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「まつがだにがわ」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 454



You [We] don't need to refer to experts to say that smoking harms our health.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


Thereafter, the information is exchanged between the transmission terminal T and the reception terminal C. - 特許庁

私にとっては もう週末を 無駄に過ごす必要がないということです例文帳に追加

For me, it means no more wasted weekends. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


When the data are added to the header, a receiving side terminal also does not execute decryption processing. - 特許庁



When the data are added to the header, a transmitting side terminal does not execute encryption processing. - 特許庁



To establish a call between an intranet terminal and an external network terminal through a DMZ. - 特許庁


To provide an image viewer terminal capable of referring to information relating to a diagnostic reading order, and a medical image system including the image viewer terminal. - 特許庁


When there is an incoming call from a customer telephone set 2, an inquiry sound-recording means 110 records inquiry contents of a customer while the incoming call is expected to be connected. - 特許庁


a yellow insecticide used as a dust or spray to control garden pests and house flies and mites  - 日本語WordNet



Normal internal communication defined between an internal terminal and another internal terminal in an internal network and normal external communication defined between an internal terminal and an external terminal connecting to an external network are pre-stored in a storage device. - 特許庁



Eyelashes 30 can be caught between teeth parts 15 and 25 by closing a pair of elastic plates 12 and 22 to engage the teeth parts 15 and 25 with each other. - 特許庁


There are some towns that have no letter of '' (read as 'cho', meaning town) on the end such as 'Anshu Higashidani' and 'Otsuka Oiwa.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Communication between the network and the terminal is controlled according to the security policy. - 特許庁


Suruga Province and Mikawa Province were attacked from the east and west and occupied by the Takeda clan and Tokugawa clan (renamed from the Matsudaira clan) in mere several years.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The lives of "Jiro Saburo Motonobu SERATA" and the character of his father, Matsumoto EDA, reflect the legend that was passed down from the founder of the TOKUGAWA Clan, Chikauji MATSUDAIRA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To contribute to the reduction of the charge for communications from a portable telephone terminal to a fixed telephone terminal and avoid such restriction that the communication from the portable terminal to a specified fixed telephone terminal is disabled. - 特許庁


There is an episode that he accidentally fell in a river without realizing it, and when he woke up in the next morning, he was hanging on a pine tree branch.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the front side panel 21, a terminal end part 31 of the front side panel 21 is mounted to the back side panel 27 while being supported on a terminal end 33 of the back side panel 27 to have a space 29 between the back side panel 27 and it. - 特許庁


a cafe whose customers sit at computer terminals and log on to the internet while they eat and drink  - 日本語WordNet


A session is first established between an access terminal and a HDR radio network. - 特許庁


After that, communication where security is secured by a main signal key is made between the communication terminal and the group networks. - 特許庁


Late at night on October 26, 1878, 26 villagers led by Yaemon KANMURI set fire to the house of Choemon MATSUKI, and murdered seven people and injured four people.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Western tales, the main character vanquished a dragon, saved a princess from captivity, and got married to her (see also the tales concerning Tiamat, the goddess in the ancient Babylonian myth, and the goddess Andromeda in the Greek myth).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To enable an apparatus which is disposed between the public transmission circuit network and a plurality of telephone terminal to call the nearest telephone terminal from the current produce of a user for calling the telephone terminal, in response to termination from the public transmission circuit network. - 特許庁


This enables a user of the second transmission terminal to avoid a situation where, in spite of performing processing for joining conversation, the user cannot perform conversation due to a trouble in the first transmission terminal, so that the processing for joining conversation is wasteful. - 特許庁


An authentication discrimination bridge 6 is provided between a LAN #1 on a trunk side having an authentication server 5 and a LAN #2 on a terminal access side having a wireless LAN AP 3. - 特許庁


Tenshoin, the adopted daughter of Nariakira SHIMAZU married with Iesada TOKUGAWA, Syogun after she was adopted by Tadahiro.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The elastic block 1 is a laminate of tubular bodies 2 as surface layers, a rubber powder-containing layer 3 on the lower side of the tabular bodies 2 and a vulcanized rubber layer 4 on the lower side of the layer 3. - 特許庁


To solve a problem of a conventional relay control apparatus located between a transmission terminal and a reception terminal that cannot give/receive control information between the terminals if the relay control apparatus is not installed with a procedure such as shared signaling to give/receive the control information. - 特許庁


