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Availing themselves of this opportunity, Tomoteru and his son ousted Korenaga and seized the lordship of Takatsuki-jo Castle in May, 1573.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In April the Imperial Court, which had received an emergency messenger from Dewa no Kami, ordered Shimotsuke and Kozuke provinces to each deploy 1,000 soldiers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The electric field on the surface of the substrate W is controlled by adjusting the thickness of the high resistant structure 4 or the shape of the high resistant structure 4 on a plane surface. - 特許庁


After serving for four years, he was given a land of 12,000 koku of Maoka Domain in Shimotsuke Province in 1611 and received in audience by Hidetada in Edo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Rinso had five daughters; the husband of the first daughter, Kume was Shindo TSUBOI, that of the second, Michiko was Gencho ITO, that of the third, Hideko was Komin KAWAMOTO, that of the fourth, Miyako was Choei TAKANO (Miyako died young at the age of 32 in April 29, 1849, 6 months later of their marriage) and they married famous Dutch scholars as seen in above.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



He first used the name Buson when he edited those notes into his Saitanchou anthology (Utsunomiya Saitanchou) in 1744 when he lived in the house of Rokyu SATO, who was Gantou's adopted son-in-law. He was living in Utsunomiya, in the kingdom of Shimotsuke (Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A data accumulation center 4 accesses the mail box 43 by each fixed period or at arbitrary times, the operation history data is fetched into a data server, and the data is analyzed, thereby obtaining a household program rating or program rating of individuals. - 特許庁


As a result, during the fourth quarter of 2007, the real GDP growth rate in the EU, had slowed 0.5% compared to the same period of the previous year, and it is thought that, if personal consumption and fixed capital formation continue to flag, the likelihood of growth in the EU becoming unstabilized will increase. - 経済産業省


Wavelength dependence parts (channel parts) 5-1 to 5-m being parts for adding/dropping specific wavelength signals and controlling the levels of added signals and a wavelength non-dependence part 4 to be a part including a common optical level monitoring part for these channel parts and a control signal generating CPU for controlling the levels of added wavelength signals of respective channel parts are constituted as individual packages. - 特許庁



The powdery seasoning contains all the nutrients in the Ume flesh 2, the seeds 3, and the kernels 4 of the pickled Ume 1, and provides excellent nutrients in and effects of the pickled Ume to consumers. - 特許庁



The real GDP growth rate was 10.7% in 2006, marking high growth of over 10% for the fourth consecutive year, but this growth has been driven by fixed capital formation, which accounts for approximately half of GDP, and expanding net exports, and issues exist including investment overheating and imbalances in international payments (Figure 1-1-34). - 経済産業省


To resolve such problems, adjustment assistance measures need to be instituted to boost employment quality and labor market flexibility as seen in the United States and Europe4. - 経済産業省


This device is obtained by tensely extending a net material 2 supported by pile members 1 in such a manner as to surround farm trees A and by fitting to the net material 2 e.g. sheet pieces 4 respectively comprising balloon-shaped members 3 with flavors and a lustered light-accumulating material as a countermeasure against beasts and birds serving to make the beasts and birds B disagreeable. - 特許庁


In the Survey of Financial Institutions, over 80% of financial institutions answered that their assessment abilities had improved greatly or had improved somewhat, whereas in the Financing Conditions Survey a little less than 40% answered that the assessment abilities of financial institutions had improved greatly or had improved somewhat, showing a difference in perception between respondents to the two surveys regarding the improvement in the assessment abilities of financial institutions. - 経済産業省


In 1337, Takatsune attacked Kanagasaki-jo Castle (Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture) of the Southern Court in Echizen with KO no Moroyasu and defeated Yoshisada and his son Yoshiaki NITTA who had both Imperial Princes on their side.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 762, Nakamaro became Shoichii (Senior First Rank) and, therefore, achieved the highest position of the government, and in the same year, Asakari with his older brothers, FUJIWARA no Masaki and FUJIWARA no Kusumaro, were appointed to Sangi (Councilor), then an unusual situation in which the four family members took positions of Kugyo happened.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For the cushioning sheet 4, the opening is formed of a plate-like corrugated board or a sheet material of a hard expanded foaming plastic material having openings formed in sites where the IC chips are located. - 特許庁


The polymeric nanowire is a one-dimensional wire having a length as10^4 times or more as the diameter and having no branched portion or intersection. - 特許庁


Since a spectral part 8 and a light detecting element 9 are provided as well as a spectral part 4 and a light detecting element 5 in the spectral module 1, a detecting sensitivity is improved to the lights of the wide wavelength range or the lights of the different wavelength range. - 特許庁


The first power switch 4 has a function of controlling power supply from the battery 3 to the power saving side, and the power line is turned off when it is unnecessary to use the equipment because of parking or not driving on superhighways, and thus the power consumption is reduced to extend the lifetime of the battery 3. - 特許庁


