金銭を労働保険事務組合に交付したときは、その金額の限度で、労働保険事務組合は、政府に対して当該収金の納付の責めに任ずるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 35 (1) When the business operator has delivered certain money to the labor insurance administration association, based on the entrustment set forth in Article 33, paragraph (1), for the payment of the labor insurance premiums or other money collected pursuant to the laws and regulations concerning labor insurance, the labor insurance administration association shall be responsible, to the extent of the amount of such money, for the payment of such collected money to the government.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

十五条 厚生労働大臣は、救済給付の支給に要する費用に充てるため、労災保険の保険関係が成立している事業の事業収法第八条第一項又は第二項の規定により元請負人が事業とされる場合にあっては、当該元請負人。以下「労災保険適用事業」という。)から、毎年度、一般拠出金を収する。例文帳に追加

Article 35 (1) The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall collect general contributions every fiscal year from the business operators of the business categories with respect to which the insurance relation of Worker's Accident Insurance is established (principal contractors in the event that the principal contractors are defined as business operators pursuant to the provision of Paragraph 1 or 2, Article 8 of the Collection Act: hereinafter referred to as "Worker's Accident Insurance-applied business operators") for appropriation to the expense required for the payment of the relief benefits.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

十五条 務大臣は、前条の規定により個人情報取扱事業者に対し報告の収、助言、勧告又は命令を行うに当たっては、表現の自由、学問の自由、信教の自由及び政治活動の自由を妨げてはならない。例文帳に追加

Article 35 (1) In collecting a report from, or giving an advice, a recommendation or an order to a business operator handling personal information pursuant to the provisions of the preceding three articles, the competent Minister shall not disturb freedom of expression, academic freedom, freedom of religion, or freedom of political activity.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



There is provided the visible light responsive photocatalyst material of tungsten trioxide fine particles or consisting essentially of tungsten trioxide fine particles in which activation molecules having an oxidization action are released in an atmosphere by irradiation with visible light. - 特許庁



In an electrolytic solution for an electrochemical capacitor, which is formed by dissolving electrolytic salt mainly composed of quaternary ammonium salt in nonaqueous solvent, the electrolytic solution for an electrochemical capacitor has a total content of tertiary amine and tertiary ammonium salt of 2 mmol/kg or less. - 特許庁

第七十六条 労災保険適用事業は、第十八条第一項の規定により準用する収法第十九条第四項の規定による処分について不服があるときは、異議申立てをすることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 76 An Accident Insurance-applied business operator may file an objection when he/she is dissatisfied with the disposition pursuant to the provision of Paragraph 4, Article 19 of the Collection Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provision of Paragraph 1, Article 38.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


These three lineages of nenbutsu each have their own characteristics: Nenbutsu of Byakuren-sha mainly having characteristics as a kanso nenbutsu (to contemplate Buddha (especially Amitabha) in the mind and repeat his name), nenbutsu of Shandao having characteristics as kosho nenbutsu (invocatory prayer), and nenbutsu in Jimin-ryu having the characteristics of zen.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Among the devotees, it is called "ichi Raku, ni Hagi, san Karatsu" to rank the porcelains classified as below depending on the production area, origin, color and shape.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The hydrogen storage alloy negative electrode for the alkaline secondary battery has a hydrogen storage alloy filled in a non-woven fabric with a three-dimensional structure having a polyolefin based resin as a main component. - 特許庁


This biaxially oriented polyester film for a thermosensitive transfer recording material comprises a polyester mainly consisting of ethylene terephthalate, wherein the amount of ethylene terephthalate cyclic trimer in the film is set to be not more than 0.7 mass%. - 特許庁


The material for cement is characterized by containing a powder which has inositol phosphate adsorbed to the surface and which contains tricalcium phosphate as a main component. - 特許庁


This biaxially oriented film is composed mainly of a polyester (a) and a polyarylene sulfide (b), and characterized in that the content of cyclic trimer is 0.1-0.7% by weight. - 特許庁


The method for producing the colored dispersion consisting essentially of a water-insoluble colorant used for ink, a polymer dispersant and water comprises a first process to a third process. - 特許庁


This three-dimensional network texture is produced by using the polyester resin polymerized by using a catalyst comprising the aluminum and/or a compound thereof, and a phenolic compound, as a main raw material. - 特許庁


The silicon carbide-based porous body is formed into a three-dimensional network structure in which pores inside the network have a continuous pore structure and mainly composed of silicon carbide. - 特許庁


A photocatalytic material comprises tungsten trioxide fine particles having an average particle diameter of 0.5 μm or smaller and a crystal structure of a monoclinic crystal system as a main component. - 特許庁