Furthermore, when the stop request is notified and there is one caller terminal, the receiver IP telephone terminal 200 enters standby state by disconnecting the IP communication link established with a radio base station BS and when there are a plurality of caller terminals and no stop request is received from all the caller terminals, the IP communication link established with the radio base station BS is maintained. - 特許庁


Consequently, the video is not unnecessarily transmitted to a mobile phone terminal 3 which does not have a display function for video, and then the usability is improved. - 特許庁


When the mobile phone terminal 3 answers the dial origination, a line is established between the line I/F part 16 of the master unit 1 and the mobile phone terminal 3 through the subscriber telephone network N1 and a mobile phone network N2. - 特許庁


A sensor senses a fault an even while the stored image having been photographed by a camera at that time is transmitted, a state of a terminal can by recognized by sound and conversation between a terminal station and a monitor station is attained and the state of the terminal can early be grasped as an advantage. - 特許庁


The tabular bodies 2, the layer 3 and the layer 4 are stuck fast, and the layer 3 and the layer 4 on the lower sides of the tabular bodies 2 have an overall thickness of 40 to 100 mm. - 特許庁


Moreover, when the control portion 18 has been assigned the role for approving participation of the new terminal device to the ad hoc network, it exchanges the routing table with other terminal device to which the role for approving participation of a new terminal device to other ad hoc network has been assigned. - 特許庁


In the return side header, the low temperature water returning from the high temperature terminal and the low temperature terminal is gathered, and is returned to the expansion tank from an inside connecting port 83. - 特許庁


To prevent waste of resources assigned for guaranteeing the communication quality (QoS) of an opposite party radio communication terminal of a radio communication terminal when the communication quality is not guaranteed. - 特許庁


To solve a problem of a conventional mobile IP visitor list eliminating method that has uselessly maintained a resource such as a memory because a terminal is left registered in an FA visitor list although no IP packet communication is made after interruption of a PPP even when the PPP is interrupted without registration release of a mobile IP by the terminal. - 特許庁


The old site of Matsunoo-taisha Shrine is on Mt. Matsuo (Kyoto Prefecture) (223 m), located to its rear, and there is a large rock that is thought to be an iwakura (a rock where a kami is invited to descend) in Osugidani Valley near to the summit.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To make it possible for a terminal which is mostly stationary like a relay station to establish connections with multiple master base stations although a terminal is not permitted to establish multiple connections simultaneously. - 特許庁


Accordingly, even if the communication method between the transmission controller 2 and the terminal addition device 3 is changed accompanied by the exchange or the like of the traffic terminal, the communication method can be coped with the change by only changing the selection in the selection part 14. - 特許庁


To make it easier for a user to confirm a screen corresponding to a remote control in a communication terminal, which has a telephone function and can receive the remote control, for a period of time during which the communication terminal is in a line busy state and the remote control is executed. - 特許庁


The device 10 provides advertisement information to portable telephone terminals by using lines 114 and 124 when connecting for the purpose of communication to the terminals by using lines 112 and 122. - 特許庁


Nitta shi soryo-shiki (the Nitta clan leadership rights) was divided among branch families such as Yoshisue SERADA and Tokikane IWAMATSU, and they both lead the Nitta clan as "hanbun soryo" (half heir) (After a short time, Yoshisue's child Yoriuji SERADA and Tokikane's child Tsunekuni IWAMATSU and others took over as head of the family).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A lead-out terminal is prepared at the starting end and the terminal end of the winding 6, and the lead-out terminal and a pair of electrode terminals 3, 3 formed on the outline terminal side 2 of the resin case 1 are jointed by solder. - 特許庁


Radio connection is established between a mobile terminal with a positioning function and the net side, and packet communication connection is further established with a net side device to thereby transmit location information of the mobile terminal. - 特許庁


When the multicast transmission is made in a radio communication network for performing data communication while a plurality of radio communication terminals are traveling, the response request of reception confirmation is performed to a reception side from a transmission one, and the radio communication terminal is confirmed which returns a response during a prescribed response waiting time width. - 特許庁


Most shinto rituals are usually held at "predawn night" (at 1 am on July 7) and the festival is conducted from the night of July 6 till the early morning, during the dawn of July 7.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During the scene, the waki, a human trafficker, appears at ichi no matsu (first pine on the Noh stage) and forces his way into the sermon to abduct the child, whom he has bought.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



This change in the status of Hitokotonushi is believed to be a result of a decline in the status of the Kamo clan, which worshipped Hitokotonushi as its clan deity.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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