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該当件数 : 322



To leap off the highest cliff - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


This is called Oishi's first trip down east.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

彼が山を下りている時 人の男が例文帳に追加

And as he was leaving, he saw a man - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


There is a stupa-shaped stone for indicating the distance at the middle of the downhill.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"でもこの時は もう人 "地下への階段を下りてきた例文帳に追加

But this time, there was more than one coming down the basement steps. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



Ichijoji-Sagarimatsu: This is a well-known place where Musashi MIYAMOTO, one of the greatest swordsmen in Japanese history, fought a duel with an opponent from the Yoshioka family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When fall of the first rectangular wave signal 45a and that of the second rectangular wave signal 45b overlap, the fall of the second rectangular wave signal 45b is made to occur later than that of the first rectangular wave signal 45a. - 特許庁

2人の主婦と緒に山へ入ったが 何らかの理由で山を下り例文帳に追加

A woman had gone to the mountain with them, but for some reason she went down - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

の希望は深い森を抜け 崖を下り 背後を突くことだ例文帳に追加

Our only hope is to come through these dense woods, down this cliff get them from behind. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



To attain simultaneous notice without the use of a communication outgoing time slot. - 特許庁



The commandoes slid down to the vessel one by one in the dark.  - Weblio英語基本例文集


One downlink frame comprises a notice slot and one or a plurality of data slots. - 特許庁


Yamazaki Station is an aboveground station with two platforms serving four tracks and a side track on the outbound track.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


By the constitution, the downward slanting ridge bearing rail 40 can be easily mounted to right above the downward slanting ridge 13 and, at the same time, the installation of the solar cell panels 20 on both sides of the downward slanting ridge 13 can be easily carried out by the downward slanting ridge bearing rail 40 only. - 特許庁


Generally speaking, when the vehicle 4 travels on the downline 2A, the priority of the noise countermeasures is higher on a wayside W_1 side closer to the downline 2A than on a wayside W_2 side farther from the downline 2A, and the noise countermeasures are emphasized. - 特許庁


In general, the vehicle 2 travels on the descending lane 1A, a measure against noise on the side along the wayside W_1 nearer the descending lane 1A must be taken important more than the side along the wayside W_2 farther from the descending lane 1A. - 特許庁


During karikudari, it is possible to get a close look since ubune and yakata-bune go down the river side by side.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At some stations, however, a train may pass through the station without stopping, so sometimes trains that run on the tracks that pass by Platform 1 are traveling away from Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Then the base station CS transmits an announcement signal relating to simultaneous notice by using the control outgoing time slot. - 特許庁

たくさんの筏下りの仲間と緒に 川のそばで 彼は パドルを持って写ってるわ例文帳に追加

He's holding a paddle next to a river with a raft full of bozos. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


The gentle gradient sidetrack of the Kosei eastbound track, running on the northmost track, encounters a tunnel portal 1,640 m off the station.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To increase the number of outgoing communication highways to be allocated to one shelf or processing part with a simple method. - 特許庁


On the other hand, when the unicycle 100 is drawn down on a downhill, or when it is pushed down in the downhill, the assistant control section 21 performs braking control on the electric motor 11. - 特許庁


In this way, the variations in the level of input signals due to temperature characteristics of a coaxial cable at the input terminal are automatically compensated. - 特許庁


A base station CS applies paging to each mobile station PS by using a control outgoing time slot to inform of the number of a simultaneous carrier and a control outgoing time slot (simultaneous PCH). - 特許庁


To provide a CATV transmission system that eliminates the need for frequency conversion for incoming and outgoing communication bands, avoids incoming band from being limited and allows one coaxial cable, to conduct reception of a CATV outgoing signal and two-way communication. - 特許庁


In the radio terminal gateway devices (figure 4), packet priority controlling means (405 and 408) are provided in both incoming communication and outgoing communication, a packet group arriving from an incoming (outgoing) communicating line is sorted in the order of a priority at a fixed time, and the sorted packet group is transferred to the opposite outgoing (incoming) communication line. - 特許庁


An outgoing optical transmitter makes an outgoing CATV signal and the incoming monitoring control signal electrically convertable in advance and branches a portion of a CATV optical signal being an output of the outgoing optical transmitter by an optical branching device 108 in the hub device 103. - 特許庁


The access point 2 multiplexes respective "down packets" with multiplexed packet headers addressed to a plurality of the terminals 31, 32, ..., 3n, performs the batch broadcast of the "down frame" added with a multiplexed packet header to the plurality of terminals 31, 32, ..., 3n by an appropriate transmission rate according to a wireless status. - 特許庁