This concave polyhedron sheet structure is mainly covered with a pattern filled with hexagon planes composed of a pair of trapezoids (including triangles) sharing bottom sides to each other and some sides constituting the pattern are applied with some folding lines. - 特許庁


To surely prevent the reading of information by a third party in order to prevent the leakage of secrets in an optical disk reproducing device. - 特許庁


The method of producing the sintered compact is characterized by press forming by using a raw material powder of dibismuth trioxide as a main raw material, and firing at 650-710°C. - 特許庁


To provide a CMOS image sensor used for an electronic camera which can picturize a three dimensions color image of an object by one chip. - 特許庁


The manufacturing method comprises a step for forming a first layer having cavities on a base surface, a step for adding a second layer having A as the main ingredient and for drying, and a step for adding a third layer having A as the main ingredient to the upper portion of the second layer and for drying. - 特許庁

十七条 第十五条第一項の規定により労災保険適用事業から収する一般拠出金(以下「第一項一般拠出金」という。)の額は、収法第十条第二項第一号の一般保険料の計算の基礎となる賃金総額に一般拠出金率を乗じて得た額とする。例文帳に追加

Article 37 (1) The amount of the general contributions collected from Worker's Accident Insurance-applied business operators pursuant to the provision of Paragraph 1, Article 35 (hereinafter referred to as "the Paragraph 1 general contributions) shall be the amount obtained by multiplying the total amount of wages as the base of calculation of general insurance premiums of Item 1, Paragraph 2, Article 10 of the Collection Act by the general contribution rate.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

ハ 船舶所有者(石綿健康被害救済法第十五条第二項の船舶所有者をいう。)からの一般拠出金(同項の一般拠出金をいう。)の収及び特別事業(石綿健康被害救済法第四十七条第一項の特別事業をいう。)からの特別拠出金(同項の特別拠出金をいう。)の例文帳に追加

c) Collection of general contributions (refers to the general contributions set forth in Paragraph 2, Article 35 of the Asbestos Relief Act) from ship owners (refers to the ship owners set forth in the same paragraph) and the collection of special contributions (refers to the special contributions of Paragraph 1, Article 47 of the Asbestos Relief Act) from special business operators (refers to the special business operators set forth in the same paragraph  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 厚生労働省令で定める数以下の労働者を使用する事業(厚生労働省令で定める事業を除く。第七号において「特定事業」という。)の事業収法第条第項の労働保険事務組合(以下「労働保険事務組合」という。)に同条第一項の労働保険事務の処理を委託するものである者(事業が法人その他の団体であるときは、代表者)例文帳に追加

(i) an employer in a business which employs not more than the number of workers specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (excluding businesses specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; hereinafter referred to as a "specified business" in item (vii)), who entrusts a labor insurance affairs association set forth in Article 33, paragraph (3) of the Premiums Collection Act (hereinafter referred to as a "labor insurance affairs association") to handle the labor insurance affairs set forth in paragraph (1) of said Article (in cases where the employer is a juridical person or other organization, the representative thereof);  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Mirei SHIGEMORI, who started to research gardens alongside this movement, measured gardens remaining in the whole country, and when entering Showa period, produced many karesansui gardens, and criticized naturalistic gardens existing within temples and revived symbolic gardens.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This additive for being added to sterilizers or disinfectants containing alcohol as a main component to improve the performances, such as permeability, diffusibility and retention ability, is characterized by containing three of ethyl alcohol, benzalkonium chloride and water. - 特許庁


The polyester composition which comprises (A) a polyester having the main repeating unit of ethylene terephthalate and (B) a m-xylylene group-containing polyamide, is characterized in that the above m-xylylene group- containing polyamide (B) has a tertiary nitrogen content of 2.0 mole % or less. - 特許庁


The film comprises a polyester containing 2.0-10.0 mol% third ingredient other than main constituents, is obtained by a simultaneous biaxial drawing method and is a biaxially oriented polyester film having 0-3.0% film haze. - 特許庁


This composite fabric is characterized by comprising wool fibers and/or animal fibers, and shrunk and three-dimensionally crimped polyester-based conjugated fibers comprising two or more polyester-based polymers, wherein at least one of the polyester-based polymers is a polyester consisting mainly of polytrimethylene terephthalate. - 特許庁


This cooling liquid composition has, as a main component, a melting point depressant selected from the group consisting of glycols and alcohols, and also comprises a corrosion suppressant selected from the group consisting of fluorides, and a tribasic acid of an organic carboxylic acid or alkali metal salt thereof. - 特許庁