When the Shonai War erupted in 1599, the Ijuin clan, the central player of the war was believed to have embezzled Miyakonojo City, a place of connection for the Hongo clan, through the introduction of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, and the efforts of the Hongo clan family to recover their hometown were impressive.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Prime Minister Aso said in his speech entitled, “Toward New Growth,” in April 2009, that strategic investment in the environment-related fields, regarding which Japan has the world’s best technology, shall be linked to economic growth and the creation of jobs, so as to create a market for the low-carbon emissions revolution worth ¥50 trillion in 2020 and job opportunities for 1.4 million people. - 経済産業省

経済産業省(特許庁)は、2007 年1月、外国特許庁との協力強化、制度の国際調和の推進、模倣品対策の強化等によるグローバルな権利取得の促進と知的財産保護の強化、特許庁による審査迅速化・効率化、企業における戦略的な知的財産管理の促進、地域や中小企業の知的財産活用に対する支援の強化等の4分野26項目からなる「イノベーション促進のための特許審査改革加速プラン2007(AMARIプラン2007)28」を策定し、知的財産制度の整備・強化のための取組を行っている。例文帳に追加

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Japan Patent Office) formulated the Advanced Measures for Accelerating Reform toward Innovation Plan in Patent Examination (AMARI Plan 2007)68 in January 2007. This plan is composed of four areas and 26 items covering efforts to develop and strengthen the intellectual assets system, such as closer cooperation with foreign patent offices, promotion of international harmonization of systems, promotion of global rights acquisition and stronger intellectual assets protections by stronger counterfeit goods countermeasures, etc., faster and more efficient examinations by the patent office, promotion of strategic intellectual assets management in companies, stronger support for utilization of intellectual assets of the regions and in medium and small companies, etc - 経済産業省


In this supporting framework 2 of a rear cover 1 which can be pivoted up around a front transverse axis and a rear transverse axis of a rear compartment in the body, when the rear cover 1 is pivoted up around the rear transverse axis, or when U shaped limb 3' pivots correspondingly, a lifting/tilting guide 4 lifts up firstly. - 特許庁


Zeniza was established in various places such as Jumantsubo of Fukagawa and Yokooji of Yodo-Toba (Rakugai (outskirts of Kyoto)) in 1736, Kameido in Edo and Honjo-Koume in Edo (coin marked with a letter of '' on the reverse side), Nikko City in Shimotsuke Province and Uzu in Kii Province in 1737, Anidozan Copper mine, Akita Prefecture in 1738, Hirata-Shinden of Fukagawa, Fujisawa City, Sagami Province and Yoshidajima, Sagami Province in 1739, Takatsu, Osaka (coin marked with a letter of ''), Ashio, Shimotsuke Province (coin marked with a letter of '') and Ichinose, Nagasaki (coin marked with a letter of '') in 1741, Nagasaki City, Hizen Province (coin marked with a letter of '') in 1767 and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On January 27 of the same year, he occupied the local government of Shimonotsuke Province, and then he captured the governor of Kozuke province, FUJIWARA no Hisanori (because this province was a shinno ninkoku [provinces whose gubernatorial posts were reserved as sinecures for imperial princes], the suke had the highest authority), and in exchange for sparing his life, Masakado took possession of the inju and exiled him; on February 4, he toppled the provincial office of Kozuke, which had lost its commander, thereby capturing the entirety of the Kanto region, enthroned himself as Shinno (the New Emperor), and, performing a Jimoku assignment ceremony himself, established the seicho (government office) in Iwai City (Bando City of Ibaraki Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

経済産業省、外務省、(独)日本貿易振興機構(以下「ジェトロ」という)等の関係省庁及び機関が連携し、東京電力(株)福島第一原子力発電所事故への対応や、国内のモニタリング及び食品・鉱工業品の安全確保等に関する我が国の取組についての説明会等を、国内外で実施した。平成24年3月末現在、海外の産業界向け説明会(12 か国・地域、15 都市)に加え、国内の外資系企業や在京・在関西の領事団及び国際機関向けにも説明会(東京4 回、大阪3回)を開催した。例文帳に追加

Relevant ministries, agencies, and organizations, including METI, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), worked together to organize briefings and similar events in Japan and overseas to explain, among other things, the action being taken to deal with the crisis at Tokyo Electric Power’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, monitoring in Japan, and measures being taken by Japan to ensure the safety of food and industrial goods. As of the end of March 2012, briefings had been held for overseas business leaders in 15 cities in 12 countries and regions, and had also been held for foreign-affiliated enterprises in Japan, consular officials in Tokyo and the Kansai region, and international organizations (four times in Tokyo and three times in Osaka).  - 経済産業省


Despite the policy of full-scale abolishment of umakai and zakko developed and implemented in 744, "review of and changes in the reform path" were pursued in 752 probably because military goods, in the manufacturing and procurement of which zakko had been involved, were usually in no demand from (or forbidden to) ordinary citizens, unlike luxury and sophisticated goods produced by shinabe, which caused problems in meeting the demand for the military goods and in handing down skills.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In order to further strengthen the effectiveness of surveillance, I believe that it is also useful to deepen the analysis from a regional perspective,focusing on the main policy issues in the region, intra-regional linkages, and the implications to global surveillance identified in both the World Economic Outlook (WEO) and the Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR).Indeed, the regional work plan of area departments could contribute to this effort, as proposed in the Managing Director’s Report on Implementing the IMF’s Medium-Term Strategy.  - 財務省


