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Above all, Kanzashi made from bakelite that were produced in the early days of the Meiji period are highly valued antiques now. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Sushi oke was originally a wooden lacquer ware, but now many of them are made of bakelite, imitating lacquer wares. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Preferably, the plate-shaped member is a laminate of a ceramic sheet and Bakelite (R). - 特許庁
The part of the casing, orthogonal to the loop of an antenna part 12 composed of three loop antennas, namely, the metal on upper and back surfaces, is partially cut and for reinforcing this cut casing part, an insulated reinforcing plate, such as Bakelite (R) composed of phenolic resins, namely, upper surface reinforcing Bakelite (R) 13 and a back surface reinforcing Bakelite (R) 14 are stuck. - 特許庁
Therefore, clamping force generated when first and second piezo actuators 2, 3 clamp the thin line electrode 1 is partially absorbed by the first and second Bakelites 13, 20. - 特許庁
An H-coil 5 wound with an Hx-coil orthogonally on an Hy-coil using the formal wire on Bakelite (R) is arranged in an upper side of the sample. - 特許庁
The first and second driving clamper 9, 17 are composed of first and second superhard metal 12, 19 directly attached to the thin line electrode, and first and second Bakelites 13, 20 cemented with lower surfaces of the first and second superhard metal 12, 19. - 特許庁
The vibrating mechanism 40 comprises: three Bakelite plates 43, two conductive seats 42, two conductive pieces 44 electrically connected to the conductive seats 42 and an ultrasonic vibrator 46. - 特許庁
To provide an α-cyanoacrylate-based adhesive composition especially excellent in fast curing properties in adhesion of hardly adhesive materials such as acrylics, chromium plating, nickel plating, polyesters (FRP), Bakelite, EPDM rubbers and the like or of porous materials such as papers, woods, leathers, ceramics and the like, as well as excellent in shelf stability. - 特許庁
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