This biaxially oriented film for optical uses is characterized by consisting of a polyester containing in total 2.0-10.0 mol% range of a third component other than the main components and having 0-3.0% range film haze. - 特許庁


This calcium aluminate sintered compact comprises C_12A_7 as a main component including 10^20/cm^3 or more of oxygen radicals and 0.05-5mass% of SiO_2, and has a three-point bending strength of 90MPa or more. - 特許庁


This three-dimensional displacement measuring device is characterized by having a prescribed matrix pattern 20 applied onto the surface of a measuring object 1, and a pair of image side telecentric optical systems having each main optical axis facing to the matrix pattern 20. - 特許庁


This separator for a sealed lead-acid battery has a structure wherein chain connection structure powder-like silica particles are interlaid, in a dispersed state, in a sheet of a mat structure manufactured by using a minute glass fiber as a main constituent to form a three-dimensional network of the silica particles throughout the sheet. - 特許庁


To provide a CMOS image sensor that is employed in a video camera capable of shooting the 3D color image of an object and is mainly characterized by a single chip for easily obtaining the 2D color image and depth value of the object. - 特許庁


The La.Sr.Ga.Mg.Ox-based sintered body contains at least one selected from Ga and In, a transition metal element of Group I of Periodic Table, a divalent metal element, or trivalent metal element at the amount of 1 to 6 parts by weight relative to 100 parts by weight of a La.Sr.Ga.Mg.Ox- based oxide. - 特許庁


A polishing slurry for polishing a base material has such characteristics as an abrasive contains sesquioxide as a main component, the content of the abrasive is less than 10 wt.% with respect to the polishing slurry, and a pH of the polishing slurry is 4 or higher. - 特許庁


This dust collector 1 for removing the toxic substances to be discharged from the incinerator or the like is provided with a filter having a three-ply structure for removing dust-like toxic substances, which is formed by covering with an organic fiber both sides of a main base stock formed by using an activated carbon fiber. - 特許庁


The film for packaging the meat is a multilayered film of three layers or more, and at least one of the outermost two layers comprises a polymer with self-weldable and heat sealing properties or a polymer composition with the polymer as a main component. - 特許庁


The composite fabric consists of ≥2 kinds of polyester-based polymers and comprises a polyester-based conjugate fiber at least one component of which is constituted of a polyester comprising a polytrimethylene terephthalate as a main component and exhibiting shrinkage and three dimensional crimping, and the wool fiber and/or the animal hair fiber. - 特許庁

2 前項第号に規定する趣旨は、命令の取消し又は変更を求める範囲を明らかにするように記載するものとし、同号に規定する理由においては、排除措置命令又は納付命令(第五項、第五十八条、第五十九条第一項、第六十六条第項及び第四項並びに第七十条の八において「原処分」という。)に対する張(排除措置命令にあつてはその原因となる事実に対する張、納付命令にあつては課金の計算の基礎に対する張)が明らかにされていなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) The gist as prescribed in item iii of the preceding paragraph shall clearly state the scope of the request for rescission or modification of the order, and the claim (in the case of a cease and desist order, the claim against the facts that led to the order; in the case of a payment order, the claim against the basis of calculation of the surcharge) against the cease and desist order or payment order (referred to as "original order" in paragraph 5, Article 58, paragraph 1 of Article 59, paragraph 3 and 4 of Article 66, and Article 70-8) shall be clarified in the reason prescribed in the same item.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


This composition is a two-package epoxy resin composition comprising a base comprising an acrylate having at least three acryloyl groups in the molecule and an epoxy resin curing agent, wherein both the base and the curing agent are liquid at -10°C, and either of them contains a particulate thixotropant. - 特許庁


This staple fiber nonwoven fabric is obtained by laminating a layer consisting mainly of staple fibers to at least one surface of a layer consisting mainly of cotton linters having fiber lengths of ≤5 mm, wherein the staple fibers between each other, cotton linters between each other, and the cotton linters and the staple fibers are mutually three-dimensionally and wholly integrally interlaced. - 特許庁


一 事業が故意又は重大な過失により収法第四条の二第一項の規定による届出であつてこの保険に係る保険関係の成立に係るものをしていない期間(政府が当該事業について収法第十五条第項の規定による決定をしたときは、その決定後の期間を除く。)中に生じた事故例文帳に追加

(i) an accident arising during a period when the employer has failed, intentionally or through gross negligence, to make a notification under the provision of Article 4-2, paragraph (1) of the Premiums Collection Act which is related to the establishment of the insurance relationship pertaining to this insurance (in cases where the government has made a decision with respect to the services concerned pursuant to the provision of Article 15, paragraph (3) of the Premiums Collection Act, the period after that decision shall be excluded);  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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