Japan has made various proposals about policies that emerging markets need to pursue in order to reduce their vulnerability to crisis: (1) capital account liberalization needs to be carried out in a well-sequenced manner; (2) more detailed data of capital inflows and outflows need to be collected in order to strengthen the monitoring of capital movements; (3) domestic financial systems, including appropriate supervisory and regulatory systems need to be strengthened; (4) appropriate exchange rate regimes must be adopted in accordance with countries' particular situations; and (5) capital controls, though they should not be a substitute for sound macroeconomic and structural policy, may be helpful in certain cases. Many of these proposals are becoming part of an international consensus.  - 財務省

(5) 寄託培養試料が,もはや活性を有していないためか又は寄託機関がその試料をもはや交付できないための何れかによって,入手不能になった場合において,それが次のときは,入手可能性の中断とはみなさないものとする。 (a) 寄託機関又は庁の何れかによって特許出願人又は特許権者に対して当該中断が通知された日から起算して3月以内に,微生物の新規寄託が行われたとき (b) 特許出願又は特許についての明細資料を添付の上,微生物の新規寄託の受領書の写が新規寄託の日から起算して4月以内に,庁宛に送達されたとき 中断が培養試料の不活性化に起因した場合は,新規寄託については,原寄託を以前行った機関に対して,行わなければならない。その他の場合は,新規寄託を他の寄託機関に対して,行うことができる。 微生物の新規寄託には,新規に寄託される微生物が原寄託の対象のものと同じである旨証明した寄託当事者の署名入り宣誓書を添付しなければならない。例文帳に追加

5. If the deposited culture ceases to be available, either because it is no longer viable or because the authority of deposit is no longer in a position to deliver its sample, it is not considered to be the interruption of availability on the condition that: (a) a new deposit of the microorganism is made within a period of three months starting from the date on which the interruption was notified to the owner of the patent application or of the patent, either by the depositary authority or by the Service; (b) a copy of the receipt regarding the new deposit of the microorganism, accompanied with references to the patent application or to the patent, is sent to the Service within a period of four months starting from the date of the new deposit. If the interruption results from the non-viability of the culture, the new deposit shall be made with the authority that received the initial deposit; in other cases, it may be made with other empowered authority. A new deposit of the microorganism must be accompanied with a statement signed by the depositing party certifying that the microorganism subjected to the new deposit is the same as the one which was the object of the initial deposit. - 特許庁


4. 国際通貨システム(IMS)はその強じんさを示してきたものの、脆弱性は残っており、システミックな安定性を確保し、秩序のある調整を促進し、悪影響を及ぼすような資本移動の変動、準備通貨を持つ先進国が過度の変動を監視することを含む、為替レートの無秩序な動き、為替レートの継続した不均衡を回避するため、IMS を改善する必要性が高まっている。今日、我々は、IMS の機能の強化に向けた作業プログラムに合意した。IMSの機能強化は、以下を通じて目指される:不安定性をもたらす可能性のある資本移動への対処に関する、好ましくない結果をもたらしうることに留意しつつも、マクロ健全性措置を含む一貫した手法や措置、資金セーフティ・ネットや SDR の役割といった論点を含む、ショックを予防し、対処する能力を強化するための国際的な流動性の管理。これにはまた、為替レートについての諸論点と IMF のサーベイランスの強化に関する議論が求められる。我々は、4 月の次回会合において、以下の報告を議論することを期待している:IMSの強化に関する IMF からの報告、新興・途上国における現地の資本市場や国内通貨の借入れを強化する行動に関する経験に基づく世界銀行と RDBs による報告。加えて、我々は、資本移動に関する OECD の作業及び UNCTAD 等、他の関連する国際機関の貢献を得ることができる。例文帳に追加

4. The international monetary system (IMS) has proven resilient, but vulnerabilities remain, which raise the need to improve it in order to ensure systemic stability, promote orderly adjustment, and avoid disruptive fluctuations in capital flows, disorderly movements in exchange rates? including advanced economies with reserve currencies being vigilant against excess volatility ? and persistent misalignement of exchange rates. Today we agreed on a work program aimed at strengthening the functioning of the IMS, including through coherent approaches and measures to deal with potentially destabilizing capital flows, among which macro-prudential measures, mindful of possible drawbacks; and management of global liquidity to strengthen our capacity to prevent and deal with shocks, including issues such as Financial Safety Nets and the role of the SDR. This will also require discussions on exchange rates issues and on the strengthening of IMF surveillance. We look forward to discussing at our next meeting in April a report from the IMF on the strengthening of the IMS and reports by the World Bank and the RDBs building on experiences, on actions to strengthen local capital markets and domestic currency borrowing in emerging and developing economies. In addition, we will benefit from the work of OECD on capital flows, and from the contributions of other relevant international organizations, such as UNCTAD.  - 財務省


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