A master unit 30 collectively upconverts the television broadcast signal and an outgoing data signal generated by the modulator-demodulator 20 of a LAN side into the outgoing signal of a millimeter wave band and transmits the outgoing signal indoors by radio. - 特許庁


A common optical fiber Fc of one core converges outgoing signals and incoming signals, and is shared by the bidirectional communication of a station and a subscriber. - 特許庁


To cause a scanning line to be in a high impedance state by using transistors of a single conductivity type to improve rise and fall characteristics of a pulse. - 特許庁


The synchronization processing unit 5b performs synchronization between the base stations so that the transmission timing of the known signal included in the own down signal is matched with the transmission timing of the known signal included in the down signal of the other base station apparatus. - 特許庁


In the declivity part 204B, the developer is conveyed upward by a developer conveying member 205 in which a part of a blade is cut and conveyed in a downward direction by gravity. - 特許庁


The mobile communications system, for transmitting the same downward information, with respect to the plurality of the cells 1-1 to 2-2 using the downward common channel, comprises a radio control device 10, and base stations 20A and 20B. - 特許庁


To improve a reception quality of a down signal in a mobile station or to effectively utilize wireless resources by transmitting the same down signal not only from an in-range base station but also from an adjacent base station in accordance with location information of the mobile station or the reception quality of the down signal in the mobile station. - 特許庁


To provide a wireless network control method and a wireless communication system for carrying out high speed downlink packet transmission with a downlink shared channel such as the HSDPA system providing a prescribed or higher rate or in average to mobile stations receivable of data transmission using the downlink shared channel. - 特許庁


The method for modulating signal in the cable television system includes the steps of modulating the downlink signal in a central station, branching a part of the modulated outgoing signal during transmission, taking out the modulated signal from the branched downlink signal, and modulating the incoming signal with the taken modulated signal. - 特許庁


Therefore, another younger brother of his, MINAMOTO no Yorikata, was sent down to Shinano Province to avenge Yoshikata, and war almost broke out.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On May 21, 1865, he left for Edo along with Toshizo HIJIKATA, Kashitaro ITO, Hajime SAITO and Heisuke TODO, and they applied to enlist when recruitment efforts were underway.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Around the Tembun era, he went to Tosa Province to avoid uprisings in Kyoto, stayed at the (Tosa) Ichijo clan (his relatives), and later became a member of the five greatest families.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Passengers from the down line of the Kansai Main Line and those from the outer loop of the Osaka Loop Line can mutually transfer on the same platform.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the bottom of the hill, however, lies an area developed as a touristic district with fancy Japanese-style restaurants and kawayuka Terraces, where the traffic increases.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To visit Manshuin-michi Road, another alternative to the actual Kirara-zaka Slope, walk to the east (in the direction of the mountain) from Ichijoji Station on the Eizan Line of Eizan Electric Railway or from the Ichijoji-Sagari-Matsucho bus stop of Kyoto City Bus and turn left in front of Ichijoji-Sagari-Matsu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Even if the polarization direction of either of the uplink optical signals Pu1, Pu2 is coincident with that of the down link optical signals Pc, Pd and the waveform is disturbed by the Rayleigh scattering, the polarization direction of the other of the uplink optical signals Pu1, Pu2 is not coincident with the polarization direction of the downlink optical signals Pc, Pd, thereby enabling excellent signal transmission. - 特許庁


Because the inbound platform (Platform 1) is the thoroughfare, only outbound trains that pass each other or pass others at this station come in on Platform 2 (the number of outbound trains departing from/arriving at Platform 1 and 2 per fiscal year 2006 timetable was the same).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The equalizer 17 corrects the downlink signal having the quadratic frequency deviations to make the frequency deviations of the input signal led to the broadband amplifier 23 constant. - 特許庁


The highlight is called "karikudari", which means the time when ubune carrying ujo and yakata-bune (roofed pleasure boat) carrying tourist go down the river side by side,  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Prohibiting generating any sound, Masatora descended Saijo-san Mountain stealthily under the cloak of night, and crossed the Chikuma-gawa River at Amenomiya-no-watashi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


バス京都市交通局5、北8、65系統 京都バス 55、18系統 乗寺下り松町下車 東へ約300m(いちじょうじさがりまつちょう)例文帳に追加

By bus: take Kyoto City Bus route 5, north 8 or 65, or Kyoto Bus route 55 or route 18, and get off at 'Ichijoji Sagarimatsucho' bus stop; it is approximately 300 meters to the east.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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